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Pissing and Shitting Anonymous 09/15/2022 (Thu) 00:44:57 Id:59b612 No. 25438
Our old thread for this subject seems to have fallen off the board, so let's have another one. This is a thread for fat girls peeing and pooping. I for one think it's pretty erotic when a big girl takes a big shit.
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Anyone know who made this?
>>67704 who drew that frida? looks like DSMDFSD or however you spell it
can someone find the 4th drawing of pivk00‘s ellie weight gain?
>>67705 That in fact was DMSFDM. I doubt if they do more scat or piss stuff in their previous artwork, but I would love to see more of their old stuff. That picture was the fuckin’ best!!! Just a pool of piss on the floor and many piles of shit across the room. Letting her huge stomach work overtime to digest all of the burritos by blasting out farts and more poop. That’s my kind of fantasy.
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>>67723 They still do scat, but I assume you got to be good friends with him to get/commision it.
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I'm honestly really horny over my own comm, and would love to hear what you fantasize about doing with the PPG in a position like this, with their bedroom windows turned into a wall of soft, squishy, stinky Powerpuff butts.
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>>68160 Where on earth did you find this? I recognise this as Dangobango's work but this is years old, never even knew it had a scat alt.
>>67727 I gotta know, artist? Hot as fuck btw
>>68241 that's raizengax but he draws ntr blacked and not slob, he's one of those artists that will draw anything if you pay him
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drawing of Shysho belly fucking Chilld8's fat belly, this can either be the hottest or most cursed thing to you
>>68695 interesting, this reminds me does anyone have chillday's hidden artwork? he has a private slob twitter account but he doesn't accept people
>>68695 What's the source of this one, Sho's slob alt account or Chill's?
>>68699 found it on Sho's slob account
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>>68695 I ought to commission him again someday.
>>68242 I really like the dad. He's so accurate~
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>>68744 What's the source for this?
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>>67712 anybody?
does anyone know who made these? I found them on https://slo.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=shitting but no artist info is available
>>61472 ok But is there more scat art from bat though?
>back on this thread after two weeks >only one new post Fucc, I colored this image here you go
>>75428 Nice work, I forgot about uploading this spoiler for Komi eating scat
Damn did you make this?!? Definitely wouldn’t mind seeing more of your work
>>75482 Not by me, artist is https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/44127294
Damn that's stellar
>>75484 i checked the artist, scat yes but no fat art with it. am i missing something?
>>75216 >>68700 Could you please link his account? I remember seeing it on some twitter knockoff site, like Itaku or something, but it seems wherever I did has been lost to time…
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chillday has deleted his private slob account (or at least changed the @) did anyone save any artwork from it?
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>>79128 artist?
>>79250 An artist that went by "MoonOatmeal" deactivated.
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Does someone have the uncropped pic of this??
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>>80662 artist?
>>67208 >>80662 Sauce for both?
