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Azumanga Daioh thread 02/02/2023 (Thu) 21:07:07 Id:80a056 No. 31617
Well, you get the picture.
(124.51 KB 1200x900 1708530502205383.jpg)
(505.95 KB 719x539 Thinking Nenene.png)
>>52691 >Waybackmachine doesn't have the goods Anyone got the two pics Fatfoxlower put on that site?
(219.56 KB 2048x1709 GJMujZ1XkAAp97E.jpeg)
(6.03 MB 3440x2330 osoccer.png)
"There's an American among us!"
(104.93 KB 1008x824 tomoone.png)
(110.67 KB 1052x789 osakaone.png)
(150.27 KB 1050x854 sakakione.png)
(135.12 KB 1139x870 kaguraone.png)
(284.64 KB 1073x635 tomotwo.png)
(306.86 KB 1219x635 osakatwo.png)
(457.16 KB 1286x776 sakakitwo.png)
(419.61 KB 1365x861 kaguratwo.PNG)
(89.15 KB 907x539 tomothree.png)
(173.79 KB 1214x625 osakathree.png)
(194.66 KB 1342x749 sakakithree.png)
(202.49 KB 1371x707 kagurathree.png)
(108.10 KB 854x539 tomofour.png)
(229.13 KB 1203x652 osakafour.png)
(220.82 KB 1371x753 sakakifour.png)
(228.77 KB 1342x710 kagurafour.png)
(12.96 KB 684x896 ElsUNC4W0AYmZsu.png)
(22.82 KB 1100x1136 ElsUNC9WkAAuKvP.png)
(12.49 KB 752x940 ErIwxlbXIAMh4mU.png)
(12.79 KB 912x1022 ErIwzndXAAInWPf.png)
(19.12 KB 1520x1116 E_kt4AEXIAYBNTB.png)
(217.03 KB 2232x2480 20240517_212330.jpg)
my contribution to this thread
Is there any actually good Azumanga Daioh weight gain art? I mean...aside from some commissions requested by a certain person, there isn't much stuff on the internet. Most artists are kinda shit too, so...yeah
>>60743 Least you got a couple good pics and some fatfics more evenly spread out; you know what Yotsuba& gets? Fuuka and a few Yotsuba.
>>60743 >95 images on this thread and not a single one of them are actually good
>>60743 Why do you have extremely high standards?
>>60765 Because I just have high standards, you know. It's not like I can change that or anything
>>60794 You can smell it in her pussy. Dont like germs
>>60794 You know what, fair enough. I genuinely hope a piece of art comes that does suit your standards so you can enjoy it well. I don't know if that comes across as sarcastic but I do sincerely mean it. >>60795 Also this too. Whatever it means, this too.
>>60821 Thanks, you're one of the few people here who actually replies normally lmao. I still have hopes of more famous WG artists drawing these characters, but eh. >>60795 Also, ignore this retard. He's a troll who's been posting random messages for months
>>47768 yeah where everyon go now?
Draw i made today
(328.80 KB 2800x1800 flabby_tomo_by_bonorono_dhqucu1.png)
(83.98 KB 600x1455 IMG_3709.jpeg)
(118.82 KB 997x1200 GZcJCaYasAAbqqO.jpg)
(1.57 MB 8187x7592 big_tomo_by_bonorono_df100i1.png)
(155.39 KB 1722x1532 gplus-140178451.jpg)
kaori ah made today for a very very special buddy. Bless Kaori for looking concerned. Don't worry, she has a nice inflated belly! Looks so worried that she’s about to puff up even more.
(335.09 KB 891x674 IMG_8799.jpeg)
“Mr. Kimura, why did you decide to aid overweight girls?”
For those who are interested!!! I have created this Discord group for people with the same tastes who can meet and share what they like with others, a place for fat lolis or cartoon girls. everyone is welcome.
(6.02 MB 3421x2338 Picsart_25-02-04_02-56-39-761.png)
I would love to join Anon but the discord link has expired!
may we have another link?
(973.44 KB 2451x2122 127784840_p0.png)
