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Calamity Girls thread Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 10:30:22 Id:09483d No. 34918
As the title goes by, you can only post fat art of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.
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>>43559 Who made this?
>>72538 It’s made by DarkDragon5151
>>71407 That one with Anne and Marcy... Marcanne FTW! OTP. XD
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What you thinks
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Nothing like spreading Christmas cheer for the holidays to make ya happy.
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>>66422 An alt I've found.
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>>76228 Posting Mistystuffer should be a ban-able offence.
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>>76228 >Mistystuffer >Namefag whose named is linked to social media accounts and a Furaffinity page This board is so fucking funny.
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happy new years!!
check this one out and there's 3 more coming!
what you think
>>62028 Wasn't there an alt of the second pic?
>>76236 You're on an alt board and this is what bothers you ?
>>76633 author? source?
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>>79041 Artist?
>>79120 https://www.deviantart.com/das0n0fsam
(6.02 MB 3421x2338 Picsart_25-02-04_02-56-39-761.png)
For those who are interested!!! I have created this Discord group for people with the same tastes who can meet and share what they like with others, a place for fat lolis or cartoon girls. everyone is welcome.
>>79150 I highly respect this but afraid to get my acc banned if some discord jannies would ban the server and automatically everyone who was on it. I hate this pisscord shit. This happens with my friend just because he was on some server
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Anyone know where this is from?
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