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Punt the Poodle/Anthroskunkfromthe90s thread II Anonymous 06/16/2023 (Fri) 15:29:06 Id:6777ee No. 37821
Last one hit 400. For Punt the Poodle, or the artist previously known as Anthroskunkfromthe90s and probably other names also.
> those guys up there don't care. Never did
Fucking christ I hate Punt, squanders his art career and immediately starts posting the worst political takes ever, why tf does a fart inflation animator think I care about his politics.
>>74502 I am intrigued
>>74880 Honestly, I gotta agree with ya there buddy. I don't understand it either. But what I most importantly don't understand is why he deleted majority of his alts that had gas in it. That was the good shit. Had it not been for the archives, those would've been lost media.
>>74880 He's larping as a faggot commie despite getting in hot water a couple of years ago for vaguely-right of center opinions. These losers always fold whenever the shitlib hivemind disapproves of them. Pretty retarded to do now considering the tides are turning.
>>74536 How about just picking up a pencil and learning how the style works you worthless fucking parasite.
>>74860 Let me guess, he's a Trump supporter?
>>75144 No, He's somewhat of a leftist although reposting the rothmus twitter account which has been reposted by musk before, so I'm not quite sure what his political intentions are. The reality of it is, Nobody will ever look upon this guy with favour when giving an opinion like this. Why? Because you're viable to see a video of makima farting in kobenis mouth and inflating her like a balloon if you search up 'PuntThePoodle'
>>75187 Frankly that’s an issue I take with a lot of those artists, even though I’m aware it probably makes me come across as pretentious. No matter what your political views are and how you discuss them it’s very hard to take it seriously at all when you post them on the same platform you post videos of anime women inflating other anime women like balloons bu farting into their mouth. The contrast is just too jarring and hilarious.
>>75211 They should know their place. You really cant your carreer on fart fetish inflation content and expect people not to make fun of you when you try to be a public figure. Know what you want to be and act as such.
>>75187 >>75229 >>75211 I think its fucking hilarious. One moment you're seeing political discourse and right below it is BBW Makima brap hog spewing booty fumes.
>>75234 Oh trust me it’s ABSOLUTELY hilarious lmao
>>75211 I'm not even against some of the shit he's been saying, the adult swim post was pretty much spot on. But atleast not say it on your fart inflation fetish account?
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I'll start with a Princess Bubblegum booty sketch he did a while ago, featuring plenty of alts too. Enjoy!
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And here's a Jasper sketch that I finished, this one imo is better than the previous edit i did. Enjoy!
>>75316 >>75317 Excellent work, you captured his style 1:1. How did you do it? I would like to finish some sketches of his also
>>75316 What brush and size/depth did you use? You aced his style man with Princess bubblebutt.
>>75316 >>75317 You gonna be taking requests for sketches of his to finish and polish up? these are good shit.
>>75361 If the sketch catches my attention then yeah! Send several in one post to not lock the thread tho, i'll be eager to see y'alls suggestions!
>>75361 You do request?
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>>75361 >>75403 >>75316 >>75317 Can you color this Mabel Pines butt?
>>75403 Would these sketches be alright? Would love to see how the Incredibles one turns out?
>>75799 When the hell did he draw Mt. Lady? And is there anything more to that one or is that it?
>>75808 He didn't do them. You had to pick a scenario. Sometimes he'd do the losers but most of the time they get scrapped.
If I remember the Mt one was gonna be her fart inflating ochako
>>75799 I'm still so sad about the incredibles one :( it would have been amazing he would have done it at his prime
>>75910 Damn, that would've been great. I'm already jonesing from a lack of Connie fart inflation
We're nearing 2025, and I am still patiently waiting for Punt to revert to how he was back in his older days instead of what he is now.
>>76403 Same, sis. I don't want to see political trash, I want to see girls with their mouths and big fat asses exploding out gas.
>>76403 >>76431 did you intend to do these under the same id
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Welp, they quit their new persona. Time to archive their art lads AGAIN.
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Would like to know the identity of the girl in this sketch. She looks like Violet from the Incredibles (the hairstyle and hairband matches).
>>76793 definitely violet, she even has those weird eyebags from the first movie
>>76794 The only thing that doesn't match is the gloves and the outfit she's wearing.
>>76759 That was an error, if I'm not mistaken.
>>75316 >>75317 >>75403 I had no idea you were into this kind of stuff Banilla, and god damn you do it well. Hope to see you make your own kind of content of this kind down the line too.
>>75241 >>75234 Someone please make a meme with this like that fat bowser fart edit except with BBW Makima and Punt's post with a TTS of his political post.
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If anybody is out there to color these sketches, please do so, bet they would be great with color
>>42943 It's crazy to say nearly two years later, but I actually found the gas alt of this on his Mega archive, but it was low quality, and I had no time to wait. I may not be able to link directly to the Inko gas alt, as it'll lead to his Archive in general, but if anyone would like to post the high quality version of the Inko gas alt, feel free to let me know! :) Here! https://mega.nz/folder/mfZDGCjI#G9SbIE3XbYXBDXZG-OOt1g/file/CexUQa6J >>42943
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Hey hey look who just shown up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSBuH9bRwX0
>>80173 I get whiplash every time I see normal artist or YTPers on YouTube and then find out they have a fetish alt. I swear every youtuber or streamer has a pyrocynical side we don't (or do) know about. Not everyone is dense enough to stream with a fat mod on and forget to remove it to out their fetishes.
>>80173 feel glad for the guy improving and doing some cool animations. i'll still have HOPE and believe he will do something else for this community one day. but at least he's doing something productive rather than just staying in twitter or something.
>>80189 Or retweeting Fattydragonite on their supposedly SFW account, causing Dragonite to private his account due to the mere meltdown the replies caused. Honestly, Pyro is such an ass; to be fair, I don't get why everyone in the community kisses his ass, even though they want the community to be adult all around.
>>80674 Was Pyro's content ever good? He was basically British Leafy up until his controversy came up. A step up from NKFRZ, Russian Fix Price Leafy, but still just another CS;GO surf commentary channel reacting to cringe videos. I honestly wish he faded into obscurity before he started flinging the Ikkypanda statue of his not-FNAF Foxy OC on stream to his Skibidi Pomni audience.
>>80681 >>80674 >>80189 Pyro's community and chat are still acting like Leafy fans in current year with skibidi lingo, its awful. Judging by the femboy look he rocks seemingly on purpose to bait engagement which his fans keep feeding into and paying for. He also keeps posting "Stop tagging me" on Twitter when anything related to fat fetist, furry, fart, vore, etc. because the fat Pyro tf2 mod incident, yet he always leans into it and puts some of his commed art in his vids as a second frame jump as a joke. He knows what he's doing.
>>80685 yea the thread on bbfurries on his commed art was destined to be a disaster. In fact, it's pretty much dead as far as I'm aware. I barely go there to begin with but when I saw it I immediately saw walls of text basically just either praising him or people being childish. His community is the definition of a car accident; hard to look at yet hard to look away from purposely sometimes (I'm sure this post is relevant to the punt thread here since he did commission punt before)
