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(270.60 KB 5147x4486 1416606.png)
(237.97 KB 5147x4486 3161586.png)
Equestria Girls Edit Thread Anonymous 07/12/2023 (Wed) 11:56:32 Id:0c90d5 No. 39130
Request edits. Rule: Equestria Girls arts only.
(2.73 MB 3624x5220 529.png)
Requesting Rarity colored. Human > EqG
(2.97 MB 1881x1500 Skin Color edit (1).png)
(2.85 MB 1720x2000 Skin Color edit (2).png)
Art by: c-adepsy Edited by: Anonymous
(167.88 KB 1280x983 1449514093.robot001_003.jpg)
(492.19 KB 1280x983 fluttershy_blueberry_cake.png)
I edited Fluttershy into a blueberry.
(183.41 KB 800x450 medium.png)
>>56552 Also, requesting the first pic to be a rarity edit. Reference.
Please edit this pic (left) to have Applejack in place of Rainbow Dash (reference)
Does anyone edit this one, please? >>45601
Do you think we can advertize on /mlp/ and /trash/?
(1.46 MB 1974x1500 Color edit.png)
Drawing by: Catstuxedo Colored by: Anonymous
>>59492 Did you color this? Very good!
What's your opinion on artists hiding their powerlevel by not disclosing who it is they're drawing?
Also requesting color or redraw of pic above if you want.
(1.07 MB 2640x2160 3377422.png)
Can someone edit Twilight and Sunset to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes? They will be so hot~
(942.94 KB 2640x2160 3377422_edit.png)
>>61239 100/10 t. not OR
(536.98 KB 2160x2040 3176757.png)
Can someone edit Applejack and Rarity to remove the clothes to be full nudes? And don't forget to take off those shoes.
requesting Gloriosa Daisy pumping herself up, saying >"You never inflated a girl before?" >"Don't worry, I got this!"
one thing would've REALLY loved to see show accurately vectored by one certain drawfriend BUT THEN SOMEONE HAD TO INVITE AN AI "ART" ANON of course anon had to.
Something as simple as a tube up the butthole can get me going. Anybody else?
(200.39 KB 1127x1400 media_GQnC6rQXgAAqpfz.jpg)
>archive dot org may have banned bbw-chan DAMNIT. I had so many ideas in a saved link.
(321.92 KB 2732x2048 image0.jpg)
(22.41 KB 284x606 3335559.png)
(791.63 KB 3994x8192 982606.png)
Edit request: I'd like edit Antoine and inflated Pinkie Pie kissing in color.
(1.13 MB 1998x2400 3394987.png)
Does someone edit Applejack and Rarity to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
Requesting Rarity getting bullied: instead of giving her a wedgie, the sirens are holding a helium tank between them and have inserted the tube into her cul de derriere. The implication of a hose up the butt does it for me already. Thanks in advance. Translator's note: cul means butthole.
(597.12 KB 2048x2048 round_flutterhsy_edit.png)
I edited this pic to remove Pinkie Pie's bra and panties and add Fluttershy's vulva
(252.39 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_1.png)
(305.08 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_2.png)
(274.81 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_3.png)
(259.66 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_4.png)
Can someone edit remove Applejack's panties, remove Rarity's clothes and shoes to be full nudes?
(461.00 KB 2560x1440 2918070.png)
(22.41 KB 284x606 3335559.png)
(145.17 KB 783x1354 2768732.png)
Edit suggestion: I would like edit Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry to replace Pinkie Pie and her OC boyfriend, Antoine
(595.78 KB 2560x1440 fluttershy_blueberry-less.png)
>>40326 This one interested me a bit, so came back from a small break from making edits, I will be honest and say that the shading isn't the best, but it's the best I could provide as gradiants are still... well, something I am learning haha
>>65529 FlutterFat, nice edit
>>65505 Nobody wants to edit in your ms paint oc, man
(261.44 KB 1800x2200 sunset_shimmer_sling_blimp.jpg)
(216.12 KB 1600x900 FlutterPieSlingBikiniDrawn.jpg)
Can someone edit these pics to remove sling bikinis?
Asked about this on another EQG thread and have yet to get a response Does anyone have the story that came in the description of this picture? It was really good and I'm sad I didn't archive it before the image got taken down
(1.04 MB 1998x2400 RareApple.jpg)
>>63428 Here
(520.25 KB 2160x2040 RariJack_2.jpg)
(220.10 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_01.png)
(283.43 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_02.png)
(238.09 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_03.png)
(352.57 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_04.png)
(264.18 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_05.png)
(364.69 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_05_nude_edit.jpg)
Original art and nude edit
(268.90 KB 1280x1047 flutterberry_05_alt.png)
>>69981 Plus barefoot edit
Hello? Anyone there?
>>67368 >>69025 Beautiful. >>69981 >>69982 Source?
Can someone edit this: >>65813
(2.37 MB 4535x3527 2819454.png)
Edit request: I'd like to edit Rarity to remove her clothes and shoes to be full naked
(828.83 KB 2400x1920 suntwibondage.png)
Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove the bondage?
(531.67 KB 3072x1727 3118489.jpg)
(391.45 KB 1280x720 3520902.png)
Original screencap and edit
Hello? Does anybody edit them? >>76795 >>75457 >>65813 >>64998
(1.20 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuftedit.png)
>>39172 Just a little edit to remove the hat.
(369.71 KB 1280x960 Restaurants beware…..png)
(396.29 KB 1280x960 output-onlinepngtools (3).png)
>>78620 Fix version.
>>78620 >onlinepngtools Couldn't you have at least used Gimp?
I'm looking for Valecity's two pics of Pinkie inflating Adagio.
(21.36 KB 320x361 eg1.jpg)
(618.53 KB 2400x1920 3529865_edit.png)
>>76795 Here you go!
