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Fatty SFX Edit Thread: Part Deux Slob Maker 07/29/2023 (Sat) 18:14:00 Id:f6c27b No. 40334
Alright. Guess it's up to me to make the new thread. Post/Request gut noises,burps, and farts edited to Fatty videos. Link to sound assets: Main link to sounds: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/jeschke/folder/412941/Sound-Assets And a link to my newest edit: https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-bedridden-braps-edit/
>>57024 I've been on the lookout for some too. So far I've found this pack. They're good moans but they have a bit too much echo for me https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1etZ0rsR8zLT_Dw3ksXBvkM5xFUW9OU6x
(6.70 MB 540x540 doggy.webm)
>>56974 Why not. Here's two >>57037 Use a base64 decoder
(8.31 MB 760x426 doggy2.webm)
So, weird request, can someone upload the sound effects they used in these edits? Been thinking about trying to edit stuff too.
>>57399 Here's all the brap sound packs I've got (1000+ files): https://files.catbox.moe/fs8ap6.zip (Doesn't include gurgling or burps) Have fun and remember to post your stuff here!
>>57024 >>57072 Found this pretty good moaning compilation and some extra background sounds for slob art edits https://files.catbox.moe/omujr7.zip
(1.60 MB 1080x1920 randi.webm)
(1.60 MB 1080x1920 randi_nomusic.webm)
(6.43 MB 1080x1844 veryfancydinner.webm)
(9.76 MB 1920x1080 flationfantasy.webm)
yo, if anyone can edit this with inflation noises (creaking balloons, sloshing, etc.) thatd be sick if you need inflation sfxs to do so lemme know
>>60915 God we need more Randalin Edits
>>51740 I'd also like to know who this beauty is
(3.29 MB 1280x720 roxxie gets stuck.webm)
(3.31 MB 1280x720 [FART] roxxie gets stuck.webm)
(3.30 MB 1280x720 [SCAT] roxxie gets stuck.webm)
Good evening, I'm working on a sound edit of one of BluePants' animation. I'm looking for some good stomach sounds. Got any good SFX packs of stomach gurgling besides from Jeschke?
I remember I used to save a Mega folder that has burps, stomach sounds, farts, scat, and voice clips but it isn't available anymore.
>>62501 >>62503 Well for >>62491 I just used sound bites from SwollenBellyGirl and inkiighost. Most of the stomach sounds I use are from belly recordings, ASMR videos, stock SFX, or ripped directly from porn videos. >>61292 I ripped most of the voice clips from Ssubby's vore audio for this one >>62492 I didn't use real scat audio since feces really isn't my thing, I just layered from food crushing audio and Jeschke's wet towel sfx.
Anyone willing to do an edit of CakedUpKayyla or Sweetybelu? I'll share a source clip of your choosing if you're interested
(72.54 KB 1200x1198 GMIbvduWAAAZ-BQ.jpg)
>>62573 >Sweetybelu Provide the clips and I'll take a stab at it
>>62638 https://we.tl/t-NeWXuuGU0s You da man, excited to see what you can do
And just a quick question, is anyone able to hear this audio on SoundCloud? https://m.soundcloud.com/user-267693435/dominant-feedee
>>56460 There is a video to this tube feeding? Do you have it?
>>64866 https://gofile.io/d/irYX8c >>62643 Sorry I am still working on this. I'm really stubborn
I hope you guys like toilet stuff https://gofile.io/d/4a1yeM
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Hey could anyone upload this somewhere where it can be downloaded? (I know there is a version here, but appears to be a longer cut) https://thisvid.com/videos/ssbbw-mature-has-an-uncontrolable-farting-orgasm-edit/
Hope you guys like this one I made: https://gofile.io/d/LD25bF
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eu02ugn7z0jwzz4x5akrx/Video.Guru_20240824_105737819.mp4?rlkey=b08kndmcsf3o7ly11mvq3eq5h&dl=0 In case you're wondering, this is Beverly blue
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lqnm2z2osvho17d5y4dgp/Video.Guru_20240823_122139310.mp4?rlkey=zizs8p6yx54r426yaih53zhqj&dl=0 One of Helena
>>49823 Re-up possible?
>>66202 fat girl telling me to fap while she farts her brains out...
Hey Im looking partially for some lost media audio090player works specifically the bursts ones can you link or point me to the right direction in which i could procure some.
>>67223 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q8LOgmmalsxWOnd3IQs0hfqnpAdLBwbD
wish someone can add inflation sound effects to one of love.randalin's videos
where do you guys find all those sound effects? not only burps/farts, but also the sloshing, gurgling effects
>>43127 reupload anyone ??
>>69230 Seconding this
>>69230 Also requesting for a reup
(440.64 KB 532x720 tumblr_skxurnypLo1uelclt_720.webm)
Any volunteers for this toilet fatty?
>>69230 https://gofile.io/d/wQK8Ds Here it is plus a few other old edits, always feel humbled when people ask for a reup on this one >>69563 Might give this one a go
>>69563 https://gofile.io/d/NDO4T4 enjoy! implied toilet stuff, obviously
I'm always in the search for more fatty SFX, mostly gut noises used for weight gain. So I'm going to contribute with some sound packs (sadly most you can find online are inflation themed, but they can always help) and I want to ask for any other sources anyone may know. Kurotama's sound pack: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/45701167/post/93758935 Expandinator's BE pack (There are some sloshy sounds useful for stomachs): https://x.com/expandinator/status/1250241935366705152 Balloonomatopedia (Inflation themed but has some very good sloshes): https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51905256/ Some resource sites in which you can find some individual sounds (Look for "stomach", "gurgling", and sometimes even "lava" or "cauldron" helps): https://www.zapsplat.com/ https://freesound.org/
I'm sure more than a few fart videos can be made from these (from the bbw begging thread) https://gofile.io/d/7qYxqR
>>69963 thanks for the up, been meaning to do a satanpanties666 slob edit for agesss but haven’t found the perfect video… these might do!
Probably beating a dead horse here, but anyone remember her and have any leads? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tJcRl_KcxAI (btw) not her YouTube, just a the only vid that seems to be doing the rounds
(691.00 KB 1000x1100 Sabrina's Pancake Binge.png)
I know it's a bit of a long shot, but would anyone be able to enhance the Sabrina the Teenage Witch scene by adding gurgles, gas, and sloshes to Sabrina's overfed frame? I mean, it would only be natural for someone to be a gaseous tub of lard after gorging on that many sugary carbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uWq7_rqKh8
>>71091 let me see what i can do
>>71091 Secound this
>>66202 Can we get a reup of the Dropbox files?
