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GTSX Thread GTSX Thread 12/07/2023 (Thu) 02:30:02 Id:3d4fa7 No. 48349
There used to be a thread for them on 8muses but their forums are gone so I'm making one here. I have all their comics except for Hunger Virus 2 so if anyone is willing to share it, I'll share whatever comics you want back To start off, here's the Yujin series along with Hunger Virus 1: https://we.tl/t-ZGJBYUR30w
i just found this thread and everything's gone :(
What about the guy that made the folder with Thv series and qwg do you have thv evo2 or some news maybe bro?
>>69559 No evo2 but I'm still gonna reup the archive. I've been away from my laptop for a while though so I've been quiet
>>69266 I bought it a while ago.
Can someone upload evo 1 and 2 please. Not on any other forums.
>>69568 Would you share it with us?
>>48349 Can anyone re-up this or got yujin decadence 1-3?
>>69569 What other forums do you know where gtsx3d stuff is leaked can you tell me?
Sooo? Does anyone have Thv evo2 or any information?
People do but don't want to share... 8muse forums and all porn forums there is gts and vore comics
Out of context but man, Farm grown 3 looks fine
So why won't people share here?
>>70163 Idk man why they dont share lets just hope a hero does it,)
>>70163 Because there’s barely anyone who actually buys the comics. We all just wait and keep asking.
Thanks my man! Do you want to share Evo 1 too?
Anyone got something new about Thv evo2 or does anybody have farm grow3
I have farm grown 3, happy to share if someone shares Evo 1
>>71391 https://gofile.io/d/rH0XNX
The link is sadly dead and can you explain how you transfer files into gofile pls?
Here it is reuploaded if you have problems uploading the file, use it. wetransfer mega myairbridge https://we.tl/t-BjDWbVLuAN
Here's my 18GB MEGA folder of GTSX's work I found on some site a while ago. Had this with me for months and I'm downloading everything onto my computer slowly so copy what ya can lads. https://mega.nz/folder/87J31biJ#Yo53NUNfmIRx46206jMY1w
>>71548 dead
>>71391 So... We are waiting bro.
>>71560 You got baited bruv >>71548 🫡🫡
>>71568 Yeah I know. It was just a lil hope. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
>>71548 How can the link be dead already? And are you gonna upload another link and on top of that someone got Farm grow3?
(232.69 KB 1290x2235 IMG_1870.jpeg)
https://gofile.io/d/aq0SVR So idk if it works but it should and with that said heres Thv evo1:) would be nice ig we can get farm grow3 or thv evo2
OK here's the 18GB of his stuff. It's insane that MEGA defected my file and sent a copyright notice on the same day lol. There are some comics that don't have all their parts but you should be able to find them on your own anyway as they're probably out there somewhere. Enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/IMFJMg
Can anyone reup Grow Me Bigger on gofile?
First thx dude for the folder and now the only thing left is thv evo2 and farm grow
Would anybody be so kind to share Hunger Virus series, namely 1-6 and Evo 1? I missed it and it seems to be deleted shortly after being uploaded
Here you go https://gofile.io/d/zwdZcm and cmon guys there is atleast 1 hero who has thv evo2 iam begging you pls
>>71889 >https://gofile.io/d/IMFJMg easy come, easy go :(
>>72158 Link is dead what comic was it?
>>72128 private
Someone got a new comic and what are your thoughts about thv evo3?
Someone if already had evo 3 put the dropbox link access pls
thv evo 3 was fucking amazing, that ending was perfect tbh. fetish comics usually have a weak plot bc the point of them is to jack off, but gtsx really puts an effort to actually build a story, plot twists and a climax
>>72605 That so good to know and more tempting to see it, but pls consider share with us the evo 3 too
agreed, Evo 3 was amazing and worth the wait 100%, absolutely loved it and it solidified this as GTSX3D's strongest series
Anyone gonna drop the link we would appreciate it soo much thx ;)
Someone got farm grown 3?
Happy to share farm grown for evo 3
I dont think that someone gotta drop the link for thv evo 2-3 but i beg you pls be a hero
Anyone got thv evo 2-3 and also farm grown 3 and would like to post it here?
Is already a week since evo 3 was on sale, its now good for yall to share with us?
