I just had a crazy dream about the vegans the other night And it was about me using a giant brown and overweight cow in which me and my associates were processing endless amount of meat from said cow and sold it at a country themed restaurant. Laurie and Miles were not happy with what I was doing to the poor cow and wanted to save it. And once a family found out about my plans, They revealed it to everyone at the restaurant. Shutting me down. Afterwards, The vegans came back to save the big cow but it was too late. It was already dead. And because of that, Laurie and Miles had no choice but to eat the dead cow. Leaving only its bones behind. Later after I was shut down, The vegans came back for me now looking like giant fat hippos from eating the deceased cow. And I was begging for my partners to help me but they abandoned me for there own personal games as I was left to be mauled to a pulp by the vegans for what I did to the cow by making it produce processed meat.