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Edit Thread #2 Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:41:09 Id:f9a833 No. 51392
last one bumplocked, request edits. here's some from the last thread
>>58039 Also, here is a new set of pics linked w/ this remastered hot & sexy animated vid too!
>>75386 Well the bathroom wall tile is used as a protective layer in front of the regular wall to keep the paint along w/ all the other material from being washed out. Also, Idk if ya noticed, but I just uploaded it on DeviantArt this evening in which I'm SSBBWazzlover95 lmfao
(199.79 KB 2250x2371 fat_adult_leni.png)
(286.40 KB 1280x536 leni_model_sheet.png)
can someone color this edit
(2.37 MB 4535x3527 2819454.png)
Edit request: I'd like to edit Rarity to remove her clothes and shoes to be full nude
(124.65 KB 694x636 GcmatInWQAACQ77.jpeg)
Requesting to edit this pic by Jones BOI. Simply remove Fifi Dufus and only leave Morag please?
(291.41 KB 3149x2436 media_Em_M7TlXYAMMmrf.jpg)
(1.20 MB 1332x2139 Call.png)
Could this be edited so that it's actually Call?
>>75466 Not the original requester, but i'll love for someone to give this some color
(507.76 KB 2250x2371 Fat Adult Leni (Colored).png)
>>75466 >>75818 Done and done.
>>75819 yoo, it looks great. Excelent job.
>>66756 Anyone?
(828.83 KB 2400x1920 suntwibondage.png)
Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove the bondage?
Can someone remove the two people at the sides of Tanya. Also, please keep the file format as JPG. Just in case.
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Took the time to take a couple screenshots. Also kinda shocked nobody has requested this. Can someone edit Princess Stella from Winx Club to look more normal/human in her ripped pink dress in those episodes where she was cursed to look like a fat blonde fish-frog monster? Also, her fish form has three fingers, while normal Stella has four. Not a big issue, but if you wanna give her an extra digit be my guest. https://youtu.be/x-BZhgcQN28?feature=shared https://youtu.be/KSmALFTYxto?feature=shared https://youtu.be/82FToQUIcFg?feature=shared There’s even a scene with some stuckage where she’s called a “plus-sized fairy” in the 4Kids dub.
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(760.81 KB 1282x960 IMG_2033.jpeg)
Here are some more. Ran out of steam when I got to third episode. Surprised this weight gain media isn’t more widely known when it spans across three episodes.
Hello? Does anyone edit this? >>76803
Some redraws/edits I made
>>76986 Anyone?
(204.08 KB 1523x2048 Gg-ANueWUAE8kj2.jpeg)
Can someone uncensor the image so Fern Is showing her tits and Stark Is showing His penis covered by his fupa please?
>>77738 Based, quite a difference. I'm partial to Sissi and my friend used to crush on Yumi, interesting RPs where these pics would've been great lol.
(998.14 KB 2230x2998 Gg-ANueWUAE8kj2.jpg)
>>78012 Can you make Stark lil dick covered in a Little bit More of fat and with a lot of precum?
(1.38 MB 2230x2998 Gg-ANueWUAE8kj2alt.jpg)
(163.16 KB 996x750 IMG_2536.jpeg)
(117.36 KB 994x750 IMG_2537.jpeg)
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>>74903 Can you edit these pics as Nazz?
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(59.73 KB 963x830 IMG_2300.jpeg)
(449.98 KB 1920x1080 IMG_2301.png)
(533.34 KB 720x540 IMG_2302.png)
Edit round Cindy Vortex so her tan pants are gone. Here’s a screenshot from that pants episode, her panties are canonically white and dotted with yellow flowers. But if plain white is easier, that’s works too. Was gonna ask for the CGI ones from DA, but 2D seemed more reasonable.
>>76986 Not the original requester, but i'm seconding this
(110.34 KB 1884x2048 E13mR9OWUAQH6Vc.jpg)
Can someone edit the image so Beatrice Is More slobbier and her farting and blushing
(2.35 MB 2230x2998 1730642827511.png)
original version from O♢P
(1.29 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuft02.png)
(1.21 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuft02edit.png)
(1.20 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuftedit.png)
Edited this pic by scribs to make Marceline look like how she does in adventure time
>>78395 Is someone willing to do my request please?
(738.10 KB 5000x5140 the first image.jpg)
(2.67 MB 4500x4000 the second image.jpg)
>>52030 I'm not the original requester to this request here, but i want to make a similar one. I request someone to edit the first image so the art style is the same as the second image.
>>76803 Can someone edit this pic please?
>>76986 I did my best lol
(86.24 KB 532x423 hkynni.jpg)
(12.85 KB 180x196 20240525_174800.jpg)
(27.78 KB 196x248 hsykeb.jpg)
(534.65 KB 4096x3368 20250211_213001.jpg)
Someone can redraw her as a blob like the blob marge pic? Also with her crazy eyes look and funny teeth You can make it nsfw if you want to btw
(784.66 KB 4096x2926 20250211_223517.jpg)
>>79924 Or also like this one tubbytoon made, both are too great to chose
(58.97 KB 850x642 IMG_3300.jpeg)
Could someone please make her fat as fuck? Monumental Earth crushing thighs, gigantic jiggling belly, bigger and fatter tits, doughy arms and finally a fat face with huge cheeks and double or even triple chins!
>>51392 Can somebody edit in Tomo-chan here?
Can anyone edit sounds?
>>80343 Anon for the love of God, over the past two months you've spent making the same constant autistic request for someone to edit this gif you could've just learnt how to do it yourself.
(618.53 KB 2400x1920 3529865_edit.png)
>>79265 anyone?
(2.46 MB 2079x960 IMG_2583.png)
(3.00 MB 2079x960 IMG_2582.png)
(2.02 MB 2079x960 IMG_2581.png)
(278.55 KB 1920x1080 IMG_2580.webp)
Just saw the new season of American Dad to drop on Hulu. Now I want to see an edit of Trish and Suze from the episode “Killer Mimosa” where they put on sumo suits. I want to see them with their normal hair (no sumo bun) as topless sumo women. If you wanna make their mawashis the same blue and green as their normal clothes, go for it. Here’s some screenshots to help.
(720.26 KB 960x1545 IMG_2584.jpeg)
>>80660 Also, this is how American Dad draws bare tits.
can someone make aged up versions of these?
>>80640 You're too nice to the repeat bumper. Please stay.
Can someone edit Tasi Trianon in here, please?
Could somebody please edit out the futa?
(389.33 KB 220x165 IMG_2588.gif)
Heads up, my horny brothers. This thread’s got less than five replies left before it’s getting gone like Gary Busey. So if there’s anything on here you wanna rescue, then Copy, screenshot, and save to the file on your hard drives marked “Taxes” ASAFP.
