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Vore Thread 2 Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 10:12:53 Id:069339 No. 53799
Since last ones bump limit, It's Vorebin' time!
>>78499 hey, sorry to bother; do you have more of polakpeasant's comic? thanks in advance
>>79432 https://mega.nz/file/48UlzYTC#J7nnALLWobB0i3vme6XMIHym21SIoz98X8GeQyd822U https://mega.nz/file/h0dyEQhJ#w2w6rhdDYiTaXSG8hXpPWo7PDj0Wnc5VtVWK4vdrfW4 https://mega.nz/file/w4tjWBTY#7nq1S23HSHvw8Cn14mkeU_ctvlzc613eRz12Kd0kHwk
>>79432 And more this too. https://mega.nz/file/wwMRXAQK#JO_w6jYKD4BgPq1ZFO5H36rhSxsuwiOf_xk496f8I2Q https://mega.nz/folder/FotBzZbL#64GyInztS6epXfoDo_RojQ
>>79113 Yes! I will, but I'm still saving up money so I can sign up again, it's not easy. I promise I'll show them here, okay?
>>79524 Nah it’s cool, no worries
>>67991 Hey man, can you send me another link to Stuffedbellygirl93's Belly bundle? Please?
If you have 21, that's enough, but if you have another one, that's fine too.
(506.08 KB 1818x1305 OoflyDoofly-1074626-sktchs.jpg)
>>80380 That’s ooflydoofly ain’t it? Perchance you got any of his patreon stuff?
Anybody got the YemeYami Mita comic perchance?
May i take that as a no lads
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(2.20 MB 1650x1500 IMG_1642.png)
Can Anyone Update Anvitzi https://kemono.su/patreon/user/50115065
Can Anyone also Update The Aya https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/26687534
>>80574 Why nobody can Update This?
>>80611 first off go to the actual thread to make kemono update requests secondly shut your ass up and be patient
>>80614 It's been 2 and a half months of waiting, besides, what is that section?
>>80653 shut your entitled ass. People are not required to buy up shits you want. You want it, can't wait for the grace of others, you buy it yourself.
>>80653 lmao if you want it so bad, buy it yourself
anyone got bigbigs new comics collection?
New Updates on BluTheainkling https://kemono.su/patreon/user/41610949 Classychicken https://kemono.su/patreon/user/74474930 And Evergreen https://kemono.su/patreon/user/26111688
new bigbig collection just dropped https://bigbig.e-junkie.com/product/1876474/BIG26230393Bs-Collection-VOL.1 anyone have it?
Anyone have new Shuciha patreon stuff please?
>>79345 https://hentaienvy.com/artist/bigbig/
(2.66 MB 4000x5300 Hungry+Rabbits+Routine+2.png)
(3.20 MB 4000x5000 Hungry+Rabbits+Routine+1+alt.png)
(3.43 MB 5500x3500 Pack+Rat+1.png)
(2.72 MB 3500x4000 Pack+Rat+2.png)
(4.08 MB 6000x3300 Pack+Rat+Bonus.png)
(5.20 MB 5500x3500 Pack+Rat+Alt.png)
(2.71 MB 4000x4500 She's+Unbeatable!+(Bonus).png)
(1.43 MB 3700x3039 She's+Unbeatable!+1.png)
(1.43 MB 5500x3700 Vault+88+Cleared+G1.png)
(1.64 MB 5500x3700 Vault+88+Cleared+BW1.png)
(1.29 MB 3700x4200 Vault+88+Cleared+2+G.png)
(1.48 MB 3700x4200 Vault+88+Cleared+2+BW.png)
(1.48 MB 3700x4200 Vault+88+Cleared+2+BW.png)
(2.71 MB 4000x4500 She's+Unbeatable!+(Bonus).png)
(1.29 MB 3700x4200 Vault+88+Cleared+2+G.png)
(1.64 MB 5500x3700 Vault+88+Cleared+BW1.png)
(1.43 MB 3700x3039 She's+Unbeatable!+1.png)
(1.43 MB 5500x3700 Vault+88+Cleared+G1.png)
(1.75 MB 4180x3700 Important+Class+Project.png)
(3.65 MB 3700x4500 She's+Unbeatable!+2.png)
(2.99 MB 4000x4500 She's+Unbeatable!+(Bouns)+Alt.png)
>>81074 Shuciha does not have Patreon. Just Boosty and Aryion.
Who does the best animations in your guys opinions? Voraciousartistry on DA and occasionally bigbig are the only ones who make worthwhile animations IMO but id like to find more
>>81177 Thefudgeman is really good, too.
Could someone update Ergos discord https://kemono.su/discord/server/614355061086093312
>>81218 His animations are good, I just wish he did some WG at the end. And the sound is always extremely quiet, I need to hear some noisy bellies!
https://files.catbox.moe/xh77h7.zip Found this Umbradiadem Ursula comic, thought you’d like it.
>>79143 where'd you find this one posted? very interested in any vore from him that I haven't seen yet
>>81261 The follow up to the Tifa animation shows the results of the first part, but I agree it would be cool to see the digestion and subsequent wg happen in the same scene.
>>81066 Here: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvRzdCVHlKQUMjRDQ5WjhIOG9kbTRDekV4WHJmZm91WmR6MkFnSGNPUUd5SjYxdGxad05BYw== Can someone please update this https://kemono.su/patreon/user/22169336
Anyone have the new bigbig Vol 1 comic Collection?
>>81584 https://www.base64decode.org/
Thank you so much!!!
>>81584 It's saying the file is no longer available :/
>>81584 Can someone re-up?
>>81861 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvYjI0UkhLaFojV0oxTkpFSlgyV1hfanJXRS1aeE9keElVbFdxcWNZa3ptSGd6R3dwU3FlRQ==
