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Fat Catgirl Thread Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 05:59:27 Id:d3b87c No. 54851
Felicia, Aisha Clan Clan, Neferpitou, Taokaka, drop em here. Moved from bbwdraw.
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>>56726 >inflation is not that far removed from WG They're not even slightly alike. >a lot of people have overlapping interests between the two I'd say the majority of the people you're talking about are more into BIG or status change, whereas most into weight gain don't care about inflation outside of maybe the very early stages where a person can delude themselves into seeing a stuffed belly and fatter llimbs.
Got one
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Hey, does Nepeta Leijon count?
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>>58476 I'mma be real, I don't see why not, even if the Homestuck thread exists, I don't care lol.
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>>58558 I'mma be real with you chief, I just wanna share around Nepeta wherever I can.
Fatty Felicia
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>>54851 Damn, my favorite kind of thread. Might as well post some of my stuff.
>>61600 Thanks! I have a gift for you in eternal gratitude.
In the interest of keeping this thread up, I'm open to doing some catgirl requests since I've been itching to draw more nekos lately. Please post some thread-relevant pics in addition to any request references though
>>63419 Honestly bro, either Miss Suki, or Nepeta Leijon would be kinda pog???
(3.66 MB 7207x4401 AUko_Ref.png)
>>63419 in the interest of sharing her, have an AU version of my catgirl Yuko.
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(1.75 MB 1460x1457 StellaCake.png)
>>63419 Another opportunity to shove my blorbo Stella Hoshii at people? Don't mind if I do.
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>>63850 I fucking love Stella dude, good stuff. Did you wanna talk on Discord some time?
>>65717 Discord username?
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anyone in mabocorescant's patreon discord have the recent pump sequence?
>>73179 Here's one.
Here’s some good shit fellas
ough mai waif
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(238.21 KB 1600x2048 GiC4ipoa8AA0Kwq.jpeg)
Is neco arc allowed good for this thread or nah?
>>79445 Honestly, I'd say go for it.
I'm a neco fiend lol
>>79004 Mabo's disgusting fetish for old disney sequences is infecting other artists, how shameful.
>>79565 I can see dudes wanting to inflate and fatten Kanga, but the Heffalump shit continues to allude me. Am I just not autistic enough to understand it? Is there something wrong with me...or the Heffalumpfags?
