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Disney/Pixar thread Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 00:35:43 Id:ffb8b2 No. 66469
A celebration to all the fat art made of Disney gals. Can be any character from their films and tv shows. Also Lolis if you’d like
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Not seen a lot of stuff from Booberries, Disney inflation/ weight gain based works are their bread and butter
(2.37 MB 720x720 Water Balloon Jasmine.webm)
(870.78 KB 540x720 Violet's Bubble Butt.webm)
(3.16 MB 608x720 Thicc Jackie.webm)
(3.57 MB 1280x720 Disgust's Disgust.webm)
By Tubbytoons. I'll put these here for later.
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>>66479 The dearth of decent Brave fat art is an absolute travesty
Ray Norr deleted this out of nowhere, does anyone have an higher quality?
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>>71330 A kind anon found it
Anyone still have the sketch sequence where Penny grows older and fatter from age of 12, 14, 16 and 18? I remember it's requested by Hillygon and was once available on DeviantArt (and FurAffinity) but was later deleted, I think the sequence name is "Penny Age Fat Sequence" or "Penny Age Weight Sequence", and I asked Hillygon if they still have the sequence but they responded no. I tried searching for the sequence on the Internet for a few years but got nothing
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anyone get this art?
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from ffanbumber5’s kemono
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Does anyone have this pack of images of the artist Ursula Reigns? I would really appreciate it if you share it.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n25JROI80nA found this randomly
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(132.58 KB 1100x850 Ursula New Toy.jpg)
(3.56 MB 3487x2480 ariel x ursula.png)
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I just purged but Jeanvane on DA has some really fucking good comics about disney and marvel girls getting massively fat and cumming while doing it!
>>78668 AI does not belong here, it has it's own board.
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>>77197 anyone?
