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Elf-san wa Yaserarenai/Plus-Sized Elf Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 03:09:22 Id:f8a575 No. 210510
The adventures of the french fry elf shall continue!
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>>225351 I wouldnt mind Naoe keeping this hairstyle, the bowl cut does NO good to his expressions
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Is the show not getting a second season
>>231439 It just came out, even if it was successful it'd take years before we'd get any news of a follow up.
So... The Elf-san wa yaserarenai anime was a resounding failure.
>>233186 I got exactly what I asked for out of it, that's enough for me. Frankly, I'm sure thankful it even existed in the first place, I doubt we'll get another anime like Elf-san anytime soon
I also wonder if it can start more series with BBWs. Like more manga/anime focused on chubbier women. If this can get made and have an anime made, maybe someday, we'll see more series with more BBWs treated as sexy. Even if the anime wasn't perfect, if it can inspire better works in the future. It's repetitive to have the naysayers go on and on about "It'll never happen!!!!", "Japanese creators won't want to do that!!!!" One did and they made an anime out of it, maybe it won't be dozens of BBW works, maybe here and there, but if it starts small and we gradually see more as time goes on.
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>>233186 According to what, exactly?
>>233243 Released the file less then 24 hours upload time. Dropped the quality of the content. And pushed into a new expiration to be tossed in the trash can
Can someone suggest me mangas like elf wa yaserarenai or similar ones about weight gain?
>>233245 please state your source.
>>233246 The two in my mind are Alakshmi and Melt away Mizore-chan. The latter has various WG scenes and few of the titular character in a bikini.
Just wonder if it's more realistic that a few new works with BBWs coming out over dozens of anime/manga with loads of BBW characters. I don't think we'll get that, maybe more series with BBW characters.
https://x.com/elyase_anime/status/1866679302634578264 Rebroadcast of the anime just got announced.
>>233671 Doubt it but at the very least Elf San FINALLY opened the door to at least being able to do so. >>234674 Awesome
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>>233671 >>234679 Why are you guys trying so hard to delude yourselves?
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>>234674 They also announced a collab with Bintje. https://x.com/elyase_anime/status/1843486480359895469
>>234806 I need that commemorative standee.
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This is from Blu Ray, there are more on 4chan. Does anyone know where I can download Blu Ray without subtitles or a page to download anime without subtitles?
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Jschlatt” I am fucking the dog”
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Holy shit she got fatter 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I was worried as she was skinny
>>242362 >3rd image Mutual weight gain involving both genders goes to the >>>/bbwalt/ board, faggot.
>>242391 Woah look if I knew how to edit the guy I fucking would but it’s just a screen shot from the anime chill dude
>>242456 XD LIKE YEah I posted it cos oh idk MABEY COS THE SEXY elf girl who got fatter is naked and fat (btw i am the person who post the photos)
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do my eyes deceive me
so did the bluray version come out? did they fix anything?
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Better image
>>244266 even better images from the manufacturer https://x.com/Q_six_hobby/status/1889962727986311216
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Does anyone know where I can find Character Sheets from Elfuda or the cast of the anime? like these but of the characters?
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>>245973 https://gofile.io/d/zjKhnn
>>246210 God I hate that child character where there actually an adult but they look like a child for some reason like the person who made that character on dev team needs here hard drive check
>>246270 *Yawn* Might as well say that about every anime ever
i hope this show runs longer than Dragon Ball
>>246270 Would've been funnier if she looked 100% like some Grown Adult Midget lady that everyone assumed was a child. That's like little people humour 101. Goonery is incapable of true humour.
>>246270 I don't get why people try so hard to hold fantasy to realities standards. He doesn't even do anything with Kobo and when she does appear, she's stuck as a baby gag for fucking Oga. I don't think any character is wasted as much as Kobo.
>>245083 How much you guys willing to drop on this
>>246415 I do enjoy her getting paired up with Gonda for shenanigans. They bounce off each other well, plus I'm pretty sure it's a subtle The Hobbit joke.
Does anyone have the chapter number of the manga?
Oh My God, There's an english dub of the anime that just came out today with it's first episode, i thought they were never going to dub the show. Did everyone find out about this!?
>>249066 How shit is it? Is it woke? Did the voice actors say anything cringe on twitter or in interviews yet?
There are just pics or a anime too? I’m new here and if you can help me I’ll appreciate it!
>>249074 Nope, no, none of that that i heard just looked up the actresses and a lot of them have worked together before, Plus some of them are from Monster Mosume's Dub.
>>246421 It'll probably cost somewhere between $150-180 depending on where you order; either way you're gonna pay over $200 once shipping fees are applied. Twice that (and more) months after release when stock runs dry.
