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Belt-Buster 8 Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 02:12:23 Id:b21a84 No. 221695
Last one bumped locked. Let the wheels spin once more!
>>244843 Vetle's a dude. You're just choosing to see him as a chick because, like most of humanity, you don't need to see a person's genitals or know how they identify in order to find them sexually attractive. Gender is a spectrum, so is sexuality and very few people are 100% on one extreme or the other in either case.
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>>244897 The world needs more Tia. Now we just need Naga to round out the duo. Glad either he or his patrons are getting more into it.
>>244897 Has he done Elegg?
Anyone got news on the page for this week?
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>>245789 Idk if I'm fucking with where the comic is going rn bros
>>245792 Well, if it means a corset being included to the plot, i'm completely onboard
>>245792 What do you mean? That whole sequence is hot af.
>>245789 Im so fuckin done with this comic bro can he just draw ssbbw sex again instead
>>245792 I've been losing interest since that stupid party scene where Nikolai fought Elijas. Seems like a recurring issue with WG comics is the writer just trying to cram every possible idea into one comic rather than making a few comics with different focuses. Nikolai's fat harem could be one comic. This girl self-loathing gaining could be another. whatever is going on with Elijas and the mystery guy tricking girls into gaining could be a third. But instead its all just bundled together into what's feeling more and more like a big mess.
>>245815 Nah, that would be dumb. This comic has an overarching narrative that connects everything, and if you divide it all, it all loses context to one another. Especially the Nikolai and Elijas bit you mentioned, Nikolai's harem wouldn't even happen if it weren't for Elijas push. So L take
>>245789 I'm so fucked up.
>>245817 >>245817 > Nikolai's harem wouldn't even happen if it weren't for Elijas push. It absolutely could have happened without Elijas. Nikolai is an amazing chef and everyone who eats his food gets addicted. You could just have a much simpler version of the story focusing on his classmates tasting his food for one reason or another and getting hooked.
>>245821 But who gave Nikolai that path? Who set him up for it? Who got him more out of his shell to do most of the stuff he does? And that person builds down too, Elijas Sure, belt could've wrote it a different way or given different excuses for it. But would it still be the story belt wants to tell? Are you arguing from a narrative perspective or arguing from 'i want to see more fat bitches' perspective? Since what you suggested, sounds more boring narratively, and would just boil down to just girls getting bigger story. I rather want belt to tell the story he wants rather than just turning into a bogstandard 1-2-3 girl getting fatter story. So personally, I can't wait to see what the story will tell and I look forward to what is happening in the future!
>>245822 >So personally, I can't wait to see what the story will tell and I look forward to what is happening in the future! Cringe forced positivity Yes, I would like to see more girls get fatter. The main cast has been staying at roughly the same size for the majority of the comic, and that to me is boring. As far as the story belt wants to tell, it's getting less and less interesting with each page. There's too many girls at this point and too many subplots. The narrative has lost focus, which is why I feel it should have been broken up more. >>245797 As a side note, what in here hints at a corset being introduced? I feel like if any of the girls were going to pull that trick, it would have been Tine, since she was the one who fat shamed other girls and would want to hide it. It seems like Nina is leaning more towards being turned on by being seen as fat, so a corset wouldn't really work in her case
>>245825 It's not forced if it's genuinely what I feel. Belt is the only person I support on Patreon just because he is doing something different. And what do you mean lost focus? After the Christmas arc, it seemed to be getting back more into focus than it has before so i dont see what you mean? Sure there is 1-2 subplots that could be tied up, but it still doesn't feel like a mess since they all still feel relevant and tied to the main plot itself, so I think they all will be solved with time.
>>245797 You can find them here >>244027 >>65421
>>245820 Kek it has to be a homage
>>245832 Retard.
>>245789 >>245856 It probably was a reference to that chapter of Chainsaw Man
New Page is up!
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>>245873 It's a reference to EVA you mongoloid...
>>246821 100 pages, what a ride.
>>246821 why's the image so low res?
>>245873 DEUS VULT
>>246821 i appreciate a good bro pump.
>>246821 Helmet is funny. The fat boy is cute too.
>>246821 I love this page,Emma going "Men are really so simple", Niko and the new guy bonding over FPS while the girls are still fighting over a Niko.
>>246821 Is the helmet a reference of a real girl?
>>246827 Crazy thinking about the fact that each part is basically 6 pages long, so in just the long parts, That's 600 pages alone worth of drawing... >>246912 Helmet is likely for the funny rather than being a direct reference
>>246912 I associate it with meming bigots. Deus vult, etc.
>>246922 k retard
>>247220 Someone should tell Belt that there's actual tubs in Granblue Fantasy. https://gbf.wiki/Catherine#2nd_Art-0
(9.19 MB 3507x4960 19. November 2022 Anne-Marie.png)
>>247224 Belt plays GBF so
>>247360 Damn, he's going senile.
(4.53 MB 940x19347 chapter100.5.jpg)
>thisshitissoass.jpeg The forced fagshit panels really sunk this shit. Crazy how fast it’s been fubar’d
>>247714 Bait used to be believable
Not her first redeo, imagine in Niko alter awakened again right then and there
>>247692 >photos do well and people want more >tanya gets convinced to start modeling >curse of anne marie >she gets fatter
>>247744 Gets so fat her face can't fit into the helmet anymore. Makes that discovery last minute before a shoot. There is incredible potential here
(103.75 KB 584x915 Smough%27s_Set_DaSIII.webp)
>>247745 Gets so fat she has to use the smough set.
>>247744 >Tanya gets Anne Marie influenced >Emma gets potentially Lene influenced again Good, good…
(6.18 MB 940x29989 chapter101.jpg)
>>248796 Fuck that tummy that’s peeking out
>>248796 Tanya intox munchies arc? I'm all about it.
