very well said, this is pretty much how it felt to me too.
In kip's comic, Tessa corset burst happened very quickly with no buildup, and everyone moved on immediately, and it was very underwhelming; that was kind of how I felt here too. The corset trope is most fun (IMO), when its kind of the climax of the story, and it also feels more fun when it's a girl who is trying really hard to maintain her appearance, either as a celebrity or a queen bee type girl, since the corset burst feels like she's getting her comeuppance, which I greatly enjoy. The character in this comic is too passive, so it doesn't really feel as satisfying when she bursts out, it just feels kinda sad almost.
Also, as a side note, the very first page of this comic is the girl realizing she's too fat to succ in her gut to hide it, but then proceeds to do exactly that for most of the comic and only uses shapewear twice (once in her own home so it barely counts). She also looks huge even with the corset on, so it doesn't feel like a very effective technique to hide everything.