/bbwdraw/ - BBW Drawn

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(430.57 KB 1517x1248 2019_11_15.png)
(383.63 KB 1200x834 debbie.jpg)
Girdles/Corsets/Hiding Weight Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 13:43:54 Id:121907 No. 65421
Anybody have any good images of girls trying (and failing) to conceal their gain with shapewear or tight clothes? It's one of my favorite scenarios, but there seems to be little art of it out there.
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Hey, I'm pretty sure I have seen art with chubby girl in such tight swimsuit, does anyone have it?
(536.30 KB 1371x2418 dhoxhf2-f4.jpg)
succing in gut is cute too
>>209929 I agree!
>>209943 And I have proof to support >>209943
>>209943 And one more pic for >>209944
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(55.06 KB 1000x1000 bugboxers3.jpg)
By @bugboxers, on twitter
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(1.93 MB 4299x6071 wear (6).png)
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slightly related, hiding fat under water
>>213786 sauce?
>>217429 モチポチ(motipoti) on Pixiv Fanbox So basically its gonna be a while until we see the other pages on kemono(or anywhere)
(711.57 KB 1194x1500 Can't Hide It.jpg)
(874.62 KB 1125x1575 tesscc (154).jpg)
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it seems the corset in kips comic might be about to hit its breaking point
(829.02 KB 1125x1575 tesscc (161).jpg)
found a commercial that reminds me of the old tuna commercials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbSlxweCS5s
(7.43 MB 2050x2050 Chunky cats by JotunTheWriter.png)
These corsets stood no chance
>>224122 Sauce?
>>224133 deviantart: jotunthewriter
(262.32 KB 1000x750 jiggleBurst.gif)
Okay so every corset bursting animation that I've watched yet so far sucked; so I decided to do one myself. It's not perfect, but it's decent enough (at least better than anything that I saw) Feel free to point out animation errors, or suggestions to make it more dynamic in the future(I've got still a lot to learn)
>>224297 this looks amazing!
>>224297 Maybe the breasts getting pressed upward, seeing a ripple in the hips/thighs?
>>225909 >>225910 You're in the wrong board. Go to >>>/bbfurries/
(106.38 KB 1014x408 bbwdraw rules.png)
>>225909 >>225910 Did you not see the rules? They're literally below the sauce and VPN thread. No furshit, anon. No furshit on /bbwdraw/.
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(406.91 KB 3000x1820 dijmzn0-b3.jfif)
rift-ninja hard carrying this fetish
>>229894 Well, at least in the full body compression suit variety.
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>>235165 Although the plump physique in the first shot makes me to believe at first that the small belly was a result of a girdle compression, the ausence of anything remotely close to a girdle as well as the consistent fattening of her whole body in the second shot recontextualize for me as her small unproportional belly size being actually genuine, and what happened is that the fizzy glass of champagne made her bloat ALL over
(8.19 MB 600x449 big fallout girl gif.gif)
Here one animation with concealing clothes... they don't last much. https://www.deviantart.com/mdrone55/art/1134922767
>>235647 And that's sexy.
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(266.16 KB 620x929 chubby_chichi.jpg)
Everyone get out of the goddamn way, because kino is in the town and it came here FRESH Artist is Degenerat012 by the way
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Made by Juiceinyoureye, on bluesky
(55.15 KB 675x900 zelda.jpeg)
Made by w-section
better-with-salt is making a 9 page based off of previous artwork. It's going to release on patreon if anyone wants to follow it. I'm sure it'll have a lot of sucking in and hiding weight throughout ;)
(3.20 MB 3035x4299 2x_the_gain_heyhalienn (16).png)
(3.53 MB 3035x4299 2x_the_gain_heyhalienn (19).png)
new shapewear comic by heyhalienn on DA
(81.83 KB 1024x1024 belt (2).jpg)
(78.97 KB 1024x1024 belt (1).jpg)
Artist: DegeneRat012
(4.58 MB 2041x2895 Compress to Impress (6).png)
