/bbwdraw/ - BBW Drawn

Deviantart, 3D, scribbles

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(1.98 MB 1448x2048 FYbdK_xacAACRey.png)
(1.62 MB 3346x3860 FZA3SRyVsAIzRJK.png)
(Yet Another) Vocaloid Thread Anonymous 08/09/2022 (Tue) 16:28:57 Id:e06dec No. 105834
When was the last time we had a vocaloid thread? I forgor 💀
(1.79 MB 2385x3100 80802164_p0.png)
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(313.57 KB 1600x1400 99166117_p0.jpg)
(2.36 MB 4500x3600 big_miku_redraw.png)
I don't know if anyone have this image. I've looked for it on dA but it seems to be lost Is a sequence where Miku in underwear gains weight and, the last one is she, looking at the left, with a basket in her hands or the floor
There's also another one that I can't find anywhere. It's also a sequence, but in b/w and the weight progression is identified with D,C,BA and S
>>106125 I still have it
>>105836 that second pic is god-tier, shame about the censor though
(163.16 KB 1330x1836 FaVU_WUUIAAgDEl.jpg)
Think I should post this whole comic here P.S: Someone needs to finish this fr
(3.56 MB 1080x1080 miku_anim.gif)
Nobody can beat worm's way of drawing Miku (nor does anyone seem to try), so why bother? Smug Miku pot belly supremacy
Still more to come https://www.deviantart.com/makifan53
(334.98 KB 512x768 4935902183.png)
(430.13 KB 512x768 895489234.png)
(337.48 KB 512x768 239048284.png)
OK, this is a long shot, but does anyone have a piece with a very hefty Hatsune Miku (bbw to ssbbw) standing with one hand on her hips, one hand undoing her tie, and a very evil grin on her face?
>>118736 You know the artist who made it?
>>118855 I do not, unfortunately. I seem to remember seeing it on several photobucket compilations of fat anime girls. Probably around mid to late 2000s. Could be a pixiv artist.
(548.47 KB 778x900 squarewave29_11606763_p0.jpg)
>>118859 It's an old Squarewave (@squarewave29) piece. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/11606763
>>118931 >>118951 That's the one! Should've thought about checking squarewave's old stuff. Thank you both so much!
>>119123 Almost forgot that Squarewave did Miku at least once
(72.48 KB 612x933 miku_fapolantern.png)
(868.19 KB 1540x1244 Ozeniiix-709526-time.png)
>>106401 anyone got the sauce for the gif?
>>127308 It was done by Fapolantern
>>127406 I thought so. It took me a while, but I found the original tweet https://twitter.com/fapolantern/status/1368775833255559172?s=20&t=KLUUMSudzqct4HukL6mQlw
(361.24 KB 2048x1448 20221202_082612.jpg)
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I have no idea what happened to NaughtyDarlex. But I did manage to get this.
>>129522 Oh, I requested these
>>130257 Sauce for this?
>>130260 Shamefully posting my own art here actually, my username is sugarysmash on tumblr, I’m gonna make a Twitter soon too. Just gathering enough of my art. Thanks for the interest dude!
(741.96 KB 1626x2160 xCFL77XlGG0.jpg)
Do you have source of this?
>>131934 if you mean the unedited version, then here https://www.deviantart.com/thebreadguardian/art/Insert-fat-Miku-pun-764348483 unless youre asking about who made the edit, in which case im clueless, its my first time seeing this
>>131935 Yeah, unedited version i mean, thx
(1.04 MB 1047x1176 FkwKZiXaEAE8LtU.png)
(1021.32 KB 1361x1448 Fkwt28uagAE5OZu.png)
(694.39 KB 954x1160 FktPG9HVUAAQS_8.png)
Some fresh drops
(1006.90 KB 891x1425 FlTSCk6aEAAbBBC.png)
(1.18 MB 1600x1800 FlJM5yiagAA1en6.png)
>>134518 I see a fellow Luka enjoyer out there... 👀
>>135759 It's AI art, you might wanna delete that...
>>135779 > "I generate high quality AI artwork" AI fags thinking they actually do anything
>>135759 >>135843 Get these AI shit out of here
I dont like AI art but this teto is very sweet I want put french bread in her mouth
>>136037 >>135948 Lol, artists never do nothing. They just use us
>>136325 I never gave any artist a dime. Now delete that crap.
>>136327 Artist, why are yo so aggressive?
>>136325 Stealing art via bots and Frankensteining them together to generate something you could never make with your own two hands is pretty fucking pathetic
>>136736 Yes. It's more complicated than that, and I am sure they went through a lot to make it so that the AI understood the words in the prompt al though I guess it's possible they already had some seperate program that scans images for recognizable things put into a database (this would be the easiest approach), but I am certain that the database has thousands if not millions of images that it uses for reference. Most of those images are probably anime and most were probably fetched from the web. That is the cause for the frankenstein look but the most difficult challenge to overcome with it comes from the AI technology itself unfortunately you are substituting literally a human person with a machine. A human has desires, he has tastes or likes and dislikes, and the human soul seeks to make art or experience other'a art from longing, similar to how it seeks a soulmate or the attention of a beautiful girl. It's not what you could call a carnal desire like breathing air or else you would go unconcious.
(126.07 KB 1048x1367 FM0FQVtVQAAxX70.jpg)
(1.79 MB 1240x1754 Fm8gkQLX0AMoA_O.png)
Enough with the AI talk, let's get back to the fats, shall we?
(847.12 KB 3000x3500 Miku 1-4.jfif)
(924.56 KB 3000x3500 Miku 4-4.jfif)
(1.08 MB 3000x3500 Miku 2-4.jfif)
(1.06 MB 3000x3500 Miku 3-4.jfif)
Fuck, wrong order The correct order are in the file names XD
(1.86 MB 3060x2640 Warmup_nerd_miku.jpg)
(1.82 MB 2800x1752 FnSchttakAIghlM.png)
By Blimpy4000 on Twitter
(7.15 MB 3943x2773 LukaMiku.png)
Some good oldie to revive this thread
>>139099 Always found the faces of that one disturbing. One of GAIN-OVER's weakest works. Haku is better than Luka and Miku either way.
(1.03 MB 2591x3298 101920126_p0.jpg)
(2.39 MB 3198x2795 105198958_p0.png)
By justlooking on Pixiv
>>136738 Just say you're too lazy to learn to make art
(1.63 MB 1515x2048 FpQnAWGaEAAPUiR.png)
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Wasn't Miku say yesterday? Why isn't this thread updated?
>>144693 Because it's only been half a day and Miku is seriously overrated? As if she needed more fat art lol
>>144693 Like, we don't give a shit about Miku? Give the others more attention lmao
its funny seeing an ifunny watermark here lmao considering i post a lot of fats on there
>>145849 >>145866 >>145870 I got one too
we need more fat Rin arts P.S. art by me :)
So, rumor has it that BWS finally did a Miku, is it true?
(801.25 KB 768x1024 Fr6U6W1akAAFfHC.png)
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(512.95 KB 768x1024 FtMqzFXaMAAzm1J.png)
(510.08 KB 768x1024 FsO0XM7agAAE1rC.png)
>>153174 Never seen a fat Merli before
(188.54 KB 1367x843 miku.png)
Take this masterpiece
(9.88 KB 204x247 images (25).jpeg)
(139.49 KB 1024x1366 ESq-buNUwAA1rJf.jpg_large.jpg)
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>>157470 Classic
(5.49 MB 2995x3220 IMG_3156.png)
(97.49 KB 900x691 FtzjLj0aEAEWTUH.jpeg)
It's by Imcoffeecakes, it's patreon only unfortunally...
>>158474 Sauce?
>>158572 I believe it's Jaykuma
does anyone have more tetos?
Let's revive this thread, shall we?
>>130257 please make a twitter before i forget about you. no one uses shitty tumblr these days.
>>160613 There's quite a few active archival accounts on Tumblr/Tumbex
(3.15 MB 2800x3832 doodlies134.png)
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(3.11 MB 6002x5500 imagen_2023-08-03_135400456.png)
(690.75 KB 1080x1517 Screenshot_20230803-154931(1).png)
>>161787 Any of you fellas got a twitter now's the time to use it
(928.56 KB 1280x1808 imagen_2023-08-10_131237643.png)
(495.13 KB 1770x2500 media_F3-6Vw6bgAA6ZiG.jpg)
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I don't really pay attention to either Loid but it really feels like Vocaloid's starting to get it dinner ate up by Voiceroids.
>>166340 Sauce on the second Rin Pic?
>>166404 https://twitter.com/miz_ToFkuM/status/1688164641535602688 Roidrage war when?
(211.54 KB 1638x2048 20230830_113100.jpg)
>>166941 Sauce?
Happy birthday to my queen
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>>167013 @Kuma_momo6 on Twitter
(149.32 KB 1373x1373 20221031_212232.jpg)
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(3.80 MB 3540x2500 84877689_p0.png)
>>167190 Your queen and you post subpar AI art when Miku is the most over drawn loid? Lol
>>167289 >spoilered pic Dear god, Miku is so perfect as a blob. >>105834 Surprised there's no "it's not over until the fat lady sings" jokes or drawing one of the Vocaloids impersonating real life overweight singers.
(812.64 KB 3910x2881 imagen_2023-09-14_140659406.png)
>>169778 Sauce?
(596.82 KB 2240x3292 20230929_235406.jpg)
(911.46 KB 2934x3859 20230929_235239.jpg)
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>>172770 I found this version as grass.
>>167282 Sauce on the 6th one?
>>176912 Still trying to promote your shitty art, Massiveloids? You don't even have an ounce of originality
>>176965 There's a proverb that said an empty barrel sounds the loudest, and clearly that you're it
>>176912 Oh fuck, I almost forgot about you...you were that retard who managed to piss off half the community by tracing their art. I knew you on Discord, and your profile is still there lmao
>>177090 I mean, they did learnt it the hard way and, somehow made a redemption arc. However, their recent art still felt mediocre at best iirc.
>>175192 Here's the fire one
(5.60 MB 3000x3500 mika4.png)
>>177101 I wonder which type will be next that the artist will do?
>>177381 I think if you’re patient they’ll do all 18.
>>177447 He's currently 1/6 of that
>>177113 Sauce on the first two?
(1.89 MB 2879x2129 F_dwJO7XsAAkzyl.jpg)
(367.22 KB 2250x1500 FHxrM5lWUAAcIig.jpg)
>>178372 That's a sequel to this btw I wonder how huge Miku would get tho
(3.84 MB 3000x2400 F-B0YTaXQAATDPO.png)
>>177588 The artist made water type but sadly it’s inflation.
>>180307 Here it is Water type spoiler due to inflation.
(4.41 MB 3120x1927 Feeding the Algorithm.png)
>>181543 There’s GOTTA be a higher resolution version of that image.
(2.25 MB 1735x1590 70 update.png)
(2.08 MB 2048x2048 8 Miku.png)
Does anyone have image of an enormous Miku on stage, with an announcer saying that this will be Miku's final live performance? I swear I remember it, but I can't find the image anywhere
>>182807 this one?
>>182824 That's the one, thank you! I think this was one DA at one point, but reverse image searching it only brings up G-Nibbles' twitter post. Sucks for such a good piece to be kinda hidden
>>182830 Sauce on the first pic?
Old BWS sketch from like 4 years ago of miku
(1.22 MB 3435x3317 imagen_2024-01-05_174841954.png)
>>180308 Here’s electric type.
(122.41 KB 1560x1115 GDZpaYYbYAAk0SH.png)
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(128.17 KB 1330x1115 GDkRn_oagAAyW6a.png)
(111.00 KB 1515x1144 GEYb3ROa8AE36Jj.png)
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(69.81 KB 1038x1188 GEdiJvXbwAAo-hJ.png)
(62.56 KB 886x1136 GGdWHDNaoAAYhhu.png)
(19.87 KB 1250x1200 GGdsR40boAA1tG4 (1).png)
(206.10 KB 751x777 GGb2EC-WMAAif17.png)
>>185414 Can't wait for the rest tbh
(65.48 KB 1053x839 GGtepTiXMAAO72r.jpeg)
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This thread has become a teal, black & white wasteland
>>192387 Needs some more colors here and there
(886.98 KB 2104x1309 media_GJDOXluW4AAWdHJJ.jpg)
>>193961 Now that's a pizza party
(9.80 MB 3710x4096 GJ9CM4BWEAAMDfw.png)
(449.58 KB 828x1325 imagen_2024-04-10_111357418.png)
anything teto?
>>190301 Who made these?
I'd really like to see either MaxFullbody or PlumpKnight to do Miku but, I doubt it'll happen anytime soon
>>199435 Sauce on the third one?
(4.07 MB 3500x4500 Miku.png)
Artista name?
Any rabbit hole arts?
(1.46 MB 3000x4200 Miku Glory Hole.jpg)
From NEXUS03 in DeviantArt or @SausageWKetchup in X
Anyone got this in better quality.
(3.92 MB 1699x2022 round_rin_by_igfu_dfu1dek.png)
We need more 3D stuff like this
>>204705 I have it but it's a 21 MB pic
(285.54 KB 1254x1771 GNwqvh8bUAALshK.jpg)
(279.44 KB 1254x1771 GNwqwQda4AAzdcq.jpg)
>>202403 https://www.deviantart.com/quetzss/art/Idol-Body-1053046649
(354.84 KB 3334x1984 GGfVckaXwAAaXBj.jpg)
(2.07 MB 3840x2160 imagen_2024-06-26_010043074.png)
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(1.26 MB 1848x1354 20240622_163653.jpg)
Choose your champion... I guess everyone will take the same lol
(3.08 MB 1366x1600 imagen_2024-07-08_151420552.png)
Need more Rabbit Hole Miku here
(619.37 KB 1686x2500 mbmiku.jpeg)
rate my art pls
>>210745 Pretty great! I'm no artist, just some nerd looking for cute and hot art, and I'd say this firmly falls in the cute category. The only personal gripe I'd say is that she could afford to put on some extra weight :3c
(658.60 KB 1194x1653 GSvBO5TawAAXdcQ.jpg)
>>211155 Thiccu
(3.22 MB 1789x2130 Untitled110_20240720050910.png)
>>210745 Really good! I love the color story you manage to get across despite the mostly monochromatic style. Main thing of note would be that the elbows are too high - on most physically abled people, elbows tend to hit right at your waist. Forearms and upper arms also tend to be about the same length. Since I have a similar bodytype (other than the tits lol), here's a picture of me striking a similar pose as reference. [Spoiled because it's IRL/off theme for the thread, I am fully clothed]
(466.87 KB 2048x1604 GSMvmlqbsAALxo7.jpg)
>>207833 societal pressure would make me choose L over LL
(411.53 KB 850x1036 imagen_2024-07-22_050921415.png)
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(563.11 KB 2500x3000 [email protected])
(299.65 KB 1446x2048 IMG_4386.jpeg)
(343.80 KB 1707x2048 IMG_4405.jpeg)
Does anyone have more Brazilian Miku?
(3.07 MB 2462x3269 1724647100797466.png)
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Blessed goldmine
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(286.13 KB 1423x2048 IMG_4452.jpeg)
Thanks brazil for fat Miku and for Raphinha!
(333.03 KB 2144x2352 miku__by_mrlowground_di1zfdp.jpg)
Never cared especially about Vocaloid, but I like this trend.
(1.63 MB 1240x1754 121905369_p0.jpg)
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(888.51 KB 1536x2048 121921624_p0.jpg)
>>216994 Nobody asked for your "opinion"
>>216994 Based
>>217178 Cringe
(119.96 KB 1000x1000 20240828_231945.jpg)
(125.97 KB 1000x1000 20240828_231948.jpg)
Credits: https://x.com/GordasFeede/status/1828994456088986005?t=ZSMqvSYPA-El7ksB7fV4QQ&s=19
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(141.59 KB 447x595 20240830_232114.jpg)
Can someone pls tell me the artist that did those 2 drawings? Thanks in advance
(1.48 MB 1280x720 1725117370001330.webm)
>>217676 https://x.com/punishedabso?lang=en
(996.46 KB 1182x1500 GWUJ9REbQAcXaV9.jpg)
(460.23 KB 1608x2048 IMG_4652.jpeg)
>>219275 begging for some source
>>219404 PreSi I believe anon
(625.41 KB 2496x1200 Miku 1 table.png)
The weight gain drive is on! Comments count! https://www.deviantart.com/structuralnightmare/art/Miku-x-Brazilian-Miku-Weight-Gain-Drive-Part-1-1097982269 https://x.com/NightInfraNSFW/status/1834304391274168697
>>217676 Klombo on x
(723.76 KB 3272x4096 1834012882008158559_1.jpg)
(2.76 MB 2100x2200 Braziku.png)
Kreat with the goated shapes
fresh mikus
(141.98 KB 1278x1597 mikuuuuu_by_mister__m_di530yd.jpg)
(242.25 KB 849x1200 1834158761013113227_1.jpg)
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(398.68 KB 2048x1346 IMG_4848.jpeg)
(237.09 KB 1300x1400 IMG_4450.jpeg)
(3.60 MB 4500x4500 miku_quetzalteca.png)
Mexican Miku
>>220875 source ?
(779.27 KB 1032x1551 GXM81c-XkAAQfU4.jpg)
(123.49 KB 1128x1395 GYXQjTTWQAAWJ6H.jpg)
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(67.41 KB 900x752 l.jpg)
Anyone have the new Miku piece by Nepirou?
>>224137 Right here. I was forced to shell out $2.12 for this so be grateful
>>223603 Sauce?
(1.76 MB 2800x3500 M11 - Teto.png)
More Teto
(831.50 KB 1403x1000 Gb1VXxhWQA4vEez.png)
>>229576 Sauce for the 2nd one?
(199.32 KB 2250x1977 20241204_000849.jpg)
>>233382 what did teto do to you man
>>233381 Is this the same artist who did bottom heavy Miku?
>>233469 it's kenchicku, yeah
>>233382 For fuck's sake, is this that schizo that rambles on about hypocritical delusions of grandeur? Fuck off already.
>>233381 I fucking love obese teto, we need more
(1.74 MB 444x584 IMG_0580.gif)
(3.50 MB 540x768 IMG_0579.gif)
This is the best day Miku stuff I’ve ever seen (by milkengine)
>>235242 Holy hell those plump Miku's are pristine, love the belly jiggle when breathing. If only they did Brazilian Miku.
(715.52 KB 2381x3850 IMG_20241215_163344.jpg)
(946.01 KB 3425x2480 gumi.png)
(1.50 MB 3425x2480 miku jeetdoh.jpg)
I made this (bad) edit because I was desperate for any fat gumi so yeah
>>234374 >>235242 good stuff tysm
(1.44 MB 2840x2888 001_Don't overdo it.png)
(616.79 KB 3984x3552 003_Oh ho, that's what you think.png)
(470.86 KB 2848x3792 004_I wasn't paying attention....png)
(895.92 KB 3600x4470 005_Why not visit the park.png)
OLD Bonusart Rin sequence
(243.84 KB 1451x2048 GX9ijjmbUAAE9kc.jpg)
(1.34 MB 3035x2150 GS9Bd6-bMAA6EFX.jpg)
(1.54 MB 2150x3035 GSsZtk2aEAAB0Hp.jpg)
(1.68 MB 2150x3035 GSsrYJcakAAxX_N.jpg)
(1.69 MB 2150x3035 GTq5uWfbkAAYEz-.jpg)
(1.75 MB 2150x3035 GgN8CrkbIAA05bw.jpg)
(1.92 MB 2150x3035 GXhocoPaAAAcUDa.jpg)
(184.36 KB 1003x1300 GgV6tnEW4AAnrJ-.jpg)
(333.26 KB 1251x1326 @BANANANOSONGEN.jpg)
teto tummy
(32.03 KB 1103x634 GhXCVinXMAAcNqO.png)
(1.01 MB 1456x1662 Gh7-AP2aoAAAL3V.png)
By Ekusupanshon
>>238391 who's the artist? these are cute
(79.21 KB 827x570 IMG_20250123_145919.jpg)
(3.22 MB 3300x2300 IMG_0998.png)
there needs to be more fat tetos ngl, these are all i have
we need more teto fats ngl
(106.00 KB 1280x988 IMG_1435.jpeg)
I’m not letting this thread die
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shoutout to Adiposesaleswoman for being one of the very VERY few people who drew a fat GUMI
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Oh my...
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I felt inspired by whoever made the gumi edit, and tried to make a haku one by splicing and tracing. It was kinda fun so I kept going.
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