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Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Thread 2 Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 22:04:23 Id:af3378 No. 123564
Previous thread bumplocked.
I'll repost my angels here I guess.
>>123872 I'll make more in the future cause there can never be enough content for these two.
(553.86 KB 613x460 Stockingtimelapse.gif)
(3.05 MB 2016x3696 image.png)
The worst part about a new P&S thread is that now Stocking is the thread image instead of the better fat angel lol
>>124042 I agree that Panty is the better angel. I just thought that since the last thread had her as the thumbnail that Stocking should be the next one.
(2.11 MB 2536x3380 Model_3_stocking_1.png)
(255.78 KB 1106x2048 IMG_20221107_174003.jpg)
(331.46 KB 1666x1500 media_FPp0_2yWQAkHY0C.png)
(5.01 MB 4864x4896 fatty 3.png)
Seeing the old thread about to get booted is leaving me melancholic, that was around for a good 2 years give or take and so much good PSG art was posted in the meantime. Here's to all the memories of fat angels and another thread. Low-key hoping we get a huge resurgence of the two being fat once season 2 drops.
(147.09 KB 851x1200 IMG_20221111_231514.jpg)
(1001.87 KB 2475x1728 panty_stocking_comm.png)
(237.50 KB 1240x1754 Commision_Panty02_v1.png)
Dunno why no content is being posted, there's quite a bit of fat art of these characters.
>>126724 Artist?
(91.94 KB 950x1200 IMG_20221126_064124.jpg)
(2.11 MB 2536x3380 Model_3_stocking_1.png)
(219.47 KB 1537x2048 IMG_20221207_180708.jpg)
>>129242 This guy knows what's up.
(390.69 KB 3349x2148 FgwtanVWYAAXYWP.jpg)
(80.30 KB 1024x921 ample.jpg)
>>124623 Yeah it sucks If only there was a archive for the thread
(8.75 MB 1920x1080 Stocking Final a.mp4)
(780.99 KB 3400x2400 Panty and Stocking Cows.jpeg)
(1.18 MB 1650x2550 Cat Stocking Monokini.png)
(1.28 MB 1650x2550 Cat Stocking Panties.png)
(247.21 KB 1225x1834 3 panty.png)
(1.20 MB 1650x2550 Cat Panty Monokini.png)
(1.21 MB 1650x2550 Cat Panty Panties.png)
(674.87 KB 1098x1697 Spooky Stream 6 panty.png)
(340.52 KB 1966x2048 Fk21k83XoAQ4JIS.jpeg)
(430.11 KB 580x435 FiYPArVVQAIdeln.png)
>>126634 Source?
(386.69 KB 1912x2048 FlemAyXXkAEyLzJ.jpeg)
Best fatty best fatty
(1.33 MB 2250x2500 PantyStockingRedraw1.png)
(1.55 MB 2800x2780 PantyStockingRedraw2.png)
>>135983 Leave it to this seven guy to make a continuation of an Axel comic from 4 years ago. Not complaining tho.
(309.41 KB 1775x2048 IMG_20230119_164034.jpg)
(22.82 KB 828x599 jsbfs6kf1f171.jpg)
>>136855 wtf is that first one
>>136855 The duality of this situation. The second picture is in good taste, but the trash being posted first hunts that they think of it just as highly. I'm truly scared for the people on this board now.
>>136889 The ying with the yang. Cant have the sticc without the thicc.
(132.64 KB 1223x1208 IMG_20230125_124737.jpg)
(179.33 KB 1513x2048 IMG_20230125_153719.jpg)
(805.46 KB 4096x3219 IMG_20230126_160546.jpg)
>>137749 Step aside, Axel. Sevenbyseven7 is the new king of Panty and Stocking fat art.
(395.88 KB 2200x2300 20230202_110239.jpg)
(483.66 KB 4096x2911 IMG_20230204_205034.jpg)
(139.76 KB 1200x930 IMG_20230211_193140.jpg)
(296.41 KB 1914x2048 IMG_20230211_193225.jpg)
Does anyone have axel-rosered art work of stocking
(186.36 KB 840x1174 CgmuqaUg.png)
(166.12 KB 1317x951 Te7YAUhQ.png)
(392.25 KB 1536x2048 Euj9qaCXMAE6syU.jpeg)
(384.22 KB 2048x1536 ExNrSXKXIAAqM6y.jpeg)
SevenBySeven7 is truly the new king of BBW Panty and Stocking art.
>>144502 Where did you get this? I don't see anything new on his DA or Twitter.
>>144502 Style's coming into its own, I like this. I hope this guy keeps improving and does other character's eventually.
>>144534 yeah I can't find it anywhere. Did he post this on discord or something? Saucenao isn't showing any results either. Where'd this guy get this? Unless it's Seven...speaking in third person.
Seven drew it for me on Discord. And to keep it vague we have something else planned...
>>144545 Of course it had to be a fucking commission...this is why we can't have nice things
>>144568 Well Seven doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like Axel does.
>>144573 And doesn't make the Anarchy sisater do weird shit, including but not limited to: hyperinflation, spanking, and most nutritiously, diapers.
>>144688 He did have BBW Scanty and Kneesocks spanked though. But that was because the commissioner wanted a continuance of Axels comic for 4 years ago.
(250.58 KB 2048x1996 DE3wiFnB.jpg)
paid for this comission, hope you will like it :) made by superspoe
Lots of stuff from the old thread that I forgot to save or just can't find rn. Mainly sketches that were top tier. Hopefully someone has them and posts them again eventually.
>>144688 >>144726 You do realize most of the shit in the real show was just as if not even weirder right? I just hope season 2 plays into the fat fetish for stocking more instead of as a joke.
>>148115 Source??
>>146078 Thank you for giving us the greatest stocking fat art ever. Her huge rotund body shape. Her nonchalant and gluttonous expression. Poorly fitting outfit. It’s all so perfect!
>>148117 pbysteria on Aryion/Eka. You should really consider looking on other niche sites as they have quite a unique gallery of art of characters you won't find on DA or Twitter. Found quite a bit of gems on FA, Random boorus, archived chan threads (Mostly Trash), draw request threads, and the like.
>>148115 As a shameless eructophile (despite the hate boner this bosard has for burps) the fact these two canon burp and how it was beautifully recreated makes me very happy.
>>132239 Second pic is such a perfect shape and size for her.
(1.39 MB 2480x3508 Illustration.png)
>>154484 Source? Reverse image search returns nothing. The fupa poking from underneath the dress is a nice touch.
>>154515 I lost all contact with the original artist so no sauce unfortunately.
Boy things slow here for season 2 coming soon.
(72.53 KB 824x952 E45CY83VEBIeGjm.jpeg.jpg)
(122.47 KB 922x952 E45Cb0MUUAAh-5Q.png)
(128.98 KB 822x952 E45CY83VoAEuxgI-1.png)
SevenBySeven7 is the GOAT of BBW Panty and Stocking.
>>156309 holy shiiiiiiiit
(173.96 KB 1988x2048 mqvxvWxf.jpg_large.jpg)
By chubi_delphi
anyone have this? https://www.deviantart.com/axel-rosered/art/Panty-and-Scanty-and-Stocking-and-Kneesocks-831220976 or this? https://www.deviantart.com/axel-rosered/art/PnS-and-SnK-and-Knuckles-Preview-832033846 and willing to share?
(45.83 KB 600x338 1gp0Ng4.jpg)
(934.13 KB 3000x2736 FatStocking.png)
(1.43 MB 3000x3440 THICCPanty.png)
(1021.93 KB 1200x594 PantyStocking-SumoSisters2.gif)
(2.03 MB 3000x3961 PantyStocking-SumoSisters.png)
Really hope season 2 plays around more with the hot side of weight gain, specifically for stocking. They mostly played it for a joke with the ball giant stocking.
>>159585 They've got at least 12 years of material to play around with. I just hope the sensitive culture this day and age doesn't cancel the show for being itself.
(53.06 KB 902x875 F0tNw4EWwAAjRbK.jpg)
More undergarments in PJ’s.
>>161287 Will pay for more underwears in pajamas, who's the artist
>>161287 these are really cute did you draw these?
(115.84 KB 827x1014 IMG_6462.jpeg)
(115.84 KB 827x1014 IMG_6462.jpeg)
>>161289 @sketches_wizard on Twitter >>161290 I didn’t draw these ones. But another set of undergarments in pj’s in this thread are mine.
>>161306 >>161305 These are nice. >>161287 Wish more people drew them in their other outfits. They have such a vast wardrobe to work with.
>>161509 Source?
>>161771 Fake news.
>>161771 I can't seem to find it but his deviantart is still there so whatever
(1.22 MB 1650x2550 Panty and Stocking stuffing.png)
(284.18 KB 894x494 Panty and Stocking stuffing.gif)
>>125117 >>148115 >>161509 I'll never have enough variations of this.
(941.79 KB 2550x1650 Harley Cosplay.png)
(7.98 MB 10200x6600 Heavy Panty & Stocking upshots.png)
What happened with Season 2?
>>162547 Money laundry
>>162547 >>162548 So its cancelled again? or is that a joke because I'm seeing mixed responses.
>>162943 still being made, they put out a promo on their social media like last month
>>162943 takes a while to make an anime, especially one like psg
>>162968 >>162946 I'm more scared they're going to water it down because the sensitive people this day and age compared to 2010's.
(143.29 KB 2048x1625 FOgnRksVEAUi5zI.jpeg)
(227.55 KB 1676x2048 FOgnRksVEAQVVue.png)
(2.91 MB 2800x4200 Patreon Stocking July23.png)
(278.44 KB 2048x1963 FqvGsvBaIAEpSxg.jpeg)
By StrongMoist
(1.33 MB 2250x2500 PantyStockingRedraw1.png)
(1.55 MB 2800x2780 PantyStockingRedraw2.png)
Probably it's not the best place to ask but can someone edit this Stocking from Alex by making her with her normal hair?
(731.57 KB 1200x969 F2xyxJpbsAIWGWo.png)
(139.89 KB 509x497 F6lAUYrWMAA_9j7.png)
Stocking is great. Hope we get a WG episode with her in season 2 that actually nods to her fans being into her being fat. Could totally see Panty making fun of Stocking getting fat and Stocking starts doing mukbangs and gaining weight and getting tons of money while Panty gets jealous.
>>171077 Imagine if instead of being all self assured about how her weight “goes straight to her boobs” she was all pretentious about being “full figured” and called panty things like skinny bitch.
Seen this thread get a lot of traffic and wanted to ask why is Panty so much less popular then Stocking?
>>171102 Because Stocking is far more gluttonous than Panty. She even had an entire episode dedicated to her eating a shitton of sweets and getting fat. This is a fat fetish thread. You do the math
>>171108 Not familiar with the show, but didn't Panty get fat for it too?
(789.39 KB 3167x2575 pantyloon_by_edgeofmind_dd2rb9x.png)
(297.52 KB 1200x1200 stream_23_03_31-stocking.png)
(58.66 KB 810x962 69817544..jpg)
(130.81 KB 1363x1467 Fmizh5PaEAAPyKK.jpg)
>>171077 >>171085 >>159585 Agreed. Hope they don't go back to the ugly ball Stocking and give up a somewhat plumper and curvy Stocking instead. >>171085 Could totally see Panty exercising to get buff and Stocking bulking and getting as fat/curvy as a sumo wrestler as they duke it out; Abs vs. Flab style. >>171108 >>171102 Traffic's from season 2 news being confirmed; also he's right. She was literally the poster for one of the fat anime characters back in 2010's. Not to mention the show had fetishes left and right. Ears, Macro/Micro, Vore, WG, Inflation, cucking, etc. I just hope they stay true to the edginess of the first season they got away with so much. I'm afraid this new sensitive era of viewers will try to cancel the show or they make it watered down/censored because whiners.
>>171241 >>171122 They did get fat in a single scene where they ate too much take out and they burped. Though I can totally see them getting into a argument about who can eat more.
>>171085 Would love to see a eating contest episode and they both turn into giantess blobs.
(1021.93 KB 1200x594 PantyStocking-SumoSisters2.gif)
(2.03 MB 3000x3961 PantyStocking-SumoSisters.png)
(1020.13 KB 2500x2067 ThiccPantyStockingBopper.png)
Man I love these characters. Really a product of their time; a time I miss dearly. >>171241 Sauce on the 2nd, & 4th Stocking? >>171102 >>171108 Stocking is gluttonous and fat coded, couple that with the fact she's goth/gothic lolita style and from a show stocked full of fetishes and there's your answer. Not sure why goths blew up in popularity since the pandemic but I'm not complaining; more art.
(1.43 MB 900x1213 IMG_1312.png)
The timeline where stocking was a glutton for gamer fuel. Salty and cheesy snacks instead of sweets
>>171102 Panty has her fans, they're just more into vanilla stuff whereas Stocking fans seem to be into the more degen stuff as goth lovers/chasers seem to always be.
(371.61 KB 1200x1200 stream_20-12-29_stocking.png)
>>171546 never understood this fetish
>>171551 Neither do I, I just wank it to regular fats
(400.75 KB 2040x2048 F8apUPQW0AAFNUi.jpeg)
>>167984 Forgot to say, I got it
IS there IS another content of them?
>>179014 There's plenty, but no one is posting
(149.92 KB 1319x1036 IMG_6080.jpeg)
Fatpolantern on twitter
>>179020 >>179014 Maybe because this place is an obscure image board? A ton of new art upon season 2 announcement, its just not here but on twitter, kemono, insta, DA.
(166.75 KB 1800x1500 ef42ff33924ab284b17675da562b6514.png)
(241.45 KB 2100x1500 ffc3f3352263343ae9a4e8c3def50917.png)
(315.43 KB 2400x1500 5xvCnpKxL.png)
(469.26 KB 1859x1598 SumoPanty.png)
(754.05 KB 2500x1461 BlobStocking.png)
(73.32 KB 860x807 Bu6G8weDu.jpg)
(556.76 KB 3391x4096 Y1DauYTDu.jpg)
(1.43 MB 3000x3440 THICCPanty.png)
(934.13 KB 3000x2736 FatStocking.png)
>>181663 Wish Smappa made a Stocking version of this. How've they not done one pic of the fat girl of the show herself?
Boy for this anime getting a season 2 people sure aren't posting in fanfare.
>>182453 Good God in Heaven, he did it. The fucker finally did it.
>>182453 Was hoping he would use those outfits again at some point
(131.92 KB 1487x1544 Panty by Kapptastic.jpg)
>>181230 Hopefully he does Scanty and Kneesocks next.
(1.52 MB 2550x1650 Cop Panty & Stocking alt.png)
>>182453 Here's the alt.
(373.87 KB 2500x2088 HeavyStocking.png)
(476.45 KB 2500x1859 BootyStocking.png)
(426.95 KB 1250x1044 HeavyStocking-An.gif)
>>181665 That Stocking Blob is great.
(307.93 KB 640x594 cozctnx6aq271.png)
(278.94 KB 640x594 og0gjo77aq271.png)
(3.61 MB 3000x3100 StockingStream.png)
(8.49 MB 6856x4475 discord stocking stuff alt.jpg)
Here yall go comms i got from spoe himself.
>>187094 These are soooo good, thank you for sharing! Makes me want to pay him for a different panty and stocking comm again :v
>>187158 Heh your welcome im planning to do a third one possibly about stocking regretting saying that first line to her agents with them now struggling to get a job. Although i dont know what they should wear had the idea of them being strippers but that feels too easy.
>>187094 God Bless spoe, man Underrated artist imo
(215.00 KB 1718x2121 Stocking 2 by Captain Soap Beard.jpg)
Here is the sane version. CaptainSoapBeard is such a fucking monkey's paw.
>>187274 Im scared to ask what was the og ver
>>187314 It's fart inflation
>>187274 Somebody spent $70 on that lol
>>184356 two sluts gonna blow tonight
>>187322 >70$ >50k$ At least he ain't a Verbalase.
>>123946 legend
(282.10 KB 2596x2400 E_HEL2yWUAMly1w.jpg)
(583.89 KB 4096x2990 E1R8hLHWEA0u-DQ.jpg)
(345.07 KB 1438x1670 GFW1tj-awAAjMIB.jpg)
>>187430 I'd spend 50K on sweets for Stocking.
Love Stocking. She's the best fat anime goth girl.
>>188751 I wish I knew of more fat anime goth girls lol, havent taken the time to look any up and havent heard of any in the last few years either :(
>>188771 I wonder if there even is a thread dedicated to fat goth girls on here?
>>188772 Touché.
>>188780 >>188772 >>188771 >>188751 Fat goth girls in anime is rare, much less one that's bratty, bitchy and faults their size and assets like Stocking does. Probably why Stocking (and Panty) stood out so much because they're crude, rude, and full of tude (and food). Most of the fat goths of note are from western media, not eastern, which is a shame because Stocking is the only one I can recall other than Perona from One Peice and that's not even much because she just likes sweets, a diet stocking.
>>188823 >>188771 >>182284 I just hope they make a Fat Stocking scene that's sexy fat and not funny haha ugly fat in season 2. See that weight she gains go to her bust and belly this time instead of a jabba the hut inflated blimp.
(331.62 KB 4096x2269 GGbXX93W4AAByG0.jpg)
(423.52 KB 3635x4096 Ex5k1hMVoAE_LcE.jpg)
I like this artist a lot. Sick he drew both of em.
>>192329 Hey Donmonan, if you lurk, your art's great! Keep it up!
(1.73 MB 4000x4000 Commission_for_MistPurple.png)
(1.91 MB 4000x4000 Commission_for_MistPurple2.png)
A couple of progressively fatter Pantys curtosy of: https://twitter.com/flushednoodles They're trying to build a following so please consider commissioning and/or sharing their work.
>>192639 It's all gay porn and hairy chodes, I couldn't even find the Panty art on their twitter
(1.26 MB 2651x3000 GFeS_qzaQAAfPlD.jpg)
(179.07 KB 1625x1244 GJKkj_4XcAEkS0R.jpg)
(183.45 KB 1480x1276 GJKkX4LWkAAh1Yr.jpg)
Surprised it took MysteryDad this long to draw Stocking. Hopefully he does Panty next or the Daemon sisters.
(485.58 KB 3150x3980 EnWzxggWEAMQcXO.jpg)
(193.45 KB 1200x900 20240322_173112.jpg)
(147.36 KB 900x1200 20240322_173105.jpg)
(203.96 KB 900x1200 20240322_173108.jpg)
Lechubb back again with another W
>>194156 fuck yes
>>194157 Praying that he does panty next
>>194158 My dick is hard smh
(112.84 KB 629x1269 IMG_6595.jpeg)
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(580.64 KB 2048x1975 20240329_110341.jpg)
(450.35 KB 2048x1929 20240329_110337.jpg)
(527.35 KB 2048x1637 20240329_110342.jpg)
By ghostwank on Twitter
(220.96 KB 2206x2206 GI9p8s1XQAAEKEY.jpg)
(137.54 KB 1080x1080 GI9qqevW4AARrZ8.jpg)
(687.52 KB 4096x2160 GJtkfQ8XkAAtk7F.jpg)
Stockings are meant to be stuffed.
(764.51 KB 1650x1275 stocking 2.jpg)
>>195304 >>195552 Stocking is destined to be fat, she's the fat anime postergirl.
(145.42 KB 836x814 GK0YdU9aAAAWCGC.png)
(533.22 KB 2142x1184 GK0YcOpbAAAHCya.png)
(446.58 KB 2326x1236 GK0YaUCaIAIx7CC.png)
>>197025 artist? :0
>>196355 Quality artwork.Guess the artist wasn't discouraged by the grooming allegations. A little weird that their entire following is children, though.
>>197151 Better question is why are children watching Panty and Stocking? The show is anything but PG, filled to the brim with swears and fetishes; I know it briefly got news coverage way in the past due to being "like power puff girls but for adults" like south park but parents gonna not parent i guess.
>>197156 >but parents gonna not parent i guess And that's far far worse now than it was back in the day, but also the Call of Duty/Pokemon audience meme.
(666.73 KB 4096x3782 20240419_013900.jpg)
i like these 3 comics: https://e-hentai.org/g/1696123/bf4ba1bb6d/ https://e-hentai.org/g/1696119/7f7b1b7f3f/ https://e-hentai.org/g/1653995/df6cc2aff2/
>>200682 he never did anything this good again lol
(585.78 KB 1650x2550 Stocking Swimsuit.png)
(527.61 KB 1122x1266 stocking - Copy (3).png)
(926.75 KB 1650x2550 Pig Stocking Underwear.png)
Why is she so fucking hot?
(101.83 KB 1280x639 IMG_2565.png)
Does anyone where it just has panty and fat stocking in a car where some desserts fly off?
(88.93 KB 900x1200 20240628_161922.jpg)
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(180.55 KB 900x1200 20240628_161917.jpg)
By Lechubb
(193.45 KB 1200x900 20240628_162514.jpg)
(203.96 KB 900x1200 20240628_162511.jpg)
(147.36 KB 900x1200 20240628_162509.jpg)
>>206903 >goth >bangs >pasty skin, black nail polish >is canonically an absolute pig for sweets it just works.
>>208219 I sort wish they would come up with a sequel to the eating disorder episode but with Panty, would she be attractive like an actual BBW or be cartoony like Panty.
(778.13 KB 3549x2412 FpS0GOJaIAcSz75.jpg)
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By gozuraku
anyone have sauce on these? censored for BB art
>>212728 If anyone has alts where she's just normal that would be cool too
>>212733 im ngl i think these were explicitly bb the whole squirting juice thing is kinda distinctive
>>212744 sorry man but if its any consolation theres a lot of fat PaSwG art. Us Blueberry niggas are fr struggling
(233.38 KB 2048x1020 20240811_004549.jpg)
By ry2guy2
(156.09 KB 2048x1738 20240829_170808.jpg)
(429.06 KB 4096x2768 20240829_170754.jpg)
(150.63 KB 2048x1796 20240829_170735.jpg)
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By Pink_poison67 on Twitter
>>217449 wonderful lard but i hope someone makes an edit without the words
(704.17 KB 2596x2277 IMG_1136.png)
(2.78 MB 4283x2894 IMG_1135.png)
>>218500 Yah i should have done a textless vers, thankfully a few clicks would do the work lol
(64.41 KB 462x680 IMG_6635.jpeg)
(345.04 KB 1000x882 IMG_6634.png)
(376.12 KB 3508x2480 IMG_6636.jpeg)
(390.03 KB 1798x2048 GVxA27KWAAABxNT.jpeg)
>>173323 Made an edit of that woot pic
(29.37 KB 700x300 IMG_5272.gif)
>>218583 Thank you so much! :]
(261.67 KB 1479x1305 too much pudding.png)
(1.25 MB 2249x2999 stocking.png)
(347.92 KB 2048x1815 BacFw3Ed.jpg_large.jpg)
(347.92 KB 2048x1815 BacFw3Ed.jpg_large.jpg)
(322.04 KB 1280x720 Blobface Stocking (Text ver).png)
(299.37 KB 1280x720 Blobface Stocking.png)
(586.57 KB 1280x720 Stocking's Gut.png)
These Stocking edits are pretty peak
(111.09 KB 828x1199 IMG_7313.jpeg)
>>227715 sauce? That's a nice belly
>>227723 kirachromova https://www.deviantart.com/kirachromova/art/Chubby-Devil-Stocking-1116937537
>>227186 Did you make these? And if you did do you have any more you can show me?
>>228499 That would be me. Anon must've gotten these from my Screencap edit folder. Although, that's pretty much all the Stocking edits I've done.
>>228537 please make more! They are really good and I’m really into Paswg bbw edits
(498.53 KB 1200x675 IMG_3764.png)
Mmmmmmm Pancake Stocking.
(910.95 KB 1650x2550 PnS The Fattening 00.png)
(1.20 MB 1650x2550 PnS The Fattening 04.png)
(1.54 MB 1650x2550 PnS The Fattening 02.png)
(1.58 MB 1650x2550 PnS The Fattening 03.png)
(1.89 MB 1650x2550 PnS The Fattening 01.png)
(2.66 MB 3300x2550 PnS The Fattening 05 06.png)
(892.75 KB 1650x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 00.png)
(1.33 MB 1650x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 03.png)
(1.62 MB 1650x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 02.png)
(1.76 MB 1650x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 01.png)
(1.77 MB 1650x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 04.png)
(1.30 MB 1650x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 05.png)
(2.50 MB 3300x2550 S3&K Just Desserts 06 07.png)
(6.53 MB 2241x1948 stocking anarchy.png)
>>233154 Holy hell that Stocking blob is so hot filling up the entire couch.
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>>234385 Thank you
Happy new year! We fat Stocking fans are eating good this year!
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from lechubb/donmonan, deviantart and x
>>239967 This is why Stocking is best girl.
>>181666 woah nelly, pic 3 is the ideal body type
More fat goth wife
>>245749 Artist?
>>245751 SquirrelPlant Makes a lot of pixel art animations of waifus and does free YCHs.
>>208221 artist name? moar?
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bless spoes stockings
>>245903 >bless spoe ftfy
