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Idol Master Anonymous 03/13/2023 (Mon) 19:29:19 Id:85e314 No. 145210
A thread to revel in your love of pochamasu. Question of the day; with Kanako, Ranko, Takane, and Riamu eating up all the fat, who're the few you've personally wanted to see fattened up and what kind of bodytype do you think they'd end up with?
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Kanako is the most perfect fatwife Ideal wife archetype I don't want to see artists draw any other idol fat becuase they could just draw more Kanako instead
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>>145210 Any of the 765Pro girls other than Takane and Chihaya, who both seem to get a bunch. Makoto especially, I've never even come across any involving her.
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>>145223 It's nice seeing someone actually dedicated to their waifu. >>145460 >Makoto Feel like I've seen her fat somewhere. >Iori It's surprising how much more she gets than Yayoi; guess people just really like seeing those princess types having a bit more weight behind their ego.
>>145460 As the person who requested both Chihayas you posted, I just love her! Tho also I commed that Ricchan too, she needs a lot more fat art.
>>147234 Hopefully we can see more famous artists draw the Im@s girls too, not...frickin' murdellicious
>>147237 It's kinda a dead horse considering the connection and his death, but because he's a famous artist, what was Miura's favorite girl again? There was also an artwork of said girl around the time when Casca gets her memory back.
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>>147237 I'd rather have a great artist than a famous artist. >frickin' murdellicious I feel like I've seen them more from everywhere else. Has he really been cranking them out after I stopped paying him any real attention? >>147248 My money's on Yaoi or the Futami twins.
>>147276 What the fuck are you guys talking about? I meant people like BWS and beltbuster. Miura is overrated btw
>>147312 >bws and beltbuster Also overrated as all artists
>>147313 At least they haven't created a shitty manga like Berserk
>>147328 Belt making absolutely degenerative comics, as all sequences from BWS
>>147328 Do you have a favorite manga then?
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>>147312 That wasn't for you, ya twat. Also I'm with Anon, BWS and Belt are both overrated; BWS still has a lot to learn about top and bottom heavy body types and joints but when it comes to Belt, I have no idea how anyone thinks so highly of him when his anatomy is always off, he overshadows everything, he just barely has enough grasp of perspective to make things look 3D, and I'd say more times than not I'd put a bag over his fatties heads. I imagine Berserk must be pretty great if it can be as loved as it is while never having a good anime.
>>147367 Except you literally replied to my comment, ya twat?
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>>147388 Anon, dial back your smug sense of superiority and lower you chin a little lower so you can see the other person I'm replying to; the only thing I fucked up forgetting Yayoi's second "y".
Some ShikiFure that was posted on another thread! Somebody has the source?
im in another ml phase again
>>149319 https://skeb.jp/@soup_imo/works/1
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sorry to disturb but what is the name of the artist? >>145210 >>145210
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>>153437 Oruka0827 He fell into doing doing a bunch of tits before falling even further into furshit.
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Ranko really lucked out before all the tributes keeping her nice and doughy dried up.
Idiotic idea, after playing and checking around some trivia, the whole ML could be thrown into a sort of story where they're requested to be really big and fat
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>>154951 The fuck does "ML" mean?
>>155046 Million Live, another series within imas lol
>>149740 Isn't you who made the pictures of Emily, and Mizuki struggling to button her skirt?
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>>158376 that's me yea, would love to take requests atm
>>161584 fr? plz draw fat Chiyoko or Kogane tube fed in swimsuit? I love force fed busty idols...
>>161584 Could you do a fat Mimura Kanako?
>>161584 any chance i could suggest mamimi tanaka or kaede takagaki?
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>>161600 >>161963 sorry it took a while i didnt do kanako she has enough art i think
>>162969 Sooooo cute!!! Force fattening situation would be the cutest. I want see more if you can!
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Production studios entirely made up of feedee's and feeder Idols and producers who all came together with the sole focus of corrupting the world into their own personal playground.
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have some Kaori Sakuramori of Million Live
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I'm surprised at how much shortstack cop gets.
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I'm honestly surprised that there was a new pic for metal mushroom.
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I wonder what tomboys would end up stuck in the cute group if she put on a lot of weight and end up getting even bigger because of the stress eating from being stuck with that.
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>>197903 I'm really sorry for this, but only way to manage to upload a text and textless version of the picture
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>>197904 >Single pictures almost at the 10MB limit >3000x4000 But why?
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taking requests no deremas pls
>>201174 kotori otonashi?
>>201174 Uhh...Iori Minase, I guess?
>>201174 Mamimi Tanaka from ShinyMas
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>>201174 Ritsuko Akizuki with a huge ass if possible!
>>201174 Kanade Hayami pls!
>>201174 Have you done Anzu already?
>>201174 >>201353 Just throwing some names out, any of these would be great Kisaragi Chihaya Akizuki Ritsuko Miura Azusa (with long hair pls) Momose Rio Shirase Sakuya >>201374 >>201397 what part of "no deremas" do you not understand lmao
>>201174 a Charlotte ° Charlotte mutual gain? (Matsuri Tokugawa & Emily Stewart)
>>199715 well the images taken from the artist are that massive, I mean are good, but size made me take tha way
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>>201174 How about Yui Ohtsuki?
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>>147417 The most physical you'll ever get out of canon.
>>201174 Makoto Kikuchi, please! Also the Iori there is fantastic.
>>205564 No shit sherlock, he's been drawing the Idolmaster girls for years. I wish I could post some of them but I lost access to my account
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Koume: https://twitter.com/mofumofumafumon/status/1812620283490283745 Sachiko: https://twitter.com/OneHaunt/status/1812658995737567694 Hino: https://nitter.poast.org/b45ui/status/1812964202426081717#m
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I wonder what Idols would be in which area focused unit, breast, belly, and butt. https://twitter.com/7sUFYFhySFsdKN0/status/1818666407347077622
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>>222876 Risa's becoming true Super Bowl material.
>>222876 Hell yeah, we need more fat Risa
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>>225716 Pretty much all of U149.
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Kinda wanna think of which group all the Cinderella Girls would be in, if the 3 Bs replaced the types they're separated by.
>>145212 Whats the sauce for 1st pic?
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Time to revive this thread
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Which Idol would most likely cause mass weight gain, within their ranks, with whatever method they need?
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I wonder if in a world where the idol business's pillars is an idols ability to eat and gain weight; would they go through strength training and breathing exercises to help make them able to sing and dance perfectly while gulping down feasts even as their packed guts are being roughly swung back and forth, to get the audience even more invested in the concert even even more pumped from the loud gurgles of their guts churning away at their massive loads and constant sloshing being heard over the idols singing. Will the higher up idols have streaming sessions every other week where people send them food they'll stuff themselves with as the idol does her best to get through whatever hobby of hers that she's streaming while also having to stay aware of the size of her expanding gut and her surroundings, so that she doesn't end up messing anything up.
>>244164 >Which Idol would most likely cause mass weight gain Minako Satake is literally a feeder, so her.
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>>244164 Everyone getting fat off of Oikawa's titty milk.
