>That's not that hard to pull off since the mainline didn't have VAs til VIII 3DS
That is incorrect, the first voiced Dragon Quest game was VIII for the PS2, and funnily enough the Japanese version lacked voice acting, but the Western one had both that AND the orchestrated score. Apparently something about trying to appeal to a Western demographic that hadn't touched DQ since Dragon Warrior III. They also heavily marketed as "By Akira Toriyama" to cash in the hype for Dragon Ball.
>I remember is my utter contempt for what they did to Alena.
What exactly are you referring to? Her voice actress is pretty good imo.
>I too loved DQXIII
I'm assuming you meant to type VIII, as
>that shit was a double edged sword that was responsible for the ruination of the DS ports and Squeenixes go to excuse as to why there was a DQ drought back in the day.
Is an on point argument. In fact, Level 5 was so good at localizing the game (or rather, they convinced people they were good at it) that Squeenix assumed they could just insert cockney accents in every game, ignoring tone and settings at all, and that it only worked because Yangus' voice actor is a talent specialized in that sort of Bri'ish schtick.
>What's iconic about them;
I'm not going to die on this hill defending censorship, because even if I dig some changes, I can still see them as diverging from the original intent for stupid reasons. But at the same time, most of the Christian concepts in DQ still exist, they just have to tip toe around the stupid censors. Empyrea is probably the funniest to me, as the name is quite literally the highest of the Biblical Heavens. They're casually throwing bona fide God(dess) without the cross referencing idiots at the game ratings' offices noticing it.
>When was that
I probably forgot the name, but I tink it was the one with the whale bringing fish to the shores. Of an Australian island, sure.
>I just honestly don't get why anyone bothers doing it since the only ones who'd have a problem likely wouldn't bother buying the game because it's satanic like Pokemon.
I share the same thoughts with you, I don't know why developers in general would go out of their way ot remove parts of the games when the target audience wouldn't have minded and those who would hate it wouldn't have bought the game anyhow. Reminds me of how the Switch has by far the highest amount of smutty games out of all the currently selling consoles, but somehow some games have to remove bikinis, exposed thighs and the pelvic bones of women because they're problematic.
Anyhow, I'm not here to argue about any of this, please, refill me with some more fat dq lasses, I'm almost out of new things to post.