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Project Moon Thread 2 11/25/2023 (Sat) 04:11:01 Id:9e8653 No. 178816
For the chubby ladies of the city since last thread ran out of room for them...
>>178816 When the Company is Limbus
(255.47 KB 485x545 1700884337523021.png)
(497.09 KB 3509x3456 FKW-m6FVIAMGp6A.jpg)
(81.71 KB 900x673 LambdaZ-870162-runnin+ishy.jpg)
(381.92 KB 1650x2550 1701132065662990.png)
(257.63 KB 1966x1601 Faust2.jpg)
(418.81 KB 2500x2000 Faust.jpg)
(175.26 KB 1042x2048 FpWLTw2aMAA5hpe.jpeg)
(979.08 KB 2603x1997 F1m8gbuWIAI4wpc.jpeg)
(138.16 KB 666x678 FyRVnMsWcAIqVUT.png)
(6.04 MB 3049x4279 81063828_p6.png)
(308.41 KB 2000x2000 F00nfTvagAIHLon.jpeg)
(310.94 KB 2160x1860 112129235_p0.png)
(318.01 KB 2160x1860 112129235_p1.png)
(517.67 KB 4096x3579 Fz1W_00WcAgLDYw.jpeg)
(286.97 KB 589x936 FxUEvBkaAAEOVDM.jpeg)
(79.10 KB 936x959 F2PteKMW4AAjv7o.jpeg)
(77.92 KB 544x607 Polish_20231110_182259813.jpg)
(51.00 KB 498x607 faust_comm.jpg)
>>178816 commissioned this a couple months ago. im planning on commissioning a different artist for every sinner and making them fat/bloated
(69.26 KB 346x541 F0lfQ3qXgAAdC_4 (1).png)
(127.37 KB 685x611 Fx55mO3WYAIHUZ_.png)
(230.30 KB 597x744 Fy9LFRTWcAAGtuB.png)
(119.04 KB 1200x1174 FQjeEo9XsAMTKS0.jpg)
(109.03 KB 850x1122 IMG_0535.jpeg)
(2.72 MB 1266x1806 IMG_0459.png)
(613.47 KB 1059x1022 1704985116609495.png)
>>181213 Nice comms, im drawing a fat outis myself, looking forward to the other sinners
ok time to revive this shit and no i don't have the link for some of these sorry
>>185807 i'd love to see your fat outis. that hag should be impregnated and fattened asap. tho im tempted to spend another couple bucks to get fat rodya first.
>>186032 i love the artist who made those fairy festival pics.
>>185807 i love that hod. that style of gut is my favorite
>>179625 i love fairy wine and sloshing ishmael so fucking much. its the perfect excuse to draw that ginger with a huge belly. got that id the moment it came out
>>186758 Calm the fuck down nigga
(451.61 KB 900x900 68370437_p0.png)
(132.26 KB 1200x1200 1135027361592725505_1.jpg)
(1.57 MB 1583x1235 68469168_p0.png)
>>186758 Seriously, dude. Play it cool.
(171.54 KB 2048x999 image0 (19).jpg)
>>186758 Dont stop this is based af
>>186839 thanks. anything to keep this thread alive
(741.70 KB 2408x3168 20240205_135904.jpg)
(731.15 KB 2941x4096 20240205_135851.jpg)
Ishy should canonically be the size of a whale
(4.84 MB 1816x3000 IMG_0476.png)
(4.27 MB 2196x3198 IMG_0477.png)
Orristerioso has a few PM girls in their stuff, mostly Angela.
(2.30 MB 2750x2987 IMG_0583.png)
(3.05 MB 2478x2489 IMG_0585.png)
(233.96 KB 2478x2126 FyopuEzWwAERN-P.jpeg)
(144.73 KB 800x1200 F0vn-xdaEAAYjCV.png)
(1.16 MB 3000x3000 SPOILER_3.png)
(713.53 KB 2500x3300 F0k29mNacAA-VB2.png)
(631.76 KB 2088x2444 dondon.png)
let's keep it up mah mans we need more malkuths WE NEED MORE FUCKING CUTE RETARDED AND IMPULSIVE MALKS GOD DAMN IT
i mean it we need more like she is just too fucking capable of begin proud of her own fat body once she gets use to it (implied vore btw)
also mommy bbw ryoshu, someone is up for the idea ?
(4.46 MB 2490x3210 IMG_0587.png)
(368.73 KB 1115x1753 IMG_0460.jpeg)
(137.93 KB 734x666 GFWwsbZW0AAmIH_.png)
(191.21 KB 713x764 F_D2IuSW0AAvlug.png)
(256.88 KB 2043x2048 GDafMR3WkAEdUi-.jpeg)
(89.99 KB 828x678 IMG_0653.jpeg)
(68.15 KB 828x743 IMG_0640.jpeg)
>>178816 fat hod
Chubby Binah
(98.96 KB 828x1017 IMG_0667.jpeg)
(120.94 KB 827x1064 IMG_0668.jpeg)
(129.06 KB 1280x767 IMG_0671.jpeg)
(366.78 KB 1200x880 GLGFY9ZbUAARxTO.jpg)
(49.66 KB 886x858 GIsEfCdaUAA-Rj0.png)
(189.08 KB 933x591 GKDsoReagAAuXzO.jpg)
(235.45 KB 987x822 GKDq-oea4AAXzda.jpg)
>>197763 >>197822 No males allowed on this board, faggots. Go to the /bhm/ board if you want to post them.
(294.01 KB 690x642 F0Ka4dZaYAI0_eX.png)
(364.01 KB 730x542 F0p527CaIAE6x1I.png)
(1.20 MB 2430x3900 GJYg_KyXoAAYOkC.jpg)
(187.75 KB 748x1200 GJypEsbWEAAMjjR.jpg)
(338.93 KB 1600x2133 GKxnRzoXcAASHPZ.jpg)
(1.06 MB 3043x3785 GCFgkDbXcAADt8X.jpg)
(102.29 KB 1200x1500 GLAtLQ_aYAAEjCF.jpg)
(1.98 MB 3024x4032 FoJSnwWWIAALZvx.jpg)
(1.98 MB 3024x4032 FoJSnwWWIAALZvx.jpg)
(405.02 KB 4096x3660 F1OjtlWXgAALV2W.jpg)
(86.40 KB 689x1124 GH1VxIKXwAAT6j0.jpg)
(97.12 KB 821x1081 FteVxO8X0AQ0obI.jpg)
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(1.68 MB 3327x2752 Fxqt_2NWIAEEg5i.jpg)
(1.85 MB 3327x2752 FxquC0KXsAIh4He.jpg)
(609.80 KB 3836x4096 Fyn-9-xXwAAOvJU.jpg)
(1.78 MB 2759x3352 GAYyCG-WQAABliI.jpg)
(1.68 MB 2172x3248 GE0e0-_X0AABkHu.jpg)
(1.59 MB 2813x3321 GFm3ds3XMAAzXkY.jpg)
(679.38 KB 1429x4096 GJkA0Q-WQAAXnar.jpg)
(2.70 MB 3342x3926 GJz3lLBXgAAxYoj.jpg)
(3.83 MB 3702x3258 GKr4w4UXcAIjfdz.jpg)
(534.10 KB 1936x2704 GLSd9JcXIAA2Kwl.jpg)
(485.81 KB 1536x2048 FmiZFKjXwAUHd-r.jpg)
excuse the double Bong, fucked it up a bit
>>198119 source for that Angela and Hod?
I like Rodya, There should be more fats of her.
(295.84 KB 2535x2160 20240503_032847.jpg)
>>199987 Here's your sauce https://twitter.com/kekekekekekekk_
(661.82 KB 4096x3543 20240504_025327.jpg)
(312.11 KB 1866x2396 GLt_0gubsAA-ehp.jpg)
(412.22 KB 2694x2572 F7--dkAWgAAXd0z.jpg)
(713.53 KB 2500x3300 F0k29mNacAA-VB2.png)
waiter waiter M o r e Rodya please!
(882.27 KB 4096x3543 GMTHtFxWcAArs0H.jpeg)
(741.74 KB 4096x2893 GMTHxEgXUAAcnMd.jpeg)
(89.43 KB 818x930 GMSWogiXIAAS83h.jpeg)
(1.13 MB 1920x1875 GNFMgieWYAEi0wx.jpeg)
(1.12 MB 3700x3800 20240514_092141.jpg)
(1.21 MB 4096x3407 20240515_003719.jpg)
>>201949 >>202062 source for both?
>>202329 https://twitter.com/swissrolls__/status/1789845594170675672?t=Dz_dw_jWiwzqRLh0mN7hmA&s=19 dude draws some nice fatties
(2.76 MB 3514x3018 DonQuixoteGC.png)
(113.52 KB 910x668 FyhnrQXWwAI_oRD.jpeg)
(557.20 KB 2383x1548 106777723_p1.jpg)
>>205786 ZAMN!!! How did I miss this one?
(3.83 MB 3702x3258 GKr4w4UXcAIjfdz.jfif)
(2.55 MB 4096x4096 GP0IWtqXkAA7axk.jpeg)
(472.57 KB 4096x2955 GQXfnAkXMAA7Ubk.jpeg)
(568.19 KB 2034x2048 GQRfHIBWsAAFqWQ.jpeg)
(189.79 KB 1134x1494 GQz6Q1HWcAAkjwW.jpeg)
(187.25 KB 1496x1500 GP1B5tPWUAAKRzo.jpeg)
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(180.76 KB 2048x1207 GP1B676XwAAC8Ik.jpeg)
(162.71 KB 2048x960 GP1B7nkXUAAootr.jpeg)
(195.07 KB 3840x2160 GObDglEbgAAVH2v.jpeg)
(340.49 KB 2160x2160 GOtR1HuaYAAtCbH.jpeg)
(662.28 KB 2084x2450 GPqdQmdWQAAcZ9W.jpeg)
(611.16 KB 2084x2516 GPEqLT2XcAAtHBP.jpeg)
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(405.78 KB 2556x2160 FytiD4fWAAI_7Nl.jfif)
(621.49 KB 2700x3600 GQ1gXKLWYAAvFvE.jfif)
(142.68 KB 1224x1387 GRNTZs6WsAAghGP.jpeg)
People have been drawing some big Kromers lately.
>>208287 source????
>>208288 https://x.com/priskiez/status/1806879584144458028 Firmly grasp it.
(1.30 MB 2029x1152 limbussy_sketch_comm.png)
(2.72 MB 1266x1806 binah.png)
>>208298 She made this? Huh, I just got off a stream she was on earlier.
>>208393 Very nice shapes but I can't goon to this because Outis should be much taller than Don, though when I went to find a screenshot to prove it I was reminded how much the new artist absolutely sucks at perspective (or he drew Don standing on top of a footstool)
>>208481 was gonna be "cant be that bad" then i saw Heathcliff 2 inches away from everyone's face while on the ground
(423.92 KB 1400x900 Outis drunkardID.png)
I don't care if he doesn't have a MD fight, I need fat Drunkard EGO's
(191.84 KB 816x616 IMG_0864.png)
(6.51 MB 4897x6371 IMG_0872.jpeg)
The second pic is part of a set by Orristerioso. I didn’t post the rest since it has some of that goop stuff of theirs in there.
>>210893 post the rest jackass, just spoiler it if it bothers you so much
(3.44 MB 3709x4320 IMG_0877.jpeg)
(5.48 MB 6670x4349 IMG_0878.jpeg)
>>211302 Ight, can do. I didn’t wanna post the rest since I didn’t know it was alt or not. >>211302
(9.98 MB 7212x4667 Orr Pm QOH 3.jpg)
>>211569 The rest of it, enjoy.
(9.33 MB 9075x4028 Orr PM QOH 5.jpg)
>>211569 >>211570 >>211571 As someone whos playing lobotomy corp rn. This is going to kill us all
Why does anyone play these shitty games?
>>211943 bait used to be believable
>>212220 It's summer break. Kids gotta do something.
>>212223 I'm pretty sure I'm way older than y'all, kek
>>212229 Not even a chance munchkin. Get a job nigger
(626.95 KB 2880x3700 GTXPWkCW0AE403M.jpeg)
There has been a drought for PM related imagery lately, can't find much
What abnormalities would make for the best WG-themed ID's?
>>213255 Melting love (blob lady) Notes of a crazed researcher (text depicts nuggets inflating to explode)
(180.17 KB 799x618 GT4JdD-WwAAMeBv.png)
(1.24 MB 3263x4096 GT8vvjBWsAAA8sc.jpeg)
(1.06 MB 2959x4096 GT8vvjDWgAAyqRJ.jpeg)
(163.03 KB 1290x1912 GUZ_nICWIAILOhg.jpeg)
Spoilered is kinda vore Still not a whole lot of content lately, if you do see something, post it when you can
(2.14 MB 1701x1373 moirai-1034768-IMG_5337.png)
(251.88 KB 1201x1332 moirai-1039784-GU6_rpfWwAA8hjj.jpg)
(143.54 KB 900x1200 GV64bmhXAAA1Tq-.jpg)
>>216891 >no smoking sign >smokes anyway I.C.
(164.07 KB 1200x1200 GV-11RqW4AA8Olj.png)
(85.75 KB 549x763 IMG_7743.jpeg)
(4.38 MB 2016x2752 GWHpyErWkAAaoYW.jpeg)
(855.13 KB 2746x2386 GWHpyEsXoAA2Woh.jpeg)
(852.63 KB 2746x2386 GWHpyErWcAAwK4D.jpeg)
>>189365 Are those ego suits a downloadable mod?
(218.50 KB 2048x1591 20240915_141529.jpg)
(456.90 KB 1696x2048 1000820085.jpg)
(119.21 KB 358x358 image_2024-09-29_013351844.png)
does anyone know the source of this image or have the full version of this image?
>>222033 I don’t know the source but here’s the full image anyway
(376.99 KB 1536x2048 GZOhI-wWgAAy_Wa.jpeg)
>>222033 >>223045 https://x.com/kan_sais/status/1788411978417054008?lang=th
>>223373 who made this?
>>223466 @Mister_M3764427 on Twitter
>>179953 Now for me to ask for some sauce myself, who drew that excellent Geburah and Binah pic there as well as the rest of the images on this board of a similar style?
(2.49 MB 3151x4096 GYhq8bAXUAA2gow.jpg)
>>223521 @yeggsart Good luck
>>207629 Anyone know the source for these?
(351.71 KB 1000x1000 Untitled5_20231207113500.png)
Ishmael is ONE heck of a Jewish name, OY VEY!
(749.12 KB 4096x4069 GZkpvzoXoAIfgGZ.jpeg)
>>224085 After checking again, I have reason to believe that the original artist deleted this set I tried reverse image searching and going through my archive and found nothing
>>224185 >>224186 >>224189 Ugh...here comes another fucking schizo, I guess they liven up these boards at least
I'd rather have it struggling than be bombarded with retardation >>224193
>>224186 >>224189 >>224193 Bro is speaking in Abnormality and EGO classification
>>224270 "Get that damn retard off the board"?
>>224737 Thank you Sinclair
(1.45 MB 2031x2763 outis 1.png)
(965.32 KB 970x1500 s9m638koub1e1.png)
(67.96 KB 1228x1218 GQc7n5EXoAAgtr0.jpg)
(77.97 KB 1228x1010 F3m942oXoAASpD6.jpg)
(584.68 KB 1810x2048 Fy-budeXsAAEoEc.jpeg)
(2.58 MB 5154x4237 Outis.png)
(1.67 MB 2849x2825 IMG_1019.jpg)
(1.67 MB 2849x2825 IMG_1019.jpg)
I'll do oyu a favor and post the files without the bluesky crunching since I drew them
(1.69 MB 2849x2825 IMG_1020.jpg)
(180.03 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9540.jpeg)
(183.53 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9542.jpeg)
(181.65 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9543.jpeg)
(174.62 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9544.jpeg)
(173.56 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9570.jpeg)
(9.96 MB 761x1069 IMG_9572.gif)
(243.32 KB 1536x2048 IMG_9611.jpeg)
(120.58 KB 1000x1000 IMG_9612.jpeg)
(120.99 KB 1000x1000 IMG_9613.jpeg)
(92.24 KB 828x519 IMG_1251.jpeg)
(116.80 KB 828x761 IMG_1252.jpeg)
(118.09 KB 828x1006 IMG_1253.jpeg)
(117.63 KB 828x1006 IMG_1254.jpeg)
(99.33 KB 828x1135 IMG_1255.jpeg)
(2.76 MB 1610x2095 Melting love wkout 1.jpg)
(2.62 MB 2323x1514 Melting love wkout 2.jpg)
(4.78 MB 2553x1654 Melting love wkout 3.jpg)
(1.97 MB 1225x1427 Melting love wkout 4.jpg)
(4.19 MB 3457x1276 Melting love wkout 5.jpg)
Fat Sancho https://www.deviantart.com/drunk-butterfly/art/Sancho-the-Housewife-1156420777
(96.90 KB 827x742 IMG_1397.jpeg)
(222.27 KB 1280x1020 IMG_1396.jpeg)
(75.11 KB 689x1124 IMG_1477.jpeg)
(113.77 KB 828x1057 IMG_1478.jpeg)
