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Ace Attorney Thread 2: Justice For All Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 01:16:32 Id:1b1773 No. 201104
Looks like the last one finally kicked the bucket
>>201104 Seriously? I'm honestly shock at how long it manage to survive
Just testing
>>201404 Who made the last one?
>>201461 I think that one came from a draw request thread on the alt board, I might be mistaken tho
>>201404 Who’s the pirate girl?
>>201461 It was a request done in a drawthread on /alt/ so the artist is unknown. >>201538 Sasha Buckler
>>201539 >>201530 Wait, this anon already answered lmao
>>203751 Don't know who made the first one, but they might be the first artist on this earth to make Maya look hot. Everyone else only tried to keep her as "cute", and some even failed at that.
(450.70 KB 1280x1897 em3.png)
>>201542 I commissioned a sequel to the sequence on the right (I'm the original commissioner). From mralguienynade on twitter.
>>204162 Holy fuck that's hot as shit. More Ace Attorney blobs
It was posted a long time ago but I remember a weight gain sprite animation of that one flight attendent character. Does anyone have it?
>>205815 It is probably lost, I checked the Wayback Machine and found nothing similar, many of these images were not saved, I have been uploading the ones I was able to download from the Wayback Machine and some that I had saved.
(4.23 MB 4500x2500 (2024-06-17) Venus.png)
New slop of mine fresh from the oven. Anyways, how about the Investigations collection? Have fun with all of those new names. Justine Courtney now being "Verity Gavèlle" is gonna mess with me.
>>205815 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVONzu64Y74 this one?
>>201104 Anyone had the idle minded ema skye sequence? I guess he deleted for his page
(148.18 KB 512x1558 1444564947164.jpg)
>>206925 Is this?
>>206964 yeees, thank you so much
(2.08 MB 2560x3840 (2024-07-25) Kay Faraday.png)
>>201916 A sequel (kinda) to the Kay pic you didn't know you wanted!
>>212248 What a cutie.
>>212268 dang who drew this?
>>212307 Vascaloid and I commissioned it, I also commission the following: Mia Fey Trucy Wright Betty and Bonny De Famme (one image) Ga'Ran and Amara (one image)
(738.14 KB 2550x3300 canvas.png)
(1.42 MB 1893x2157 olive greenn.png)
(5.86 MB 2982x4779 07.jpg)
>>212319 Nice. I like to see Trucy and Mia get more pics!
>>212319 You're actually that retard's friend...?
>>212343 Last I checked you don't need to be someone's friend to commission art from them
>>212394 ComicalWeapon sumo body types are my guilty pleasure.
(231.53 KB 1110x2000 media_GS4sYpCasAAp5q6.png)
>>212334 You get your wish! Here is my Mia Fey commission >>212343 So what if I am a friend of Vascaloid? What is it to you asshole?
>>212654 That's a cute belly button...
>>212654 pretty good shit you got there
>>212654 That's great! Another Trucy one would do well!
The photo "MysteryMaya" I couldn't find the original one, that's why it's in bad quality.
(176.37 KB 1900x1300 maya tdookus 1.jpg)
(1.39 MB 3000x3500 maya tdookus 2.png)
>>213879 recognized the style as dookus
>>212849 >>212334 Funny magician girl with bottomless panties now has bottomless stomach! Got Trucy Wright
>>215345 Amazing. Are you accepting any more requests at this time? I'd love one for Katherine Hall, Cammy Meele, Ema or Lana Skye personally.
>>215345 Very cute!
>>215345 you have done a great service to us ace attorney fans, looking forward to the ga'ran and amara one
>>215347 >>215367 >>215455 Betty and Bonnie De Famme have been finally finished!
>>219013 This is probably going to complicate their act a little
>>220867 People seriously need to stop posting Comical Weapon's garbage here. It's not weight gain. It's just inflation.
>>201402 Were the 1st and 4th ones ever coloured?
(1.25 MB 2223x1692 mayaborgar1.png)
(1.44 MB 1812x1995 mayaborgar2.png)
(230.80 KB 1565x2286 media_GXs29ObWkAAdCay.jpg)
Might be the only fat art of Olivia ever
This is the end of the pictures of the old thread that I managed to find. There are some pictures left but they are not bbw.
Credit: fakstachoo on DeviantArt Side note, one gal I don't think gets enough love in fetish art is Lotta Hart. She's such a dumbass, I love her. I know no one asked me, but figured I'd mention her anyway.
(768.94 KB 4096x2261 media_GZe7U5SXQAARsT2.jpg)
(544.70 KB 2304x3072 media_GSzjFXUW0AAyxyw.jpg)
Credit: JustAnotherFatArtist on DeviantArt
(98.51 KB 1608x1269 EEpt0EjXUAAcLDy.jpg)
(75.93 KB 1251x1014 EEZ38y5W4AAdfI_.jpg)
(328.15 KB 3104x1791 GbUWBUIasAAzCQB.jpg)
(25.28 KB 1300x1467 FW-ElaXXwAAkOWZ.png)
(1.41 MB 3872x5904 FranzPhon.png)
(2.00 MB 5281x5549 Miafuck2.png)
(1.87 MB 4983x6644 Miafuckfin.png)
(114.92 KB 916x2002 GZu8Vn2aAAAbhqA.jfif)
(453.16 KB 2048x1552 GdD-QRvW4AEnhkQ.jfif)
(497.07 KB 2048x1552 GdD-QR7WgAA3XDZ.jfif)
(379.12 KB 2048x1552 GdD-Q9qXUAANYzG.jfif)
(435.48 KB 2048x1552 GdD-Q9vXoAAM_75.jfif)
light slob + health issues
(2.76 MB 1708x1208 93136711_p0.png)
(240.38 KB 1168x1064 IMG_3466.jpeg)
(873.10 KB 3300x2620 M4+-+Athena.png)
(76.48 KB 748x1080 EgqvKvjVkAES6mQ.jpeg)
(244.77 KB 2048x1372 Eo0BHhgXIAAmWDj.jpeg)
(564.13 KB 2000x2200 FGFzbDrVcAIHlWz.jpeg)
(301.50 KB 2700x3300 EomKwLZW8AE1ysv.jpeg)
(117.37 KB 889x1350 ES2cKhAXQAEoAJ7.jpeg)
(648.78 KB 2048x1316 2025_01_30_13d_Kleki.png)
(221.61 KB 2800x1800 Maya+Fey.png)
Colored a pic from Joekie3wl of Maya. Hope it's up to snuff
