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Rate my webcomic Chongo The Artist 10/30/2024 (Wed) 20:33:42 Id:dbf535 No. 227412
Hi everyone, I'm releasing a 35 page erotic webcomic. It's a feeder comic about a chick with massive tits who forces her two lesbian friends to get fat with her. I'm releasing this for free because I've yet to build a big enough backing for a patreon/ko-fi. Please critique this comic with any and all feedback, hell you can just be mean to me if you want, i'll respond with professionalism and grace
It's cute and actually not bad tbh. I'm not into the anthropomorphic stuff but it was like a 7/10. Keep illustrating and don't get discouraged. This is a fetish website but fuck it, as one animator to another - keep going yaaaas
>>227415 Pages 19 -20 (to be continued) I update this comic 2 pages weekly ( hope...)
>>227413 7/10 is a very respectable ratimg. Thank you so much for the kind words, I promise I won't give up!
>>227412 >>227414 >>227415 >>227416 This looks unique and intriguing. I actually laughed at some of the stuff, appreciate the style and the sense of humor, as well as that Grezzo reference. I'm not sure about the rating yet, but one this is for certain - you got my attention. Well done!
>>227446 Thank you so much, I'm so proud to hear that you actually think I'm funny!
>>227412 One thing you could check out is keeping the font letters at one consistent size. Except, of course, when characters are screaming or such, and that just in punctual cases. That inconsistency makes it look less professional and more amateur.
I’m going to be real with you. I don’t get who this is for. If it’s supposed to be “erotic”, then the exaggerated simplistic non-human-looking character designs does nothing for me. If you’re going for “funny”, then it’s for a very limited audience. Feederism comics for me should be used to enhance the immersion into an erotic storyline, which this doesn’t do. But maybe the other guys like it.
The desings are pretty inconsistent and oddly proportioned, other than that make all the girls straight, make the desings more appealing and it would be great
Ok first off, you're obviously very talented. Your art style is super unique and the way you draw faces is super impressive. But I guess it feels confused to me? Like the character designs feel like something off of an adult swim cartoon, which definitely has its own appeal. I love adult swim lol. But it's not sexy. Like what you have here is legit charming and pretty funny and cute, but like I'm not gonna beat off to it. So I kinda feel like what's the point, yknow? It's a pass for me personally but I guess maybe I'm just not the target audience idk lol.
........how the hell did i just now realized that this guy's dick is flopping and visible from under the apron?
