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Lipido Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:32:01 Id:d455c3 No. 230141
Does anyone have the following images??
A thread died for this literal garbage.
>>230146 dont see why. i mean, it isnt the best artwork but the man finishes his plot lines in a good two or three strips, the women get massive and thats that unlike kip whom is beating the same horse five hundred strips later.
The problem is that the Kemono patreon importer has been down since september. Had you at least checked the thread, you would had known. You could at least posted an actual link to the patreon, Or you could had checked the paid content thread. Someone just posted on that thread asking for lipido content. If that´s also you, then you didn´t even check that thread either, because someone did share more updated lipido content, but you didn´t actuall check the thread: It´s in this folder: https://gofile.io/d/2WzZB5 Anyway, what´s done is done. The thread now exists, so... anyone want to talk about Living Large? I actually quite like the comic. Except Tatyana.
>>230151 >Except Tatyana. whats so wrong with her? the main gripe i have with this comic is that greg is scum and everything is convenient. like, everyone is into stuffing meghan, for example. amelie is hot for greg, meghan is dumb as a brick. i cant stand amelie. i dont mind mary-anne but i dont like greg stepping in on that marriage nor the recent comic where the daughter caught them and masturbated to it. its getting to be a bit much.
>>230153 Well, you said it, partly. Greg being a cheater takes off a lot of the steam from Tatyana´s character. Also, build wise, the tiny tits are kind of turn off to me. I kind of like Amelie, but I always prefer when the woman starts thin. But I like how her desires is clearly getting out of (her) control. Same with Meghan, but she IS kind of a ditz by now, but is clearly also becoming unhinged around food. Tatyana gaining weight on purpouse is not nearly as fun or hot than the others just becoming addicted to decadence. Starting to like Mary-anne, and honestly hope the daughter gets into the mess. Greg is already a cheating bastard, may as well go full in degeneracy. Also, I dunno why, but I want them both to get MASSIVE. Mostly the daughter. Honestly, if it want to go a bit degenerate, may as well go full in.Greg is already a sinner, ain´t he? Also, I love how at some point, I feel he became the one that is truly "living large"
>>230181 i gotta say im curious as to where this current arc is going. were following meghan through a single day of her life. shes already stuffed senseless for breakfast, then work with the baker gorging her on food, followed by greg stuffing her and more sex. shes going to be beyond huge by the time this strip is over. and the thing i like about lipido is that he gets to the point quick. this whole thingll prob be done in five strips. i appreciate that. i do want to see more of mary-anne just to see if he gets her into the feedee life. so far all hes done is had sex with her. and im also slightly interested to see what happens with the daughter. is she going to join in? or will they fight for greg? kinda like you said, might as well go all in since dudes already screwed up.
>>230141 Are people to really to stupid to find the kemono.party thread and make a thread for an artists that probably belongs on /bbwalt/?
>>230240 why would this be in /bbwalt? its /bbwdrawn just as kips is. whats the issue?
