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Road to Blobhood Better with salt thread 03/06/2025 (Thu) 01:37:30 Id:fc9403 No. 247916
Be Cool, Be Wild, Be Blobby
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>>247924 Bibin?
>>247916 >Be Cool, Be Wild, Be Blobby Are you a child?
>>247935 He seems more lively then your boring ass
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>>247916 That thread starter being a Sonic Adventure makes this peak you kick ass
Just a thought - maybe the schizo keeps harrassing your threads because you aggravate them? Just call it the salt thread and they might not schizo out. Guarantee they'll spam this thread more now you're irritating them
>>247964 >salt fans are autistic fetishoid sonic obsessed weirdos It tracks so well it's almost funny. Next you'll be posting Pro Salt memes that are like "When I get a drink from Salt's cock after I praise his mediocre comic" or "When salt decides to acknowledge us slightly and we all kiss his boots" or some other horribly unfunny shit>>247964
>>247983 Go back to the schizo thread, you depressing downer
>>248049 damn that beach seems like a common spot for the bws lore, nice. She's looking nice and round
>>248051 Where else would you find whales?
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>>248056 Excellent argument Although I meant it in a narrative way, this would be Year 1 Sel and Beach Stuff takes place here as well, as you can see Year 4 Selene in the BG. So I find it interesting that they coincide
>>248049 Salt got bullied into cutting the inflation shit and giving her fat all around...
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>>248049 Hold up, Salt just fuck up his own timeline
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>>248062 And don't even get started on the mutant pretzel that is Serena & Nikume's alternate timelines >>248049 >Those lines to illustrate her butt juggles from her motion It's always the little details that add so much
>>248062 Technically he could save it he makes Brie lose weight, but I'm pretty sure 1. The cameo isn't much for him to think of and 2. It would just be an unsatisfying ending to this comic.
>>248061 Once again proving the age old argument that bullying is a neccessity to stop people making poor decisions The comic still sucks but credit where it is due I guess
>>248062 The only rational explanation is that they’re eldritch beings not shackled by the laws of time
>>248062 uh oh looks like there's another split in the timeline. Someone needs to update the saltverse timeline image now
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why did salt use ai generation novelai in his latest comic
>>248116 Least obvious ragebait
>>248072 It's already an unsatisfying end, this and his previous two comics have sucked. He just needs to stop doing comics, clearly he's doesn't know what he's doing with them.
>>248120 Genuinely, what is wrong with the most recent one? It's all fanservice built around a theme. It's all about a girl being fat, trying to hide it, and getting fatter. Why does it suck?
>>248120 Also, if he doesn't do them he'll never get better. Experience is how people learn. At least he's doing short comics, and not trying to do a 500 page Pixi/Kip dumpsterfire
>>248127 Except he does one per year and already had the perfect formula in Couple Stuff, everything after that has been experimental dogshit
>>247928 didnt know there was a new chapter this is some hot stuff wowe
>>248127 He would probably only get better if his patreon became short-comic oriented but i doubt ill ever happen. I think most of this comics are poorly thought out ideas and the only ones he actually rached his brain were Losing Control and Couple Stuff. You can even tell by the panels amount, quality and attempts with the writing.
>>248062 That's it? That's how it ends? God, I wash I was a rich aristocrat that could pay him to draw anything I want, because I could do better than this ending.
>>248142 Good fucking lord, it's clearly just a reference in another comic and isn't canon. You people will cry over literally nothing
>>248129 The Zelda comic was his only good comic.
>>248150 Cry harder faggot
>>248152 Sounds more like you whenever someone talks badly about BWS. You can't handle negativity.
>>248062 it's as easy as opening the psd and make her wider
>>248154 I can't handle negativity when it's retarded whining pretending to be objective. I've got plenty of negative opinions about Salt's art.
>>248049 I like the size she's at but I'm a little sad, I wish we got to see more of her trying to hold her fat back with shapewear. Oh well.
>>248155 or just adding the "wider" tag to the AI salt uses to generate these images
>>248049 This ending is fucking sucks. It just completely abandons the theme of sucking your stomach, which the comic was based around, for a shitty lore page that doesn't even make sense. Generally I don't like purely story based pages, but if salt really wanted this ending he could have atleast dedicated a page showing she's accepted her weight gain and doesent feel the need to suck in anymore, this just feels jarring. Also the idea that Selene remembers a random girl she's seemingly never spoken to at the beach is dumb. Also two thirds of the page are either just a boring background shot or reused from the Selene sequence. All salt had to do was just a rendered page of her popping a button at work, and a page setting that up. Take me out ended to abruptly with no follow up, beach stuff had to much exposition leading up to the ending, and this ending is just confusing and abrupt. It can't be that hard to create a good ending.
>>248191 Sure it could've had a little more effort into it, but then you know how everyone reacts when there's more story elements to the further pages. Like, what kind of story do you want and how long do you want it to be? Don't forget, YOU ARE VIEWING THESE PAGES FOR FREE, SO WHAT IS THERE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!?
>>248191 It’s actually fucking incredible how fucking retarded you are. >this ending fucking sucks The comic isn’t done, there’s still one more page >shitty lore page that doesn’t even make sense What doesn’t make sense? And what about this constitutes “lore?” >Selene remembers a random girl She’s the girl that inspired Selene to get thick, I think that’s someone you’d remember. >Two thirds of the page are a boring background shot and reused shots You mentioned wanting setup, but apparently you don’t actually if you get this pissed about setup This is why people don’t take anyone on this site seriously, your criticism is shit.
>>248198 Let's be honest, does anyone ever take anyone seriously on a 4Chan-esque site?
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is this good? (art by @friend_of_bone on twitter)
I want to smack her ass
>>248198 two more pages though, i saw it in the patreon shill, unless the cover counts as page one
>>248207 Just in case y’all need some info
>>248198 >You mentioned wanting setup, but apparently you don’t actually if you get this pissed about setup I thought it was the final page (>>248118) so I thought it was a waste of space considering thiw was the final page, my bad. I still think her suddenly not concealing how fat she is was wack, but yeah I was being a dumbass lol.
>>248212 I meant to link >>248120 not >>248118.
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>>248204 they posted a colored version 2 hours ago
>>24819 Never understood why something being free means you aren't allowed to complain or criticize it. If you gave me cookie with shit for chocolate chips for free, I would complain. Not thay anythinghere is real criticism besides one or two post. >>248198 >This is why people don’t take anyone on this site seriously, your criticism is shit. Buddy, you think people take a 4chan clone site about fat women seriously to begin with, you're out of it. >>248230 Hot.
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>>248206 I want to be smacked by her ass. We are not the same.
>>248210 this comic is the critical moment where salt does an axel esque tip and goes full into inflation then comes the diapers and the pigs
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Don’t think anyone posted this one
Damn, thread is still as toxic and as insane as Kip's thread
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>>248264 at least people are being sometimes realistic here and pointing out salts objective flaws
>>248376 Nah, the criticism in here is as batshit insane as Kip's thread
>>248380 99% of the criticism here is legit, salt just has his simps out in full force
>>248381 How is it legit when half of the thread are at each other's throat and blurring the line between bait and genuine criticism.
>>248384 The "at the throat" part is because everyone flips out when something negative is said. And before ANYONE here says something about it not being actual criticism, when it is, the first thing you hear is "Why are you complaining? It's free!" These are discussion boards. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be able to send post. If you all ignored the assholes and actually accepted that Salt's work is subjective and people can have issues, the threads wouldn't fall off so quickly.
>>248388 Phat ass booty. See where u get it from
New page not ffte
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So the ffte comic has ended?
>>248401 Why put a plush toy under her when we could have a actual person. Fuck Lucy guy + blob shit.
>>248403 nope, two pages left
>>248401 Time to see the Kip plague!
>>248404 or, hear me out, NATSU
>>248407 Nvm yall she still fucking 50 and Travis.
>>248401 Somebody just needs to edit the hair to pink and noone will know it was that shitty self insert instead of Natsu.
