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Evangelion 2.0 you can (not) undo the fat Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 19:56:43 Id:fe0098 No. 78760
the other one disappeared so bringing it back
(35.40 KB 600x781 image.jpeg)
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(321.27 KB 1707x2048 Tumblr_l_240991523353398.jpg)
(627.54 KB 3121x2857 FKJhfOKWYAAlc8O.jpg)
(3.42 MB 2500x2500 Misatos_Beer_Fantasy.png)
(156.60 KB 1107x1920 FLU-fU_XsAAOXhq.jpg)
(116.24 KB 1280x1280 IMG-20220203-WA0062.jpg)
(29.84 KB 320x240 E1iDGh8WYAU5-r5.png)
(18.19 KB 320x240 Morbidly Obese Rei 4.png)
(27.31 KB 320x240 Morbidly Obese Rei 3.png)
(26.30 KB 320x240 Morbidly Obese Rei 2.png)
(25.80 KB 320x240 Morbidly Obese Rei 1.png)
...we still have the other thread...40 or so messages until the limit
>>87209 I really do wish someone saved the full res version
>>87232 This it?
>>87272 Yes!! thank you so much
Does somebody have saved all pages of Neon Genesis Expandelion by Lushaani with the text?
Anyone have that sequence of Ritsuko stuffing Rei into a blob?
(1.12 MB 3500x2000 1594238507776.png)
>>89506 That's the one, thanks
Dose anyone have a favorite Eva girl. To me it is Asuka, like it when she gets all nice and fat hehe
>>89628 I like both Misato and Asuka the most
Those are good picks
Removed all of the slob from this.
>>90027 So you made it worse? ...great.
(500.10 KB 2000x2000 CM-_Asucow_Lactose_Sormoo.png)
>>89628 Asukafag myself.
>>90027 better
(642.94 KB 4096x3669 FQ5InvHXEAAUGiJ.jpg)
(375.14 KB 2799x3108 FQ4BQRdVUAE6Boe.jpg)
(96.56 KB 1049x850 FQ7c0mOXwAA_xQe.jpg)
(80.77 KB 730x826 FQ7c0xpXEAEtXBN.jpg)
>>89628 Asuka is a great candidate for fanart. Karmic punishment or something. I like Hikari a lot. (The class president with freckles.) She just gets no art ever.
>>90027 anyone have the original
>>90195. That I 100% agree with, well that and she is so cute and she gets nice and big.
>>90123 OMG she is SOoo hot hehe
How FAT would you want your character to be. To me ever 300 or 500 pounds. Although I can 600 would be fine too.
Your favorite Eva character is what I mean
>>90464 my favorite sizes for misato are the ones pictured here so I would say around 250 maybe??
That is a nice size.
(731.01 KB 2830x4096 FRPHspGXIAIx4hb.jpg)
get ready
OOoooo can't wait hehe
(1.20 MB 944x1080 Asuka-sfx.mp4)
(588.52 KB 4000x3000 twitter_FQmoOC0VUAEz_OJ.jpg)
(595.76 KB 3000x4000 twitter_FRYz9-EVkAIzvEf.jpg)
>>90685 kinda bummed it is for muscle growth
(1.36 MB 1400x2000 560-1.png)
>>90959 Yeah I thought it was for weight gain too, what a shame
(287.31 KB 1536x2048 twitter_FOGjzi4WUAEwcXU.jpg)
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>>90685 >>90959 Yeah me too, also I do like that Rei picture, while I LOVE Asuka more this is cute, although I wish both for these pictures make them bigger.
>>90498 God those Misato pics are absolutely killer. Beer gut Misato is best Misato. I do love massive Misato too, like 800 and beyond, but the super soft gut is special.
Is they a kinky artist who you want to draw one of your favorite Eva girls. To me I would LOVE to see Better-With-Salt do a Asuka one, heck maybe Asuka and Rei
(514.98 KB 4000x3000 FRfSwwyVkAAtH6J.jpeg)
(200.76 KB 3000x1534 FRpwsssVEAADIM6.jpeg)
>>91479 I'd love to see cozynakovich do more asuka, most of the time he just draws her in the background of his misato drawings
>>91484 Artist of the first one? Please
>>91479 O SO TURE, that Asuka one is the best, and I would LOVE to see more. I wonder why he dose misato only. Did he do Rei?
https://e-hentai.org/g/295788/d82ab6a0f1/ This thread ain't complete without Fat Rei
>>91825 Fuck that's hot, I wish more artists made fat alts of their work
(588.52 KB 4000x3000 FQmoOC0VUAEz_OJ.jpg)
(514.98 KB 4000x3000 FRfSwwyVkAAtH6J.jpg)
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(147.53 KB 1249x1501 FSPYkI_aAAIuzVv.jpg)
(3.24 MB 720x822 asukaedit.mp4)
>>90788 Said I'd make my own edit of this in the old thread, finally got around to doing it:
OMG that is hot hehe.
(774.36 KB 1024x768 Evangelion-ShipSizedLangley.png)
fat asuka is so hot
The sequence is finally continued.
>>95399 That i can SOOooO agree with hehe, although I would make her bigger hehe Like this BIG hehe https://www.deviantart.com/pixiveo/art/The-Lasagna-Challenge-869725232
(1.15 MB 1400x2000 560-3.png)
(1.17 MB 1400x2000 560-1.png)
>>95471 That's a good size, I wish artists like better with salt or tashoelle drew her
Does someone have Neon Genesis Expandelion pages and text by Lushaani (Alorok)?
>>95475 O me too. Is it because they are young (I mean they can age them up) or is it that they are not eva fans. But it would be cool if they did that
>>95555 I try looking for it, but I can not seem to find it. That sucks that they are gone. But if you want the picture I do have some and I will put them in the eva inflation chat.
Is there any art of best girl Maya?
(943.83 KB 4096x3459 IMG_20220609_124233.jpg)
>>97071 Everything is good until the hair. I'm gonna edit this.
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(440.38 KB 3000x4000 Part 5.jpeg)
>>97071 I agree with you on that, I think she would cuiter without the heir.
>>97071 I'm not the other guy, but I've gone and made an edit to my preference
(46.66 KB 900x750 Part 6.jpeg)
An old inkykinks piece
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>>106799 Fuck that Yui's hot, sauce?
>>107167 Artist who went by "DoWhatNow".
>>107167 https://twitter.com/DWN3_3NWD/status/1556728898863468550?s=20&t=bgKWc3-0HSE_aXH4AjuTLQ
I once saw a picture of Rei and Asuka in the elevator and they were both fatties. It's not the one that was already posted though, both were fat. Does anybody remember something like that? I haven't been able to find for a long time.
>>108704 This?
>>108725 YES thank you you're a saint.
(412.50 KB 4096x3365 EeZRRS6UEAMyefI.jpg)
Tried the DALL-E AI to connect these two pictures
(1.30 MB 3553x4096 twitter_FcUhHIeWIAITqxD.jpg)
(560.42 KB 3553x4096 twitter_FcULoXoXgAAzizv.jpg)
>>110790 Holy shit. That looks really good. You should try it with the nude versions.
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>>111710 just found out he's making more, he's finishing one of these sketches so go vote here https://twitter.com/pivk00/status/1568927816959287296
(7.69 MB 4261x4194 rei_twix.png)
(61.98 KB 170x176 Borgar Rei.png)
>>109119 Got the artist's name for this one?
>>112182 https://twitter.com/Dasan242 https://www.deviantart.com/dasan24/gallery/all knock yourself out
(505.29 KB 667x1016 image_2022-09-13_173727295.png)
Would anyone be interested in a shitty little drabble I wrote featuring a fat Asuka? I'm sort of going back and forth on posting it here.
>>112362 Post it my dude, don´t worry.
(85.40 KB 1030x910 asuka_clean.jpg)
(105.82 KB 1104x910 asuka_gas.jpg)
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(86.20 KB 1030x910 asuka_steamy.jpg)
>>112374 Alright, here it is: Shinji Ikari was not having a very good birthday. Another mediocre job interview performance, another round of probing questions about his qualifications, another several hours spent scouring the online job boards for open music teacher positions in the greater Tokyo-3 area to little avail. *If you’re looking for someone with at least five years’ experience in the classroom, then why post an ad for an intro-level position?* Shinji thought, leaning back in his swivel chair and taking a sip from his cup of coffee. He stared at the ceiling of his living room turned makeshift home office. That ceiling had become all too familiar over the past months of job hunting. He was growing weary of it. From outside the front door, he heard a set of heavy footsteps drawing slowly closer, then a clink, indistinct swearing in another language, and the sound of someone fumbling with keys. He didn’t get up. The door creaked open. “Scheiße, what a day.” Asuka Langley Soryu-Ikari was a sight for sore eyes. And for rested eyes. And for any other eyes in the vicinity, with plenty of sight to be seen left over. When pressed, she would begrudgingly admit that she was “a bit hefty”, and she was right, in the same sense that North America is “pretty big” or Third Impact had been “a bit of a kerfuffle”. At 165 cm [5’5] and 200 kg [441 lbs], Asuka was a continent of a woman. Her face was framed by chubby cheeks and a droopy double chin; her upper arms were a pair of enormous bingo wings that jiggled and wobbled with every gesticulation; and her ample bosom rested heavily on an ampler double-rolled belly, which, in turn, spilled out onto a pair of thighs that would make a hippo blush. She wore a nondescript grey button-up shirt and dark slacks, remarkable only in that she had had to have them ordered from the U.S., since no local store carried office clothing in her size. Even then, the buttons near her midsection struggled to hold back the tide. It was the sort of thing that Asuka’s co-workers would whisper about behind her back. Well, they never did, since the young director of the UN Reconstruction and Reintegration Bureau’s Tokyo-3 branch intimidated them, but they would have if they found the nerve. Beyond her size, two other things stood out about the young woman: her dark red mane, worn straight and just past shoulder length, and a black eyepatch over her left eye. “You know,” Asuka loudly grumbled as she kicked off her slip-on office shoes, “I’m starting to think they don’t let you work in an HR department if you have an IQ over 80. It’s hard enough to rebuild infrastructure and process people popping out of instrumentality when your personnel files aren’t getting completely scrambled around by some lame-brain who’s never touched a keyboard in her life.” “Another great day at work, then?” Shinji said without looking up, taking a sip from his mug of coffee. “Oh, wunderbar,” Asuka replied through a feigned smile. “How’s the job hunt? Given the cup of coffee at 6pm, I can only guess great.” Shinji visibly deflated. “I’m starting to think maybe I should just start offering lessons. There are more kids around here than there used to be. Hikari and Toji said they’d be happy to—” “Hikari and Toji are sweet, but come on. You don’t really want to run lessons for neighborhood kids out of our apartment like you’re some old spinster, do you?” Asuka smirked a mischievous smirk. “Although you may look and act the part. Put you in a dress and… oooh, that’s a thought for later…” Shinji grimaced. “Yeah, well, I want to continue to leech off you even less. You’re out there making an impact, helping people, and I sit inside all day and put out job applications that I’ll bet no one even looks at.“ Asuka’s face fell. “Hey, hey, hey,” she said, approaching him from behind and gently putting a hand on his shoulder, “don’t be so hard on yourself. I know job hunting sucks, but this takes time. Besides, I set an unreasonably high standard. Comparing yourself to me is a losing game.” Shinji clasped Asuka’s hand and was silent for a moment. “I know. I know. I know. I’m just getting sick of this.” Asuka gave a gentle push, slowly spinning Shinji’s chair around to face her. “Well, I have good news. Today’s a special day.” Shinji’s heart fluttered. *She remembered.* “I ordered a pizza from that place you like over on the edge of town. If you head out to pick it up now, it should be done when you get there.” And then it sank. *Or not.* Trying to hide his disappointment, Shinji responded, “Why don’t you get it yourself?” “Hey, you’re not the only one who’s been working all day. Besides,” she patted her belly, “overexerting myself would be bad for my lithe, girlish figure.” “I still don’t really want to. Aren’t there a couple of takeout places closer than that one, anyway? And doesn’t the one your ordered from do delivery?” “Yeah, but they’ve started charging a mark-up for it. Look, I already paid and everything. Come on, I’m being a good wife. I’m doing a nice thing for you. You don’t have to cook for me tonight! Take the win!” “If you’re trying to do a nice thing for me, then why don’t you—fine. Fine.” *But we need to talk about this when I get back.*
>>112406 After Shinji left, Asuka glanced towards the door and smiled a small, weary smile. He was that quick to believe she had forgotten, huh? Oh, he of little faith. Did he really think she was that inconsiderate? *Don’t answer that one*, she thought to herself, her smiling shifting to a scowl. After years of counseling, Asuka was prepared to admit that she was neither a perfect woman nor a perfect wife. She had grown up with quite mean streak, and it still made itself known more often than she would like, even if she didn’t let it take the wheel as often as she used to when she was younger . *Not that Shinji’s a perfect man himself, mind you*, Asuka thought, turning away from the door and waddling towards their apartment’s hall closet. His vice was sitting back and letting his resentment fester until it exploded. Pile on the abuse until Shinji snapped about as hard as someone could snap; that was the way they used to do it. They’d come a long way in the eleven years since their fateful “breakthrough” on the beach, but they always had to be careful not to slide into their old habits when it came to communication (or lack thereof). Knowing Shinji, he was probably stressing himself out right now, working out an “I feel” statement to clearly communicate his feelings, just like they practiced in therapy. Asuka opened the closet door and leaned down. After some shuffling, cursing, and a bit too much strain on her already overworked pants—a rear like Asuka’s had a certain way of making anything look like skinny jeans—retrieved a wide box buried under a pile of clothes. Asuka opened the box and grinned a satisfied grin. *Fortunately for him, he won’t be needing that “I” statement. I may not be a perfect wife, but I am a damn good one.* ** *Asuka, I feel hurt that you… No, that’s not right. Asuka, I know that you’ve been busy, but…* Shinji shifted back and forth from one foot to the other in the elevator up to their sixth-floor apartment, extra-large pizza box in hand. He knew Asuka did mean well, but all the same, he didn’t appreciate this. He only had the one birthday—was it so hard to remember? He had never forgotten hers. The fact that she had ordered a Hawaiian pizza—her favorite, not his—did not help matters. *Asuka, I know that you meant to be nice, but I feel…* When he arrived, right as he reached for his keys, the door swung open. What he saw nearly made him drop the box. Asuka stood leaning against the doorframe, panting. Her hair was done up in pigtails with her old hair clips, and she was wearing an all-too familiar blue skirt and white shirt—nearly a dead ringer for her old school uniform. She wore the skirt a bit higher than she had on the original outfit; the waistband was wrapped tightly around her belly’s second roll, its two blue buttons visibly strained, and the skirt, which ended just above her knees, traced out the wide curve of her lower belly. The shirt was similarly tight; Asuka’s upper arms spilled out from the edges of her short sleeves like the tops of a pair of cupcakes, and the buttons near her chest, just below the shirt’s red ribbon, were hanging on for dear life. Moreover, the large young woman was drenched in sweat. The pits of her shirt, her cleavage, her waistband—they were all dark with it. “Happy birthday… stupid,” she grinned. “I… I… ” The blush that rushed over Shinji’s cheeks as he stood in the doorway spluttering was as precious a sight as Asuka had ever seen. Getting this dress custom-made had been well worth the cash. “I know you like it… when I get all sweaty… and worn-out. I remember the look… on your face… when I came home… after trying that yoga class… a few years back,” Asuka panted, “So I… Picked a place… far enough away… for me to climb the stairs… a couple of times… before you got back. Just to… get things right.” Shinji stood there for another beat, then leaned over and gently put the pizza box down. He stood back up with his eyes closed. Asuka’s coy smirk turned to a look of concern. “Are you… okay?” Shinji stepped forward, hugged her tightly, and went in for a deep kiss. “I love you.” The smirk returned to Asuka’s face. ““Shut up baby… I know it.”
(1.63 MB 4096x2824 FcoeS1aXEAIaWta.jpg)
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>>112384 Who did that picture
Does anyone here know a good place for fat evangelion roleplay?
>>112651 Your local Subway™, eat fresh .
>>112653 Agreed!
(117.51 KB 2048x1862 asuka.jfif)
Anyone has some good rei art?
>>114939 Zanza has been drawing the exact same pose for nearly 20 years. Holy shit.
(132.23 KB 700x1044 Asuka & Shinji 01.jpg)
(77.99 KB 710x651 Asuka & Shinji 02.jpg)
(84.35 KB 624x896 Asuka & Shinji 03.jpg)
(59.95 KB 800x800 Asuka & Shinji 04.jpg)
(80.88 KB 605x985 Asuka & Shinji 05.jpg)
(36.84 KB 548x750 Ayanami.jpg)
>>114992 honestly hasn’t been that long ^^; though really just a lazy bum, who draws fats out my own weird drive to see a few things and trying to get it, but every body has their own desires for this stuff
(280.12 KB 785x999 Rei_II_by_murdelli.jpg)
(67.00 KB 620x877 ReiWithMoreAppititeMurdelli.jpg)
(370.72 KB 690x846 D3qoGq2W0AEOCoZ.png)
>>116062 the fuck is going on in that second pic
>>116062 old murdelli stuff was the best
>>116063 Gonna edit that second pic a bit.
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(5.77 MB 4219x3207 asuka.png)
(79.97 KB 1280x738 FX694VnXoAAwYMH.jpeg)
(285.06 KB 829x1094 chubby Misato by DWN.jpeg)
(2.94 MB 4082x2349 misato_washing.png)
(359.74 KB 637x817 Misato by DWN.jpeg)
(708.82 KB 1137x1108 Misato&Ritsuko by DWN.jpeg)
(268.53 KB 995x811 asuka and rei.png)
(1.61 MB 3706x1957 misato_butt.png)
(4.77 MB 4662x3486 misato_chair_photo.png)
(274.44 KB 2048x1368 Misato do be blobbin’.jpeg)
>>119102 Honestly I prefer the sketch version of that last one
(467.71 KB 620x418 misato pic.png)
(68.13 KB 1024x1096 best I could do.png)
>>119090 Who drew the 1st and 4th images?
>>119121 Dwn and pivik
>>119105 Yeah, me too. I didn't do the shading and those eyes ended up looking dumb.
Any one able to make this nude
(1.15 MB 1400x2000 551-2.png)
(1.17 MB 1400x2000 560-2.png)
>>119217 pixiveo made nude versions
(216.13 KB 2048x1150 FYOfEp2XEAArPse.jpeg)
(856.14 KB 2698x2036 20221023_211303.jpg)
(309.24 KB 512x512 asuka_1 3785828222.png)
(281.29 KB 512x512 asuka_2 3785828222.png)
(304.13 KB 512x512 asuka_3 3785828222.png)
(300.02 KB 512x512 asuka_4 3785828222.png)
(286.28 KB 512x512 asuka_5 3785828222.png)
(565.88 KB 1812x2152 Older Asuka.png)
(192.62 KB 1536x1536 Beach Asuka.jpeg)
(519.27 KB 1050x1200 94816535_p0_master1200.jpg)
I dunno about you guys, but I love this kind of size. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3727330
(276.40 KB 2048x1657 Fg-SACfX0AAFvZI.jpeg)
Pot-bellied, beer-addicted anime girls supremacy.
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(1.17 MB 768x1152 asuka_2_by_pregai_dfhhljw.png)
(764.08 KB 1309x1500 come_here_by_cookies_cat_dfhicg5.jpg)
(660.31 KB 1425x1200 Misato + Ritsuko.png)
(7.44 MB 4000x3400 misato2koma.png)
by s_caken on twitter
anyone know who drew this? looks like it could be lewdlemage
>>132773 Jake-Jaccobus
>>133235 Sauce?
https://twitter.com/DecisiveTang/status/1609067385558032385 >>133247
(264.94 KB 2048x1733 FnBBVxAXEAMRvya.jpeg)
>>136959 is this made by yeggsart/yegloman ?
>>136965 nvm found the guy
Asuka edit :3
>>139263 Lmao me and a friend made this, it's on her deviantar
>>141176 What's the mouth from? Seems like you two used a couple different images here. Not a criticism, just a curiosity.
>>141225 It's from a vore pic, just like Rei, they're from the same picture
>>141176 Could you do an edit were Rei is bbw size?
>>141176 Stfu ya didn't make shit, don't ya go around claiming ya made it - even when I asked ya for getting some Asuka refs ya just gave me garbage Ya didn't contribute one bit biatch :p
>>141176 Don't go spouting bullshit, you fucking liar
>>141739 I got like 50 asuka refs tho 😩
>>141773 And the plugsuit and base of the other one
>>141774 So what? That doesn't prove jack shit
>>141274 Hmu on deviant art with some refs of her, I could try makin' some bbw of her :3 https://www.deviantart.com/fatwhaletits
(125.27 KB 1231x1371 FpmuHqMXEAIe8dc.jpeg)
(202.88 KB 2000x2000 FpxDnNHXoAEzKOt.jpeg)
(137.70 KB 2039x1512 Fp-yrzMWYAMQ6kG.jpeg)
(231.74 KB 1490x1640 FqymJlhWAAQETfF.jpeg)
(608.89 KB 1080x1200 Mar23_sr_s5.png)
>>146816 did you nab this from /b? some dude saying real niggas jerk of to it or something?
(107.17 KB 1072x1200 Asuka pant.jpg)
(160.13 KB 1405x1200 49Negx44.jpg)
Second image spoilered for slob stuff
>>149877 sauce?
>>149923 ExponentialAtomicMass
anyone got the full pic?
>>149877 If the second image was edited to remove the braps it'd be perfect
>>151021 No that would make it worse
>>154638 It's more effective if you actually post something
>>154674 Right? Fuck all the bumpers who don't post any art, place has been swarming with those lazy bastards.
man I wish people would draw preggo rei more often
(156.10 KB 1315x1695 Ritsuko Pregnant.jpg)
(635.96 KB 2198x1382 Ritsuko and Misato.jpg)
(969.65 KB 1620x1974 Ritsuko Butt Seating.png)
Wish we had more fat/preg Ritsuko. Something about that swimsuit/lab coat combo... I also love girls with short hair.
>>154703 Artist on the third one?
(213.44 KB 1625x1810 Fppq0ylaEAEr-P4.jpeg)
(174.65 KB 2048x1393 FxzhHeIXwAASyoj.jpeg)
>>157298 Get that AI shit to the other board
>>157289 The vital urge to sniff and lick that ass crack
>>93610 Does anyone have the version of this some Anon had voiced through AI at elevenlabs? It used Asuka's voice from the Netflix dub.
>>157298 I suppose they're good enough to be here.
>>157388 If someone does end up posting it, they would be kino as fuck...why not the original dub though?
>>157388 Never mind, Wayback Machine had it. >>157438 I don't know, but I tried getting it to work with the AI myself and didn't have any luck. Maybe the original dub has more background noise or something?
(2.94 MB 2500x2500 Misato's Beer Fantasy (NSFW).png)
Crazy thing that no one posted that masterpiece yet
(82.49 KB 770x833 FzWrZ3uaYAEHHTf.jpg)
anyone happen to have Mari art? rare to find
>>158066 artist???
(152.69 KB 1293x2048 Fx434s2aEAAC6FT.jpeg)
(2.31 MB 3207x2473 asuka wg sequence.jpg)
(2.81 MB 3207x2473 asuka wg sequence slob.jpg)
A sequence by assthethick on DA. Spoiled image is the slob + gas alt with dialogue
(572.61 KB 943x639 image (7).png)
Kaworu gives Asuka a lesson she might never forget... (Shitty edit by me, hope you like it!)
>>162681 (Feel free to improve it if you want)
(64.02 KB 492x488 DtLbp1EWoAAyzq7.jpg)
>>162681 Thank you for reminding me that Shinji is just a girl with a thicker neck, different eyelashes, and a different haircut.
(6.72 MB 6000x5000 asuka.png)
(370.65 KB 720x657 Screenshot_20230811-124138~2.png)
Sauce on this pic?
>>158066 Sauce?
(1.56 MB 3500x3000 ar3.jpg)
(1.62 MB 3500x3000 ar1.jpg)
(1.91 MB 4348x3000 AR4 - Final.jpg)
(1.73 MB 3500x3000 ar2.jpg)
(132.86 KB 1229x2048 Tumblr_l_396973584691898.jpg)
>>164429 bamboo
(1.44 MB 1152x1152 01424-2690326852.png)
Made a Misato fat AI thing, in case anyone wants to try it out. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=4vSxwq747Txz4IPGwiQEiBtjasEt0L7as5K8oRatmA0
(2.74 MB 3337x3500 misato.jpg)
(2.58 MB 3000x3850 Misato 2.jpg)
(3.36 MB 4296x3500 mista3.jpg)
(132.10 KB 615x911 20230822_170155.jpg)
(662.61 KB 2892x4096 20230822_170145.jpg)
(1.21 KB 80x53 IMG_3121.webp)
Sorry for the extraordinarily low quality (it was a beta character ai pfp) but does anyone know what this Misato piece is from? Or if you have it in better quality?
>>168488 whats the chai bot though
>>168498 https://c.ai/c/2fA5BTJ_tw8uRS4k2wMgbtAqzvmZPXhr3rL8PWOhUAs
>>168498 https://c.ai/c/2fA5BTJ_tw8uRS4k2wMgbtAqzvmZPXhr3rL8PWOhUAs
>>154703 There needs to be more Ritsuko fats
(3.04 MB 3144x2265 IMG_4772.png)
(147.48 KB 1309x1087 20231112_063920.jpg)
(125.61 KB 1600x1079 F1LsfQAXwAAItMs.jpeg)
(1.31 MB 3000x3500 Asuka's Growth Part 1.jpg)
(1.17 MB 3000x3542 Asuka's Growth Part 3.jpg)
(1.25 MB 3552x3000 Asuka's Growth Part 4.jpg)
(662.95 KB 3389x2489 Asuka's Growth Part 5.jpg)
(147.66 KB 827x638 image_2023-12-22_182152381.png)
(306.17 KB 1997x2048 ExVUBAzVgAYju5k.png)
I swear, I vividly remember someone drawing a pic like this but with a Rei plush, and ofc I can't find it anywhere
(1.15 MB 2069x2069 проба 1_2.png)
(1.44 MB 1654x1962 asuka.png)
(2.06 MB 2619x2951 asuka (1).png)
(3.59 MB 2503x2654 asuka nsfw colour.png)
(409.19 KB 2048x2048 IMG_20211018_113915.jpg)
Anyone have TheMainTummy’s Rei sequence?
>>95399 >>125175 >>119102 Anons, I think we have a case of lost art and it's driving me insaaaane trying to find it. Ut was art of Asuka chubby, mostly in the thighs, wearing he casual shorts outfit like this https://www.deviantart.com/martu-nyan/art/Asuka-Fat-867554050 Or like the clothes she's wearing in the posts I'm quoting. Sat a table in presumably Misatos flat like this https://www.deviantart.com/fakstachoo/art/Misato-s-dinner-old-872516426 Facing to the right, back to the left. Legs propped up on the table (or chair maybe), sat similar to the way Misato is sitting in one of these posts. Focus was barely on the tum itself. Anyone else remember this one? I swear it was on DA not even that long ago. 😔
>>188835 Okay shockingly I managed to find a low quality image of the art, took too many hours though. Anyone got the full art and know who the artist is? They were on DA.
(210.27 KB 444x250 IMG_3562.png)
Does anyone have a height quality version of this?
>>188930 Go ask in the inflation board, where that shit belongs.
(21.49 KB 360x360 2h0n3f5im4551.jpg)
Can we get more Maya Ibuki fatties, please?
(725.56 KB 1152x1152 22714561_p0.jpg)
(202.05 KB 2048x1857 misatowg3.jpg)
(2.41 MB 2470x2240 misatowg2.png)
(2.50 MB 2470x2240 misatowg1.png)
(352.33 KB 1689x2546 GHCfTskX0AAVrfk.jpg)
(280.32 KB 1929x2048 GHwkiFHX0AA0bEU.jpg)
(1.36 MB 1400x2000 560-1.png)
(1.28 MB 1400x2000 551-1.png)
(1.73 MB 2000x1875 652.png)
(5.68 MB 3288x4592 misato.png)
Does anyone have a higher res version of this?
>>195027 looks like it was wiped
Today is Rei's birthday, please post all the obese Rei you have
(645.23 KB 4096x2462 IMG_20240415_102855.jpg)
(167.58 KB 2000x2000 IMG_1954.jpeg)
>>198608 wtf is the jamaica flag doing there, explicide (just rei) and color would make me bust more
>>198608 sauce ?
>>198728 hayabusart on twitter >>198718 jamaican men like fat white women so that's been the most recent fat fetish bit
>>198757 >jamaican men like fat white women so that's been the most recent fat fetish bit she is asian
>>198758 Anon, I think it's about the Mexican/South American culture thing about them loving Dragon Ball and NGE. Have you ever taken a glimpse into that side of the NGE fandom?
>>198771 i know about it, we all spend to much time on the weeb but thats mexico no jamaica
(613.92 KB 2000x2000 no.jpg)
>>198608 i fucking hate jamaica
(621.89 KB 2000x2000 yes.jpg)
>>198789 did a stupid mistake,fixed it now
(1.18 MB 2435x2225 23_MXB_1_alexpaisaftw-1.png)
(1.49 MB 3000x3750 Updated rei.png)
(1.69 MB 3245x3049 Shaded makinami.png)
Sumo eva gals
(842.91 KB 1563x2653 Scan 327.jpeg)
(410.97 KB 2000x1500 IMG_4049.jpeg)
(404.39 KB 2000x1500 IMG_4048.jpeg)
(409.69 KB 2000x1500 IMG_4047.jpeg)
(307.37 KB 2000x1500 IMG_4046.jpeg)
(3.28 MB 2000x1500 IMG_4044.png)
(3.67 MB 2000x1500 IMG_4045.png)
Spoiled for farting and minor slob
(666.59 KB 1042x960 118250284_p0.jpg)
(6.55 MB 5036x2868 IMG_4074.png)
peak fiction
(5.98 MB 5036x2868 IMG_4075.png)
>>201142 No text ver.
>>198718 There's a common stereotype about Black men loving fat women, and Jamaica happens to be a majority Black country. It's been a meme on Twitter as of recent.
Source please
(481.32 KB 2900x2500 GNUYw9EXsAACK_j.jpg)
(165.34 KB 1647x1237 IMG_2134.jpeg)
(107.21 KB 675x900 IMG_2203.jpeg)
(773.11 KB 1902x2128 Scan 393.jpeg)
>>204174 Maya is so rare and hard to find in terms of fat art.
>>204174 Maya my LOVE, I am enthralled over this image. Had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw it. She is so rare and so cute. I need more
>>204174 Here’s two more of her.
>>204365 Your wish is granted >>204373.
(344.72 KB 3700x2150 1690800386796556288.jpg)
(209.85 KB 1446x2048 GOWnpsrawAAH-DD.jpg)
(225.02 KB 1446x2048 GNeFxGeaUAAO26c.jpg)
(177.48 KB 1327x2048 IMG_2577.jpeg)
>>207292 good shit
>>204174 >>204373 Here’s another art of her.
(1.12 MB 1650x1650 20240627_103857.jpg)
Fat Misato gives me lige
>>208184 I too suffer from lice because of Fat Misato
(244.04 KB 4096x2528 GR7h2khbgAADah5.jpg)
(115.39 KB 1013x789 IMG_4252.jpeg)
(4.33 MB 1649x2201 rei3.png)
(4.33 MB 1649x2201 rei1.png)
(5.48 MB 1650x1650 IMG_3827.png)
Does anyone have this in better quality?
>>214001 As in drawn better? Afraid not.
>>214004 he means higher resolution
>>214008 And we mean drawn better, so far?
>>214063 Source please
(703.96 KB 1303x1732 rei__by_vallavv_dhwqq09.png)
(50.44 KB 680x512 F0DGpgDXwAAyIOV.png)
>>214569 Kill yourself, RIGHT NOW
>>214572 Calm the fuck down holy shit
>>214572 You should check what thread you're in, retarc
I want to have sex with fat asuka
>>215020 Retard spotted
>>215027 Check what thread you in retard
>>214572 HOLY BASED
(102.52 KB 1000x1257 GVOv4vSWsAAZFIj.jfif)
(53.42 KB 1098x1086 MASSato.jpg)
(2.27 MB 3000x3500 GV3OfR0WwAA2DSe.jpg)
(636.33 KB 2500x2500 image_2024-09-11_212227565.png)
I'm pretty sure there's an Evangelion manga where Rei cooks a lot of food and since no one came to the party she ends up eating it all. The next day she's at school with extra pounds and they tease her about it. Does anyone know the name?
>>220058 Boku no Ayanami ga Konna ni Debu na Wake ga Nai | My Ayanami Can't Be This Fat (Neon Genesis Evangelion) https://e-hentai.org/g/382098/3d302c5331/
(1.81 MB 800x800 Misato slappies.gif)
(1.19 MB 4378x4500 asukamisato-01.png)
(1.16 MB 4378x4500 asukamisato-02.png)
Anyone got full pic?
>>227657 I got you, G
Anyone got a full collection of Huurin-Kazaan's Eva stuff? Sad he isn't doing it much anymore.
(172.92 KB 3568x3932 20200928.png)
(374.76 KB 4836x4338 20200913.png)
(878.33 KB 2368x1987 asuka200308.png)
(1.10 MB 2250x2416 asuka200308b.png)
(3.02 MB 4492x3029 asuka0408j.png)
(3.17 MB 3008x3082 asuka0415j.png)
(1.54 MB 2240x2325 200518b.png)
(7.93 MB 4314x2540 201022j.png)
>>227695 Great stuff, got any of his sketches? translated, if you have em. Ones like this.
(1.09 MB 793x1123 20181130debuasuka2.png)
(1.10 MB 2250x2416 asuka200308b.png)
(96.37 KB 2170x2005 20200928ce.png)
(321.57 KB 5562x4004 20200928b.png)
>>227674 Appreciate it, holmes
>>227718 Thanks a bunch! If you got any more, I'd appreciate it. Always wondering if I'm missing some in my collection lol.
(259.03 KB 2048x1366 IMG_3870.jpeg)
(265.93 KB 675x680 Gbj-9SsWUAEGWJX.png)
(237.25 KB 2048x1365 Gbf-8zJboAEpBdp.jpg)
(140.21 KB 959x959 IMG_8846.jpeg)
(533.34 KB 4096x1623 FNAGKPCWQAENBxh.jpg)
(305.36 KB 2048x1572 FE1XZbNXsAMAREL.jpg)
(232.12 KB 2500x1247 GPFRiTbWoAA2BFX.jpeg)
(56.39 KB 900x570 IMG_4163.jpeg)
(273.95 KB 2048x1721 IMG_4117.jpeg)
>>237912 oh, I guess part 2 to that audio is happening then or someone just commissioned something similar
(183.62 KB 1446x2048 Ger3iLrbsAM-tGo.jpg)
(174.40 KB 1446x2048 Ge7gaJQb0AA7CRx.jpg)
(214.46 KB 1446x2048 Ger3iOEbkAAdpOF.jpg)
(238.17 KB 1446x2048 Ger3iOGbsAIKn0e.jpg)
(102.49 KB 723x1024 GgjTcaca4AAmbVg.jpg)
(232.26 KB 1446x2048 Gf4taLfaMAAq9b0.jpg)
>>241582 One day I hope draw like this
(7.86 MB 2048x2732 rei.png)
(6.02 MB 3200x2800 asuka edit 1.png)
Made a non blueberry edit of RidiculousCake's Asuka
(202.27 KB 1800x1800 IMG_20250210_105623.jpg)
(2.87 MB 2048x1554 Asuka3.png)
>>91885 Who drew the 2nd and 3rd piece?
>>244578 old murdelli art from like 2006. Havent followed him for a long time.
>>244580 Damn that's some good shit, especially for something from 2006
(7.81 MB 2900x2300 Misato 3k MAIN.png)
(2.03 MB 3300x3200 Misato celebrate 4k DX.jpg)
6 months between these pics lol
>>244529 Good lord, I hope he does at least one more Asuka shot after this.
