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The Quintessential Quintuplets Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 01:34:08 Id:77ea8b No. 85717
Can I see more fat Quints? Thanks.
(113.82 KB 800x999 1644932446561.jpg)
(463.50 KB 4096x2965 IMG_20220213_130207.jpg)
(437.99 KB 4096x3206 IMG_20220213_130151.jpg)
(526.18 KB 4096x2956 IMG_20220213_130149.jpg)
(557.65 KB 4096x4083 IMG_20220213_130147.jpg)
(405.71 KB 3057x4096 IMG_20220213_130145.jpg)
Need a wg comic on these girl
(1.74 MB 2937x3707 94257170_p2.jpg)
(2.46 MB 2855x4026 96281116_p2.jpg)
(2.49 MB 3023x3959 96675368_p2.jpg)
(1.79 MB 3198x4254 94630432_p2.jpg)
(1.83 MB 2894x3780 94500321_p2.jpg)
(2.31 MB 3872x1342 Quintlets.png)
(1.51 MB 2761x4096 E8LWjLQWQAArlkJ.jpg)
(2.77 MB 2533x3326 E9m66zOWEAIvigo.jpg)
(198.50 KB 1496x2048 E8Cmz9wVUAgt6P5.jpg)
(175.29 KB 1482x2048 E92yko8VIAA9OQt.jpg)
(121.11 KB 1024x724 E1hgFE-VEAU2P4s.jpg)
(207.64 KB 1257x1622 Et4FXDtU0AIdaoC.jpg)
(226.35 KB 1204x790 EMsnoifUYAAz6Fy.png)
(174.91 KB 987x1158 EMdVzVgUEAAqzwe.png)
(373.70 KB 1683x2326 Et7TvrZVEAEMoE5.jpg)
(1.13 MB 1158x858 84426933_p10.png)
(305.82 KB 2345x2185 1.jpeg)
(396.80 KB 1747x1812 2.jpeg)
(410.29 KB 2505x1820 3.jpeg)
(231.55 KB 1200x1503 4.jpeg)
>>85785 Who's the artist?
>>85848 I think it's Motimothibbw
(53.57 KB 543x1000 El02tAIXYAAwYEm.jpg)
(332.76 KB 1778x1466 FBCsNGMXsAA2mWP.jpg)
(1.13 MB 1300x1733 IMG_20210930_135736.jpg)
(156.05 KB 1459x891 E76sDv-XsAEMHm0.jpg)
(1.47 MB 1493x2000 FHKCqfsWUAAVvA7.jpg)
>>85981 Is that a choker?
>>86050 >86050 Yes
(270.33 KB 2458x1602 FHQLh8IVIAAnq01.jpg)
(326.20 KB 2984x2232 E6M9ZTDWYAMREFF.jpg)
>>86088 Sauce?
>>86194 RadicalSquiddo on twitter
>>87369 sauce? the artstyle is pretty charming NGL
(2.49 MB 3008x4093 97407245_p1.jpg)
(2.56 MB 3008x4093 97407245_p2.jpg)
>>87895 English
(5.84 MB 5000x6500 miku_by_ashenwolf55_df3p4d6.png)
>>88598 Hello does anyone have the image of nino and ichika in color?
hello does anyone have the image of nino and ichika in color?
>>90423 is from mitimithibbw
>>90756 Sauce?
>>90869 MeatPedal on DeviantArt
(6.94 MB 5500x6500 nino__by_ashenwolf55_df57oro.png)
(6.35 MB 3008x4093 Obese Ichika.jpeg)
(6.11 MB 3023x3959 Obese Nino.jpeg)
(6.30 MB 4030x2621 LsRQUCHWUl713CmTyYzP8027.jpeg)
>>93569 Where did you get the illustration?
(4.01 MB 2433x1902 555 Kilograms.png)
>>94336 source?
>>95423 Source?
>>95452 Primesui on DeviantArt
(103.75 KB 776x1004 Miku.jpg)
j d d j
>>98976 Sauce?
(1.25 MB 3600x2884 miku__by_piengoo_df8wtw8.jpg)
This one’s great
(9.89 MB 4840x3636 207 - Nino almost immobile.png)
(4.78 MB 1620x2298 All Beef Wiener Thief.png)
(130.32 KB 1212x2048 FbMannBXwAEcypU.jpg)
(1.13 MB 1300x1733 IMG_20210930_135736.jpg)
(2.49 MB 1767x3094 All That and a Bag of Chips.png)
(964.70 KB 2507x3295 Itsuki.png)
(877.15 KB 2144x2019 Yotsuba.png)
(686.59 KB 2196x2548 Ichika.png)
(1.80 MB 2546x3027 Miku.png)
(2.86 MB 2788x3742 Nino.png)
(7.22 MB 5847x5071 Miku P.jpg)
>>102665 Artist?
>>114427 That's from Motimothibbw
(233.35 KB 1741x2048 Fd_UrKMUcAIWbJ9.jpg)
(9.89 MB 4840x3636 207 - Nino almost immobile.png)
(3.95 MB 3500x4500 Miku 1.png)
(5.83 MB 5000x6500 Miku 2.png)
(6.04 MB 4600x5400 Nino 1.png)
(6.94 MB 5500x6500 Nino 2.png)
(8.42 MB 6700x5800 Nino 3.png)
Does anyone have the colored version of this?
(121.55 KB 900x1250 Miku found out.jpg)
(136.80 KB 968x1250 Dress Code.jpg)
(204.05 KB 1076x1074 Nakano.png)
(964.27 KB 2474x1762 Nakano Quintuplets.jpeg)
(456.82 KB 1620x2298 All Beef Wiener Thief.jpg)
>>123369 I'm super upset that her never finished the set
(6.30 MB 4030x2621 LsRQUCHWUl713CmTyYzP8027.jpeg)
(6.26 MB 3300x5100 nino.jpg)
(6.26 MB 3300x5100 nino.jpg)
(4.38 MB 1984x2589 103099313_p0.jpg)
(4.34 MB 1984x2589 103099313_p1.jpg)
(228.41 KB 1725x2853 Fi-jt67VUAEq9lB.jpg)
(860.85 KB 5100x6832 Nino.jpg)
(411.16 KB 2080x2900 Wife material Yotsuba.jpg)
(2.70 MB 4000x4000 Nude.png)
(1.66 MB 3200x4300 Miku Nakano (1).png)
(724.09 KB 3500x2500 miku brainrot.jpg)
>>133460 This is so fucking good
(226.35 KB 1204x790 EMsnoifUYAAz6Fy.png)
(676.68 KB 6000x5100 nino3-min.jpg)
>>133177 I'm surprised there's almost no fat art of Miku Nakano on her pajamas
>>137377 I'm more surprised that's there's so little fat art of Ichika
(346.71 KB 2381x3100 Fj9U0F8WIAAwrVr.png)
(5.86 MB 1357x3204 A Lesson in Shapes.png)
(7.18 KB 270x360 p2537256044.webp)
>>146055 Source?
>>144323 >teh glorious BIBENDVM strikes again
(4.62 MB 4196x2480 nino.png)
I like fat and diffuse
China also has fertilizer diffusion
>>148678 What the fuck is this, a Chinese bot? lmfao
China also has fertilizer diffusion
>>148680 You sir, are in the wrong *everything*.
>>150495 Source?
>>150500 Bludkus - Deviantart
Bad news, everybody: we have officially lost Nitter.net.
(2.60 MB 1500x1650 NAKANO_FC_COMM_LOW-RES.png)
(2.70 MB 2480x2779 nakano.png)
>>152313 Thanks for posting it again, idiot
(3.24 MB 2080x2900 Four times the appetite.png)
>>152319 You're welcome, fucker
(228.07 KB 1833x2048 FvbVEmHXgAAAMQw.jpg)
(5.65 MB 1357x3204 The Deep Tissue Treatment.png)
(118.69 KB 800x567 ezgif-3-dc5fd0305c.jpg)
(658.26 KB 2979x4096 FzKOjM-aQAA-eiJ.jpg)
(7.77 MB 2152x2481 Personal Flotation Device.png)
(1.04 MB 2645x4088 nino (1).jpg)
(860.85 KB 5100x6832 Nino2.jpg)
(676.68 KB 6000x5100 nino3-min.jpg)
(1014.38 KB 780x1360 summer_time_by_bludkus_dg1y7sc.png)
(7.86 MB 4000x5500 plump_nino_by_mx_fa_dg086l5.png)
(6.49 MB 3023x3959 Nino weight gain 1.jpg)
(4.21 MB 3624x4000 Nino weight gain 2.jpg)
(1.70 MB 3747x3945 Mikuu.png)
>>165560 Sauce? Pls
>>165564 SauteedLoin - DeviantArt
>>166382 Damn, just how the fuck did this Russian retard become Meatpedal's friend? Bootlicking much?
(41.65 KB 467x467 IMG_dqao5c.jpg)
>>167291 Context?
>>167364 The aforementioned artist, called Daydada, has an incredibly similar style to Meatpedal's, to the point I think he might be actually copying him. Plus they constantly do trades and such, where he draws characters like Miia and Nino
>>141619 Does There a version of this with Text?
(790.84 KB 3198x4088 312 - Nino Nakano meat.jpg)
(777.11 KB 3198x4088 312 - Nino Nakano meat tightless.jpg)
(904.15 KB 1650x2550 Nino pinup.png)
(4.08 MB 2160x3320 Big Sister.png)
(69.85 KB 644x1181 F8DdMJsXUAAtBB0.jpg)
(69.91 KB 835x1225 F8DEjFhXsAEQdRt.jpg)
>>174936 Keep the AI in the AI board.
(2.48 MB 2507x3541 112138621_p0.png)
(3.07 MB 2507x3541 112138621_p1.png)
(2.85 MB 2507x3541 112138621_p2.png)
(3.52 MB 2507x3541 112138621_p3.png)
(2.60 MB 2507x3541 112138621_p4.png)
(9.68 MB 4500x2500 FIVE.png)
(832.19 KB 1874x1641 IMG_2596.jpeg)
(4.38 MB 1984x2589 103099313_p0.jpg)
(4.34 MB 1984x2589 103099313_p1.jpg)
(222.44 KB 1365x2048 FnzPTVjagAIuZ8H.jpeg)
(310.66 KB 1434x2048 20240107_192147.jpg)
(6.13 MB 3341x4093 202312_NakanoMiku.jpg)
(5.86 MB 4509x4390 115625925_p0.png)
(832.19 KB 1874x1641 IMG_2596.jpeg)
(1.04 MB 1456x1829 IMG_2871.jpeg)
(156.05 KB 1459x891 E76sDv-XsAEMHm0.jpg)
(389.63 KB 1381x2048 E8LWjLQWQAArlkJ.jpeg.jpg)
Dude came and went
(1.76 MB 2300x3240 Miku Dec.png)
(425.40 KB 1609x1315 Private 1-24 (Colored).png)
(2.17 MB 4000x7000 dib659.jpg)
(2.27 MB 4500x6000 dib661.jpg)
(3.21 MB 5000x7000 dib666.jpg)
(1.99 MB 3000x4028 nino cloudlandswing.png)
(29.21 KB 798x811 GLW0OZMWUAAe5pW.png)
(407.84 KB 1519x3158 5 tastes of red p1.jpg)
(851.13 KB 2597x3828 5 tastes of red p2.jpg)
(1.20 MB 3912x4096 5 tastes of red p3.jpg)
(940.35 KB 4096x3383 5 tastes of red p4.jpg)
(765.86 KB 4096x1719 5 tastes of red.jpg)
>>198819 Now where's the uncensored one
>>198860 what's the sauce? Artist?
>>198879 Sauteedloin Comes from Twitter, but I'm sure patreon's uncensored
>>198819 Their deviantart has a higher resolution png, but also censored.
>>198819 >Itsuki isn't the biggest Blasphemy
>>199038 In general, why isn't she the biggest in most of fat art?
>>198819 Sauteedloin said that if this work by some miracle gets 3k likes he'll make a sequel to it. Would have been nice, but I guess it probably will never happen... Which is a real shame...
>>199043 A lot of people get off making Nino the fattest since she's the one who would be most bitchy about being fat and most resistant to fattening up. Then there is Miku who's a gamer making her a natural choice for fattest or second fattest. In case of that massive drawing, Nino gets to be as big as her ego, Itsuki is second largest one and Miku is third.
(4.34 MB 1984x2589 103099313_p1.jpg)
>>199291 Also Nino best girl
(742.22 KB 4096x4096 Professional taster.jpg)
(1.38 MB 3000x5000 dib12.jpg)
(477.78 KB 754x870 D_r71V3XoAA_WBW.png)
>>205879 Sauce?
(515.28 KB 704x832 _miku and ichika.png)
A buddy of mind sent me this.
(1.96 MB 4000x6000 dib687.jpg)
(3.72 MB 2937x3707 Itsuki weight gain 1.jpg)
(3.25 MB 2855x4026 Itsuki weight gain 2.jpg)
(4.90 MB 3634x4093 Itsuki weight gain 3.jpg)
(2.51 MB 5000x7000 dib14.jpg)
(2.93 MB 6000x7000 dib15.jpg)
(9.16 MB 5000x8000 dib17.jpg)
(9.33 MB 5000x8000 dib18.jpg)
(9.38 MB 5000x8000 dib19.jpg)
(75.68 KB 824x864 ELUyQqiUcAAewKc.jpg)
(1.02 MB 2750x2481 FATSUKI-2.jpg)
(425.40 KB 1609x1315 Private 1-24 (Colored).png)
(494.27 KB 1357x3204 A Lesson in Shapes.jpg)
(465.21 KB 1357x3204 The Deep Tissue Treatment.jpg)
(8.18 MB 6840x5400 04-min.png)
(8.13 MB 6840x5400 09-min.png)
(811.34 KB 4088x2149 23-07-14 half quintisentialss.jpg)
(407.84 KB 1519x3158 5 tastes of red p1.jpg)
(851.13 KB 2597x3828 5 tastes of red p2.jpg)
(1.20 MB 3912x4096 5 tastes of red p3.jpg)
(940.35 KB 4096x3383 5 tastes of red p4.jpg)
(765.86 KB 4096x1719 5 tastes of red.jpg)
Anyone got the uncensored version?
>>211261 it would be more interesting to find all the art this traced. I'd rather look at the originals.
>>211261 I'm pretty sure SauteedLoin never made uncensored versions of these works.
>>211582 Ugh, this frickin' Russian artist again? I wish he'd just disappear from the internet
>>211484 It's supposed to be on their kemono I guess
Traced? They don't look traced
>>211608 What's wrong with you? Do you have some personal agenda against him? He didn't do anything. The dude just draws some fat art.
>>211479 What makes you think it was traced?
>>212518 Fuck off with this shitty Russian artist
>>212526 Shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a shit about you and your opinion.
>>212526 >shitty Are you stupid
>>212531 He definitely is
(778.97 KB 1075x1518 illust_121088826_20240802_135600.jpg)
(609.60 KB 1075x1518 119040600_p0.jpg)
artist name?
artist name?
I’m sorry idk how to link the messages, i’m searching the name of the “Shitty Russian Artist”
>>213495 It's Daydada, dumbass...
>>213495 The artist name is Daydada and he's not shitty.
>>213593 Is it just me or this dude is trying to copy Meatpedal's art style? Look at her face for example
>>213617 He's Meatpedal's friend, so I guess he tries to take some notes from MeatPedal. Yes their art styles are similar, but they are not one to one.
(4.92 MB 7000x6000 dib35.jpg)
Can you guess who the real Itsuki is?
>>213882 Left to right: Itsuki, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Ichika
>>213882 Yes, Itsuki, just like One Piece is the friends we made along ;)
(1.38 MB 1433x1432 121647923_p0.png)
(1.92 MB 1601x2110 121647923_p1.png)
>>215866 That's from Fate, not 5-toubun.
(1.15 MB 2539x1900 Eatsuki.jpg)
(4.44 MB 3935x2852 Spicy Buns.jpg)
>>216391 Is this a sequel or what?
>>216399 Yes, it is a sequel
(219.28 KB 2048x1638 GGzrqgnWcAEZ6eC.jpg)
Seeing Nino become the fattest hog of the 5 is appealing because it fits with her character that she would be the most pissed off about becoming that way. Itsuki is more of a natural glutton so that is her appeal. And Miku seems to be the least superficial about appearance and is interested in niche indoor activities that would make it easier to get chubby without trying. Although Yotsuba quitting sports and getting fat would be cool and Ichika having to become some sort of bbw model/actress would work too. Yotsuba and Ichika were my least favorites in the show though so I'm glad they don't get the most art.
(256.15 KB 2045x2600 GONkdRFWMAA-T08.jpg)
(2.51 MB 5000x7000 dib14.jpg)
(135.31 KB 1000x1100 20241011_232355.jpg)
(8.77 MB 4200x6000 NINO-02.png)
>>213116 sauce?
>>224588 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121088826
(598.78 KB 827x1222 _Daya.png)
(207.88 KB 400x619 _Miku.png)
Halloween cosplay I found of Miku cosplaying and cosplayer.
(369.51 KB 1280x1280 illust_123952440_20241103_100555.jpg)
(2.11 MB 2200x3035 E7xKUI5XsAAjwxs.jpg)
(2.94 MB 2533x3326 E9m66zOWEAIvigo.jpg)
(156.05 KB 1459x891 E76sDv-XsAEMHm0.jpg)
(389.63 KB 1381x2048 E8LWjLQWQAArlkJ.jpeg.jpg)
(5.07 MB 5912x3146 24-10-19 sketches quint.png)
(235.23 KB 1388x2048 GbnIiT_agAAft6L.jpg)
(419.64 KB 1884x2048 GbOvOWxaoAAakeX.jpg)
(363.79 KB 2230x2355 Miku Sumo (Watermark).jpg)
(4.17 MB 3000x3000 Nino Nakano 1.png)
(350.84 KB 1280x1280 eatsuki_by_weirdoonart_diifwho.png)
(399.62 KB 2341x4096 GIksHcVXwAAKqbu.jpg)
(582.54 KB 2926x4096 GJJ9zSYX0AAs1D5.jpg)
(742.22 KB 4096x4096 GOI7oL4XQAAoCKA.jpg)
(802.62 KB 2560x4096 GRXM23QaAAALTt8.jpg)
(812.19 KB 2560x4096 GRXM23RaAAAjseT.jpg)
(809.65 KB 2560x4096 GRXM23QbMAAU90F.jpg)
(442.57 KB 2926x4096 GaRcoSKWEAAM8aK.jpg)
(598.25 KB 4096x2458 GeIeUmmX0AAq4cS.jpg)
(469.14 KB 1768x1736 11-24+Private+Sketches+(Colored).png)
(363.79 KB 2230x2355 Miku Sumo.jpg)
(438.53 KB 2400x2995 Yotsuba Sumo.jpg)
(709.08 KB 1378x1364 Untitled8.png)
(564.64 KB 1665x2420 miku_nakano_by_dilios999_diuhah5.jpg)
(2.48 MB 3895x4088 Eclipse on the Beach.jpg)
(156.02 KB 1591x2246 Ggqv5xybAAA_7v2.jpg)
(1.23 MB 3529x3187 80191716_p0.png)
(736.12 KB 1440x1200 95_Miku.jpg)
(1.62 MB 3000x2200 TINTA-concurso+amagordas-ING.jpg)
(2.20 MB 1440x1080 miku.png)
>>242870 God DAMN who drew this Miku? The artstyle looks really familiar
>>242935 educabezon
(2.73 MB 3895x4088 Looming.jpg)
(741.97 KB 1447x2047 20250212_101139.jpg)
>>244801 Glad to see more Ichika art.
(18.91 KB 306x252 20250222_160942.jpg)
Does anyone have this as a full pic?
