/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Demon boys Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 16:46:14 No. 9288
New fetish unlocked Any and all demon boys, post em here. Want to see doughy demons, immobile incubuses, fatty fiends, hefty hellhounds
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(228.17 KB 1280x1097 1491857352.sansyeux_demon_boy.png)
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Fuck off, Satan.
>>9290 mmmmmmmno
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(6.85 MB 4528x5038 demon rex.png)
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>>9414 >>9415 >>9416 >>9417 >>9419 Thank you for the new source!
(8.46 MB 5123x3555 greedy demon.png)
>>9481 Very cute ❤
>>9481 >the goat dude i'm not a furry... BUT
My stupid wet thoughts are coming from how the fat demon of gluttony makes me eat and get bigger and bigger for him just to bed him....
>>9638 >just to be the bed for him Ftfy
>>9647 Should of used tug boats to push the ship. But they wanted the bridge collapse to happen.create work. Even I know tug boats could of moved that ship from hitting that piler. All set up. Now biden got money to fix it.CREATED WORK!
>>9648 What are you talking about? Post fat demons
OP here, posting more demons, to celebrate me passing the 200 lb mark I have plateaued at for a while now
(113.41 KB 900x773 mogg.jpg)
Where do you guys find the demon fat art?
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>>9420 sauce?
