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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Fat Boyfriend (FNF) Anonymous 10/21/2021 (Thu) 04:18:50 Id:5f5c82 No. 984 >>9388
It's a crime that there isn't a lot of fat art of the beep bop boy.
(526.99 KB 2947x3055 EytXKtbW8AIVLeK.jpeg)
(327.70 KB 4096x2048 20211204_070515.jpg)
(786.84 KB 3900x2580 20220207_190416.jpg)
(666.94 KB 1066x534 EuIRgQcXIAUKqdx.png)
(91.12 KB 730x593 EuIRmBMXcAMGRn0.png)
>>1719 Source?
>>1765 "@skiptty" on Twitter, although both the original tweet and the account itself are long gone now.
(11.14 KB 256x256 20220325_024044.jpg)
(11.51 KB 256x256 20220325_024057.jpg)
(10.53 KB 256x256 20220325_024055.jpg)
Do you have bigger versions of the image? Also are those actual sprites from a mod? >>1857 Also more Bloated Boyfriend
>>2169 Bump of the day Perhaps an Anon artist can draw him?
Episode I: The Phantom Bump
Episode II: Attack of the Bumps
Episode III: Revenge of the Bump
(401.35 KB 2048x1934 20220808_194410.jpg)
(308.36 KB 3000x2673 Fbvz3EfWYAIU7D-.jpg)
Why not other boys like Senpai & CJ?
>>3173 Thread says "Fat Boyfriend" Are you blind or something?
Bump for best boy
>>988 Also can someone post the colored version of this? On a side note, is there any inflation art of him?
>>3368 Whats the source? It's really cute!
>>3370 https://www.deviantart.com/iwanttodieaha
Anybody got the uncensored version of this?
>>3634 https://twitter.com/vhite9/status/1585667473059491841?s=20&t=3V6FZOQ4RHmiJoHv45ntOQ
>>3662 I meant like, posting the image itself.
>>4277 Source?
(190.76 KB 1125x900 blubrboy.png)
Woe, funkscop bf be upon thee. (art made by me.)
>>985 Source for second one?
>>4941 Lasercosmo
(217.78 KB 2500x2000 FsGEEcRWAAQS5A2.jpg)
made by @inoreppep1 on Twitterr
if anyone wants to rp just hit me up! soappy#9337
(144.92 KB 2048x1536 20230406_100832.jpg)
(100.77 KB 2361x1977 FtDPj9vWcAo8nNZ.png)
(159.55 KB 3090x2391 FtNGmjIWcAErqfP.png)
Not sure If It's allowed here to show BF and GF to make out but, it's BF related, also made by hornyishoney on twitter
(66.80 KB 762x715 FtCNoCMX0AAN7VL.png)
(137.38 KB 1654x1234 FuwRPwbWcAAyF2I.jpg)
made by @NotTyrantOg99 on twitter
(9.31 KB 454x507 20230531_203533.jpg)
Bump Beep Boop
(134.40 KB 1709x1256 20230716_095857.jpg)
(704.50 KB 4096x2394 yesfhubhsfdbjhsfd.jpg)
Kinda surprised noone's posted this here yet (Vhite9 on Twitter)
>>6763 Do you have the cum version?
(722.35 KB 4096x2394 FHC4QL5VEAEYQtb.jpg)
>>3666 please
(263.15 KB 2048x1693 FgFsJH6aYAE9eWm.jpeg)
Thank you
(35.79 KB 567x541 images (6).jpeg)
(27.68 KB 592x518 images (7).jpeg)
Its too quiet in here, someone, please revive this thread with something
>>7248 Maybe there isn’t much good fat art of him. The ones I keep seeing are very bad.
>>7255 agreed
(1.02 MB 1559x2267 sssn.png)
(145.17 KB 954x1200 E3TVdGXXEAAOKSm (2).jpg)
Bump for our beloved and bloated beep boop boy
>>2284 >>7176 >>5716 Holy shit, that's some of my stuff.
>>7563 That’s awesome, I love your work
Never thought my art would exactly get shared around all that much lol. And thank ya kindly.
(59.83 KB 878x696 20231004_095539.jpg)
>>7657 No problem, it’s really nice seeing your art
Nice to hear!
(23.18 KB 1443x921 20231013_074750.jpg)
(86.17 KB 1032x775 IMG_1311.jpeg)
(65.30 KB 1192x670 IMG_1312.jpeg)
(71.40 KB 894x894 IMG_1313.jpeg)
(116.40 KB 927x862 IMG_1314.jpeg)
(153.13 KB 894x894 IMG_1316.png)
(127.00 KB 1146x697 IMG_1315.jpeg)
(116.40 KB 927x862 IMG_1314.jpeg)
(71.40 KB 894x894 IMG_1313.jpeg)
(65.30 KB 1192x670 IMG_1312.jpeg)
(86.17 KB 1032x775 IMG_1311.jpeg)
(162.37 KB 1843x1322 GAMYpMEWcAAR2cJ.jpg)
by TyrannicalWriting
(228.04 KB 1735x1506 20240108_121849.jpg)
(97.87 KB 1443x921 IMG_7594.png)
(1.51 MB 1976x2048 IMG_7595.png)
We Need More Fat Imagery
(66.65 KB 923x589 20240119_162919.jpg)
>>8707 I wish I was like him
(145.22 KB 630x589 20240119_162919.jpg)
>>8707 I tried colouring this one...
>>8877 It looks nice, I like it
>>8881 thanks for the compliment!
>>9162 They didn't know that!
SKIBIDI TOILET REFERENCE!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?>>984
I'm running out of good content to post here
I wish there was more fat bf, shame not many draw him
Beep bop
>>10248 The fuck is that grammar
>>10303 I think they meant to type "already funkin, in a friday night?" I'm more concerned as to why he's black
>>10248 Blackwashing
>>10304 I think Black BF is kinda cool, but that’s just me
(416.20 KB 320x243 caption-69.gif)
>>10248 Get that ugly ass nigger out of this thread
>>10339 I bet I can get your dick hard you faggot
>>10340 Silence, darkie.
>>10339 Jack off to it like the rest of us you coward
>>10350 The church know you watch porn. Why delete it. Lol
>>10343 >>10339 >>10321 Shut the fuck up
(375.66 KB 800x876 BatBrain-1011194-FNF+bf.png)
>>8467 I regret to inform you that this piece's artist is underage
>>10978 Wait WHAT
>>10978 That’s such a shame :(
(39.82 KB 1920x1536 20240624_100520.jpg)
>>11533 Holy fuck this is so hot
(238.12 KB 1207x1207 20240716_145909.png)
(7.28 MB 6180x3028 Untitled622_20240123215824.png)
Gotta enjoy it
(282.88 KB 2048x1686 media_GSJLkE9b0AAgGsV.jpg)
Peanitis warning
(78.14 KB 1087x735 IMG_0926.jpeg)
Bf didn’t feel satisfied so he inflated my bf oc
(5.41 MB 5182x2759 Untitled381_20230917162526.png)
Decided to inflate with a blue object fella.
(4.80 MB 640x370 michael-scott-bruh.gif)
>come to this thread for kino fat boyfriend artwork >unitednationsfetish
>>11923 I remember doing art trades with unitednations he'd either A. do the art trade somewhat well or B. just didn't do his part even though I did his
Edit request: I'd like to edit Boyfriend and Girlfriend to remove all clothes and shoes to be full nudes >>6763 >>6855
(631.85 KB 861x1080 fnf_boyfriend_blimp.png)
(688.41 KB 861x1080 fnf_boyfriend_blimp_nude.png)
>>11533 sauce???
>>12603 mintsinshq on twitter
(46.62 KB 679x570 GYr0ijoWMAAeKCD.jpeg)
(115.05 KB 1200x1121 media_GYvLYCEXYA475cc.jpg)
(140.65 KB 1138x1200 media_GYvLYB5XYAAGnLI.jpg)
(89.72 KB 1407x858 GYxFu1fXcAAiKbm.jpg)
(107.82 KB 1174x1072 GYxF4txWsAMb5zO.jpg)
(156.41 KB 1600x1200 20241003_143444.jpg)
>>12627 Interested in image 2
(65.30 KB 1022x1080 IMG_4495-1.jpg)
>>12423 Does anyone edit these arts? >>6763 >>6855
(52.19 KB 1022x755 IMG_4599.jpg)
(60.39 KB 1423x771 GZPc-JPWYAAFnlm.jpeg)
(52.62 KB 680x644 GQNareEa4AAebxc.jpeg)
(150.08 KB 1330x800 F-wr_DKaYAAKYEc.jpeg)
(57.93 KB 680x590 GDVUJWqb0AAjPl6.jpeg)
(46.12 KB 680x680 FX1ymWQXgAAcw9c.jpeg)
Threw in some Pico too
>>12756 Dang, whoever did this prompt probably used 100% of their brain it looks very good aside the slip ups
>>12861 That's not AI if that's what you're implying, if AI could look that good it would be nice.
(17.35 KB 600x550 balloon_boyfriend.png)
>>12914 There's original art
>>12923 Freaky faker is good but i don't think i can share this image on the random ahh discord server i'm in
>>12914 The blueberry edit in Edit Thread >>12916
Vor warning
(29.05 KB 540x560 BF_fem.png)
I love this one my friend had made!
>>13006 We need these models for SFM so badly, they look perfect!
>>13172 You can image search to see the sources
(158.68 KB 4329x4383 BF_in_bed.png)
(23.41 KB 496x159 Fxg1X31aIAEcpJ0.jpg)
>>13189 I tried to find them on SFMLab, but they're not here yet.
(128.47 KB 2048x1280 IMG_2556.jpeg)
(135.43 KB 2048x1280 IMG_2557.jpeg)
I requested this btw. Big bellies big butts and big moobs with nipples showing. :3 Slime is entering my butthole and United Nations fetish, butthole as well. :3
>>13354 Ngl, this looks mediocre
(489.09 KB 1280x1120 1-cum-flated-bf.jpg)
>>13354 Can we ban this guy for posting garbage
>>13489 PLEASE
Does anyone have more Boyfriend arts?
(879.18 KB 4000x2000 req_2.png)
who’s the artist of this one?
>>13781 artist?
Would AU and mod versions of BF count here? Assuming so, I have these of that one femboy minus BF design.
>>14103 Who's the artist behind these?
>>14103 Komakomaranger
(721.82 KB 1179x867 IMG_1212.jpeg)
(166.33 KB 1600x1200 IMG_1213.jpeg)
(1004.47 KB 1280x960 IMG_1211.jpeg)
(259.20 KB 4000x2000 IMG_1215.jpeg)
>>14125 Wonder what that mic on his stomach is doing
>>14138 It's blasting all of those sexy tummy sounds on the speaker
(393.68 KB 2000x2000 fnp.png)
(46.50 KB 662x900 Ghx_CzfWgAA5Exb.jpeg)
This one never got sent here, somehow?
Source is Boltames on DeviantArt.
Honestly we should consider expanding this thread for other male fnf characters too, there's so many more that could be fattened up but we're reducing it to just bf
(63.56 KB 744x900 Gj3Iw_OWkAA8im_.jpeg)
>>14364 at this point i think a separate thread would be needed for that, but i wouldn’t be opposed honestly
(176.86 KB 1920x984 IMG_1672.jpeg)
(229.42 KB 670x670 IMG_1893.gif)
(1.36 MB 1833x1730 IMG_1892.gif)
(82.32 KB 1528x1609 IMG_1934.jpeg)
(55.03 KB 1168x1200 IMG_1933.jpeg)
(165.87 KB 1354x1280 Pumpkin Pico.png)
>>14561 not sure why this is in the bf thread, but who’s the artist of this one?
>>14570 https://bsky.app/profile/h0ll0wd33n.bsky.social
>>12627 sauce?
(385.02 KB 1280x1361 1-funkinflation-au-indigo-bf.jpg)
(400.55 KB 1280x1376 1-funkinflation-au-patch-pico.jpg)
Funkinflation AU
>>14601 OH SHIT THESE ARE MY DESIGNS lmao, thanks for liking them enough to throw them over here.
>>14601 How do this work?

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