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Morph Thread V2 TheGuyWhoDidAtThing 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:57:13 Id:e77935 No. 9810
Since the last one >>248 seems to have hit its bump limit, starting a new morph thread here. Share any edits you've made, make requests, fulfil them, whatever. Or don't, I'm not your manager.
Sorry! I uploaded the same file twice.. a huge apology, my internet is horrible
(54.65 KB 800x1000 1716903912xxLamk9Iil.webp)
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(85.09 KB 720x853 lady-yurikka_0005.jpg)
More Francxperalta with huge tits and ass please. Grotesque size please
(580.44 KB 1310x2048 MadzIsStacked5.jpg)
(163.27 KB 810x960 Francxperalta1.jpg)
(276.86 KB 1200x675 Sadie15.jpg)
(499.39 KB 1536x2048 GainingPeach1.jpg)
>>10914 There's gotta be a better name than Seven Johnston, because all I'm getting is the Seven Johnstons, a family with Dwarfism. Got a link? Preferably to an Insta if you've got it. >>10964 >>11012
>>11014 The other two are missing. >>11012
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You can pump up this fat girl's booty, her name is Marli Caceres
>>10728 More Valentine with mega inflated tits please
TheGuyWhoDidAThing you can make a morph recreating or making a likeness of a fat Chun Li. I even included the references The artist and owner of the mod is Fefero-kun from Deviantart
Please, please, I really beg you, I would like this Nami to have monstrous breasts and Robin to have a hyper exaggerated hourglass shape. Sure... taking your time, I don't want to be rude but I hope not to bother you, thanks
(249.20 KB 810x1013 MarliCaceres1.jpg)
>>11015 Ok, you're officially in time-out. Please stop flooding the thread with requests. I don't guarantee that every request will be honored, I only work on the images that I am interested in. As a sign of good faith, I went ahead and did one of Marli Caceres. But please, let other people add stuff to the thread. Or heck, even better: try morphing yourself! I genuinely didn't mean for this thread to become the TGWDAT show, I'm hoping other folks will contribute as well.
(773.74 KB 1450x1017 KarenGillian_BBW.jpg)
An old commission I got done. Could she be made even fatter?
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>>11021 Okay then, I’ll post some of my morphs. I only do blob face edits of gals, and none of that pussy “no girls from your math class” shit. I do ANYONE. Because making people others know IRL or hell, YOU know IRL absolutely massive is undeniably much hotter. Anyways, I haven’t made one in months but I might take requests if anyone has good, front facing pictures. Preferably high quality so I don’t need to upscale it myself.
>>11057 were you on DA at one point as Shaplierspoon? if so, do you have any of your old faceswap stuff you could post in addition to doing face blobs? i love asmr girl morphs and that user (if it is you) had a ton of great ones that vanished. I'd love to see the [esc] reality bbw faceswap gif again
(362.95 KB 848x672 Capture.PNG)
>>11057 Shit man I remember you. I got a ton of comms from you back before on twitter. Always loved your work. Anyways heres an ASMR girl I follow. Add me on discord if you wanna do some more personal stuff. _horseman_
>>11057 These morphs are amazing, do you take request?
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Posting some more of my edits. >>11065 Nope, not me. >>11070 If you’re down for more comms I could maybe try something lol >>11071 Maybe, gimme some unique requests though. Not some generic porn model or whatever, like YouTubers/politicians/randoms/etc.
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>>>11120 Didn’t send with the last but here’s a few more. Don’t wanna flood this thread so I’ll cap it here for the time being.
>>11120 Hell yeah I'm down for more comms/requests. I'm the discord guy. Shoot me a message and lets talk. I got some requests I think you'll like
>>11120 Do you do full body stuff or just faces?
>11130 Faces only, never got too good at bodies.
>>11133 Is there anyway I could message you? Like discord, because your morphs are really good
(1.33 MB 2316x3088 IMG_7954.jpeg)
(1.72 MB 1170x1537 IMG_7955.png)
Can either of these cuties grow giant melons?
(496.95 KB 518x674 IMG_9488.jpeg)
>>11150 Here ya go.
(408.21 KB 1536x2048 GiVks1hXcAASCVc.jpeg)
(865.92 KB 1290x1714 Tumblr_l_1382676698395983.jpg)
(145.03 KB 1290x1882 Gf7ZjJ8XIAAtWj2.jpeg)
A few more pics of tiansatummy if anyone feels up for morphing them
(71.05 KB 620x930 676_1000 aft 2.jpg)
(99.68 KB 600x900 IMG_2494 aft.jpg)
Found these on an ancient HD. Might look primitive by today's standards.
>>11057 Sounds good, and these pics you have here are great examples (hope you don't mind me saying so) One question, what would be the best way to approach you for a morph / to send you pics to morph?
>>11057 Do you have a discord or something? I really like your morphs
(66.71 KB 1284x1284 R.png)
(1.65 MB 876x1898 005_PlumpPrinces_Morph.png)
(1.61 MB 2796x1290 004_Kaybearcutie95_morph.png)
Here are two morphs I made myself, Kaybearcutie and Plump Princess Trying to revive the thread with something new
>>11334 are you schizo? i have never written in this thread until now \_(o-o)_/
what software are you guys using???
>>11057 If you have a discord, please dm me at sapphyalternate
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>>11121 >>11120 >>11057 if you're still out there, i'd like to offer up yoko ono for your consideration. here's some pics of her from the 60s, 80s and recent, but any is your choice. if you're still with us of course.
>>11338 Well I'm using Gimp, but photoshop should work as well, depending on what you want to use and with what you feel mre comfortable
(2.26 MB 1290x1714 TianaMorph1.png)
>>11243 Here u go :)
>>11121 Can you post more? Or maybe an archive, kind sir
(292.69 KB 383x602 kelli morph.png)
Hope you had a good valentine's, ThatGuy! I take it you couldn't get your deviantart restarted? Also could you link to the guide you made before? I need to relearn how to morph and use other programs that aren't adobe. In exchange here's an old kelli morph I did
Here, some boberry morph's i found on deviantart
(854.59 KB 1290x1710 ewvrrw.jpg)
>>11243 hey i actually made a morph of one thos pics , im Perseukz on dviantart i think some of my stuff was posted here before, also finally i know what happend to theGuywhodidathing i really liked his work over on deviantart
>>11435 What happened? Is there an archive of his stuff?
>>11343 my discord is puygurple. opening $5 blob face comms, any gal. politican, youtuber, family. whatever. will take me a bit to check, so send away!
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>>11344 would gladly! again, literally ANYONE lol (based pick) just shoot me a friend request on my aforementioned discord :D ALSO. to prove it’s me, here’s some more faces for ya’ll!
(3.05 MB 3024x4032 007_ElizaAllure_morph.jpg)
(2.93 MB 1293x1984 009_Bimbunny_morph.png)
(2.90 MB 1293x1984 010_Bimbunny_morph_bigger.png)
Hey, thought I try my best to morph again and get some more body morphs going, those blob faces look great, but a face needs a body.
(104.35 KB 1170x655 029_3nchantress_morph.jpg)
(105.85 KB 481x856 031_feedeenamimi_morph.jpg)
(312.43 KB 1920x1080 042_kittypiggy_morph.jpg)
(215.42 KB 867x856 036_3nchantress_morph.jpg)
(406.84 KB 2472x1425 045_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(344.30 KB 1400x1050 043_yvonnefox_morph.jpg)
Back again to revive again. Trying to morph some more and get bit better
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(3.99 MB 1401x2493 artstationmorph_01.png)
posting some random morphs I slapped together.
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(350.70 KB 687x800 britmorph_00.png)
(793.43 KB 720x1280 gingerbunnymorph_00.png)
(517.17 KB 582x758 k8tlynmoprh_00.png)
(60.58 KB 1121x989 nagihikarmorph_00.webm)
(403.44 KB 608x1080 britmorph_01.webm)
>>11057 Is this your old account? https://www.deviantart.com/excessiveblubber/art/Vanessa-Guilarte-Blob-929662750
>>11460 Can I send you requests here if I don’t use discord?
>>11344 best i can give you, is a puff ball of the third image
(109.28 KB 835x957 056_boberry_morph.jpg)
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(124.07 KB 1192x670 054_Lisalou_morph.jpg)
(139.95 KB 1284x736 048_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(377.18 KB 1284x1982 046_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(312.43 KB 1920x1080 042_kittypiggy_morph.jpg)
and back at it with some more morphs i made
(156.35 KB 1152x1440 018_succubabe_morph.jpg)
(107.46 KB 1180x677 026_carolinareaper222_morph.jpg)
(406.84 KB 2472x1425 045_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(442.71 KB 1290x2284 049_babybae_morph.jpg)
(986.47 KB 1284x1725 020_thickhungryhoney_morph.jpg)
(2.66 MB 3024x4065 050_striderscribe_morph.jpg)
>>11537 and some more
