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(1.32 MB 1290x1266 LRMBBW1.png)
(1.93 MB 1440x1800 MadyGio2.png)
(1.76 MB 1170x1165 DevilKaly1.png)
(2.69 MB 1210x1613 StepannieReyes1.png)
(2.06 MB 1386x919 Kiyomi3.png)
Morph Thread V2 TheGuyWhoDidAtThing 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:57:13 Id:e77935 No. 9810
Since the last one >>248 seems to have hit its bump limit, starting a new morph thread here. Share any edits you've made, make requests, fulfil them, whatever. Or don't, I'm not your manager.
(592.86 KB 1206x750 IMG_2213.jpeg)
(723.48 KB 1116x750 IMG_2214.jpeg)
(630.31 KB 750x948 IMG_2215.jpeg)
>>9810 Since you asked for requests, can you make JJ bigger in any of these? And when I say bigger, I mean BIGGER! Thanks!
(1.08 MB 750x948 JuicyJackie5.png)
(1.03 MB 1206x737 JuicyJackie4.png)
(2.11 MB 1104x1260 JuicyJackie1.png)
(344.99 KB 779x597 JuicyJackie1.jpg)
>>9819 I think so.
(657.92 KB 898x834 UNK281.png)
(690.93 KB 827x748 UNK282.png)
>>9822 Here's a couple quick ones.
This looks great
And can you morph first one into and ssbbw?
>>9820 Wow! Can you make some of these Boberry "afters" bigger? too
(1.42 MB 1275x806 Boberry6.png)
(939.82 KB 1280x509 Boberry7.png)
(1.09 MB 1080x1287 UNK279.png)
(1.46 MB 884x1787 KaylaPaolini4.png)
(1.74 MB 1920x1075 EmmaPear4.png)
>>9847 Sure. Plus a few more randos.
(933.74 KB 2250x3000 9.jpg)
(405.76 KB 2250x3000 14.jpeg)
You do some good shit man. Here's my requests.
Might as well throw my hat into the ring with a request for ssbbwladyJ to be made (somehow) even bigger and fatter!
(874.24 KB 856x856 ssbbwLadyJiggles4.png)
(2.31 MB 1158x1544 ssbbwLadyJiggles5.png)
(3.08 MB 1120x1500 BBWChan6.png)
(1.32 MB 1440x1080 Jugosaurus1.png)
(1.60 MB 1152x1439 KatiCalli3.png)
>>9855 >>9874 Here you go. Anyone got a name for the blonde in pink?
Thanks for the morph m8, faces are bit fatter than what I usually go for, but these are still fantastic! And I think the blonde is Boberry with a wig on (might be wrong tho) >>9907
(180.02 KB 1164x1183 IMG_0221.jpeg)
(191.96 KB 1164x2093 IMG_0222.jpeg)
(189.48 KB 1164x2110 IMG_0223.jpeg)
(242.78 KB 1164x2332 IMG_0224.jpeg)
Gotta see more Howdy content, bigger assets please!
(1.98 MB 958x1420 SSBBWSasha2.png)
(1.07 MB 872x1747 HowdyHowdyYall1-5.png)
(2.13 MB 1075x1434 ElizaAllure1.png)
(2.10 MB 1080x1349 HazelMay38K-1.png)
(2.36 MB 1080x1343 ZeniZounds1.png)
>>9907 Ah, yeah. Now I see it. >>9911 Of course! >>9914 Why not. And a few others, of course.
(57.48 KB 696x1034 Maddie-Phillips-hot.jpeg)
(53.12 KB 700x875 a43Ndgy_700bwp.webp)
Could anyone morph them into ssbbws ?
(644.32 KB 700x875 MaddiePhillips1.png)
(813.09 KB 873x1583 HowdyHowdyYall1-6.png)
(4.06 MB 1440x1800 JuiceXTea4.png)
(4.00 MB 1440x1800 LouisaKhovanski2.png)
>>9914 one more. >>9932 Sure. For the second woman, you got a name or an insta for her? surprisingly, Sexyfatbitch doesn't turn up many useful results. The photo you've attached is not great for editing, but I'd be happy to take a crack at a different one.
>>9933 On insta she is called piablossom
Always thought Gracie could use a "few" extra pounds, anyone willing to see that through?
(1.18 MB 1242x1540 IMG_4457.jpeg)
(1.03 MB 1242x1445 IMG_4456.jpeg)
(1.66 MB 1242x1543 IMG_4455.jpeg)
(1.73 MB 1242x1546 IMG_4458.jpeg)
May I request more of ssbbwladyj being even bigger?
Saw these and thought I'd just throw em here as a request(s)
(1.99 MB 1242x1445 ssbbwLadyJiggles6.png)
(1.90 MB 1080x1921 GracieBon2.png)
(3.32 MB 1242x1546 ssbbwLadyJiggles7.png)
>>9935 Thanks! Unfortunately I don't see any particularly good candidates there. Apologies. >>9939 >>9940 Here you go.
(2.73 MB 1536x2048 AStarBabyXO-1.png)
(1.33 MB 1080x1080 bbw-chan5.png)
(1.73 MB 1080x1350 KatiCalli6.png)
(1.71 MB 1079x1694 Georgina-Gee3.png)
>>9941 Who might the second person be?
I am looking for a .gif of a girl going up some stairs and growing. It was short.
>>9947 suzana zvonar
(608.17 KB 1290x2244 IMG_2478.jpeg)
(804.31 KB 1290x2177 IMG_2479.jpeg)
(722.56 KB 1290x1849 IMG_2480.jpeg)
(805.88 KB 1290x2110 IMG_2481.jpeg)
Anyone want to take a crack at these two?
another juicy jackie request pls make her huge
may I request carolinareaper222 be made wayy fatter?
(159.75 KB 750x665 IMG_3183.jpeg)
(182.49 KB 750x1184 IMG_3184.jpeg)
(160.89 KB 750x920 IMG_3185.jpeg)
(117.63 KB 750x459 IMG_3187.jpeg)
(119.21 KB 743x607 IMG_3188.jpeg)
>>9959 Since you’re requesting JJ, I’ll throw my hat into the ring!
(49.24 KB 540x714 13520735.jpg)
(117.89 KB 909x1200 13520747.jpg)
(138.60 KB 850x1200 13513622.jpg)
(1.17 MB 1365x2000 15840387.jpg)
Requesting some more Boberry.
(1001.16 KB 1108x738 JuicyJackie6.png)
(1.57 MB 1080x1350 JuicyJackie7.png)
(729.38 KB 642x856 CarolinaReaper222-2.png)
(1.50 MB 884x1566 CarolinaReaper222-1.png)
(829.77 KB 750x920 JuicyJackie8.png)
>>9959 >>9960 >>9961 Yep, yep, and yep.
(662.87 KB 1289x720 Dumplin2.png)
(2.41 MB 2027x1141 EmmaPear5.png)
(6.09 MB 2836x2038 LRMBBW3-Comp.png)
>>9968 And here's a few more randoms. I'm particularly proud of how the last one turned out.
(113.27 KB 750x741 IMG_3337.jpeg)
>>9810 To The Guy Who Did A Thing - I know this is a morph thread, but I beg you, IMPLORE you to please work your AI magic on this magnificent butterball. The artist is OlGrizzle on DA, as I know you don’t like stepping on toes.
(324.25 KB 1080x1080 9o75P6IkbVI.jpg)
(1.39 MB 1620x2160 NNWKs9jMstw.jpg)
(350.69 KB 1619x1498 qCaUkxbn61k.jpg)
(157.08 KB 788x662 lxeZakkCBSA.jpg)
(679.83 KB 1320x2048 v5axABqw8Hg.jpg)
Anyone wants to make these fine ladies even bigger?
Request for Cookie_bbw
Chloe deserves to be even fatter, anyone agree?
(836.53 KB 828x1296 IMG_0227.png)
(482.48 KB 828x972 IMG_0232.png)
(1.04 MB 828x1066 IMG_0230.png)
Can anyone make cali_feeder from feabie fatter?
She'd look better with a few (hundred) lbs no? Anyone wants to help her gain?
(834.71 KB 2499x3781 20240923_030716.jpg)
>>9995 Forgor pic w/original request l, my bad
(2.78 MB 1478x1447 HeavyBed8.png)
>>9978 Well, since you asked so nicely...
(1.36 MB 792x1229 bbwChan7.png)
(2.84 MB 1215x1620 bbwChan8.png)
(1.45 MB 1080x1080 bbwChan9.png)
(1.58 MB 1126x1582 cookie8.png)
(2.74 MB 2252x4000 CookieBBw7.jpg)
>>9979 What are the names of these three models? They all look so familiar, but I can't place them. >>9980 Love me some Cookie.
(2.24 MB 1013x1391 Chloe1.png)
(2.37 MB 1040x1503 Chloe2.png)
(1.43 MB 960x1280 BigCutiesChloe4.png)
(1.05 MB 1000x976 BigCutiesChloe3.png)
>>9982 She always does.
>>10005 the first one is an old pic of tianastummy second one goes with CandiceCurves i dont know the name for the third one
>>10004 Truly remarkable job here! Thank you so much! You’re the Michaelangelo of fat women!
(1.72 MB 3840x2880 IMG_7218.JPG)
(1.18 MB 2316x3088 IMG_7216.JPG)
(2.11 MB 3024x4032 IMG_7213.JPG)
(295.20 KB 1920x1335 IMG_6869.JPG)
(456.69 KB 1536x2048 IMG_6887.JPG)
Can anyone please morph 'Nixlynka,' making her look a BBW, and have a thicker booty as well a very chubby belly.As well bigger breast.
(3.31 MB 1250x1891 bbwChan10.png)
(2.56 MB 1152x1536 NixLynka1.png)
(3.95 MB 1512x2016 NixLynka2.png)
>>9996 Ooh, always nice to get a little color in the mix. Got a name? >>10032 yep.
She's @hugetulip on twitter >>10040
(1.43 MB 1242x1544 IMG_4661.jpeg)
(1.15 MB 1242x1429 IMG_4662.jpeg)
(1.42 MB 1242x1417 IMG_4663.jpeg)
Can someone make alywiththecurves way more fatter, with a really chubby face too pls?
(2.67 MB 1242x1417 Alywiththecurves1.png)
(1.09 MB 952x1184 DemoraAvarice4.png)
>>10073 that looks amazing. can you please make enchantress much fatter?
>>10079 Here's something. In other news, my DA account just got suspended. Fingers crossed I can get reinstated. I was just a few followers away from 15K, and it'd be a shame to loose them all.
(656.23 KB 1170x655 Enchantress1.png)
>>10081 fuck, forgot the photo
(101.75 KB 1188x1000 z822mmwasmsd1.webp)
(135.16 KB 1284x1596 obgateoh6msd1.webp)
If you would be able to work your magic?
(1.20 MB 1188x1000 bbwChan11.png)
(1.28 MB 963x1197 bbwChan12.png)
>>10087 Sure! Do you have a name? She looks familiar.
(2.30 MB 1367x1308 r3iZwpY.png)
(367.23 KB 1740x2048 GLkAMD9XQAA1cU4 tally.jpg)
(578.26 KB 1536x2048 GWpzUj6WoAAnVbT.jpg)
(605.21 KB 1460x2048 GWpzUjIXMAAJoZC.jpg)
Throwing my hat in this by sharing some images that hopefully you think have morphing potential! They're obviously already quite busty, but I imagine they'd look even better bigger, maybe straight up fatter if that's possible!
(2.51 MB 964x1352 TallyBerry2.png)
(2.42 MB 1080x1309 bbwChan15.png)
(1.50 MB 1440x1800 bbwChan13.png)
(1.82 MB 828x1792 MadisonSkyy1.png)
(479.84 KB 1108x539 bbw-Jazz1.png)
>>10142 I'm also including a response on the old thread here: >>10141
(462.99 KB 1242x1547 IMG_4761.jpeg)
(87.95 KB 470x697 IMG_4762.jpeg)
(84.62 KB 658x694 IMG_4763.jpeg)
May I request TheDumplin even fatter and bigger with a chubbier face too pls
(439.54 KB 470x696 Dumplin4.png)
(674.89 KB 768x768 Dumplin3.png)
(662.87 KB 1289x720 Dumplin2.png)
(1.64 MB 1080x1350 JessyBunny3.png)
(2.14 MB 1440x1800 MiaSaKhalif5.png)
(1.16 MB 864x1536 bbwChan14.png)
more fat focused ideas if any interest you :) your morphs are probably the best out there, I hope you are able to recover your DA account.
(1.60 MB 900x1350 bbwChan17.png)
(1.93 MB 1440x1080 DemoraAvarice5.png)
(3.55 MB 1440x1800 Lali957-3.png)
>>10161 Got a name for the lady in red? Everyone else, keep 'em coming. Still haven't gotten my DA reinstated, and working on requests here keeps my mind off of things.
(123.93 KB 1125x1396 FdlQ0s3XEAMALkp monica granda.jpg)
(221.58 KB 1118x2048 FhUeny3XkAAlyow.jpg)
(199.73 KB 1118x2048 FhUeny5XEAAGK8U.jpg)
>>10184 I searched and only found a tumblr post connected to the lady in red, no name given though. Reverse image search gave me a bunch of similar women but none that fit the actual image... No idea if you'd even like to try this, but a challenge of turning a muscle girl fat could be interesting, if you want a different kind of morph (the spoilered pic)
(829.02 KB 1080x425 seq.png)
Hey TGWDAT, sad to hear about the deviantart profile, kinda wonder why they did that aside from the typical bot failures we have to expect now. Here's some options that might work well for more huge babes. In particular, the POV shot with the great belly I think would benefit from something like a breakaway readout on a digital scale, a huge number, and maybe another hand holding her in that classic dimensions magazine extreme weight gain fiction way.
Lilmamakay and Randalin respectively, they both went through crazy growth...though I can only imagine them bigger Also, all morphs I've seen of Randalin focus on her butt, except maybe one from a long time ago, so I wonder what a version of her where her belly is huge along with her butt/thighs would look like
(40.73 KB 400x400 IMG_4853.jpeg)
(266.19 KB 1000x1000 IMG_4854.jpeg)
(2.81 MB 1080x1440 IMG_4855.png)
>>10191 I second lilmamakay, she needs to get bigger
(962.42 KB 844x1048 bbwChan18.png)
(1.24 MB 1498x840 BellaAbbondanza3.png)
(1013.73 KB 817x1100 bbwChan19.png)
(1.29 MB 1872x735 BBWBella2.png)
>>10185 Challenge accepted. >>10187 While I love a good progression, this image is much too small, and the photos are too closely cropped. If you can find a few of the originals, I'll see what I can do. >>10188 Certainly. Plus an old one I did a while back.
(1.52 MB 1100x1200 Maximoom1.png)
(346.75 KB 480x640 bbwChan20.png)
(487.63 KB 750x558 bbwChan21.png)
(403.92 KB 544x720 BBWChan22.png)
>>10190 So here's the thing about POV shots: they're rarely framed in such a way that any editing would 'scan.' Like, I could make the belly bigger in this one, but then it's just taking up the entire frame, and you'd get the same effect by looking at a square of peach-pink noise. I'm not entirely certain what you were specifying, but here's an 800+ lbs scale. Also, that MaxiMOOM photo was already pretty heavily edited.
(1.29 MB 824x1344 Randalin4.png)
(1.17 MB 1158x1544 LilMamaKay6.jpg)
(377.82 KB 597x1100 LilMamaKay3.jpg)
(748.77 KB 1200x822 BabygirlKay1200-2.jpg)
>>10191 That may be because she already looks fuckin' unrealistic, so adding a fat gut to her is almost a hat on a hat. But here's an attempt. >>10191 >>10195 Big agrees all around.
(2.69 MB 1080x1697 Tumblr_l_181619420255361.png)
(163.25 KB 1066x1427 EaGelTzU8AAUJMW.jpg)
(272.76 KB 1671x1319 EaGePDyUcAAGu7E.jpg)
(701.39 KB 1573x1075 Karla James.png)
I wonder if anyone remembers Bella Coltello (girl in pic 2 and 3) Also Karla James is a well known model for breast expansion though she is quite chubby, it seems hard to find her showing the belly off at all though
Whoops, accidentally spoilered the images on the last post
(454.96 KB 2048x2048 GU9tJapWIAATXX-.jpg)
(81.26 KB 804x1020 GYHCFeXW4AAhF1u.jpg)
(151.57 KB 1242x1629 GU8k4R2a4AIxtqP.jpg)
(327.81 KB 1038x1365 GZdsdtnWsAAkU6E.jpg)
Yungfreckz, Ihearttrenity, Twitleyspears/Marilyn Mayson Big chests all around, perhaps a weight gain potential in the last 3 images, for ihearttrenity and Marilyn though? Thanks for all your hard work!
(1.82 MB 1080x1697 BBWChan23.png)
(1.04 MB 853x1142 BellaColtello1.png)
(558.72 KB 1104x760 KarlaJames1.png)
(1.60 MB 960x1704 Yungfrekz1.png)
(767.67 KB 804x1020 IHeartTrenity4.png)
(1.07 MB 936x1228 IHeartTrenity3.png)
>>10199 First I'm ever hearing of her. If you have other photos (or can point me in the right direction) I'd be interested to see. >>10201 The problem I have with Ms. Freckz is the same thing everyone complains about her: she's always super closely cropped, and you never see her below the waist (unless it's a candid, and the ones I've seen are usually unusable). Thus, we wind up in the situation you see here: bigger boobs, sure, but it's difficult to get a sense of scale. And thank you all for the kind words. I'm glad you all like my work so much!
(2.41 MB 1038x1365 MaralynMayson1.png)
(1.29 MB 820x1065 HeatherJ1143-1.png)
(1.24 MB 953x1436 ThickestCandii1.png)
(1.57 MB 1080x1246 NaughtyByNature333-1.png)
(1.35 MB 878x1305 TianasTummy6.png)
>>10207 last one didn't take, so here's a few extras.
(213.31 KB 1080x1065 Screenshot_20241014-093540.jpg)
>>10208 Hi!! Thanks for all of the great morphs that you do :) I've been seeing this underwear model in an ad all over Taipei City and I wish she had a bit of extra weight on top of her~ Please could you help me out?
(974.37 KB 1080x1065 Taiwan1.png)
>>10210 Alaka-TITTY
>>10211 Wow you work fast, thanks~ I was hoping to see her fattened up but this is the first breast expansion art that's had me foaming at the mouth in years thank you!!!
(1.02 MB 1080x1065 Taiwan2.png)
(1.21 MB 1975x1262 LillyCupcakes6.png)
(2.14 MB 1026x1536 BBWChan24.png)
(4.37 MB 1923x1687 TianasTummy7.png)
(1.32 MB 905x1565 LillyCupcake3.png)
>>10213 Ah, my apologies! I interpreted "weight on top" as "top heavy." Here's a more general fattening. >>10212 Love me some LillyCupcakes! Who might the woman in orange be?
(202.83 KB 1328x2000 Anastasiav2.jpg)
(292.39 KB 1333x2000 Anastasiav3.jpg)
(625.53 KB 3011x2000 Anastasiav.jpg)
(227.42 KB 1800x1599 78wj8e2vfhha1.jpg)
Some big ladies, the first one seems to be called Anastasia but I didn't find anything else about her, other than those 3 pics I had saved
(1.35 MB 2316x3088 4jlv8grdtvsd1.jpeg)
(1.49 MB 2316x3088 wdpf98e6zzsd1.jpeg)
(499.02 KB 720x815 mvpmj9y2278d1.png)
Poetrystudios, more of Karla James' insane progression, and gelluh on reddit. The last one is of astarbabyxoxo and it's rare to see images where her chubby belly is in a good angle, is a weight gain morph of her possible here? Either way she has so many amazing images I think you'd really love to see!
Sorry for the image dump btw!
(1.02 MB 1080x1065 Taiwan2.png)
(1.25 MB 800x1200 Maralyn3.png)
>>10215 >>10213 Shit, uploaded the wrong version. Here's the correct one. >>10216 >>10217 >>10218 Never apologize for sharing content on the chan. That's literally the point of this place! I've got one of AStarBaby here >>9947, but I'll see about some weight gain soon.
(784.29 KB 1242x1422 IMG_4865.jpeg)
(1.10 MB 1242x1549 IMG_4868.jpeg)
(1.60 MB 1242x1549 IMG_4863.jpeg)
(1009.02 KB 1242x1268 IMG_4864.jpeg)
(34.35 KB 370x800 IMG_4869.jpeg)
(2.46 MB 1179x2556 IMG_4870.png)
I have a few requests. The first girl is Asmr Glow, second is redroomromance, and the third is kaybearcutie. If you could turn them all into huge ssbbw with chubby faces I’d greatly appreciate it
>>10215 Woman in orange is https://x.com/CurvyDiamond88/media And a few more pics I thought would make good morph material
Okay, adding to the big list, people posted a lot of good images and there was that big image batch earlier, and here are a few more
(277.46 KB 521x782 2022-05-30_16.34.43.jpg)
(82.02 KB 533x800 Jenni (2).jpg)
(75.38 KB 533x800 Jenni (40).jpg)
Let me throw a few requests in for my favorite SSBBW. Could I request she have a nice chubby face among an BIG increase in girth
(108.93 KB 1080x1080 06ed5f45eeaba6917c417008a2b4a529.jpg)
(746.16 KB 1080x1080 1645890400745.png)
(1.00 MB 1063x1645 zm5u9oxmyeca1.png)
(192.58 KB 1290x1668 GFxdtacXkAAhDJ8.jpg)
I wonder if you've ever thought about lip expansion along with the usual BE or weight gain? If not that's totally fine too, just curious :) Mostly asking that relating to the 1st and 5th pictures. The 5th is striderscribe on twitter and she's got a looot of other really nice pics that you might enjoy looking into btw!
>>10226 Oh my gosh thank you so much!! I was perfectly happy with the BE version, thanks for making a fat morph too!! You seem to get them out so fast... I used to make morphs and I could only do one good one a week really, would you be able to share some tips please? I would love to make more again~ I'm guessing you use AI somehow?
(285.19 KB 1328x2000 AiVN25hCAAAzyrX.jpg_large.jpg)
(48.70 KB 320x480 2974454_2c22184_320x_.jpg)
(208.51 KB 1328x2000 BQoXNjMCMAAn7DM.jpg_large.jpg)
>>10216 She's called Anastasia Vanderbust in case you wish to find more~
(355.82 KB 1290x1264 IMG_2564.jpeg)
(672.38 KB 1290x1599 IMG_2562.jpeg)
(1.22 MB 1290x1582 IMG_2563.jpeg)
(1.43 MB 1290x2180 IMG_2565.jpeg)
(1.26 MB 1290x2047 IMG_2566.jpeg)
Love your work man. You’re easily the best morpher around. I’d love to see you make a fat Sydney. The others would be bonus
(144.31 KB 827x996 bon.jpg)
(161.28 KB 1280x1785 hayley.jpg)
(87.49 KB 828x1201 nadine_j.jpg)
(162.93 KB 1280x1042 bryce_d.jpg)
(525.27 KB 667x1193 dallas.jpg)
a few I found on deviant art. Artist credit: perseukz
(71.06 KB 521x782 jenni.jpg)
>>10231 Is this ok?
>>10244 I mean it's a morph and she is bigger. But I can't really have an opinion on people's morphing skills as I can't do them myself. Thank you though
(503.91 KB 1920x1200 Screenshot_20240520-080428_X.jpg)
(526.86 KB 1920x1200 Screenshot_20240520-081422_X.jpg)
(628.06 KB 1920x1200 Screenshot_20240501-234755_X.jpg)
(635.77 KB 1920x1200 Screenshot_20240520-081807_X.jpg)
(716.16 KB 1920x1200 Screenshot_20240417-115108_X.jpg)
(599.13 KB 1920x1200 Screenshot_20240520-053552_X.jpg)
Can somebody turn this bakery into the whole baking industry
(55.93 KB 555x800 899564528.jpg)
(106.45 KB 544x800 850105901.jpg)
>>10248 you don't seem very pleased....... I worked very hard on that morph but I think the original image was quite grainy so the pixels don't look too good when I stretch them. anyway here are a couple morphs I did of jenni from a few years ago when I used to be a lot more into morphing. perhaps you'll like them more.
(261.13 KB 1920x1200 bobbob.jpg)
(953.25 KB 2320x3088 IMG_7295.JPG)
(894.27 KB 2320x3088 IMG_7296.JPG)
(1.35 MB 1170x1552 IMG_7281.jpeg)
(1.64 MB 1170x1754 IMG_7271.jpeg)
(1.42 MB 1170x1558 IMG_7272.jpeg)
(1.43 MB 1170x1555 IMG_7274.jpeg)
>>10040 That's looks great!! And here's more for "Nixlynka," to make her look BBW, or have a bigger booty, or pawg booty, and/or chubbier. And make her breast bigger, if it possible. Please. 🙏
(1.37 MB 864x1296 BBWChan25.png)
(1.16 MB 968x1251 StriderScribe1.png)
(606.22 KB 1080x1080 JMicaphotography1.png)
(1.18 MB 1063x1645 bbwchan26.png)
(1.74 MB 957x1200 GracieBon4.png)
(1.08 MB 891x1200 GracieBon3.png)
Ok, here's a bunch of random requests from here. Apologies if I don't link back to everyone, I've had a very long day and I just found out that my DA account is gone forever. So, that sucks. But hey, at least you folks are here to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
(1.23 MB 768x1024 TianasTummy8.png)
(682.37 KB 600x900 Untitled-1.png)
(1.03 MB 1024x808 KarlaJames2.png)
(2.47 MB 1170x1558 NixLynka3.png)
(1.08 MB 891x1200 GracieBon3.png)
(1.35 MB 782x1173 JennyBombshell3.png)
(1.51 MB 926x1235 Gelluh1.png)
(781.08 KB 810x1012 AnaPaulaOlsen1.jpg)
(3.10 MB 931x2016 AriaJane1.png)
(1.11 MB 1119x2048 RoxanneHeaven34M-4.jpg)
(2.01 MB 1920x1440 LisaLou04.jpg)
>>10262 Hey, you've got a pretty good eye for this. These are good examples of isolating different parts of the subject while morphing others. I think the biggest issue with the one you posted here >>10244 is that you stretched her arms to an unreasonable degree, and you mainly just made her wider. When thinking about morphing someone fatter, you have to remember gravity exists and will pull things down. Don't give up, you've got the ability! just keep refining your process. >>10239 I posted a brief guide here: >>9226, and I'll eventually port it to this thread as that one's bound for deletion. I still plan to write a more detailed guide and post it somewhere it won't get deleted. Pics unrelated, just some random ones from the archive.
>>10285 Have you thought a possible to sign up Twitter, or Bluesky? We've heard great thing about Bluesky.
(509.22 KB 1964x2619 F58roPJbEAAgo6X.jpeg)
(83.38 KB 720x960 FB_IMG_1729911342599.jpg)
(334.68 KB 1422x2319 GBxRkvoaMAABZg8 (1).jpeg)
(230.38 KB 1370x1723 GIjz4UFbgAAoqbZ.jpg_large.jpg)
(288.51 KB 1535x2048 GViQ82kWwAAsW4Q.jpeg)
(410.90 KB 1536x2048 GURdIQ7b0AAV9qw.jpeg)
A few more pics of hugetulip I thought could be good for morphing. I just wish she had more! She's so pretty!!!
>>9810 Hey there! I'm new to this morph thread here, so I was thinking about sending in some pics outta my fav & best BBWs/SSBBws asses in the nude if that's fine w/ you
(2.38 MB 2840x2160 reallyhugeassbbwgwen.png)
>>9810 So anyways, whatta ya think of this morphed image outta this hot & sexy BBW pear model?
(453.70 KB 1422x2319 HugeTulip2.jpg)
(318.77 KB 1370x1723 HugeTulip3.jpg)
(1.35 MB 986x1017 ChloeLynn1.png)
(3.28 MB 1501x2002 ElizaAllure2.png)
(522.18 KB 1440x1440 JessyBunny5.jpg)
(471.69 KB 1440x1800 SnowAngelCake7.jpg)
>>10307 Big agree, very cute. Winning smile, too! >>10299 I've got a twitter and a Tumblr I've been inactive on, perhaps I'll try building a portfolio there. Might sign up for Bluesky while I'm at it. If/when I do, I'll drop links here for y'all. >>10309 You're off to a better start than many, as you've clearly separated the subject from the background. While I applaud your efforts to change the aspect ratio to provide enough room to include the entire edit, the resulting warp makes the perspective feel very strange. This isn't helped by the copyright text being obviously stretched. don't be afraid to push some stuff out of frame; it can sometimes even make your edits feel bigger. The two biggest 'issues' I'm seeing here are the wavy wrinkles/stretchmarks on the top of her thighs just below her cheeks. -Straightening your strokes out will go a long way to making the edit feel more realistic. If you're using photoshop, check out the Smooth brush (just under the Forward Warp tool). Once you have the shape you're roughly going for, wave the smooth tool over the rougher parts of your edit. It'll contract things a bit, but it does a good job of averaging the overall edit lines. -I understand the initial desire to keep her calves and feet in the frame, but if she really was that large, it's likely her ass and thighs would block our view of those. Selecting less than the entire leg will free you up to make more convincing changes. It's kinda hard to visualize your edits in three dimensions, but with time and practice it'll become second nature. Hope this helps, and I look forward to seeing more of your work!
3 images of mamahorker and 3 other pretty women!
>>10310 TheGuyWhoDidAThing, thx for sharing your thoughts on this morphed pic I sent you earlier ago, and you do make some decent points on it. Although, I actually found this on DeviantArt while I was browsing through any beautiful & sexy BBWs & SSBBWs that I really like the most & find the sexiest of the sexy which is by a different artist whose name is SSBBWazzlover2nd (aka SSBBWazzlover95's 2nd account). So credit goes to that said artist. Oh btw, I have some more pics to show ya out of any morphed pics outta random sexy BBWs/SSBBWs that created by that same artist in which I give him credit for those ones too.
(594.53 KB 782x521 jennihugeass1.png)
(483.29 KB 782x521 jennihugeass2.png)
(901.55 KB 1080x1350 jenbombshellhugeass.png)
(1.30 MB 1920x1080 juicyjackiehugeass1.png)
(1.39 MB 1920x1080 juicyjackiehugeass2.png)
(1.66 MB 1920x1080 ultpearhugeass1.png)
(1.62 MB 1920x1080 ultpearhugeass2.png)
(239.02 KB 828x1310 IMG_9235.jpeg)
>>10310 Love the Chloe morph! Would you be able to morph this pic of her? Sorry if there’s not enough frame to work with, she already fills it out like crazy
(284.64 KB 906x1105 bbwchan27.jpg)
(168.93 KB 1287x1466 bbwchan28.jpg)
(125.43 KB 902x1200 Ririka1.jpg)
(349.12 KB 1080x1350 ninaPhoenix6.jpg)
(325.01 KB 1440x1800 JessyBunny6.jpg)
(2.04 MB 1440x1440 KaylaPaolini5.png)
>>10312 Great googly moogly, who is the first person? Love me some MamaHorker, but I couldn't get any of those to look right to me. Also, who is the fetching black woman? >>10321 Then I'll just make room. Plus a few (admittedly silly) randoms.
(357.97 KB 1095x1310 ChloeLynn2.jpg)
>>10321 whoops, yours didn't upload.
My requests. Best morphs I've ever seen. Great work guywhodidathing
>>10326 Some more requests>>10326
(225.52 KB 900x1166 bbwChan29.jpg)
(803.93 KB 1536x2048 DemoraAvarice6.jpg)
(185.89 KB 844x1098 TwinsMaison1.jpg)
(196.77 KB 1080x1281 HayleeTheBigNoodle6.jpg)
(355.75 KB 1152x1440 JessyBunny7.jpg)
>>10326 Thank you for the kind words! I do try.
(132.07 KB 1080x1350 hxt9sts2nci41.jpg)
(121.40 KB 900x1200 1632700464915.jpg)
(160.87 KB 960x1280 FEGc08JVUAIcIgV.jpg)
(256.72 KB 1538x2048 FDhUrQ2XoAEu5PL.jpg)
some morph ideas :) love your work, easily the best at it out there!
Would love you to do your thing woth karen gillan and turn her into a ssbbw ;) that would be so hot
(70.74 KB 800x450 morph.jpg)
>>10334 amateur morpher back again. not so easy to morph skinny girls into fat girls, even if pregnant. but I think I did OK. I tried to make the fat fatter but it was hard to do so and still keep her looking like the same person.
(258.50 KB 850x1130 BBWChan31.jpg)
(198.06 KB 1080x1350 BBWChan30.jpg)
>>10331 Thanks! did a couple now, might try the hooters girl later. >>10334 Broadly speaking, I don't like to edit celebrities. If their primary 'thing' isn't promoting their bodies, I'm disinclined to do it. That's also why I don't do private requests anymore; got caught up in someone's revenge porn thing and it sucked HARD. I was lied to and the person whose photos I edited was very upset, which in turn made me feel like shit. So, now I stick to models or at least amateurs who flaunt their bodies on insta or whatever. >>10336 not a bad jov! You're right, starting from skinny (pregnant or not) is always difficult, and the angle makes things more complicated. Check out my short guide here >>9226; there's a section about face fattening that may help.
>>10336 Ooooh nice veey hot
(383.40 KB 1448x2048 20241101_163319.jpg)
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(181.22 KB 960x1280 20241101_163327.jpg)
Oh lord theguywhodidatthing, may you please bless me with one of your blessed morphs once again 🙏
(976.07 KB 858x1109 GracieBon1.png)
(259.66 KB 960x1280 GracieBon6.jpg)
(457.17 KB 1315x1821 GracieBon5.jpg)
>>10344 ✮✷ 🎀 𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹 🎀 ✷✮
(210.04 KB 1290x1201 Ga7VszmXQAAou3j.jpeg)
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(113.47 KB 827x1200 GJt6f4lWoAAzFLV.jpeg)
(48.71 KB 476x919 GTN_sTkWoAEWFA4.jpeg)
(301.68 KB 2048x2048 GQ3zBOjXEAAMLNg.jpeg)
I've seen some morph of this fine lady... but I think she could use a few more~
(442.92 KB 720x1600 Screenshot_20241102_011039_X.jpg)
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(518.31 KB 1707x2048 20241102_011504.jpg)
Bonus points if you make her ass big enough to fill the tub
(248.89 KB 1266x1536 TianasTummy10.jpg)
(174.73 KB 827x1200 TianasTummy9.jpg)
(204.73 KB 720x897 BBWChan32.jpg)
(402.82 KB 2048x1366 Sadie13.jpg)
>>10347 Always. >>10351 Points please.
>>10354 Wow! Great job thank you!
(377.14 KB 1665x2016 Ga2-432W8AAOU9g.jpg)
(658.66 KB 1626x2048 GXhksKCXQAAvYYT.jpg)
(374.26 KB 1446x2048 Fxe1h_mWwAgR-WZ.jpg)
(474.82 KB 1580x2048 FnWUrRqXoAcRptX.jpg)
(354.36 KB 1730x2048 FnWUvuVXoAUD8q0.jpg)
(137.41 KB 1263x897 kdr1457sk77b1.jpg)
Tallyberry is great for morphs I think, I'm also very curious as to what she'd look like with a big belly, if that's possible! A bonus too!
(376.92 KB 1242x1540 IMG_5105.jpeg)
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(627.54 KB 1242x1888 IMG_5111.jpeg)
May I request Skyexsummers to be made into a ssbbw with a chubby face and maybe some BE and lip expansion pls 🙏
(231.54 KB 1200x723 163ash_047.jpg)
(236.19 KB 1200x933 006mollie_006.jpg)
(259.41 KB 802x1200 029mollie_017.jpg)
(85.85 KB 600x800 LLeila (30).jpg)
Got a few more favorites, would love to see you work your magic.
(122.69 KB 1080x1350 ErJHdQUW4AENCg2.jpeg)
(101.94 KB 640x800 1480052509360.jpg)
(932.11 KB 1600x1064 1727206395736004.jpg)
(687.18 KB 1022x758 1512707591834.png)
(546.54 KB 1439x2558 1678344200502167.jpg)
Requesting some mega tums, bls
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To TheGuyWhoDidAThing, think you can work your magic once again on my favorite fatty JJ?
Could you work your magic on her?
(470.64 KB 1446x2048 TallyBerry5.jpg)
(127.40 KB 1242x1876 SkyeXSummers1.jpg)
(271.85 KB 802x1200 BigCutiesMollie1.jpg)
(179.56 KB 1104x906 JuicyJackie9.jpg)
(200.86 KB 1125x1307 JuicyJackie10.jpg)
>>10373 >>10376 >>10379 >>10394 >>10395 Here's a handful of edits for y'all.
(159.40 KB 1440x1080 KatiCalli7.jpg)
(208.14 KB 1430x1350 BBWLayla5.jpg)
(319.84 KB 1152x1415 Honeyybee-bby3.jpg)
(387.24 KB 1440x1492 SnowAngelCake8.jpg)
(419.75 KB 1440x1800 DemoraAvarice7.jpg)
aaand some randoms as well.
These are all so good! As a question of curiosity, what is your favorite kind of morph to make? Like breast expansion, butt expansion, belly, overall weight gain...
>>10413 sorry to be a pain but you've tagged >>10395 but I cant see your version of her?
>>10413 That Mollie Morph is so good, thanks so much
(295.29 KB 1227x818 BBWChan33.jpg)
(475.25 KB 1440x1800 ninaPhoenix7.jpg)
(327.54 KB 687x1171 PumpkinCakez2.jpg)
(494.64 KB 1002x1565 BBWChan34.jpg)
>>10416 not a pain, I just forgot to upload it. >>10420 Glad you like it! >>10415 All of them, really. Many moons ago I would've considered myself a boob guy, and my earliest edits were primarily that (done in gimp on an extremely early Debian distro). as I figured out I was into exaggerated body shapes of all kinds, my work shifted accordingly. Now, most of these edits are more like puzzles for me: I look at a photo and break it down into its component parts in my head and try to figure out what I can do with them. Breast and butt expansion tends to be the easiest ones to do as I'm really only contending with one variable. Full weight gain is significantly more complex, but when I get it right the results are much more satisfying. So, all of that to say keep sending requests and I'll see what I can do!
>>10422 Wowswr well worth the wait thank you
(284.23 KB 1979x2048 Fg8QTnjWIAAOkBq.jpeg)
(316.54 KB 1536x2048 FfaTvjnXkAAX4kZ.jpeg)
(150.42 KB 720x900 FsmaWlRXwAAEq6r.jpeg)
(156.90 KB 720x900 FsmaWagWcAAzRIV.jpeg)
(112.89 KB 720x1280 GKKiGMAW0AAYk8E.jpeg)
>>10395 Some more pics of Alyssa If you fancy editing them ;)
(170.67 KB 1080x1350 skinny morph.jpg)
(404.35 KB 2000x1333 hardcore morph.jpg)
>>10340 Yeah the celebrity thing makes sense. Have you ever tried to make a horncore scene morph. heres one I made of asstyn. I can't remember if I added it to the previous morph thread as well. also bonus thick thighs morph
(145.94 KB 1025x714 3zhw6adky5ad1.jpg)
(200.58 KB 1108x685 20230316193012-1cf7fcfe-la.jpg)
(937.29 KB 1109x1510 image.png)
Could you make these before/after images even more impressive? I've also included pics of Kayla I'd love to see made even curvier!
>>10340 >>10415 had a go at the dank one. she aleady pretty much filled hte whole frame anyway so only way to go was even bigger. hair over the breasts can be a struggle but I think I found a good work a round.
(652.16 KB 1536x2048 GUlsxUracAENn9.jpg)
(414.26 KB 1536x2048 GY_t0iObAAAtZ-7.jpg)
(553.16 KB 1536x2048 GVhZWo5WYAA2jN9.jpg)
(858.19 KB 1536x2048 F2OlRHWboAAN4ou.jpg)
(412.98 KB 1536x2048 GE5MmLlbwAIKEZP.jpg)
Would appreciate some fattening or anything you can do!
>>10429 Wowser awsone work. Look forward to seeing more from you ;)
(485.53 KB 2000x1333 BBWChanExample2.jpg)
(206.37 KB 1080x1350 BBWChan35.jpg)
(396.62 KB 1538x1071 HazelMay38K-3.jpg)
(218.71 KB 1775x683 BBWChan36.jpg)
(217.45 KB 720x900 Alyssa3.jpg)
(180.23 KB 720x1280 Alyssa4.jpg)
>>10426 Good work! you've gone a good job of isolating your selections and working with 3d objects in the scene. Next thing is to work on identifying good places for shadows, and keeping perspective in mind. I've done a little bit of work to your edit to show what I mean (and I didn't use any AI enhancement to show what can be done with just the raw tools). Notice the shading I've applied to the side boob and the guy's lower section. It's slightly exaggerated to help identify it, but you can see how it goes a long way to selling the depth of the edit. Contact shadows (the very dark/almost black 'ring' of shade that outlines an object) also helps things feel solid and like they're actually touching something in the image. Finally, I also adjusted the angle of her rear. when you expand something in an edit, you have to remember things aren't 'growing' directly towards the camera at all times. Since her left cheek will be 'closer' to the camera than the right one, making the right cheek a bit smaller makes it look like it's growing out from her, rather than angling her hips to present her butt directly to the camera. I hope these tips help! And I pixar-mom'd the other one just for fun. >>10427 embiggened. >>10424 Why not!
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(1.12 MB 1242x1550 IMG_5361.jpeg)
More pictures of skyexsummers to fatten up 🙏
(1.72 MB 1170x1750 IMG_7275.jpeg)
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(1.46 MB 1170x1561 IMG_7285.jpeg)
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(1.49 MB 3840x2880 IMG_7292.JPG)
(1.49 MB 3840x2880 IMG_7293.JPG)
Please more morph 'Nixlynka,' making her look like a BBW, and have a thicker hips, wide thighs, bigger booty, as well a very chubby belly. As well bigger breast.
(1.28 MB 2316x3088 IMG_7294.JPG)
(2.11 MB 3024x4032 IMG_7213.JPG)
(879.77 KB 3024x4032 IMG_7220.JPG)
Here's more of it, please.
>>10434 So hot thank you
We should really rename this thread, theguywhodidathing morph request Or invite other morphers to partake in this
(173.16 KB 798x1200 184skylar_005.jpg)
(343.35 KB 800x1200 107skylar_001.jpg)
can someone pls morph her fatter? Like very fat?
I want to be able to make things for this thread, so if anyone has any tutorials for Morphs, that would be very helpful, also most preferably the tutorials can be done in Clip Studio Paint
>>10452 I just want tips on better using the liquify tool in photoshop
(188.14 KB 1290x1591 kiwi 2.jfif)
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(171.80 KB 1290x1631 kiwi 4.jfif)
(77.06 KB 501x626 kiwi.jfif)
(2.64 MB 3024x4032 kiwi 5.jfif)
Never requested anything before. Could someone please make them as big as possible?
(122.31 KB 768x1024 meg 2.jfif)
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(263.53 KB 1152x2048 meg.jfif)
(405.35 KB 2048x1536 meg 4.jfif)
Another who desperately needs to get as big as possible
Any JayTee Morphs from his Patreon you want to show me?
>>9969 how do you keepthe skin so clean
If anybody is and willing to take a crack at fattening Beabadoobee up I would literally owe you a life debt
(435.88 KB 1242x1548 SkyeXSummers2.jpg)
(841.07 KB 1512x2016 NixLynka4.jpg)
(152.56 KB 798x1200 BigCutiesSkylar1.jpg)
(579.96 KB 2048x1536 BBWChan-Meg1.jpg)
(210.51 KB 922x1638 BBWChan-Meg2.jpg)
(293.65 KB 1152x1536 BBWChan37.jpg)
>>10435 Cute. >>10436 >>10437 My brother in christ, I need you to breathe and relax a little. >>10446 yup. >>10459 I love the drunk-stepmom-at-the-party vibes of that first photo. >>10430 Also cute. >>10458 All of these have proven pretty difficult to work with. I'll take another crack at them sometime, but if you have any other candidates I'd love to see them. >>10452 >>10457 What questions do you have? I've got a brief theory tutorial here >>>/ee/9226 that is light on technicals and more about how to think about edits, but I'll see if I can answer any questions. I've never used clip studio paint, so I don't know what tools are available in it. >>10444 That was my intention with this thread! I'm hoping other people jump in and take a stab at it. I'm just one guy, I'm sure many of you can bring something new/different to the table.
(1.04 MB 1360x1389 Screenshot 2024-11-07 212053.png)
(83.14 KB 774x1100 GUeDIdUWUAEVIiu.jpg)
(167.47 KB 801x1000 792_1000.jpg)
I like the most recent morphs!
(382.33 KB 1536x2048 Fy983dZaQAAUY8L.jpg)
(581.81 KB 1536x2048 GNVZR0ZaIAElLfz.jpg)
(516.89 KB 1536x2048 GHEtoy9aMAAfdsf.jpg)
(306.75 KB 1536x2048 20231008_035620.jpg)
(464.42 KB 1536x2048 GVNUoKdbkAALBSO.jpg)
(919.48 KB 1536x2048 F7PJkT1aYAAIOIc.jpg)
>>10513 Thanks so much! Here's a few more if any catch your interest
(331.42 KB 1183x2048 bunny 2.jpg)
(195.03 KB 1205x2048 bunny.jpg)
(376.07 KB 1266x2048 bunny 3.jpg)
(301.23 KB 1536x2048 kiwi 1.jpg)
(791.85 KB 1536x2048 kiwi 2.jpg)
(262.38 KB 1284x1690 kiwi 3.jpg)
>>10513 Aww bummer the kiwi pics didn't work out but here's some more and some other girls that might work. I'd love to see them as big and round as possible.Thanks for doing the ones of Meg!
(355.73 KB 1536x2048 kiwi 4.jpg)
(289.18 KB 1276x1586 kiwi 6.jpg)
(373.02 KB 1284x1689 kiwi 5.jpg)
(300.02 KB 1536x2048 susu 2.jpg)
(440.72 KB 2048x1536 kiwi 7.jpg)
(323.82 KB 1536x2048 susu 3.jpg)
Whoops a couple more didn't upload for some reason. Here's extras.
>>10513 Make her ass go across the whole table
(2.38 MB 2840x2160 reallyhugeassbbwgwen.png)
>>9810 Since this morph thread got bumped about a few weeks, I'm gonna reupload the pics outta my fav & best BBWs & SSBBWs if anybody doesn't mind.
(594.53 KB 782x521 jennihugeass1.png)
(483.29 KB 782x521 jennihugeass2.png)
(901.55 KB 1080x1350 jenbombshellhugeass.png)
(1.30 MB 1920x1080 juicyjackiehugeass1.png)
(1.39 MB 1920x1080 juicyjackiehugeass2.png)
(1.66 MB 1920x1080 ultpearhugeass1.png)
(1.62 MB 1920x1080 ultpearhugeass2.png)
(276.96 KB 1205x2048 Bunny1.jpg)
(496.30 KB 1266x2048 Bunny2.jpg)
(363.25 KB 1284x1690 Kiwi1.jpg)
(362.22 KB 900x1080 BBWChan38.jpg)
(755.89 KB 1440x1800 llindaa23-3.jpg)
(138.60 KB 822x1347 Chlozee40M-1.jpg)
>>10515 Thank you kindly! I'd like to see more of the fourth woman. Got a name? >>10534 I might take a crack at the fourth image there. >>10536 Just some basic expansion for now. >>10556 Sure thing, hoss. lol. >>10601 >>10602 >>10603 >>10604 While I appreciate the enthusiasm, a couple of notes. First, if you're going to bump a thread, please use new images. You posted all of these a month ago, not even half way up the thread. Second, they're all effectively the same image. Three different women edited in nearly the same way, all from the same angle and crop. Try to mix it up a bit. I understand you like gigantic asses, but variety is the spice of life.
>>10616 theguywhodidathing.bsky.social Go follow me there, if you want. Time to restart the long road to 15k...
>>10616 Oh, I thought the ones that I uploaded a month ago have vanished cuz I bookmarked this webpage, but all of the sudden it seems like some of the threads have disappeared. So I google searched, went to a different link for same webpage I visited for the morph thread V2, and bam I see everything is the same now. And after that, I re-bookmarked this webpage, and it seems like everything is there now & back to normal. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Found a few more pics I thought would be very good morph material, if anyone is interested that is
(298.90 KB 1605x2048 20241203_151311.jpg)
(554.68 KB 1853x2048 20241203_151246.jpg)
(216.16 KB 1638x2048 20241203_151243.jpg)
Hey guys! Can you help me expand this Shermie's tits and hips? I want it to be so thick that it takes up most of the image.
(646.50 KB 1536x2048 20241203_150620.jpg)
(166.82 KB 720x900 20241203_150648.jpg)
(184.57 KB 1638x2048 20241203_150622.jpg)
You are also: 2b with a huge booty, the bunny and the cow girl with big milk jugs please
(63.41 KB 1080x1243 zh2qvrzhav4e1.webp)
(74.32 KB 1284x1485 4wyymtzhav4e1.webp)
(74.82 KB 1284x1478 dk1a0tzhav4e1.webp)
(100.86 KB 1125x1437 boobs-land-v0-4diwryqwyw3e1.webp)
(3.64 MB 3024x4032 30jljr1i9zrc1.jpg)
Some Randalin and Astar pics, if anyone wants ro make these already big girls even bigger! Just enhancing their butt/boobs respectively or making them fatter overall, either is good! <3
(782.53 KB 1853x2048 Shermie1.jpg)
(208.58 KB 720x900 Shermie2.jpg)
(220.26 KB 1251x1465 Randalin5.jpg)
(229.24 KB 1125x1404 AStarBabyXO-2.jpg)
>>10633 quick and dirty. >>10634 I'll come back for the cowgirl. >>10635 certainly.
>>10637 oh!!!! I love It!! <3 thanks you so much Bro!!
(31.48 KB 552x739 FB_IMG_1626058457992.jpg)
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(30.58 KB 540x720 20210805_131714.jpg)
(34.85 KB 543x720 FB_IMG_1627182800427.jpg)
(30.59 KB 552x557 FB_IMG_1627401927549.jpg)
For the first 3 please some monstrous bodies inflated with sand clocks and the other 3 remaining ones just inflate their butts in a grotesque way please
I was mean hourglass body
please TheGuyWhoDidAThing i plead with you to use your magic and give any of these women even fatter asses and thighs pretty pretty please
>>10616 Thanks for the basic expansion of them for now. I hope you'll get the chance to make them as fat and round as you can.
(226.21 KB 1065x980 BBWChan39.jpg)
(234.09 KB 1100x1200 BBWChan41.jpg)
(270.30 KB 1020x1536 BBWChan40.jpg)
(659.20 KB 1440x1800 JohanaMaya81-2.jpg)
(643.38 KB 1404x1757 Sadie14.jpg)
(879.72 KB 1620x2020 PumpkinCakez3.jpg)
>>10646 BUTTS
(749.00 KB 1242x1546 IMG_5948.jpeg)
(1004.22 KB 1242x1540 IMG_5949.jpeg)
(813.47 KB 1242x1542 IMG_5950.jpeg)
(834.05 KB 1242x1544 IMG_5951.jpeg)
May I request more of Skyexsummers as a ssbbw with chubby face and big belly pls 🙏
(262.82 KB 1200x1600 BBWChan42.jpg)
(99.64 KB 720x1280 BBWChan43.jpg)
(262.04 KB 1638x2048 BBWChan44.jpg)
(200.98 KB 1242x1546 SkyeXSummers3.jpg)
(678.18 KB 1440x1234 ssbbwIvy2.jpg)
(697.25 KB 1440x1800 yldiaz1.jpg)
>>10627 Certainly. >>10634 milk truk just arrive >>10666 something something lard materia and a few extras.
>>10666 Seconding the request on the Jane doe pics 🥵
snowangelcake, amygeon, jexkaawolves
(160.78 KB 1080x1350 SnowAngelCake9.jpg)
(943.95 KB 990x1237 amyGeon3.jpg)
(140.32 KB 1080x1080 FoodieFeedee1.jpg)
(495.28 KB 1440x1800 PrincesssPear4.jpg)
(1.12 MB 1901x2376 PrincesssPear5.jpg)
(148.51 KB 1406x938 MessyCleo1.jpg)
>>10710 quite. >>10640 >>10689 Sorry folks, I'm not comfortable doing this with 'civilians.' Keep the requests to at least amateur models. Some girl from your math class doesn't need to be here. And if I'm wrong about any of these, show me receipts. Link to their inst/onlyfans/whatever and I'll rescind my decision. Or hell, maybe someone else'll do it. Meanwhile, here's a few extras.
>>10716 Oh lord Theguywhodidathing, I have come to request another morph, may you please bless me once again with your miracles 🙏
(148.56 KB 1406x938 MessyCleo1.jpg)
(420.17 KB 959x1658 GracieBon7.jpg)
(197.03 KB 900x1200 GracieBon8.jpg)
(216.49 KB 831x1366 GracieBon9.jpg)
>>10716 I don't know how I fucked up that last one, so here's the corrected version. >>10721 GracieBIG.
(144.57 KB 1206x1611 20241218_202058.jpg)
(427.04 KB 1535x2048 20241218_203109.jpg)
(132.64 KB 682x1024 20241218_202525.jpg)
(116.46 KB 682x1024 20241218_202523.jpg)
(340.76 KB 720x1612 Screenshot_20241218_202509.jpg)
1. I would like Demora Avarice's breasts to be more grotesque and have a huge butt 2.Please let Graciebon's ass take up more of the image 3. The last one I had to put even her profile because I feel that she could not be recognized behind the mask and yes! I would like her body to be a kind of hyper hourglass so inflated
The first images are from 'squishy-brat' on tumblr, I believe I've seen one or two morphs of her before, so sorry if one of these images has been done in the past, the other woman is ceciliaxemily on curvage :)
one of the ceciliaxemily images didn't go through, apologies
A few more pics I thought I'd just put here if anyone wants to morph em
(234.11 KB 1206x1611 DemoraAvarice8.jpg)
(331.11 KB 1151x1536 GracieBon10.jpg)
(159.89 KB 682x1024 MidnaAsh1.jpg)
(234.72 KB 1179x2062 CeciliaXEmily2.jpg)
(595.17 KB 2048x1698 TianasTummy12.jpg)
(840.62 KB 1536x2048 BBWChan45.jpg)
>>10728 grotesque >>10729 >>10730 Love me some squishy brat. I'll do more of her later. >>10743 Who is the last gal I did? She looks so familiar.
(841.10 KB 1536x2048 BBWChan45.jpg)
(595.24 KB 2048x1698 TianasTummy12.jpg)
>>10846 FUCK Why do I keep exporting drafts?! thanks adobe.
(252.65 KB 1356x2047 6.jpg)
(257.43 KB 1489x2048 7.jpg)
(826.21 KB 600x800 5.png)
(4.55 MB 1242x2208 4.png)
Need them as big as possible. Like Boberry size
(3.11 MB 1194x1881 2.png)
(3.15 MB 1152x2048 3.png)
(96.27 KB 1125x1500 Ge5NG1mbgAEyi6L.jpg)
(171.80 KB 1290x1631 Ge5F39yWAAAuleo.jpg)
>>10859 part 2
(44.98 KB 720x1080 FB_IMG_1735348055865.jpg)
(92.15 KB 643x1250 lvx6xssuwf891.jpg)
(980.91 KB 1024x1536 IMG_20241227_191438.jpg)
1. Huge boobs 2. Hyper booty 3. Please a inflated hourglass body
(51.33 KB 720x1124 FB_IMG_1735356217389.jpg)
(50.32 KB 720x1107 FB_IMG_1735356215759.jpg)
(50.03 KB 720x1118 FB_IMG_1735356214032.jpg)
More Graciebon! Please TheGuyWhoDidAtThing Make her hips so huge
(117.40 KB 1138x2048 20241227_221125.jpg)
(223.32 KB 1290x1703 20241227_221119.jpg)
(388.39 KB 1536x2048 20241227_221130.jpg)
(94.42 KB 946x2048 20241227_221407.jpg)
(102.05 KB 946x2048 20241227_221326.jpg)
Can some make her booty so huge? Please
(243.92 KB 1017x1535 BBWChan47.jpg)
(98.93 KB 600x800 BBWChan46.jpg)
(117.03 KB 720x1124 GracieBon11.jpg)
(144.26 KB 946x1752 SnowAngelCake10.jpg)
(658.30 KB 1769x2174 UnoResident1191k-2.jpg)
(381.04 KB 1206x2208 Chlozee40M-2.jpg)
>>10859 a couple of stabs at it. >>10861 Nah, I'm good. >>10862 butt >>10863 BUTT And a couple others I did recently.
(63.97 KB 720x1080 FB_IMG_1735475153433.jpg)
(169.94 KB 1366x2048 20241229_062634.jpg)
GuyWhoDidAThing Do you think you could please make a morph of these two Yorha's: The first one with a huge ass and the second one with extremely heavy tits
Good morning friends, can someone make a morph of Mai Shiranui and Jill Valentine Please let them be edits with huge breasts
I see a lot of edits of girls with inflated asses and blimp boobs but few fat girls. I would like if they could make Shannon Marie look like a blob.
(188.58 KB 882x1173 20241229_122011.jpg)
(20.96 KB 500x750 20241229_121949.jpg)
(95.83 KB 810x1069 20241229_121752.jpg)
Can Made this girls have a huge inflated booty and preg Belly please? All this Is from the Profile of Twitter: https://x.com/_SexyPregnant?t=HAGzSFKcNtz3AxzdpxHd-w&s=09
(200.77 KB 844x1125 ShannonMarie1.jpg)
(139.87 KB 750x1002 ShannonMarie2.jpg)
(208.07 KB 1237x1440 SnowAngelCake11.jpg)
(254.68 KB 1080x1349 ChubbyBellyRedhead4.jpg)
>>10908 >>10909 You know what, fair!
>>10912 TheGuyWhoDidAThing Buddy, where can we promote your art?
(922.28 KB 1170x1379 IMG_7098.jpeg)
(671.13 KB 894x1218 IMG_7105.jpeg)
(1.15 MB 1078x1812 IMG_7102.jpeg)
(1.28 MB 1170x1659 IMG_7103.jpeg)
Seven Johnston from TikTok, should look good with some larger breasts or a way bigger belly ;)
(147.01 KB 720x1080 Yorha2B.jpg)
(272.78 KB 1366x2048 Yorha2A.jpg)
(220.27 KB 1404x2048 Azami1.jpg)
(264.76 KB 1023x1536 MaiShiranui1.jpg)
>>10906 the humans are dead >>10907 CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER >>10913 theguywhodidathing.bsky.social For now, just follow me on bluesky. Like, comment, and - *sigh* reskeet whatever I post. I only have a few posts for now, but I'm planning on posting a bit more regularly for the foreseeable future. Since I've been booted from DA, I haven't been able to find a good alternative for 'portfolio+community.' So if any of you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.
Twitter can be a good account to share this type of content apart from Deviantart. Blue sky is good but.. it doesn't have as many users as Twitter.
More Blobby Shannon please!
(484.21 KB 1242x1484 IMG_6484.jpeg)
(989.07 KB 1242x1443 IMG_6486.jpeg)
(1.02 MB 1242x1222 IMG_6488.jpeg)
(1.03 MB 1242x1544 IMG_6487.jpeg)
(1.71 MB 1242x1230 IMG_6485.jpeg)
Can you turn Asmr Glow into a huge ssbbw pls? 🙏
(409.48 KB 1267x1690 ShannonMarie3.jpg)
(935.27 KB 1737x2316 ShannonMarie4.jpg)
(1.08 MB 1920x2560 ShannonMarie5.jpg)
>>10917 Blorb. >>10923 Nah, sorry.
(219.17 KB 1638x2048 IMG_20210318_064556.jpg)
(420.32 KB 1310x2048 IMG_20210318_064448.jpg)
(398.81 KB 1216x2048 IMG_20210319_160715.jpg)
Can you edit Maddz to have a hyper hourglass shape please?
(178.23 KB 960x1280 20250104_181414.jpg)
(296.19 KB 1365x2048 20250104_181511.jpg)
Can someone please edit these girls' asses into huge blimps that take up most of the image?
(178.23 KB 960x1280 20250104_181414.jpg)
(296.19 KB 1365x2048 20250104_181511.jpg)
Alguien convierta por favor los culos de estas chicas en enormes dirigibles que ocupen casi toda la imagen
Sorry! I uploaded the same file twice.. a huge apology, my internet is horrible
(54.65 KB 800x1000 1716903912xxLamk9Iil.webp)
(49.30 KB 720x900 1716903917aM6dl9E1Cc.webp)
(85.09 KB 720x853 lady-yurikka_0005.jpg)
More Francxperalta with huge tits and ass please. Grotesque size please
(580.44 KB 1310x2048 MadzIsStacked5.jpg)
(163.27 KB 810x960 Francxperalta1.jpg)
(276.86 KB 1200x675 Sadie15.jpg)
(499.39 KB 1536x2048 GainingPeach1.jpg)
>>10914 There's gotta be a better name than Seven Johnston, because all I'm getting is the Seven Johnstons, a family with Dwarfism. Got a link? Preferably to an Insta if you've got it. >>10964 >>11012
>>11014 The other two are missing. >>11012
(39.74 KB 720x900 FB_IMG_1735944404492.jpg)
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(57.79 KB 720x900 FB_IMG_1735944355195.jpg)
You can pump up this fat girl's booty, her name is Marli Caceres
>>10728 More Valentine with mega inflated tits please
TheGuyWhoDidAThing you can make a morph recreating or making a likeness of a fat Chun Li. I even included the references The artist and owner of the mod is Fefero-kun from Deviantart
Please, please, I really beg you, I would like this Nami to have monstrous breasts and Robin to have a hyper exaggerated hourglass shape. Sure... taking your time, I don't want to be rude but I hope not to bother you, thanks
(249.20 KB 810x1013 MarliCaceres1.jpg)
>>11015 Ok, you're officially in time-out. Please stop flooding the thread with requests. I don't guarantee that every request will be honored, I only work on the images that I am interested in. As a sign of good faith, I went ahead and did one of Marli Caceres. But please, let other people add stuff to the thread. Or heck, even better: try morphing yourself! I genuinely didn't mean for this thread to become the TGWDAT show, I'm hoping other folks will contribute as well.
(773.74 KB 1450x1017 KarenGillian_BBW.jpg)
An old commission I got done. Could she be made even fatter?
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(333.79 KB 906x745 image.png)
(21.08 KB 655x745 IMG_9902.jpeg)
(15.22 KB 556x626 IMG_7377.jpeg)
>>11021 Okay then, I’ll post some of my morphs. I only do blob face edits of gals, and none of that pussy “no girls from your math class” shit. I do ANYONE. Because making people others know IRL or hell, YOU know IRL absolutely massive is undeniably much hotter. Anyways, I haven’t made one in months but I might take requests if anyone has good, front facing pictures. Preferably high quality so I don’t need to upscale it myself.
>>11057 were you on DA at one point as Shaplierspoon? if so, do you have any of your old faceswap stuff you could post in addition to doing face blobs? i love asmr girl morphs and that user (if it is you) had a ton of great ones that vanished. I'd love to see the [esc] reality bbw faceswap gif again
(362.95 KB 848x672 Capture.PNG)
>>11057 Shit man I remember you. I got a ton of comms from you back before on twitter. Always loved your work. Anyways heres an ASMR girl I follow. Add me on discord if you wanna do some more personal stuff. _horseman_
>>11057 These morphs are amazing, do you take request?
(86.32 KB 940x938 SPOILER_IMG_1725.jpeg)
(368.43 KB 716x682 image.png)
(22.64 KB 419x465 IMG_1975.jpeg)
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(101.86 KB 1170x998 IMG_0813.jpeg)
Posting some more of my edits. >>11065 Nope, not me. >>11070 If you’re down for more comms I could maybe try something lol >>11071 Maybe, gimme some unique requests though. Not some generic porn model or whatever, like YouTubers/politicians/randoms/etc.
(328.53 KB 669x668 image.png)
(54.00 KB 712x757 SharedScreenshot.jpeg)
(832.22 KB 1169x1181 IMG_8856.jpeg)
(618.70 KB 722x723 image.png)
>>>11120 Didn’t send with the last but here’s a few more. Don’t wanna flood this thread so I’ll cap it here for the time being.
>>11120 Hell yeah I'm down for more comms/requests. I'm the discord guy. Shoot me a message and lets talk. I got some requests I think you'll like
>>11120 Do you do full body stuff or just faces?
>11130 Faces only, never got too good at bodies.
>>11133 Is there anyway I could message you? Like discord, because your morphs are really good
(1.33 MB 2316x3088 IMG_7954.jpeg)
(1.72 MB 1170x1537 IMG_7955.png)
Can either of these cuties grow giant melons?
(496.95 KB 518x674 IMG_9488.jpeg)
>>11150 Here ya go.
(408.21 KB 1536x2048 GiVks1hXcAASCVc.jpeg)
(865.92 KB 1290x1714 Tumblr_l_1382676698395983.jpg)
(145.03 KB 1290x1882 Gf7ZjJ8XIAAtWj2.jpeg)
A few more pics of tiansatummy if anyone feels up for morphing them
(71.05 KB 620x930 676_1000 aft 2.jpg)
(99.68 KB 600x900 IMG_2494 aft.jpg)
Found these on an ancient HD. Might look primitive by today's standards.
>>11057 Sounds good, and these pics you have here are great examples (hope you don't mind me saying so) One question, what would be the best way to approach you for a morph / to send you pics to morph?
>>11057 Do you have a discord or something? I really like your morphs
(66.71 KB 1284x1284 R.png)
(1.65 MB 876x1898 005_PlumpPrinces_Morph.png)
(1.61 MB 2796x1290 004_Kaybearcutie95_morph.png)
Here are two morphs I made myself, Kaybearcutie and Plump Princess Trying to revive the thread with something new
>>11334 are you schizo? i have never written in this thread until now \_(o-o)_/
what software are you guys using???
>>11057 If you have a discord, please dm me at sapphyalternate
(385.34 KB 3409x3409 IMG_7744.webp)
(46.22 KB 396x558 IMG_7745.jpeg)
(81.48 KB 1000x1000 IMG_7746.jpeg)
>>11121 >>11120 >>11057 if you're still out there, i'd like to offer up yoko ono for your consideration. here's some pics of her from the 60s, 80s and recent, but any is your choice. if you're still with us of course.
>>11338 Well I'm using Gimp, but photoshop should work as well, depending on what you want to use and with what you feel mre comfortable
(2.26 MB 1290x1714 TianaMorph1.png)
>>11243 Here u go :)
>>11121 Can you post more? Or maybe an archive, kind sir
(292.69 KB 383x602 kelli morph.png)
Hope you had a good valentine's, ThatGuy! I take it you couldn't get your deviantart restarted? Also could you link to the guide you made before? I need to relearn how to morph and use other programs that aren't adobe. In exchange here's an old kelli morph I did
Here, some boberry morph's i found on deviantart
(854.59 KB 1290x1710 ewvrrw.jpg)
>>11243 hey i actually made a morph of one thos pics , im Perseukz on dviantart i think some of my stuff was posted here before, also finally i know what happend to theGuywhodidathing i really liked his work over on deviantart
>>11435 What happened? Is there an archive of his stuff?
>>11343 my discord is puygurple. opening $5 blob face comms, any gal. politican, youtuber, family. whatever. will take me a bit to check, so send away!
(54.51 KB 909x899 SPOILER_IMG_1495.jpeg)
(64.95 KB 1004x1060 SPOILER_IMG_1494.jpeg)
(51.32 KB 847x930 SPOILER_IMG_1426.jpeg)
(34.70 KB 612x916 SPOILER_IMG_1496.jpeg)
>>11344 would gladly! again, literally ANYONE lol (based pick) just shoot me a friend request on my aforementioned discord :D ALSO. to prove it’s me, here’s some more faces for ya’ll!
(3.05 MB 3024x4032 007_ElizaAllure_morph.jpg)
(2.93 MB 1293x1984 009_Bimbunny_morph.png)
(2.90 MB 1293x1984 010_Bimbunny_morph_bigger.png)
Hey, thought I try my best to morph again and get some more body morphs going, those blob faces look great, but a face needs a body.
(104.35 KB 1170x655 029_3nchantress_morph.jpg)
(105.85 KB 481x856 031_feedeenamimi_morph.jpg)
(312.43 KB 1920x1080 042_kittypiggy_morph.jpg)
(215.42 KB 867x856 036_3nchantress_morph.jpg)
(406.84 KB 2472x1425 045_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(344.30 KB 1400x1050 043_yvonnefox_morph.jpg)
Back again to revive again. Trying to morph some more and get bit better
(3.98 MB 1375x2445 artstationmorph_00.png)
(3.99 MB 1401x2493 artstationmorph_01.png)
posting some random morphs I slapped together.
(4.50 MB 1502x2671 artstationmorph_02.png)
(350.70 KB 687x800 britmorph_00.png)
(793.43 KB 720x1280 gingerbunnymorph_00.png)
(517.17 KB 582x758 k8tlynmoprh_00.png)
(60.58 KB 1121x989 nagihikarmorph_00.webm)
(403.44 KB 608x1080 britmorph_01.webm)
>>11057 Is this your old account? https://www.deviantart.com/excessiveblubber/art/Vanessa-Guilarte-Blob-929662750
>>11460 Can I send you requests here if I don’t use discord?
>>11344 best i can give you, is a puff ball of the third image
(109.28 KB 835x957 056_boberry_morph.jpg)
(124.65 KB 1203x664 055_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(124.07 KB 1192x670 054_Lisalou_morph.jpg)
(139.95 KB 1284x736 048_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(377.18 KB 1284x1982 046_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(312.43 KB 1920x1080 042_kittypiggy_morph.jpg)
and back at it with some more morphs i made
(156.35 KB 1152x1440 018_succubabe_morph.jpg)
(107.46 KB 1180x677 026_carolinareaper222_morph.jpg)
(406.84 KB 2472x1425 045_chubbychiquita_morph.jpg)
(442.71 KB 1290x2284 049_babybae_morph.jpg)
(986.47 KB 1284x1725 020_thickhungryhoney_morph.jpg)
(2.66 MB 3024x4065 050_striderscribe_morph.jpg)
>>11537 and some more
