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(396.27 KB 719x1248 20210218_151948.jpg)
Edits! Inflation/Preg/WG/Expansion MissMaxPSI 02/18/2021 (Thu) 22:25:46 Id:787e1a No. 2553
Hello! I hope I'm dropping this in the right place. There will be more from other cartoons/Animes to come :)
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I got permission from Maria Alive for a little... Thiccification
>>2563 Please do more morphs like this!!!😍😍
(1.88 MB 1920x1090 I_am_my_mom_137 (1).png)
(1.29 MB 1902x1080 sketch-1613972314898.png)
(206.38 KB 1099x1080 sketch-1613972321532.png)
It's not the best but here's my contribution
(133.37 KB 1099x1080 sketch-1613973058021.png)
>>2573 Normal palette edit
>>2564 More coming soon!
(880.23 KB 1080x1349 37.jpg)
One i was holding onto
(495.71 KB 1333x1000 20210306_192130.jpg)
>>2564 Oh by the way.
Can you edit this pic of mystique Sonia from hero 108 as a chubby fat blob with a large belly
Can you edit these images of mystique Sonia from hero 108 completely Butt Naked
>>2682 More!!!!!!!
would you mind expanding her gut ?
>>2790 Sure can. I have a few models I've contacted on the list first. I have a finite amount of time to morph so it might be a while.
>>2799 What about me>>2703
(281.96 KB 2038x1100 Spinnerella Screenshot 2.jpg)
(69.88 KB 1200x675 Spinnerella Screenshot 10.jpg)
(114.96 KB 1920x1080 Spinnerella Screenshot 14.jpg)
(181.66 KB 1920x1080 Spinnerella Screenshot 19.jpg)
Can someone inflate Spinnerella to the point that she's a blimp and/or roly poly in these screenshots from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" please? Thank you.
>>2863 >>2808 I can do these two requests and Minx, but that'll be my only three. I'll have them completed as soon as I can :) These will be the only requests I'll do for now, fyi.
>>2887 Thank you for letting me know. I look forward to seeing how they turn out once they're done.
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(2.63 MB 1920x1080 Velma Screenshot 3.png)
(1.92 MB 1920x1080 Velma Screenshot 5.png)
(1.95 MB 1920x1080 Velma Screenshot 6.png)
Can someone inflate Velma in these screenshots from some episodes of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" to the point that she's roly poly please? Thank you.
Can someone inflate Osono to the point that she's roly poly in these screenshots from "Kiki's Delivery Service" please? Thank you.
How about also inflating Osono to the point that she's roly poly in this screenshot also from "Kiki's Delivery Service" as well?
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(626.49 KB 3838x2096 Spinnerella Screenshot 3.jpg)
(252.75 KB 2034x1102 Spinnerella Screenshot 4.jpg)
Can someone make Spinnerella nine months pregnant in these screenshots from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" please? Thank you.
(449.94 KB 1440x810 Minx.jpg)
>>2790 Quickie
>>2939 Oh my god yes
>>2939 Looking good!!!
Can someone inflate Daphne to the point that she's roly poly in this screenshot from the Scooby-Doo movie "Scooby-Doo: Legend of the Vampire" please? Thank you.
>>2887 Excuse me not to rush you but how are my edit request doing>>2703
>>2992 I also must apologize if this sounds like I'm being one of those people as well, but I just got to know when can we expect to do see our completed requests especially my requests for those body inflation edits of Spinnerella from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" and Daphne from "Scooby-Doo: Legend of the Vampire"?
>>3017 OK I hate to sound impatient but how much longer is going to take to do and finish my requests and when will I be able to see the complete results?
(289.44 KB 1400x2100 20220216_105228.jpg)
Can someone edit the horse cock so it looks human plz
Edit request based off of https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/911099239/4979874803 (third, 5th, and 6th panels only), reference: last panel of second image.
Image edit based off https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/917336239/4987498754 reference: last panel of comic page.
>>6220 >>6221 The panels I mentioned are the ones to edit.
Can you edit the last two panels in this so that there's ice cream on Beth's mouth cascading down her face? (The panels I mentioned are the ones to edit.)
>>6223 Reference: first two panels of this comic. The panel I mentioned are the ones to edit.
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I am requesting an edit of this bird with a huge belly, breast, and ass I remember someone requested this in the past, but it must have been deleted
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(60.30 KB 1280x720 IMG_0171.jpeg)
Is this what you crave?
(1.34 MB 1920x1080 1560471620279.png)
can someone edit to where her ass is huge?
(218.42 KB 413x557 Untitled801_20230717055700.png)
Can someone do inflation body edit of this character please ( I'm Mare389 )
(293.41 KB 450x938 20230917_024910.jpg)
>>7951 Yes_plankton.png
(2.14 MB 1920x1080 1014002.png)
Requesting the girl on the left please. You can make the cutie on the right round too.
>>2603 This is great! Source? Gallery?>>2603
Requesting a pregnant, stuffed or inflated belly edit - for the last one please add a hose diving into the water.
(696.04 KB 1120x630 Untitled1237_20240611171839.png)
(883.19 KB 1120x630 Untitled1237_20240611175007.png)
(812.60 KB 1120x630 Untitled1237_20240611175000.png)
>>8444 Here you go
>>9509 Completely forgot about my request here. Thanks!
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(122.38 KB 1192x670 IMG_2563.jpeg)
The Camp Scare Daphne edit that looks like she’s inflated made by w-oo-t before he deleted it and nuked his Twitter. Plus two more Camp Scare edits just for funsies.
