Story universe idea: 2030 is the year that alien civilization is introduced to earth. There is a 100,000 year old galactic federation of a million planets, all populated with beings that are in the Homo genus. The colonists who founded the construction of civilizations on these planets were often brought together to build a society with a vision that catered to their sexual fetishes. The traditions, laws, languages, social structures, customs, history and lore all are shaped by this. There exists a kind of faster than light internet among all of these planets that earth gets connected to. Genetic nanobot technology has evolved to the point where someone can be transmogrified into just about any creature. Mind control technology is so advanced that anyone under the influence of it thinks, feels, and acts according to the controller's will.
Example story in universe: Browsing the newly arrived galactic internet, an earthling discovers extreme fetish porn that turns them on. They become addicted to it and browse it obsessively. Advertisements on the site offer weight gain supplements and weight gain related medical services. The ads also offer many pets that have been genetically engineered to have human skin, subcutaneous fat, and huge flabby asses as well as other anthropomorphized features. An ad catches the eye of the earthling. It is from the porn site itself, offering a permanent spot in their brothel for anyone willing to sign over themselves to complete and irreversible sex slavery. The brothel is on a planet that legally allows this and even severely punishes any slave that attempts to renege on their slavery contract.