This is darker than most of my stuff, but had an idea: High Class, to White Trash.
Three characters: Mom, Jock Daughter, Nerd Daughter. A rich family from the big city.
Mom is a 40 year old trophy wife of a wealthy executive, exercises a ton, has a fair amount of work done to look like she's still 20. Think Kate Beckinsale.
Jock daughter is a 19 year old college volley ball player, state champ for years, super fit but really stacked, lots of instagram followers, sports illustrated modeling jobs lined up, blonde+blue eyed. Think young kate Upton.
Nerd daughter is short, super smart, assertive, self confident and moral, brown eyes, freckles, very svelte. College Senior, full ride scholarship to Ivy League lined up at the start of senior year, ardent feminist, openly bisexual, proudly atheist, going to have the world at her finger tips. Think Emma Watson.
Nerd daughter discovers Dad is doing super illegal shit and blows the whistle. Nerd, Jock and Mom are put into witness protection, getting moved to a small town in the south with a depressed economy, shitty schools, no gyms, lots of fast food, ultra conservative culture and sky high obesity rates.
They're moved from a big McMansion to a double wide trailer, from each having a BMW to sharing two crappy old toyotas.
Mom's from old money, she never had a real job besides being a model years earlier, she gets placed at a fast food restaurant. At first every one's marveling a this ultra hotty and her manager is giving her the easiest shifts and duties. Without all her expensive beauty treatments middle age catches up with her: forehead lines and crows feet when her botox wears off, lips get thinner due to no collagen injections, roots coming in gray that she covers with a cheap dye job that looks like shit. Not quite so hot anymore, she starts having to do more work.
Mom tries to keep up with yoga but the budget has to stretch, meaning she's bringing home fast food a lot and after double or triple shifts stops exercising from being tired and stressed out. Spends money they don't have on smokes that make her look older and her teeth yellower. Starts drinking due to despair and all of that combined means she starts gaining pretty quick without her personal trainer/boy toy, highly unflattering gain: door jammer hips, bean bag thighs, sagging lower belly, upper arms, shoulder hump. As she gets less and less attractive, she starts getting more and more shifts which means she gets fatter and fatter.
Jock Daughter gets a job as a waitress at a greasy spoon, frustrated and bored, dudes aren't up to her standard and poverty sucks. Other waitress suggest she get a job as a dancer at the strip club near the army base, which Jock gets easily. She's a mega hotty surrounded by a bunch of heavier, uglier girls, starts earning a ton of money from her dances. Starts dating hottest guy in town, handsome son of club owner and local crime boss. She's real fucking snooty about how hot she is, telling him its a privilege to let him fuck her and how this is a temporary little fling until she goes back to being rich.
Other girls plan revenge: Dancers get a beer a night, other girls pool all of their beer to her and she starts drinking pretty heavily. With no gym, no trainer and no nutritionist to keep her photo ready, plus the fast food mom is bringing home, Jock starts getting out of shape and gain weight. Loses her abs, boobs get saggier, some jiggle on her ass. Brings in less tips, less crowds, gets lazier, starts to drink more, gets past the maximum weight for dancing. No dancing means no exercise at all and she starts getting chubby.
Lucky for her, Handsome Criminal has a gaining fetish. Jock starts blowing the fuck up, Criminal takes her on big fast food binges before sex and keeps her drunk half the day. She mutters drunkenly about how she's gonna be the SI rookie of the year and all the instagram followers she's gonna get when she gets back to civilization and back in shape. He tells her that instead she'll never lose weight, says she'll get too fat even for drink pit and be moved to kitchen duty within a month. If he wins, she moves in with him. If she wins, she gets a thousand bucks a week that the family really needs.
Jock completely fails to get into shape, exercise sucks ass now and she can't diet to save her life. Keeps blowing up, none of the weight going to her now floppy boobs. she gets a big ole gut and a huge ass, too fat to serve drinks much less dance. Moves in with the criminal and gets goddamn huge and super unhealthy: high blood pressure, bad joints and diabetes. Still claims she's going to get into shape, even though her guts too big to be fucked from the front. She gets fucked doggy style every night after being funnel fed chocolate sauce and heavy cream, watching old videos of her self playing volley ball and doing exercises, bragging about how easy it is to stay fit.
Nerd daughter is suddenly in a shitty southern school: no computers, text books falling apart, fucked up local laws are that girls can't take math or science classes, no girls clubs save future christian mothers, no girl's sports but cheer leading (and they're all kinda fat). Gets bullied a lot by flabby cheer leaders jealous of her looks, hit on constantly by the town jock foot ball players, teachers hate her because she believes in evolution and the south losing the civil war, at home jock sister blames her for them being in this shitty town, Mom defends her but Nerd can tell mom blames her inside. Can only skype her girlfriend once a week due to security.
Starts to stress eat, gets a chubby little tummy, a butt and much bigger boobs and can't afford many new clothes, popping out of her old ones. Mean girls tease her that she's knocked up and is going to be a drop out teen mom. Stress eats more, gets chubbier.
Nerd girl has ADHD that responds really well to treatment and a medical condition where her hormones are absolutely nuts when not on birth control. Shitty southern state lets the pharmacist refuse to hand out birth control for unmarried women when she needs to up her birth control prescription on friday. Snaps and chews out the pharmacist, who bans her from the store, meaning no ADHD meds either. Jock sister, only a little chubby at this point, had taken the only sort of dependable car to a bachelors party for a long weekend, won't be back until monday afternoon. Has to wait to go to another town and get a fresh prescription.
By monday morning nerd's hormones are making her go fucking psycho horny. Shitty internet makes long range co-mutual masturbation with girlfriend not enough. Fucks half the foot ball team and half the mean girls too by noon, caught by the principal sucking off the chubby head cheer leader while she rides the quarter back.
Suspended, has to go to horrible mega church three days a week and teach sunday school lessons about how a woman's place is in the home. Church fucking sucks, teaching this bullshit really grates on her. Pastor's shy, chubby son is a secret atheist and sympathizes with her...she fucks him on the altar.
Month passes...period doesn't come, ankles swelling, morning sickness, breasts tender. Uh oh. Tests positive on prego test. When she asks girlfriend to mail her abortion pill girlfriend dumps her.
Tries to hide it in school, still a little thinner than average girl but her boobs and belly expand really quick. Out grows sister's bras, all her clothes (even mom's out grown uniforms) at the waist, feet too swollen for her shoes, starts leaking and has to skip school. Pastor's son offers her help, trip to PP and money...but his dad over hears her saying she's pregnant and thinks the kid is his sons. Tells principal, automatic expulsion for pregnancy. Pastor tries to push her into a shot gun marriage with his son.
No longer trophy wife mom tells her daughter to take it. Its the best she can hope for, the Feds dropped the charges on dad and they'll never get to go home again.
Shot gun marriage, nerd is bare foot and pregnant with triplets, husband is a vice pastor at the church meaning she has to keep her mouth shut or be kicked out of the church house they're given. Gets damn huge from pregnancy cravings, over a hundred pounds in 9 months. Untreated ADHD, mood swings, prego brain means she fails her attempt to take the GED. Gives birth to three boys, becomes exhausted single mother who doesn't lose a pound, barely sleeps. Wants to get a job, pastor's son says he'd lose his job if she wasn't a house wife.
Kids grow up a bit, are uncontrollable monsters bouncing off the walls all the time. Nerd gets continuously fatter, boobs are super floppy, she barely sleeps and is 23 and looks 35, weighs 350 pounds. They find and destroy all of her books (not that she's read in years). Pastor's son isn't attracted to her anymore, they rarely have sex.But kids are going to school at last, she can get her life back together...
Instead meets Mom and Ex-Jock for buffet lunch. None of them are recognizable, Mom's given up and gone totally grey, ass so big it gets caught in doors. Ex-Jock has a gut to her ankles and has to use a mobility scooter to get from her car to the seat. Ex-Nerd has un-bra'd boobs laying down to her hips and a vacant expression. They gorge and assuage themselves the others look worse, wind up getting stuck in the booth.
Buffet TV is showing a show about disppeared persons, episode is about them. Interviews Mom's exhusband (remarried to a twenty year old), Jock's team mates (they made it to the olympics) and Nerds old girlfriend (best selling author). Shows picture of them dressed to the 9s for award ceremony for Nerd, asks anyone who's seen them to call a number for a reward.
They decide they're better off with everyone not knowing what they became.