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Writing Tips Romantic Writing Advice 07/04/2024 (Thu) 00:43:58 No. 9294 >>9302
Was hoping for some general tips on writing romance. I’m mostly focused on FxF mutual gainers but I have plans for other types. My main issue with a lot of WG relationships is how degenerative and surface level they can feel. I understand why, but I’m the guy who enjoys happy relationships and think they elevate the erotic taste of WG. I want to be genuine, maybe not wholesome, this is still a kink and I have slob love for it to, but I don’t want relationships to feel superficial and loveless. I want them to have personality, chemistry, and then pair that with the hedonism of the kink. That’s what I want to make: something rich (for a self-fulfilling fetish work) that still has big gassy women. tldr: Asking for advice for writing a fleshed out relationship while keeping the kinks balanced.
Prompts and story ideas are also welcome
>>9294 I may not be properly caffeinated yet, but I like the cut of your jib, so I'll do my best to help. The main tip that I'd offer is probably the most difficult to implement, because it sounds like you want your characters to feel like people and for their interactions and relationships to make sense. Pixar's storytelling rules might be some decent food for thought: https://www.aerogrammestudio.com/2013/03/07/pixars-22-rules-of-storytelling/ I'd also add that drawing up a brief dossier for your characters can really help flesh them out quite a bit. Age/appearance of course, but other things like socioeconomic background, ethnic extraction, occupation, hobbies, hopes, fears, what they like about their kink(s), give you attributes that can interact with attributes from other characters. You don't need a full biography for all of your characters, but a brief brainstorming session, or just generating some traits with chatgpt, can give you potential points of interaction. It definitely sounds to me like you want to write "character-driven" stories (which makes sense!), so here's another article that might help get you thinking a bit too: https://self-publishingschool.com/plot-driven-vs-character-driven/ Regarding kink and romance specifically, I find this style of writing fun not just because I get to write scenes that I like, but also because you get to have romantic "confessions" at least twice. Secret desires add tension and stakes to character interactions- "Trish likes Carly, but she knows that Carly's only ever dated fat girls. Trish is skinny, will Carly like her in return anyways? Little does Trish know that Carly likes to fatten up her lovers; will Trish be into that?" You can have some fun with the order in which the confessions are done, and it can add additional stakes to each successive confession. "Trish and Carly hit it off and start dating. Carly is happy, but still deeply wants Trish to be plumper. How does she bring this up to her girlfriend without torching her new romance?" Another off-the-cuff example where kink leads rather than pure romance, "Jess hears a thunderous belch echoing through the office. She discovers that the source was her 400-pound co-worker Mandy. Entranced by Mandy's lack of inhibition, Jess volunteers to keep her fat colleague stocked up on snacks and fizzy drinks. During a snack run, the women get to talking, and Jess discovers that Mandy is into similar fantasy stories as her, and is single to boot.." Finally, if all else fails, then the best way to get better at writing is to read. Absorb other peoples' stories, enjoy them, think about them, and learn from them. I'm always kind of hesitant to shill my own stories outside of the designated self-promotion thread, but I think we're on a fairly similar wavelength in that we both like happy relationships. https://vicepeddlerscorner.neocities.org/ Please don't treat me as some final authority here, there are other (more) talented writers who haunt this board, and I'm a bad anon because I can't name any off the cuff. As penance for self-promoting, I'm including a link for The Fattest Woman in Ireland, which was honestly a great little "mainstream-ish" read: https://gofile.io/d/fXdeM3 Also, maybe not quite to your taste, but might be worth checking out, is the other big pile of fat/feederism-forward stories on Neocities: https://ashblonde.neocities.org/ Hope this helps! Happy writing!
>>9302 Thanks for the advice, and the stories as well. I’ll be sure to give them all the look over they deserve. I have other things I’d like to ask from time to time here, and I’d still gladly take any advice from anyone willing to give more right now, but this helps for drafting. It’s nice to know there’s someone else who enjoys a more wholesome, intimate relationship in this kink
Another tip I am looking for. Many stories I look over, even the best ones, frequently have the gainers lose their personality, focused more on being a hog and little more. And feeders demean them too. While I want to include escalation in these habits in my writing, I want them to A) keep their personality intact and B) marry that with good character growth, matching their gain. I’m not sure how to best go about this, to balance the gaining with character/relationship growth and with them being more invested in the kink tldr: Asking how to make things progress where characters and relationships grow, as well as their fat slob side, but not be overtaken by that
>>9323 I'm a little sad that nobody else has stepped up, but what the hell. I think one of the keys to striking a balance is establishing some non-kink traits for your characters early on, and having some scenes that get those traits out there. It gives your characters something to do that isn't eating or fucking, and can be sort of a "breather" after some intense fetish or sexual action. We get to see other aspects of a character's personality, or how their kink or changing weight/appetite impacts other parts of their life. Striking that balance isn't easy, and tbh I probably haven't managed it in my own stories either, but it's something that's on my mind a lot as well. To go out on a bit of a limb, I'd speculate that there might be a bit of a genre mismatch here. A lot of the more popular written work in this sphere I'd call "smut", that is to say it's pretty tightly focused on sex or fetish elements, with very little text (if any) given over to character development. "Romance" is generally going to spend more time fleshing out characters and their relationships before letting them bang, and while I could be kinda blind here, I think romance stories in this space aren't as common. tl;dr Just try giving characters some other traits or quirks that aren't fetish-related. Write scenes about them at work, or doing hobbies, or interacting with their family, or anything "mundane". Writing is never wasted, even if you don't publish it.
Like VicePeddler I'll shill my own stuff as well so you can see whether I'm worth listening to or not: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/Mal-s-Maison-A-Handy-Guide-to-My-DA-Writing-867605436 O/A I emphasize character development and relationships over numbers and inch-by-inch descriptions, perhaps to the detriment of my readership stats. But I feel the more a story rings true, the hotter it will be even if it's not wall-to-wall fetish fodder. Props to VP, The Fattest Woman In Ireland is a great example of this. The writer built a three dimensional universe that happens to contain a massively fat young woman. The book wasn't written as kink (far as I know) yet it's chock full of nitty gritty that blends beautifully with the story as a whole. Anyway back to your dilemma... As I understand it, it sounds like part of a bigger issue with kink writing: The set-up is the fun part but then seeing it through can seem like work — even though the best part of a WG story should really be the payoff. One of my favorite hacks to get past this is to write out of sequence. Since you're concerned specifically with losing flavor as the kink is explored and the feedee gains, start by imagining the relationship after the big blow up has happened (or is well on its way). Then work backwards, or jump around. The good news is that it sounds like you have the benefit of your own happy relationships from which to draw inspiration. So do a "thought experiment" where one of your real life SOs is deep into your kink. How would she react if she was semi-immobile and dependent? What if you brought home an entire sheet cake and told her you'd only help her to the bathroom if she finished the whole thing? And so on. Another thing I've learned over the years is not to be too precious with my writing. There are many pros who throw away more than they use, but it's never wasted. I'm not a dossier guy per se, but I'll write and write and write bio, background, and dialog as I'm developing a story, knowing much or maybe all of it will wind up in the trash. Though by getting it down I've fleshed out (npi) the character in my head, which will inform everything I do with them. This has worked for me because once I have the character dialed in I actually don't have to say too much about them. Their personality comes out organically through the writing and they'll be vivid, fully-fleshed (npi) beings. IMO this is way more effective than "Originally from Pig Holler, Kentucky, Jenny was a 5'7" 115 lb freshman at Gainesville State and head cheerleader for the football team..." Not that this approach should be verbotten — I've read plenty of great WG/fatfic stories that start this way — but a data dump isn't be a substitute for having the character in your head. Vice Peddler is also spot-on about reading. For a writer it's like filling your gas tank — go too far without it and you'll stall out. (The metaphors in my actual writing are even worse.) And read stuff besides kink. In fact read everything BUT kink... there's too much incest as it is, and not the sexy kind. Plus you never know where you'll find inspiration.
Reposting here I’m trying to work on a story with the dark atmosphere and tone of a Soulsborne but in a setting where the big world changing event initiates the weight gain for everyone (i.e: The Shattering somehow causes everyone become big slobs while keeping their ye olde prose and attitude) Does anyone have any ideas on how to tailor this event to keep the tone of the world without trivializing it by the ample growth and what not?
>>9399 Best to post what you have so we can read it and see if you're on track. But offhand I'd say start small and intimate, focusing on one or a few people and what they're going through without explaining the whole phenomenon. It should set up some kind of conflict that will pull readers into the story. Then zoom out and explain some of what's going on in a macro sense.
While I don’t have a lot written out, the main focus setting is on a former library with two female leads, former librarian and protagonist-y adventurer, both packing on the pounds. They’ll travel and other people will come but I want the main focus on them. The main issue is finding how to kick it all off. What event would both push the world into a gloomy, end times while also turning everyone into fat gassy slobs? And how do I keep their personalities in line with the more somber figures in SB games? That’s the core thing I’m looming to help ignite this all, get a central story and theme I suppose
>>9403 Just write, once you're in the zone and the characters are clear in your head that stuff will come to you.
Noted. I have written up a basic rundown that I would not mind to get second thoughts on. The vast world known as simply The Whole World was rife with indulgence and pleasure. Nations featured rarely, resources were plentiful, and a sedentary grip was tight in the people. It was then, the gods of this world, who had watched waiting for any chance of change and growth, took matters into their own hands. Acting individually, each with different intentions good and bad, they all sent their power into the World, curses and bounties on the land, afflictions upon the people, and monsters with a hungering affliction. Despite all being different and from the same gods, the people of the World called them all “Treasured” plagues and beasts. Monsters and “illness” would somehow fatten the populous. The landscape would be weighed down, reducing plateaus to swamps. New foods, between powerful, sickening, and tasty, appeared. Despite having an influx of food and drink, the monsters forced the growing population to flee their gilded homes, overun by new beasts. The Treasured had different afflictions across the World, with different races developing and changing beyond simple differences in origin and skin tone. And any who wish to act must contend with a world that will force their runs to become waddles and their stomachs to never be quiet again. The Whole World had been smothered by too much of a good thing. Our first lead is a quickly bloating adventurer, Callah, who has attempted to strike out and find the source of the Treasured and end them, though she has struggled greatly. She then stumbles into the Hollow Lapis Academy, a former palace converted into a grand library on all things Treasured, overseen by the supporting cast and second lead, Ada, a woman who has been slightly mutated into an off shoot race due to Treasured imbalance. She has her issues with the Treasured as well, but seeks to understand them before rash action. Seeing this as her best chance of staying safe while furthering her mission, Callah joins the academy, with the story that follows focusing on her, Ada, the academy’s members, and other faces looking into the Treasured, adventuring and fighting, growing closer together, and growing further out as they decide which way this world will go. Thoughts?
>>9408 Been thinking about this post for a few days and I feel compelled to weigh in. It sounds like you've got a pretty clear picture of the world you want to play with, which is great! It also looks like you've got a rough outline of your main characters, which is also good. Since you're asking for feedback, I'd suggest focusing your brainstorming on two things: character motivations and a satisfying end-state for the story. Questions to consider for Callah: - Why has she decided to leave her (presumably) comfortable and safe home life behind and adventure through a very dangerous world? - Has she been cast out of her community for becoming cursed? Is there somebody back home that she's trying to save? - You mentioned multiple gods, perhaps she's an adherent to of somebody who isn't the "fat god", and she thinks the fat-related curses are abhorrent? - Why is she convinced that the Treasured can even be destroyed? How firm is her conviction? - Is she old enough to remember how the world was before? Even if she isn't, how does she feel about the world she has to fight through? For Ada: - How does she feel about becoming a mutant? Is she open-minded enough to embrace the changes or does she feel like a freak? - Why is she more cautious about the Treasured than Callah? Perhaps the Treasured monsters aren't all raving berserkers and one helped her at some point? - Does she know or suspect something about the origins of the Treasured that conflicts with Callah's worldview or mission? Is her knowledge correct? Regarding the world and plot: - Is there an equivalence to Hollowing in this world? Somebody who's completely consumed by their curse turns into .... what? (Sidenote, if you're hell-bent on using the soulsborne inspiration, a setting like this would have a lot of space for some truly revolting body horror) - Are the monsters just mindless brutes or are they trying to corral or herd human populations for some unknown purpose? - Will we see monsters afflicted/blessed by curses other than fat-related ones? Do different "alignments" of monsters cooperate or fight? - I personally think there's potential for a great throughline here, since the core theme of soulsborne games is upholding a rotting status quo or diving into a terrifying unknown.For Callah, this could mean reaching a detante or understanding with her flabby body, even if it means permanently living as a huge fatass. An alternative endstate might be taking a deal that makes her skinny again but opens a door for some other horrible powers; or perhaps she throws herself completely into fatness, becoming.... I don't fuckin' know, maybe some sort of Saxxon-esque blob goddess. Gonna echo >>9406 and suggest that you just write some scenes. You don't need to write in chronological order, and you don't need to keep everything you write. At the risk of being presumptuous, some scene ideas: - Callah's first fight against any monster. Is she scared? Hot-headed? Did she get jumped or did she surprise the monster? - A much more grizzled Callah facing down a type of monster she's fought before. - Callah and Ada, a few drinks deep, wax philosophical about the nature of the world. Are these two women actually aligned on their mission, or is somebody hiding something? - Callah is forced to have the blacksmith expand her armor... again. And she's got some thoughts about her situation. You don't need to spell character motivations out for the reader, but I think it's the sort of thing that's invaluable to have in mind as you're writing interactions. Developing a mental model of WHO these people are will make their interactions with other people and the world feel that much more plausible. Oh, and it can make the romance feel a lot hotter too. Now if only I could finish my own backlog... >.>
>>9437 Thank you for the feedback. I’d like to respond to these all actually, they help with creative juices and I have plans for some already. In order -Callah hates what the curse has done to her body and family, upset with the state of her flabby and gassy form, as well as many people in her life such as family. She just wants to get back to the thin ideals she heard of in stories. Her home is also far from cushy. Supplied food in a round about way by Treasured, but nothing more. She hates being babied or overly sedentary moments too, prefers activity, which again, is harder as a fatass. -Not at all, most people in this world have been cursed one way or another, being fatter or hungrier or gassier or whatever. It’s just a way of life for her. To an extent, she’d be trying to save her home town from the curse of living like this, but this is primarily for herself. -Yes she is quite upset with some of these gods when she finds out about them, though it takes a bit for her to learn of them and their plans. -Pure spite and grit. She does learn from her investigations with Ada and crew that they may be defeated, but at the start, it’s just out of desperation. -No, but she has heard many stories of the glamorous and noble life of the past. This just makes her hate the wild and disgusting world even more. -Ada has learned to embrace the changes overtime, now completely fine with who she is. Despite her self-love, there are those who scorn her in this world, something that keeps her away from any stable parts of society outside the academy. A core part of her character is being someone who accepts themselves in a world that may not. -Exactly that. While most are mindless beasts in one description or another, Ada has seen good in some factions. Her studies into the gods that made them have also let her see more of their purpose, and thus judges them far less harshly, though isn’t dumb and knows which ones should be dealt with. -Ada knows the Treasured all come from the gods, and each god’s type of Treasured varies, with some that may genuinely better humanity, others that try a trial by fire approach to make humanity change for their own good, and those that are just pure monsters with no good. These grey areas are the biggest source of tension between her and Callah, though the two grow to understand their sides more. -I didn’t skimp on body horror ideas! Some people, particularly those who cling to the past while under their curse, can transform into bloated monsters. Other types of curses can turn people into Treasured mutants, like Ada to both lesser and greater extents. -It’s grey area again. Some are just set on whatever their god commanded them to do, some are plain kill beasts, but a handful of groups are smarter. Be it through trickery to herd masses to an ideal, some benevolent in methods, or even those who comprehend what they’re doing could be wrong. -The ending is the biggest thing I want to make stick. I was planning on the kind of angle you mentioned, an Elden Ring style specifically, with all the people there chasing the Elden Ring so they can make their ideal world. The difference here is that it’s all the *gods* there throwing out their Treasured to “evolve” the world out of stagnation (or keep it that way for some) and by the end, Callah, Ada, and friends will be the ones who decide what kind of direction the world goes in. Can’t say much more, but it’ll be big. I’d like to thank you for these questions, they help churn some motivation in me! It’s nice to talk about this idea with people, expressing this part of me is nice in a sense. Hope to maybe talk more on this. And best of luck with your backlog mate!
It’s been a minute, but progress has been slowly moving. Mostly figuring out the general flow for the story, how things should escalate, interactions should play out, so on. Along with that, some other hefty gals to fit the themes of acceptance and self-recognition in the story. Part of me wants to ask for more advice here, but I have a hunch I won’t get many responses. So instead of that or wasting another thread, is there some other place to ask for writing advice on topics risqué as this? Genuine writing feedback and advice would be harder on mainstream places when it’s still about XWG kinks, is does anyone know of boards or websites that are more focused on storytelling advice for those I could check out? That being said, if people are still interested in my story or willing to give feedback or advice here, I’d gladly take it!

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