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Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 22:52:56 Id:db609d No. 35100
Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such, weight loss videos etc.
This is only bbw chan thread I’ve seen where wrestling is discussed. Any notable Ssbbw models who have wrestled for content?
>>47427 less phosphorus smell in the air during the eclipse. Dont believe me test the air. No UV phosphorus increases the tendency of a metal to become cold-short, that is, brittle at reduced temperatures alot of phosphorus in sunlight. Notably
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I think someone posted about those AnimateMyStory Youtube videos that focus on fat stuff as being kinda hot earlier? I say this because I found this a few days back, and while the animation is very crude, some of the story elements are kinda hot, even if it's clearly not favourable to our kinks/interests Basically it's one of these stories about an 18 year old girl who's plus size and, despite bullying and mockery, likes her size. She hooks up with an older guy who is openly into her being bigger, and actually wants her to stuff herself and gain weight, which she does dutifully, even as she starts to incure health problems. The thing ends badly, with him having an anger tantrum and blowing up at her after she wants to invite him to prom and he's more interested in her just stuffing herself, and she has some health complications, leading to her losing weight to about her original size. Some of the narration is kinda hot for fantasy purposes though. Wonder what you lot here think about this?
>>50017 Whoops, forgot to post the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2dlTbYoMM
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>>44147 Realised there wasn't a link to this anymore, so here's a current YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMoYA7JKnTY Would also be into any other shows like it (english or otherwise) that have themes like it. It's not amazing (it's basically PG FEED) but it's got some kinda hot ideas and scenes.
>>37005 what show is this from?
this entire channel https://www.youtube.com/@KalamataDogsDen/videos
>>52455 LOL what other purpose does this channel serve?
Is there a bbw/ssbbw wrestling thread/forum?
>>54506 what about ssbbw sumo thread
>>54512 What about a general bbw/Ssbbw athlete thread? So all of our favorites like sumo, (beach) wrestling, sambo, but also weightlifting/powerlifting, hammer throw, shot put etc. Oh and all other sports where an athlete just might happen to be fat, where fatness might not be the norm i.e. a fat cheerleader.
>>54524 Heck yeah, brotha. Would be awesome. I like your thinking
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It might surprise you to see, but this is actually a promo photoschoot from Superfit Hero announcing they were explanding their active/workout attire to 7X. You *might* notice that this includes BigCutie Eve here. Beyond just her, a lto of the other models look fine af, especially wearing that attire.
Instagram profiles of fat girls i know irl
>>54512 >>54524 would be cool to have a thread for ssbbws that we have fantasies about them wrestling each other because let’s be honest our favorites probably either won’t wrestle or if they do it probably wouldn’t be the ones we’d pick first. Also would be cool to have comparisons like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBBW_FANS/s/Wa7QwI0GvP Basically the thread would be comparisons of ssbbw models and hypothetical matches
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>>54630 What the link was supposed to show
>>35120 >you would be surprised by how many people in the community are just normie middle aged women who are unbelieveably horny for the wrestlers >>35142 I'm reminded of pic related.
>>35120 >>35150 I also figure for why the ignorance of Sumo being popular with women, I also imagine the concept on the internet called G.I.R.L. (Guy in real life), the assumption that online users are guys and those that claim to be girls are just overweight neckbeards. For the BHM thread, I wouldn't doubt the assumption is that those on the thread who upload/chat about most stuff are gay men and the occasional straight guy or just straight guys depositing art on BHM characters. I'm sure that amount of women who upload images/chat about stuff would amaze us. It also extends to drawn art. We usually assume most BBW are dudes. We never expect an artist to be a woman. We wouldn't expect women to want to draw BBW cheesecake. With stuff on BHMs, again we assume it to be gay men into larger men, We never think women could draw themselves some big fat sexy men. We also never know how many bisexual men/women draw this stuff or watch sumo matches. Just wonder how many women are on this site, how many have contributed to the BHM board and how many have uploaded stuff here. Don't want to contact them, rather just know they exist and use this site.
BBW artists I meant
>>54574 I remember seeing that posted on 4chan, forgot which board, and did a double take upon recognizing Eve. >>54845 >We usually assume most BBW are dudes. This typo is crazy.
I meant to say BBW artist, I was tired while typing it and didn't realize until after I published it. Anyway what I was saying was that we assume all BBW artists to be dudes, or artists of BHMs to be dudes, we never expect women to draw art of fat women or women to draw art of fat men. This does lead to how few times I come across women who find sumo wrestlers sexy, because the assumption is that most users on sites like these are dudes. How many baords are there about sexy BBWs? How to get BBWs, which BBWs are sexy and how to have your lady friends become a BBW? I know there is a BHM thread, but we often expect the users there to be gay guys into fat men. We never expect women on there posting images, comments, etc.
>>54845 I wish women’s sumo was more popular and also that our favorite ssbbw models would do wrestling for fun in videos. They’d be good at it
>>54858 Most women just don't express their sexuality that way. It's not 100% — I write fat fetish stuff and know two certifiable women who do it as well, and a handful of DA artists — but it's really really rare.
Express it by drawing art and commenting and posting stuff on boards like this you mean? Is that what you mean by express it that way? Why would you say that female BBW artists are rare?
>>54948 I've been on DA for a while, exclusively in fat fetish art/writing circles. I've dealt with a lot of fellow artists/writers and maybe 1% were cis female. And yeah, not many women here either unless they're checking for stolen content.
>>35117 What is her name?
>>55209 I'm assuming your talking about the heavyweight Ukrainian wrestler. That's Svitlana Iaromka or in Ukrainian Світлана Миколаївна Ярьомка. Hottest thing about her would probably be her weight gain since her judo and early sumo days. https://youtu.be/IoC8AC4faRE https://youtu.be/ksJm8LICoSQ
>>55211 No way was she actually 500 "lps" like the short title said, right? Did she lose weight? She looks thinner on IG than at her heaviest.
>>55218 Idk tbh what her current or her heaviest was as this information was never made public. In sumo she was probably weighed before tournaments but those numbers normally don't get revealed to the public. With weight classes you are pretty good at guessing the athletes weights i.e. if someone fights in the light heavyweight category you know that they weigh between 73 and 80kg. But as soon as you get into the heavyweight 80+kg category for women you can only guess an athletes weight or hope to find some information online like from interviews and stuff. Also to be completly honest I don't even know if athletes who are only competing in heavyweight and open weight divisions are required to be weighed since their weight does not matter for these divisions...? As for her Instagram I don't think that she has any recent photos of her out there...? https://www.instagram.com/iaromka_judo Also sadly I haven't seen her in any recent international sumo tournaments so it's hard to know if she's gained or lost any weight since. As for the 500lbs claim maybe the guy running the chanel who also happens to be a sumo athlete has some insight into her weight (or her just made a plausible guess and went with it...?). For reference for anyone who wants to take a guess she's 162cm which is a little under 5ft4.
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I believe it deserves a sequel.
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>>55230 >Piggy (2022) >Sara, labelled Cerdita[a] by bully Maca and her friends Roci and Claudia, is an overweight teenage girl Anon...?
>>35100 >>54776 Fat pride counts, right?
>>55233 >Fat pride You don't deserve to have your dick and balls.
>>55231 Well, don't tell anyone, but it involves our heroine on a new adventure ten years after the last one.
>>55236 Piggy is movie about a teenage girl who gets bullied for her size by a bunch of other teenage girls and is later given a chance to kill them by some creep who kidnapped them. I don't think that's something you'd want to treat as wank material, dude. That's fucking weird. >Well, don't tell anyone, but it involves our heroine on a new adventure ten years after the last one. Where the FUCK did you get this information? Did you pull it out of your mentally retarded ass?
>>55237 It's actually a possibilty for the film to get a sequel of sorts.
>>55254 >It's actually a possibilty for the film to get a sequel of sorts. Nigga, you're still leaving me confused. A "possibility"...? What you posted was literally one-sentence fanfiction. How was I supposed to interpret that as a "possiblity"? I can't read your mind through my computer monitor. There's no way for me to have inferred that.
My girlfriend and I are in different countries for our postgrad degrees, but we’re pretty close geographically, so we usually see each other often. We both had a stretch recently where we were traveling a lot, so we went almost two months without meeting up. Now, she’s always been a bit on the curvier side, but nothing too much, never really asked for her weight but around 75kg/165cm. So, imagine my surprise when I saw her again, and she’d put on at least 8-10 kgs. I couldn’t be happier, I’ve always had a thing for this, but I’ve never really opened up about it. It’s been a bit of a private thing for me, and for my own peace of mind, I figured it’d stay that way. But now, seeing her like this has made me enjoy our relationship so much more. The funny thing is that she is in total denial, just the other day I watched her struggling with her clothes and asked me “I haven’t gained that much weight have I?”, my dick was diamonds, I swear to god I even thought she might have sneaked into my phone and figured out what I like, but no, she really is in denial and just claims shes been bloated. So now I’m wondering, should I actually tell her I’m into it and maybe encourage her a bit? Or should I just let things keep rolling as they are and not bring it up? Any advice on how to handle this, and maybe even keep it going ?
https://npo.nl/start/serie/metropolis/seizoen-22/metropolis_81/afspelen here's a brief Dutch documentary about personal stories related to obesity around the world (use proxy to watch). The first segment is about a Kenyan plus-size fashion show, the 2nd about the health problems of a elderly Armenian actress but it's all about the third and last segment for me. Apparently it's common for women in Burkina Faso to intentionally fatten themselves up for better prospects on the dating market. The subject of the segment who has packed on the pounds quite well gives some tips for a successful gain. There are also some street interviews with men on their preference. It's been living in my head rent free for the past few weeks.
>>55974 I don't speak Burkina Faso or read Dutch but I can use my imagination... Nice find!
>>54843 She's so cute seeing her doing: "Oooooh"
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>>41868 >>41894 Welp, not entirely sure how i did it, but managed to pull the full FA[C]TS short from online and put it on Gofile. https://gofile.io/d/EzNiuR It's more art project that documentary or anything IMO, but it does have some hot scenes it it. Full warning. It does include some male and NB fatties here too. If that's a turn-off, look away.
>>57741 Bigger crowds Easier targets
>>43069 I've done this before. absolutely epic
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> "this girl's cute, wonder if she's somewhere" > reverse image search > leads here, same image (girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair) > cool.jpg > end up reading a very well-articulated, frankly almost analytical discussion about baseball, sumo and representation of it in Japan > remember power pros, a huge baseball series in japan > i like power pros > mfw big women led me to getting back into a game series Unironically somewhat funny how this all came to be. Keep being yourselves everyone, and merry early Christmas!
>>58138 >girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair OP? The Japanese housewife?
I apologize for not clarifying; it was the image OP had used for the banner here. My fault!
Might be strethcing the rules with "isn't porn but" rules here but "My Big Fat Fetish" was a channel 4 docco a few years back on this kink, and has a few shots, scenes, and tidbits from models and the scene that really did make it easy to be treated as porn. https://gofile.io/d/gBMgRo
Latest obesity figures: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/mar/03/more-than-half-of-adults-worldwide-obese-by-2050-report-says The future looks bright, despite o zempic. I still recommend planting many seeds to keep the momentum.
As a teen, the fat girl in the shower scene in Porkies pretty much turned me into only wanting fatties. I nutted to that loads before fat porn became a thing. There was an article about a East German woman starring in a porn scene in an English newspaper that made me nut loads too. Turned out the woman was actually Teighlor
