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Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 22:52:56 Id:db609d No. 35100
Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such, weight loss videos etc.
That video where the fat woman falls down and begs everyone to help her get up but instead they just laugh at her and continue filming her struggle.
Plus-sized clothing catalogs and fashion magazines, diet books (confessional style), art and photography books.
>>35109 Please share this video
women's sumo... especially heavyweight and open weight categories Openweight seems almost like comically funny. I mean just take a look ;) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lINmiMba42o
>>35117 im a fan of mens sumo (as a sport, for the most part) and you would be surprised by how many people in the community are just normie middle aged women who are unbelieveably horny for the wrestlers
>>35120 I have noted how I have never seen this in most anime/manga. They never bring up the women who find sumo wrestlers sexy. Most of the time, the wrestlers have simplistic/cartoony faces. Sumos are also either comic relief or minor villain characters. This made me amazed to know that there are women who lust over wrestlers. Since they don't appear in anime/manga. I wouldn't say that the creators avoid beefcake, there are series that while guilty with big boobied women, have muscular hunks with their shirts off like Fairy Tail and bleach. It just seems they're only interested in muscular beefcake. I also wondered why no creator has done like an ecchi series with sumo wrestling. I have noted how many creators have sexualized stuff in their culture. I do know how the sport is exclusively male. I just wondered why not have the story set in like an alternate world where sumo is exclusively female or unisex or have female sumo wrestlers wrestling male wrestlers. I can buy if not all creators follow sumo and know a lot about it beyond the basics.
>>35120 Excuse me? Pls explain
>>35141 Fat men in Japanese society play the role of otaku going after idols, stern patriarch, street punk, or western Nazi. Paradoxically they are loved since people are tired of the sentimentality towards the past
I'm just curious how people known for making incredibly horny stuff especially about their culture would leave out something that is very easy to insert horny fantasies into.
Thing is, Sumo wrestlers aren't fatties gorging on McDonald's, they have to train and work very hard, they are straight up athletes and since the sport as ties to Japanese religion and culture, I thought they would be seen as better than other fatties in Japanese fiction. Though it appears that with their fatphobia, even celebrities and those with ties to their culture/faith get to be treated as the ugly, mean fatties that are bad guys and/or comic relief.
I was also wondering, why some mangaka hasn't done some story where sumo gets morphed into something closer to what various other creators find sexy (Thin curvy women wrestling each other).
I suppose WG scenes in fiction would count for me or the occassional fat character in fiction.
>>35120 I was reading a study recently where they were comparing how common fetishes were, gender preference, how taboo etc. One thing that surprised me (aside from the fact women were overwhelmingly into shit like rapeplay, executions and vore) was that fat fetishism was generally a female thing, but not something they'd be that open about. I wonder if fat fetishist women are more common than we realize?
>>35141 McDonald's is rich enough to pay Char's VA in Japan to sell burgers
>>35141 Women generally like shoujo and Inuyasha because the characters are intense looking. Comic Books are on the decline because it's for kids and nerds mad that people hate Marvel/DC trying to make things safe. Miguel or rather the Spiderverse II film version is popular cause he's not a preppie like Miles or safe like Peter
>>35150 Think that since most mangaka are male? They likely don't wish to provide audiences with sumo beefcake because they would rather draw thin, curvy women and shirtless muscular men.
>>35150 I suppose since women aren't expected to be open towards their sexualities, they probably would be silent about what they're interested into sexually. Meanwhile us men will talk on and on about what women we find sexy and our sex fantasies. Look at this site, it's us talking about fat women and all our sex fantasies pertaining to them. The only things women in fiction are expected to be interested in are muscular men. Them liking plump men isn't brought up a lot. There probably are loads of women that like bigger men, but they probably feel ashamed about their sexualities. This is what I see in stuff like Fairy Tail, Eden's zero and Bleach, women will lust after the muscular beefcakes, but we never see heavyset or Sumos being lusted after in these stories. Maybe women into plump men also feel they shouldn't be into fat guys. Fat people in our culture are ugly and gross and we shouldn't want to find them sexy and attractive.
>>35150 i would say more women who have fat fetishes are normies who just end up marrying chubby dudes. i work retail and seeing older women with fat husbands is pretty common. ffas who are fetish brained are also more common on tumblr and reddit and stuff. >>35142 wym? >>35141 sumo is not very popular with younger people, who most manga is targeting. there is one popular sumo manga that im aware of which is hinomaru zumo the protagonist of which is just a muscular dude. theres another manga about womens sumo but the girl is only chubby by manga standards. also from my limited foray into japanese sumo twitter most of the girls who are into sumo there are not into geek culture at all
>>35177 Geek culture is not popular in America either because it's mostly a Jewish power fantasy. Gohan from Dragonball is the outlier because he's laid back. Amuro Ray from Gundam 0079 is another outlier cause he has a high kill count. Within America, I can only think of is Spiderman because of that chad Australian jawline balancing out the dorky 70s clothes. I suppose Cyclops is popular cause he controls mutie sluts. The only sumo I can think of that's popular is Hariyama from Pokemon because it's so useful against Slaking in contrast to Machoke. Within Latin America, Top, Android 19 and Majin Buu are icons for fat people cause they broke Super Saiyan Goku
>>35177 Thank you so much, a lot has made sense and I finally got an answer to something on my mind for a while. I wondered, why does stuff like One Piece and Eden's zero treat sumo wrestling for comic relief and give the wrestlers simplistic/cartoonish designs even though they're celebrities and part of their culture. As well as why I've never seen fangirls horny over wrestlers in mainstream works. The fact that young people don't follow sumo does make sense, I remember hearing how young people view it as something old people like and they aren't interested in. So I figure the works, which are aimed at a younger audience wouldn't focus on something they're interested in or hold much support for. It probably does reflect the idea on the youth's heads that sumo wrestling is silly/ridiculous. I also figured that fans of sumo wouldn't be anime fans. Sports geeks and pop culture geeks are two separate species of geeks, though sometimes you may get overlap. Despite this, I have seen sports manga for stuff like volleyball, baseball, tennis, etc. I guess then manga for stuff like this is fine since these are sports that young people are interested in versus sumo wrestling. For the thing I wondered was why no mangaka has done an ecchi series with sexy women practicing sumo given how many creators have made horny stuff in their culture. The fact that young people aren't into it does make sense for why this hasn't happen. This would probably be why these creators don't want to portray the wrestlers as sexy or show fangirls they have. Maybe most mangaka are unaware of the fangirls sumo wrestlers have because most of them are not fans of the sport and thus don't go into those circles. I was curious about the western vs. eastern portrayal of sumo wrestlers because I note how in western fiction sumo wrestlers are seen as fatties and the whole thing is hilarious and is comic relief. I note how most mainstream anime does this with sumo, only rarely using the humor of them being fatties who stuff their faces with food. Just using them as comic relief. I wanted to figure out why this portrayal and now I know, thanks.
>>35191 Not really. Sports geeks and anime geeks overlap in baseball. The Japanese like Shohei Ohtani because he's a talented pitcher. Sumo is right up there with martial arts as seen as old fashioned by Japanese people. The youth have also been killing elderly people out of frustration with society being obedient to seniors but keigo or politeness being hardwired into their language. Tennis is mostly for wealthy families.
I figure too, the youths wouldn't find Sumo wrestlers to be sexy and would think of them as obese men in loincloths bear hugging each other. For the sexy women mention. I was wondering why no mangaka has done a story with a version of sumo that is more in line with their sex fantasies (Having thin curvy women wrestle each in skimpy outfits and/or get into hot lesbian stuff). This isn't me saying it's fine sexualize sapphic relationships, just saying that after looking at a lot of anime/manga, it's clear that they sexualize girl and girl relationships and think about how hot it is. I have seen loads of stuff where japanese creators eroticized stuff in their culture or others where they alter stuff to be more full of thin, buxom women in sexy outfits no matter how much sense it makes. Even some creators here in the US do this. Just take whatever setting, and put thin, big boobied women in sexy outfits in it. Anyway back on topic other stuff used can be documentaries talking about feeders showing plump women gorging to their heart's content and sometimes wearing sexy outfits, plus-size pool parties, plus-size fashion videos/blogs with bikinis and lingerie.
>>35192 Perhaps then, it's fair to say that since sumo is part of a tradition going back thousands of years. For anime fans that are also into baseball, baseball is relatively new to their culture versus sumo. So an anime/manga fan into new stuff may not be as into sumo which is old. I should have mentioned that anime geeks and sports geeks can overlap. For tennis, I remembered an anime series called the Prince of tennis and was using it as an example of how there are sports anime out there. So I guess sports and geeks can overlap. Perhaps with stuff like tennis and baseball, they're seen as relatively new and thus younger people are going to be more into them, versus sumo which is this old fashioned sport that old people are into. Anime about stuff like baseball, soccer, swimming, boxing, tennis is more likely to interest a younger audience over something like sumo which is old fashioned.
>>35195 Japanese cinema censors all their films including erotica. The arts in Japanese society is dominated mostly by women who want big boobs and fat. Women want to be cool and not some loser like Naruto
Maybe in short, while sumo wrestlers are jokes in Japanese fiction, they don't try to treat them as bad as western fiction (fat jokes and racist jokes about Japanese culture and how something so ridiculous can be a sport), while the creators may try to show respect by pointing out how the wrestlers aren't fatties gorging on fast food and doughnuts and undergo training, they may still be uncomfortable portraying them in a more positive light due to them being fat. They are rarely the heroes who save the day, the sexy beefcakes. I thought most creators are uncomfortable portraying fat bodies as sexy and are unwilling to do so.
>>35200 Not really. Japan is a Shinto and Buddhism country that champions happiness and suffering to bring enlightenment
>>35199 I do get the desire for big boobs. But fat? Do you mean boob fat? They are notoriously fatphobic and treat a slight weight gain as horrifying, look at the many "fat" characters in Japanese fiction, who are fat because they got a beer gut or a little fat?
>>35202 Japanese love fat characters like Patrick Star cause he's easy going and trustworthy
>>35203 No they don't they're fatphobic, they may like a fat character for comic relief, otherwise they would make them as the mean bad guy who's gluttonous and/or lecherous. They treat a slight weight gain as a horrible thing, when they call a character fat, it's usually that they're 20-30 lbs. overweight yet they are treated as though they're 100+ lbs. overweight. Plus they are pretty unwilling to have plus-size characters provide fanservice. They may have a handful, but that's it. They'll have loads of thin, curvy women and muscular men, but that's it.
>> I was just saying that mangaka appealing to a younger audience would portray sumo wrestlers as comic relief but not as fatties gorging on doughnuts and fast food, to show them as fat strong men, and show the moves wrestlers use in matches, but they still use them to provide comedy for a series. Or be a one-off bad guy. Slightly above western fat jokes and ridicules of sumo as a sport, but still pigeonholing them as jokes and punchlines.
>>35216 I was referring to >>35201
Plus size clothing try on videos on YouTube lol
beach /river tubing/water park tour videos, delightful amount of fat chicks and I feel like I've only barely scratched the surface of them
>>35216 >>35215 They hate fat because it's considered sinful. Ryza had to be covered up cause she was an obese sinful female character. She's not smug like Gyanko, presumably because fat jokes in Zeta was nuanced. It's not savage like Rei going full redpill and calling Usagi fat, dumb and good at healing
>>35216 Only FMA's creator likes fat men because she grew up in a farm. They don't hate fat, it's just that fat is considered Western. They're more low key like, "you like Japanese women with built like an American". It doesn't help that the Japanese woman wears the pants in the relationship unless the man is some ape that works blue collar jobs like construction, auto, or fish market
>>35273 >It doesn't help that the Japanese woman wears the pants in the relationship (link doesn't work/triggers autoban just look up kozukai) THE ABSOLUTE S T A T E of nips. I'm all for dommy mommy gfs but this is funny. As for FMA... >>35273 Could Hiromu Arakawa be one of us, or is this just a trad mindset? Skinny chic is definitely a post-WW2 Western petit-bourgeois phenomenon. I've read logs of let's say peasants in the Russian Empire and they liked their women thicc. Lithe sprightly dolls simply were not strong enough to handle pre-industrial winter. I end this by saying I wish Olivier Armstrong would be my strongfat wife and choke me unconscious with her thighs.
>>35274 She grew up in a dairy farm on Hokkaido and now lives in Tokyo after birthing three children. She was influenced by Hellboy's creator. I think it's more she prefers buff men because she doesn't like shoujo manga. Then again, Toriyama based Majin Buu on his third editor, who was fat. It's just that Pikachu and Hamataro were drawn fatter by women to be cuter
>>35100 >Cute face >Her pants are about to burst due to massive belly I'm sweating bullets already. >>35117 There was clip from one of those late night shows with Rosie O'Donnell(?) Where she dukes it out with a couple of female sumo wrestlers and the fatter one unintentionally falls in front of the camera showing her fatass.
>>35352 It was Roseanne but I did remember the clip and here is a link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_4pWMPWl8U&pp=ygUTc3VtbyB3b21lbiBqaW0gcm9zZQ%3D%3D
>>35177 I guess women who gush about their fat fetishism are common on tumblr and reddit because of the anonymity. They can just say they're a woman who likes plump men and not elaborate on how they are and where they live. Just like us on this site. You may know that the people on this site like plump women, but you don't really know most of the users names, locations and histories. Again women aren't expected to be open with their sexualities and sex fantasies. They're expected to love shirtless muscle men. For those who like plump men, BDSM or furries, they likely worry about being seen as weirdoes. Here on the internet you can gush about your weird fantasies behind the veil of anonymity.
>>35100 There was a thread on Curvage for the Twitch streamer QTCinderella containing clips and images from her streams and YouTube videos where she looked thick and sometimes straight up fat. However, she's a huge cunt that doesn't seem to understand the consequences of being a public figure and bullies sites with images and other content of her that she doesn't like into taking it down, which is what happened with Curvage. Warning: Autism Rant Incoming If she doesn't want people using her image and content for anything other than strictly its intended purpose, she shouldn't be on the fucking Internet. You willingly relinquish any control over your reputation and public perception when you decide to make a living off begging for money from strangers by recording yourself for all the world to see. If you don't want people to jerk off to you, do not post any image of yourself online. There is no other way to get what you want. You have no say in the discourse that comes from your content. You do not get to fucking decide what people are allowed to think and say about you. Believing anything else is either naivety, pure narcissism, or both. Makes my blood boil. I hate people who complain about the fact that they can't bend other people's minds to their will and force them to only do what they want them to do. Either accept that you aren't in control of the narrative or fuck off. Makes me even more pissed that she's getting away with it, too, by sending the Stasi after anyone who looks at and comments on images of her body that she willingly posted for the entire world to see in a way she doesn't approve of personally. End Autism Rant I'm in the mood for a hate fap to her now, so if anyone has any of those images saved, would you be so kind as to post 'em here? Please and thank you and apologies for the text block.
>>35513 No man. Women just have a smaller set of preferences for men. It’s evolutionary to get the most value out of each womb by filling it with the best of the best sperm. Men compete, only the biggest and strongest deserves to reproduce. Stop being a bitch and go lift and learn some portion control you wafflestomping loser. Fat men are only attractive to gay men.
>>35874 Not at all true, but enjoy your power fantasies and Incel University Gender Studies degree.
>>35876 Hahaha. This fat short bitch thinks he should reproduce despite women overwhelmingly saying, no you shouldn’t. Only gay men are attracted to fat men. That’s why the body positivity movement literally mocks fat hetro men.
>>35883 Lizzo is considered a degenerate because she sexually abuses fat women as if she were a hentai villain. Fat men like Tank from Disney are more of an iconic cause they can emote and do extremes sports. PJ is considered an icon since I have yet to see people replicate his fashion
>>35513 Women can be just as depraved and kinky as men, only "trad" incels believe otherwise. That includes fat fetishism. But a woman having a kink doesn't automatically reprogram the rest of her brain to like loser men. It's why so many male feedees can't find a feeder, and why women into femdom always end up doing it for pay. Just because you're "her type" physically doesn't mean shit if you're a whiny, insecure bitch with no life. This is one of the ways women are wired differently than men, a sexually unappealing personality can cause her to lose attraction even if you're a literal six pack chad. If anything, it's probably more socially acceptable for a thin woman to be with a big guy than the reverse, if he carries himself as "confident, outgoing big guy" rather than "gross creepy neckbeard." If they're not into hardcore SSBHM sizes and extreme feeding, and just want a masculine but chunky guy who they can cook for, a lot of women in that situation probably don't even see themselves as having a fetish. Fat husband / thin wife is a sitcom trope for a reason.
>>35886 There’s certainly plenty of love for dad bods but in general fat fetishism past that is basically unheard of in the real world. It’s not impossible for women to like fat men it’s just ten times more rare than men who like fat chicks.
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>>35883 Hard to say. Bob Menendez of Jersey got indicted by doing the most fat man thing possible: taking bribes and stuffing gold bars into the pocket of his suit jacket. >>35887 Again, fat man wants his bribe. Bullock doesn't take bribes cause he knows Bats and his villains are freaks. It's rather telling Birds of Prey flopping cause Renee acted like Bullock. Corporations don't want to see Bats, Supes, and Goku losing to a fat guy in a suit even though Bullock can't body the Saiyans
>>35886 I don't doubt there are women who are open towards their sexual desires and what types of men they find attractive. I don't doubt that they can have dirty, depraved fantasies. I don't doubt there's all kinds of dirty minded women out there. I was stating how in western culture men are expected to go on and on about their sex fantasies. We will go about how a woman is hot, how she has big luscious boobs, hot butt and legs and our fantasies involving her. Yet we don't afford that to women or are open towards female sex fantasies. Spaces like this are usually started by men venting about their sex fantasies, most of the stuff on this board is men going on about women. While we do have boards for plump men with presumably gay men/straight women talking about their love of plump men, most of the discussions on this board are about men talking about women. I was saying that women most of the time aren't expected to go on about their erotic fantasies as men. I do agree that even if a guy is a woman's "type", he still needs to be a better person, there are women who want more than just a fling, and if a guy wants a real relationship, he shouldn't just think that the only way to a woman's heart is to gain a 6 pack. He needs to be a better person. You are right about the double standard for fat men and thin women. It's super common and we don't call a woman a fetishist when she is with a fat man. But when a thin man is with a fat woman, then he's a fetishist. I do wonder if for the work of various FAs, they want to reverse this double standard and have works where men are with fat women, fat women finding love with other fat women or fat women with fat men.
One of the wishes of this community is for more plump women in fiction. More stories where they are main characters, where they provide fanservice, where they sleep with hot guys and they aren't treated as gross/disgusting and scenes of them in revealing clothes not treated as bad. There isn't as much of a desire to do this with plump men, as they are super common in fiction and to the straight guys, they aren't interested in that. The hope too is for stories with fat women who have boyfriends, husbands and are seen as beautiful and attractive.
>>35897 >I was stating how in western culture men are expected to go on and on about their sex fantasies lust was sinful up until recently. this degenerate behaviour in public is distasteful >Yet we don't afford that to women or are open towards female sex fantasies >women most of the time aren't expected to go on about their erotic fantasies as men. it isn't expected of them because they naturally are much less inclined to. sexual perversion is a very typical male trait >You are right about the double standard for fat men and thin women [...] this is your brain on autism and feminism. double "standards" are there for a reason. we are different. women with overweight men are much more likely to because as >>35886 put succinctly and you touched on, female attraction is way way more shaped by personality. even for "non-real" relationships or just hookups, how you come across is make or break it. it's like a lens >>35911 >One of the wishes of this community is for more plump women in fiction >The hope too is for stories with fat women who have boyfriends, husbands and are seen as beautiful and attractive. man you're a fucking turbovirgin. nobody except manchildren care about this
No there are women who are pretty horny. It's just that men are expected to always be on the prowl for women, and to sleep with a lot of women and to talk about how hot women are. Maybe it's fair to say it's case by case, some women are super horny, some aren't, it varies from person to person. What's wrong with autism and feminism? I am autistic, but why is that bad? I was just stating about why women aren't as open as men towards their sexual desires. If realizing the truth about the world hurts, I'm sorry. I just want to understand the world, about who we are, why we do what we do and why people feel the way they do about things. I'm not saying we're bad and evil for liking women. Just saying that most women aren't expected to be horny or open up about their desires. You also called me a virgin? Why is that bad? Aren't a lot of the guys on here virgins?
>>35920 you have to be trolling lmfao
>>35915 >lust was sinful up until recently >they naturally are much less inclined to. sexual perversion is a very typical male trait Oh look one of the trad incels >>35886 mentioned showed up right on cue Enjoy pining for your demure victorian virgin waifu, I'll be out here dicking these horny freaks. General Franco is dead btw
>>35920 >You also called me a virgin? Why is that bad? Aren't a lot of the guys on here virgins? A lot of guys on here are virgins, but they cope with this by saying what they think sexually successful men would say. If you're a man with an opinion, they'll call you a beta loser incel virgin, and if you're a woman with an opinion, they'll call you an old ugly spinster whore. They're just trying to strongarm status on a fucking fat porn imageboard. It's actually better that you're autistic and you don't feel the need to play these stupid social games. Just continue arguing your points and ignore their insults. Signed, another autist.
>>35941 male sexual perversion is just a fact i know women can be depraved and "kinky", but it just isn't to the same levels or anywhere close as usual as with men you won't believe what i've seen. if you knew anything, you'd know it's directly linked with testosterone (in brain development). you can't seriously claim men commit the vast majority of the most fucked up sexual crime because of social 'expectations' >Enjoy pining for your demure victorian virgin waifu >General Franco is dead btw lol, you're making these assumptions because i think talking about sex in public is distasteful? my point about sin was that it broadly wasn't and still isn't 'expected' of men to do that. reason for it being more common is lack of restraint >>35943 he literally admitted to being an autistic virgin. it's painfully obvious from his 20 long winded posts about manga anime shit and false assumptions about social dynamics
>>35944 I don't know what you mean anon. Drag Queens are what American Idol, The Jersey Shore, and America's next Top Model, as well as Toddlers and Tiaras was. Seniors and millennials don't care for fads in television. The eastern seaboard where I live hates influencers since they're bringing back bulimia, teen suicide, teen pregnancy, peer pressure. I can honestly see America flipping center-right and right. Restaurants are already losing their customers cause drag queen won't stop their dumb slap fights. It's getting to the point America is becoming more Indian and Latin American cause Europe can't stop being degenerates
>>35946 good to see you, kisame
>>35948 I flat out don't have an identity
>>35943 Kisame here. I don't count as virgin despite being a fundamentalist. Its not about offering a sacrifice to the Moloch, Baal. It's about God's Plan, which is predetermined by God. Gods okay with Christian men impregnating Egyptian and Mesopotamian women
>>35956 If you've never had sex, you're a virgin. Which you are. I guarantee with the way you carry yourself here no one has ever willingly fucked you.
>>35968 I dunno. I think you're the only virgin here. Women don't owe you sex, Elliott Rogers
>>35968 God cares about men if they're holy enough to commit extra martial affairs like Abraham.
How did it get to this rant? All I was trying to do was wonder why Japanese creators don't focus on female sumo fans in their works and why they give sumo wrestlers simplistic/cartoonish faces, as well as why they don't sexualize it like so many other things in their culture. I was learning how since sumo is seen as an old person's sports, the anime/manga aimed at a younger audience wouldn't wish to show it as serious. They likely view the wrestlers as comical, but won't portray them entirely as a joke given how serious it is to their culture. This lack of focus could also be why we don't see many sumo fangirls in anime/manga or why no ecchi sumo series. Given the vast amount of anime/manga I've seen, I can tell that many of these creators go for thin busty women in skimpy outfirts. They may throw in beefcake, but it's always shirtless muscle men and not men built as sumos. So sumo wrestling doesn't fit with their fantasies of thin curvy women and shirtless muscle men. I was wondering why no story with a version of sumo that fits with their erotic fantasies, but since it's an old person's sport, it likely wouldn't garner interest, even if they have it be thin, curvy, leggy women in mawashis and bikini tops wrestling each other. I was also just saying of the double standards of how women can express themselves sexually versus men. Back on track, characters like tae yoksugi and Nagisa Ujibe from keijo. Or fat women from documentaries about fat acceptance or about women engaged in feedism.
>>35100 Lately, like in the past 3 years, these reports on the growing obesity epidemic. Women regular weight trending down, overweight, obese and super obese all trending up!
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The first segment of weight loss shows, while the women are still gigantic and they show their “before” lifestyle
Similarly when a documentary is about women embracing fat pride or who are BBW models talking about being fat.
>>37005 I thought she was wearing socks, but turns out it's her foot. Scary.
>>35141 Sumo as a sport is basically chivalrous, it’s not meant to be fetishized (except in the case of women, where it kind of stops being a sport historically and leans more into parody strippers/donkey show territory).
>>37369 Plus with most male mangaka, they may do beefcake,but it's with dudes that are ripped, not built as a sumo wrestler. I do agree, if some mangaka did a female sumo story, it would be thin, curvy women in mawashis and bikini tops wrestling each other. You are right, most mangaka wouldn't wish to present big fat sumos as sexy or show women who find them sexy. I did read how there were female sumos who would practice in various villages and at small events. As well as rulers who would have female sumos perform for them. From what I read, it was sexualized especially as the women would fight topless.
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i unironically fapped to matpat food theory once... but hey, that's just a theory
>>37389 sauce?
>>37389 Which one
>>37012 What do you mean by a donkey show? I realized with the female sumos stories, if some mangaka would dare do hot women as sumo wrestlers after learning about female sumos in history. They could easily justify it as being true to history or basing it off real world historical facts if they face questions about why the wrestlers are female.
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa1909301 https://www.statnews.com/2023/06/08/bmi-slowdown-severe-obesity-global-rates/ These charts are like deviantart stories.
>>37397 Sorry I was asking >>37369 About what they meant by female sumo being a donkey show. I was wondering why no mangaka has done a story with sexy female sumos, especially since in the real world there have been female sumos centuries ago, with them practicing being treated as a sexy sideshow. I wondered why no mangaka did this. Like why no period piece with sexy female sumos or something set in a world where sumo is female or that calls out the sexism of the sport. Or has a small group of female sumos that practice small events and works to fight against professional sumo wrestlers. After discussion, I learned because sumo is declining in popularity and is seen as an old person's sport, it wouldn't be seen as interesting to a younger audience. Especially since that series like Bleach, fairy tail, and a good chunk of ecchi series are aimed at young men who wouldn't be interested in sumo. While the works may not use wrestlers as one dimensional fat jokes, they are still used for comic relief. I thought even if a mangaka does a sumo story that panders to their tastes (thin, curvy leggy women wrestling in mawashis and getting into sexy situations), it would likely still be seen as boring to the audience. Even if we have sexy women getting into sexy scenarios while training/wrestling, even if it's cute monster girls in a fantasy land, it would still be seen as boring. For why no referencing female sumos historically, I imagine most of these creators have a basic knowledge of sumo and likely don't research sumo history and would know about female sumo wrestlers and use them for some story. Since the sort is declining in popularity, most creators don't research it, most of them wouldn't wish to do sexy female sumos in their story.
Never mind found the meaning of donkey show. Wouldn't say that female sumo is that depraved. It would be more in mud wrestling/foxy boxing type territory. Just seeing scantily clad women wrestling each other, but it not being them doing sex acts in front of male viewers.
I realize one last thing that a female sumo ecchi manga would face. That it would probably spark outrage from the Sumo Association if they heard about it. They would be furious that someone did a story about female sumos and likely demand that the story be cancelled. Though perhaps it could fly under their radar. I remember hearing how the idea of women sumo is considered infuriating to the people who run sumo. I also heard how sumos live a regimented life so trying to mine fanservice off it would be sacrireligious, hard, etc.
>>35100 Plus-sized try-on hauls on any given video platform, and plus size model accounts like ahnylaa on Insta. I wondered how many of them were closeted feedees (or uncloseted but n posting about it). Turns out ZoeCocoBeauty is one.
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Chrissy Metz in This Is Us. The wife decided to watch it again and suggested we should watch it together. Damn, she’s fucking hot. Pretty much any reasonably attractive superfat gets me going
>>39009 On that note, Rebel Wilson in one of the Pitch Perfect sequels. I dig her though I still wouldn't watch the movie on my own, as a straight male over 35. But my wife had it on so I watched it with her. Wilson may have been at her biggest and I guess because the character was a breakout star from the first movie there was a lot of her in it. My wife loves Melissa McCarthy and same deal — a talented actress who makes a lot of bad movies, though I never mind watching them. Pretty sure she was at her biggest in The Heat and also very physical in it. SSBBW or borderline, bouncing around all over the place. Like Wilson I mourned when she lost weight though some of it seems to be coming back. My wife knows the deal but lets me have my fun. Hey at least we're having fun together lol, if different kinds.
>>39041 I may have told this story on here before, I'm not sure. But my ex once asked me if there were any famous fat women I found attractive. I told her I thought Rebel Wilson was hot (this was back before Rebel lost weight). And she was really weirded out by that answer. She didn't say it outright (she was the kind of person who would never say it outright) but I inferred it was because she thought Rebel was too fat - even though she herself was significantly fatter than Rebel. As a side note, I never found Melissa McCarthy attractive whatsoever. But she's often the first person people will ask me about when they find out I'm an FA. As in "oh, you like fat chicks? what about Melissa McCarthy, do you think she's hot?"
Lipedema stuff. Most of it is pretty clinical but gets me off. Not saying I'm proud of it, is what it is. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yVO2YscyK1c >>39048 MMC is lady-next-door cute, not a beauty. That's my jam though. I thought Rebel Wilson was really pretty as a fat girl but she's objectively ugly as a thin one. Some faces don't translate lol.
>>39062 >https://www.youtube.com/watch/yVO2YscyK1c this only confirms that lipedema isn't a real "disease" per se, just a result of excess weight and gynoid fat distribution she's very hot
>>39063 The self-delusion is part of the thrill for me. And yeah, I love the karen ‘do and body type.
>>39062 The character she plays probably doesn't help you relate. Mike & Molly tho, bonafide large bbw homesy hot mom vibes. Might get the wife into revisiting that if it's streaming somewhere.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-09/sydney-s-plus-size-community-tackles-fat-stigma/103075342 Fun australian article about the "plus-sized community" and some fat liberation activist stuff. One of the people profiled in Non-Binary for people who aren't into it, but fuck some of these images and the self-discription Also did a radio interview with one of the women and the NB one, and while not as hot, some fun anecdotes here too https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/sydney-mornings/fat-stigma/103060988 I know some people like to shit on fat-acceptance stuff or the Social Justice side of things (IMO the activists are mostly right, but can be a bit annoying. Let's not get into a debate here tho) it can lead to some pretty hot stuff ngl
>>39367 On that note, https://theadipositivityproject.zenfolio.com/all is ostensibly art/SA pics but there are some really hot women there. And yeah, don't @ me because there are a few butch women and dudes in the mix. I'm not into them either but different strokes and it is possible to just enjoy or stfu.
saw this posted on curvage https://youtu.be/65EKSORxuNI?t=5440 35:15 54: 26 1:22:30
>>40210 Dude, I felt like I stumbled into paradise when I found out about this a few months ago
Pilma gigantomastia from wish ko lang. I became all red and stiff (everywhere) the first time I've watched this video xD Btw the way I'm looking for someone who has a better computer than me that can enhance the quality of this video with an AI program (that I can give)
>>39392 >adipositivity >Kellie Kay OUGH
>>39392 >>40327 Is there a good way other than screenshotting to get the pics from this site ? Kind of a hassle to copy paste and save them all in paint like a senior citizen
OOTD and try-on videos, pretty awesome having a tight clothes fetish. Everything is content
>>40751 Any recommendations?
Indian bbws on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF0-nD5Aso4&t=39s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IS_lUjEYfg&t=18s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZwtTTz5h-g&t=57s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Emn_jasl0E&t=20s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlkEvTm7_F4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QToitORApPY&t=124s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3lcUj91f8Y&t=20s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANhwZvkwuGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQSAS-PLLEs&t=304s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU16lNngTH4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxk-imBc7sg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwoP0U6Vyhg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxBgKvbr1Y4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uT27Vk_VDo&t=232s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLWohvj8hps&t=332s
>>41228 Bless your austism.
Bit of a weird one here, Lardi B is a plus sized parody of Cardi B made by Jenn Whitlock, who is fat and often likes to be open about how fat she is. With lardi B's whole gimmick being around fatness and food. https://www.youtube.com/@thereallardib She's got a good amount of videos here which *fuck*, some of the shots look indistinguishable from feedist/wg kink stuff sometimes. Strongly reccomend her Can't Get Up or I Like It parodies (the Can't get Up video has some amazing gifs, there just hitting the size cap https://curvage.org/forum/uploads/monthly_2021_03/ezgif.com-gif-maker(1).gif.f9d7fbadc1b59e04b52dc41745414d10.gif). But fr, this stuff is like the closest you can get to not-explicitly-FA material in public that is *very close to kink stuff*.
https://youtu.be/-TY57Gj4hEM A movie where 1:27:00 in we get female sumo.
>>39367 I didn't know you could get fat off of petrol.
>>41233 Oh wow, that woman knows exactly what she's doing. "Parody" my ass...
>>39367 hey, resident Australian back here. Found this image and got so hard I barely could control myself. This is from "Fa(c)ts", which is a privately screened documentary made by and staring fat people about the way that fatness is experienced biologically and socially. It's very woke of course, and the few clips and photos online include, but as someone who doesn't mind fat guys either, and is pretty SJW-ish in my own inclination, this stuff looks hot as fuck to me. Like I know this is supposed to be playfully queer and a little horny, but it's clearly not porn, yet looks hotter than most official FA porn. You can find more about this with some difficult googling of "FA(C)TS" "Demon Derriere" (one of the people involved in this). The whole film hasn't been posted online and is only available at private screenings (mostly at Sydney) by the looks, but fmd promo images like this turn me on like wild.
>>41868 Any links to images from the movie? I haven't found anything on the internet since the name is too generic. Also what's bad with being woke or an SJW? I know there are people that are pretentious or annoying with their views, but yelling at them isn't going to work. They mean well and their hearts are in the right place. I do support what they stand for but will call them out for being rude.
So if it becomes more widely available, someone post a link to the movie when they can?
I posted this in the FA documentaries thread on /ssbbw/, and it's not explicitly feedism related, but man Vice's Fat Camp for Body Positivity video has a lot of shots, a lot of stories, and a lot of stuff that turns me going. You can find the whole video here. it's pretty short, but has some real gems IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8603BAR9fY >>41894 Don't wanna derail this, but safe to say as someone who is a leftie type, I agree with you. The reason I said that is because, to be blunt, this is a chan board at the end of the day, and we know what the politics of chan boards can be like. But yeah on FA(C)TS, it really does look like it's only for private screenings, which is a shame. .
>>41868 The woman in red on the left is hot as hell
I went on vacation to the beach in Mexico and this hog, late 20s definitely in the 500s, checked in just two days before me leaving, after hating taking the sun or just being outside, I decided to go out just to see this whale and jfc, this girl was not apologetic about being obese, she would order 2 cheeseburgers and tacos and stuff herself, saw her at the morning and dinner buffet twice and she would barely be able to sit down on her chair properly, her belly was fucking huge when she ate she had to put the fork so high up to her face since she couldn’t bend down not even a little bit to eat. I spend the last two days just sitting across where she would lay down and just watch her eat in her xxxxl swimsuit, brothers I swear I had to jerk off a couple of times in between. Sadly I am with my family and I am quite in the closet regarding being a FA, so I can’t even approach this hog, took some creepy pics as a souvenir. This has been my porn-like experience for the last two days.
>>42543 The scene you describe is one of the reasons why I think limiting porn use and mastrubation is beneficial. Would you care about your family's negative judgement if you didn't feel the security of an easily accessible instant release? I think you would have felt a really strong motivation to try your luck. Even if you didn't hit it off with her you would at least gain some experience.
>>42543 >took some creepy pics as a souvenir. C'mon you gotta share that with us
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she was like this all day wish I could have taken some at the buffet
>>42582 Built like Mike from monsters inc
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>>42582 Oh man, is that a Mexican all-inclusive all you can eat resorts? Those are the fucking best. Prime spots to view real life "porn that isnt porn" lol My girl [22F] and I [26] recently went to one of those in Cancun. My girl is in the low 400s and was daring enough to wear a 2 piece (Not very skimpy, the bottom was large and basically covered her entire ass and lower part of her belly) but it was still hot as fuck seeing the top part of her belly exposed like that-- along with her plump arms and legs and tits. Not to mention the constant drinking and eating pool-side. I hope there was another FA enjoying that.
>>42582 You fucked up not manning up and introducing yourself
>>42582 bro that the sexiest shit man shes so round, missed chance to at least start some small talk and get her socials
>>42603 >>42623 How would you approach her?
>>42582 Not in the 500s tho... Except if she is really tall
In an extreme bid of desperation when my GF was away with parents and I had no internet I once masturbated to the McDonalds nutritional stat menu; just choosing my GFs usual order and seeing how many calories she ate
>>42760 Not a bad idea, especially if you're into the number side of feederism. How many calories in her typical order and how often does she order from McDonalds?
>>42786 Better: https://youtu.be/YSSS_144L-E?si=KZzV-2FatkBpMWCb&t=1223
>>42790 this is literally as good as it gets for these fat fashion things holy shit
This movie has potential: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWYPTP8EdOk
>>42874 Damn, that woman is a legit bbw
Surprised no one has posted this one, absolutely nuts https://youtu.be/3SY5iUmx1Po?feature=shared
>>42874 Gotta renew my Mubi subscription...
Once went down a rabbit hole of Reddit EMS stories about bariatric patients. Pretty dark but there were several accounts of 1000lb women in their early twenties. Could have been one-upmanship by the EMS community but it does sorta confirm these whales are out there
>>43069 I've done this too, never thought to look on the EMS sub but there are a bunch of threads about it on /r/nursing. Mostly just depressing rather than hot, but there's some occasional good stuff. This story is definitely fiction, but I'm enough of a degenerate to get off to the idea of a 576-pound cokehead slob bitch attorney flipping out on the bariatric staff: https://old.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/14tveoq/bariatric_patients/jr6g4tu/
>>43069 It's remarkable how the number of insanely obese people has increased over the years but they no longer make the news or get featured in documentaries anymore (except for reality shows). A true tragedy.
>>42874 Yeah but the guy looks like a bearded Waluigi. >>42937 >ywn be a photographer pleasuring yourself while editing their XXL beauty Fugggg....
>>43069 If you remember any that stick out, link em.
>>43078 I just buzzed through it. Learned a lot and though I can’t say it was fap inspo, the stories about the entitlement of mega-obese patients was kind of hot. Lots of 600+ pounders who need 6 people to clean their ass being all cunty and demanding. >>43081 Yeah I really care what the guy looks like.
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>>43113 >600+ pounders who need 6 people to clean their ass being all cunty and demanding
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Alright, so here's a real weird one (not actual porn material, but something I found getting me uncomfortably hot) So there's this weird as fuck Fitness Influencer who was active in the 2010's named Fitts Smalls. Guy looks like he had a midlife crisis and turned to all the stuff you're not supposed to to get jacked. Anyway, his gimmick was that he would make silly songs and stuff where he would flex as well as show off a bunch of weird characters. Anyway. punchline is that he had two videos including Witney Way Thore, of My Big Fat Famulous Life fame. The videos have a kinda anti-body shaming theme through them, although seem to lean into fat explotation a hell of a lot too. Anyway. point is that some of these vids have pretty hot showcases of Thore, who is already a pretty hot fat girl IMO. Here's the two vids he did. You might be able to find some other stuff in some BTS vids or elsewhere, but more of an odditity that almost makes you wonder if they're trying to mock obesity, promote body positivity, or even do something else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SP3CaqvY6s (most WWT in it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2SlkAV6hMQ >>41678 lmao yea I always felt that way about the Lardi B stuff myself too. Like man, someone on that production line has to have a bit of a thing.
>>43137 I remember these videos were a bit of confirmation i loved fat girls and would watch witney's show clips just to see her be fat asf in public and even remember vids of her fat jiggling body in the beach and ripping holes into her legging. too bad she lost a lot of weight nowadays
>>43124 What’s funny is the numbers of fat bitches and their simps here debating that fat people perfectly clean their assholes 100% of the time.
>>43154 So youre lesbian this entire time didnt tell me
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it's not porn per se but I think michellejulietnaylaa's recent posts with her BF are giving lots of thick women a slice of a fantasy they secretly cherish i've never seen a plus-size model get her belly grabed like that
>>43382 That guy looks based as fuck
>>43382 Johnny Sins buffer, chader, bbw lovin' brother.
>>43382 Goddamn, these are some contrast GOALS
>>35231 For me, it's Jessica Torres https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVVGUDAhmW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rCasuZ3hwI
From government website: New population data from 2022 show 22 states have an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35%, compared to 19 states in 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Just ten years ago, no state had an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35%. 3 states (Louisiana, Oklahoma, and West Virginia) had an obesity prevalence of 40% or greater.
Pretty much any Katie Brown modeling photo. She's probably simultaneously the fattest and prettiest mainstream model I've ever seen. Her stuff is already hot as hell, but a not-so-insignificant part of me wonders deeply about the alternate timeline where she took up BBW modeling instead...
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>>43498 Extremely strong pick here. There are a couple of plus-sized influencers/models I like to watch (sugarrwater, juiceefruitee/ etc) but Katie Brown is one of the models I go straight up simp mode over. Kinda disappointed she doesn't post as much actual stuff herself, or post videos that much because whenever she's in motion, she looks hot as fuck. Can't find that "people you wish were BBW models" thread, might have been timed out or bumped off the thread (sad! I liked that thread) but Katie would easily be my number 1 fantasy candidate for feedee BBW to model and stuff herself to immobility. Also want her to do more casual posting. Something about candid fat girl stuff is very hot too. The fact her modelling site lists her actual measurements (66 inch hips!) still makes me go wild https://www.naturalmodelsla.com/portfolios/katie-brown
>>43498 What if Daisy Ridley gained hundreds of pounds. Love this girl.
>>43078 https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/comments/19azr7w/heaviest_patients/ the replies to this post are eye-opening to someone who doesnt live in the us, with how many of the commenters saying they get 600 pounders semi-regularly. A lot is depressing as fuck though as op said
>>43633 Sad these 900+ pound people don't make the news any more. It's quite selfish when you think about it.
>>43657 Im shocked there arent any instances of these people getting featured on social media in any capacity because they are surely quite the spectacle. My 600 lb life has a monopoly on our viewing of the horrifically obese American population
I just realized for the why there's bedbound people not in documentaries, it could be just how common obesity is now. It's not a big deal to have people that are super fat now. Those people who were bedbound and trapped in their homes aren't super rare now and are worthy of documentaries. As well as knowing that there are more and more people weighing 300+ lbs. There will probably be a day when that's the average weight for adults.
I know the next question is, why don't we fight obesity? To have diets and exercise? It could be for more and more people, they're losing the battle against fat or view it as worthless. With more and more body positivity, it's likely fatness will be the norm.
>>43633 I know a few paramedics that have confirmed they do exist in Europe too although I can only assume not as common, they just stay inside the whole time and only shed to light when their health is really fucked up.
some recent African Comedy finds
>>43680 I can confirm i've seen some >500 pounders in NL, also a very memorable 400-500 mother-daughter pair I sometimes feel like shooting candids to show that level of fatness can sparsely be observed here
I geek on scientific research, white papers on obesity, studies, side effects of meds, technical explanations of how people grow fat, various conditions that cause obesity and when times are really bad I re-watch interesting 600 pound life shows. LOL Shit I am a freak!
>>43683 Actually going on a trip to NL in some months, however I used to send e-mails to a guy from there same age as me with the same taste in girls as me when I was a teenager, and every time he started talking with a girl from his school or something like that he'd refer to them as big and fat then he'd attach a picture of her and she's barely scratching being overweight. That painted me a picture that Dutchies are a rather skinny people even compared to Scandis. But of course if you have any tips on where to find bigger girls I wouldn't mind, guess I will at least scoure the local options on Tinder.
>>43684 >I geek on scientific research, white papers on obesity, studies, side effects of meds, technical explanations of how people grow fat No you don’t. You just like the nerd aesthetic.
>>43685 >But of course if you have any tips on where to find bigger girls I wouldn't mind, guess I will at least scoure the local options on Tinder. you have the most chance to spot them when the pool of people is at it's largest size so shopping districts on a friday/saturday, public transport during rush hour and events like king's day and Carnival (southern netherlands) this is an example of what you could run into during carnival :) https://i.ibb.co/8sG4F8c/329438486-895417398365448-3260138139199350090-n-removebg-preview.png
>>43688 I appreciate the tips but I'm not going to be hitting on random girls at public transit or at shopping centres ;)
>>43685 The crazy thing about this is that Americans of Dutch descent tend to be some of the fattest people in the US.
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bit of a weird one this one, and I didn't actually use it for pron per sae, but I was fascinated and kinda turned on by it. Here's a Mexican soap-opera/drama about a relationship that revolved around feedism. For once, they actually got an actor who is plus-sized and not wearing a fat suit! (ok she's not like SSBBW levels fat, but take 'em as we come). The story seems to be (from shitty translations) Paula is a young woman who has been overweight for her life and has suffered ridicule and suffered from a result of it (including some poor health). She falls for a slim guy who she thinks is supportive of her and is also comfortable with fatter women, but he's a feeder who, besides his own fantasies, grows wealthy off of selling her photos online. It's a pretty negative depiction of feedism,ending on some pretty macarbe health issues (cardiac/heart stuff) and the guy getting arrested as she makes a fat acceptance + being responsible about weight loss comment at the end and no doubt makes us look very fucked up, but it is kinda fascinating to know it exists.
>>43695 Is this true? From my observations its African Americans and Mexicans (and Pacific Islanders, though not too many except in SoCal).
>>44147 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI-yfCwCLvw They have plenty of other fat-related episodes, too. Thanks for this.
>>44252 > Private video bruh now I’m curious about what it must have been
https://youtu.be/PTHOPh5KaE8?t=900 This is a TV show from Ukraine released in 2019. It was attended by 18-year-olds who will vote for the first time in presidential elections. And there is a fat girl participating (she says she weighs 115 kg). In one of the episodes they showed how she wanted to donate blood as a donor, but the doctors refused her due to obesity. They said there might be problems with the thyroid gland.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgOLgN7yJUs Japanese fat girl bar
>>35100 Fat woman anatomy tutorials by normie artists, or plus-size art by 'body-positive' ones. Something that's (usually) visually appealing and anatomically accurate without being fetishistic in nature.
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One of the more bizarre thigns I used to get into was Biggest Loser Addition videos. let me post my favorite of Gina Phillips, who is 27 and 405 pounds according to the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBaGfbqFx6s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkFdIML0rk0 There are a bunch of other auditions, but in terms of detailed discussed (how she talks about how tight chairs are, struggling up stairs), her clothes (tight and stripping down in the last few scenes), her way of speaking (bubbly even if she's concerned about her weight) and just how attractive she is (a killer face and smile too, especially with the double chin). Of course, 400 pounds is aleady towards the top of Biggest Loser-dom too It's a private fav of mine. To my knowledge, she never got admitted to the show. Privately, I hope she just kept ballooning and ballooning,..
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>>45194 her belly and walking up the stairs is still remembered :) some recuts i did in 2013, plus orig stuff from 2010: https://gofile.io/d/qSnjEm
If there's any solace for us on Biggest loser is how the show was cancelled and it turned out a lot of the people who lost weight on the show regained it. So many of the BBWs on the show are probably fat again.
So will we see more Biggest Loser audition tapes?
>>45196 Virtually all of them have regained the weight. Amazing how a bootcamp where you're run to exhaustion every day eating starvation rations isn't the key to successful long-term weight loss. Turns out they were given diet pills as well as other behind the scenes shenanigans — worth googling "Biggest Loser Dark Side" if you hate reality TV and love dirt.
I couldn't watch that show. Not only because its against my personal preferences, but also because how silly it is and how obvious and unhuman all that shit in background is. But hey, doing everything for views right?
>>45215 wahr. they're overdoing it massively and are pushing the contestants to the limit or beyond. it's also not surprising that there are so many "relapses" after the show. it's really all for dramatic effect. maybe the first episode of a new season might be of interest, when the candidates arrive at their fattest. then tune out.
It's stuff like this that turns people off diets and encourages body positive movements.
I also remember how in these shows, they don't want contestants to be romantically involved until they've lost weight. Probably don't want to show fat people being together and kiss. You don't get that until you are thin and skinny. Then your life is awesome as you can find love and be beautiful. We know better, we know you can be big and fat and have love and sex. They would want to show abuse and the pills as essential. It's tough love to be abused and the pills are a little boost to get to your weight loss goals. It doesn't matter that they can cause issues or are temporary. All that matters for the show producers is that you lose weight now. It doesn't matter that you become a fatty again later. They also want to present it as a success story with a happy ending. All we need is willpower, encouragement and a can do attitude and we can all lose weight. It ignores weight loss methods that are temporary or people that are happy to be big. We do have hope. more and more people coming to side of Body positvity.
I remember a Biggest Loser audition where it was this flyover state hick woman talking about how her husband's never home because he works at an oil field. She got her fat gut out and it was quite hot.
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>>45921 Same but I prefer the Wegovy redhead that starts in a fatsuit https://vimeo.com/812688423
>>44147 https://www. youtube .com/watch?v=C8EOYs1J9Ss Interesting,,, Quite fappable too
>>43619 >66 64 now. You jinxed her!
>>43498 question, what body shape would this be called again?
>>46142 Midwestern PCOSal
>>46142 Avocado
https://www.october7.org/ Me and my buddies are just waiting until Trump gets bored of Israel. Leftists and Antiracists aren’t here to protect the Jews next time when we’re more aware and organized in America.
This is only bbw chan thread I’ve seen where wrestling is discussed. Any notable Ssbbw models who have wrestled for content?
>>47427 less phosphorus smell in the air during the eclipse. Dont believe me test the air. No UV phosphorus increases the tendency of a metal to become cold-short, that is, brittle at reduced temperatures alot of phosphorus in sunlight. Notably
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I think someone posted about those AnimateMyStory Youtube videos that focus on fat stuff as being kinda hot earlier? I say this because I found this a few days back, and while the animation is very crude, some of the story elements are kinda hot, even if it's clearly not favourable to our kinks/interests Basically it's one of these stories about an 18 year old girl who's plus size and, despite bullying and mockery, likes her size. She hooks up with an older guy who is openly into her being bigger, and actually wants her to stuff herself and gain weight, which she does dutifully, even as she starts to incure health problems. The thing ends badly, with him having an anger tantrum and blowing up at her after she wants to invite him to prom and he's more interested in her just stuffing herself, and she has some health complications, leading to her losing weight to about her original size. Some of the narration is kinda hot for fantasy purposes though. Wonder what you lot here think about this?
>>50017 Whoops, forgot to post the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2dlTbYoMM
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>>44147 Realised there wasn't a link to this anymore, so here's a current YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMoYA7JKnTY Would also be into any other shows like it (english or otherwise) that have themes like it. It's not amazing (it's basically PG FEED) but it's got some kinda hot ideas and scenes.
>>37005 what show is this from?
this entire channel https://www.youtube.com/@KalamataDogsDen/videos
>>52455 LOL what other purpose does this channel serve?
Is there a bbw/ssbbw wrestling thread/forum?
>>54506 what about ssbbw sumo thread
>>54512 What about a general bbw/Ssbbw athlete thread? So all of our favorites like sumo, (beach) wrestling, sambo, but also weightlifting/powerlifting, hammer throw, shot put etc. Oh and all other sports where an athlete just might happen to be fat, where fatness might not be the norm i.e. a fat cheerleader.
>>54524 Heck yeah, brotha. Would be awesome. I like your thinking
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It might surprise you to see, but this is actually a promo photoschoot from Superfit Hero announcing they were explanding their active/workout attire to 7X. You *might* notice that this includes BigCutie Eve here. Beyond just her, a lto of the other models look fine af, especially wearing that attire.
Instagram profiles of fat girls i know irl
>>54512 >>54524 would be cool to have a thread for ssbbws that we have fantasies about them wrestling each other because let’s be honest our favorites probably either won’t wrestle or if they do it probably wouldn’t be the ones we’d pick first. Also would be cool to have comparisons like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBBW_FANS/s/Wa7QwI0GvP Basically the thread would be comparisons of ssbbw models and hypothetical matches
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>>54630 What the link was supposed to show
>>35120 >you would be surprised by how many people in the community are just normie middle aged women who are unbelieveably horny for the wrestlers >>35142 I'm reminded of pic related.
>>35120 >>35150 I also figure for why the ignorance of Sumo being popular with women, I also imagine the concept on the internet called G.I.R.L. (Guy in real life), the assumption that online users are guys and those that claim to be girls are just overweight neckbeards. For the BHM thread, I wouldn't doubt the assumption is that those on the thread who upload/chat about most stuff are gay men and the occasional straight guy or just straight guys depositing art on BHM characters. I'm sure that amount of women who upload images/chat about stuff would amaze us. It also extends to drawn art. We usually assume most BBW are dudes. We never expect an artist to be a woman. We wouldn't expect women to want to draw BBW cheesecake. With stuff on BHMs, again we assume it to be gay men into larger men, We never think women could draw themselves some big fat sexy men. We also never know how many bisexual men/women draw this stuff or watch sumo matches. Just wonder how many women are on this site, how many have contributed to the BHM board and how many have uploaded stuff here. Don't want to contact them, rather just know they exist and use this site.
BBW artists I meant
>>54574 I remember seeing that posted on 4chan, forgot which board, and did a double take upon recognizing Eve. >>54845 >We usually assume most BBW are dudes. This typo is crazy.
I meant to say BBW artist, I was tired while typing it and didn't realize until after I published it. Anyway what I was saying was that we assume all BBW artists to be dudes, or artists of BHMs to be dudes, we never expect women to draw art of fat women or women to draw art of fat men. This does lead to how few times I come across women who find sumo wrestlers sexy, because the assumption is that most users on sites like these are dudes. How many baords are there about sexy BBWs? How to get BBWs, which BBWs are sexy and how to have your lady friends become a BBW? I know there is a BHM thread, but we often expect the users there to be gay guys into fat men. We never expect women on there posting images, comments, etc.
>>54845 I wish women’s sumo was more popular and also that our favorite ssbbw models would do wrestling for fun in videos. They’d be good at it
>>54858 Most women just don't express their sexuality that way. It's not 100% — I write fat fetish stuff and know two certifiable women who do it as well, and a handful of DA artists — but it's really really rare.
Express it by drawing art and commenting and posting stuff on boards like this you mean? Is that what you mean by express it that way? Why would you say that female BBW artists are rare?
>>54948 I've been on DA for a while, exclusively in fat fetish art/writing circles. I've dealt with a lot of fellow artists/writers and maybe 1% were cis female. And yeah, not many women here either unless they're checking for stolen content.
>>35117 What is her name?
>>55209 I'm assuming your talking about the heavyweight Ukrainian wrestler. That's Svitlana Iaromka or in Ukrainian Світлана Миколаївна Ярьомка. Hottest thing about her would probably be her weight gain since her judo and early sumo days. https://youtu.be/IoC8AC4faRE https://youtu.be/ksJm8LICoSQ
>>55211 No way was she actually 500 "lps" like the short title said, right? Did she lose weight? She looks thinner on IG than at her heaviest.
>>55218 Idk tbh what her current or her heaviest was as this information was never made public. In sumo she was probably weighed before tournaments but those numbers normally don't get revealed to the public. With weight classes you are pretty good at guessing the athletes weights i.e. if someone fights in the light heavyweight category you know that they weigh between 73 and 80kg. But as soon as you get into the heavyweight 80+kg category for women you can only guess an athletes weight or hope to find some information online like from interviews and stuff. Also to be completly honest I don't even know if athletes who are only competing in heavyweight and open weight divisions are required to be weighed since their weight does not matter for these divisions...? As for her Instagram I don't think that she has any recent photos of her out there...? https://www.instagram.com/iaromka_judo Also sadly I haven't seen her in any recent international sumo tournaments so it's hard to know if she's gained or lost any weight since. As for the 500lbs claim maybe the guy running the chanel who also happens to be a sumo athlete has some insight into her weight (or her just made a plausible guess and went with it...?). For reference for anyone who wants to take a guess she's 162cm which is a little under 5ft4.
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I believe it deserves a sequel.
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>>55230 >Piggy (2022) >Sara, labelled Cerdita[a] by bully Maca and her friends Roci and Claudia, is an overweight teenage girl Anon...?
>>35100 >>54776 Fat pride counts, right?
>>55233 >Fat pride You don't deserve to have your dick and balls.
>>55231 Well, don't tell anyone, but it involves our heroine on a new adventure ten years after the last one.
>>55236 Piggy is movie about a teenage girl who gets bullied for her size by a bunch of other teenage girls and is later given a chance to kill them by some creep who kidnapped them. I don't think that's something you'd want to treat as wank material, dude. That's fucking weird. >Well, don't tell anyone, but it involves our heroine on a new adventure ten years after the last one. Where the FUCK did you get this information? Did you pull it out of your mentally retarded ass?
>>55237 It's actually a possibilty for the film to get a sequel of sorts.
>>55254 >It's actually a possibilty for the film to get a sequel of sorts. Nigga, you're still leaving me confused. A "possibility"...? What you posted was literally one-sentence fanfiction. How was I supposed to interpret that as a "possiblity"? I can't read your mind through my computer monitor. There's no way for me to have inferred that.
My girlfriend and I are in different countries for our postgrad degrees, but we’re pretty close geographically, so we usually see each other often. We both had a stretch recently where we were traveling a lot, so we went almost two months without meeting up. Now, she’s always been a bit on the curvier side, but nothing too much, never really asked for her weight but around 75kg/165cm. So, imagine my surprise when I saw her again, and she’d put on at least 8-10 kgs. I couldn’t be happier, I’ve always had a thing for this, but I’ve never really opened up about it. It’s been a bit of a private thing for me, and for my own peace of mind, I figured it’d stay that way. But now, seeing her like this has made me enjoy our relationship so much more. The funny thing is that she is in total denial, just the other day I watched her struggling with her clothes and asked me “I haven’t gained that much weight have I?”, my dick was diamonds, I swear to god I even thought she might have sneaked into my phone and figured out what I like, but no, she really is in denial and just claims shes been bloated. So now I’m wondering, should I actually tell her I’m into it and maybe encourage her a bit? Or should I just let things keep rolling as they are and not bring it up? Any advice on how to handle this, and maybe even keep it going ?
https://npo.nl/start/serie/metropolis/seizoen-22/metropolis_81/afspelen here's a brief Dutch documentary about personal stories related to obesity around the world (use proxy to watch). The first segment is about a Kenyan plus-size fashion show, the 2nd about the health problems of a elderly Armenian actress but it's all about the third and last segment for me. Apparently it's common for women in Burkina Faso to intentionally fatten themselves up for better prospects on the dating market. The subject of the segment who has packed on the pounds quite well gives some tips for a successful gain. There are also some street interviews with men on their preference. It's been living in my head rent free for the past few weeks.
>>55974 I don't speak Burkina Faso or read Dutch but I can use my imagination... Nice find!
>>54843 She's so cute seeing her doing: "Oooooh"
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>>41868 >>41894 Welp, not entirely sure how i did it, but managed to pull the full FA[C]TS short from online and put it on Gofile. https://gofile.io/d/EzNiuR It's more art project that documentary or anything IMO, but it does have some hot scenes it it. Full warning. It does include some male and NB fatties here too. If that's a turn-off, look away.
>>57741 Bigger crowds Easier targets
>>43069 I've done this before. absolutely epic
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> "this girl's cute, wonder if she's somewhere" > reverse image search > leads here, same image (girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair) > cool.jpg > end up reading a very well-articulated, frankly almost analytical discussion about baseball, sumo and representation of it in Japan > remember power pros, a huge baseball series in japan > i like power pros > mfw big women led me to getting back into a game series Unironically somewhat funny how this all came to be. Keep being yourselves everyone, and merry early Christmas!
>>58138 >girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair OP? The Japanese housewife?
I apologize for not clarifying; it was the image OP had used for the banner here. My fault!
Might be strethcing the rules with "isn't porn but" rules here but "My Big Fat Fetish" was a channel 4 docco a few years back on this kink, and has a few shots, scenes, and tidbits from models and the scene that really did make it easy to be treated as porn. https://gofile.io/d/gBMgRo
Latest obesity figures: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/mar/03/more-than-half-of-adults-worldwide-obese-by-2050-report-says The future looks bright, despite o zempic. I still recommend planting many seeds to keep the momentum.
As a teen, the fat girl in the shower scene in Porkies pretty much turned me into only wanting fatties. I nutted to that loads before fat porn became a thing. There was an article about a East German woman starring in a porn scene in an English newspaper that made me nut loads too. Turned out the woman was actually Teighlor
