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Unpopular Feederism/Gaining opinions Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 19:05:12 Id:e157bb No. 53318
What are some hot takes and unpopular opinions you guys have about fat fetishism?
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Here's my two cents: Having this kink is a bit miserable when you're in a life situation where you know damn well that your chances of getting a fat girl to be with are practically 0% (mental health issues, never leaving the house, living with family by necessity who are VERY vocal about hating how fat women are getting nowadays, not having anything good to offer a prospective partner in a relationship in terms of being an interesting/fun person, etc.), and you have no real prospects of leaving said situation anytime soon. Granted, internet access and porn help alleviate that emptiness quite a bit, but you can only trick your brain so much for so long before it goes "right, homie, we both know these images you're looking at and the hands you're stroking your dick with aren't actually an obese woman, who the hell are we kidding here?", and the sadness creeps back in again like morning fog from the ocean rolling inland. It feels like I'll never get to actually be with any woman, much less a big one, and that's not exactly doing wonders for my mood. I'm already on some pretty heavy antidepressants as well for brain chemical shit, apparently this crap cuts like a knife through even those, despite not hurting my dick function at all.
>>59844 >society tricked us into liking big butts. Society didn't trick me at all. I discovered my interest in booty all by myself thank you very much: > A flat chested chubby girl transferred to our school. > Not really interested her. She's an ironing board > "Anon did you get a look a the ugly chubby girl lol!" > Gym Class > "Anon, she's going to join your group. Please show her how we do warm ups." > Don't really want to do it. > It's her turn > She's starts to run. Watch her to make sure she's doin-Holy fuck, she has a big ass. I really like looking at it. > Can't stop starring at her ass. It's so damn big, and every stride it jiggles like she's moving a fucking ocean. > Seriously want to go full Moses and part those cheeks like the red sea Society goes on about Boobs all the damn time, in fact it was considered normal to like boobs. When I tried mentioning Big Asses to legit anyone, they were always "ewww anon big asses are for gross fat chicks!". If anything society has TRICKED YOU into like boobs. Boobs are for babies anyways. Legit haven't give a fuck about them since that day in gym class.
>>59849 >>59861 Congrats. Yall like poop dispensers. Do yourself a favor and at least try to escape the butt matrix
>>59870 >butt matrix Can't. The gravity well caused by their mass makes it impossible to reach escape velocity. Besides, I've already invested too much time in becoming an ass farmer who minds his own business plowing the ass farm. Okay real unpopular opinion time: Boberry is ugly and over rated, and people who like her have shit taste.
>>59889 She’s absolutely overrated but what makes you think she’s ugly?
>>59934 I'm not into yicking anyone's yum, and I like plenty of models who aren't classically pretty, but this is about unpopular opinions and I agree with 59889. Pre cosmetic surgery her face was like a block and she had no lips. She's since blown them up with the most fake-looking filler I've ever seen. O/A she now has a plastic Kardashian look, which for me is a bigger turn-off than straight ugly.
>>59861 For me boobs are like sprinkles on an ice cream cone. Nice to have but not at all crucial. FWIW boob vs butt love seems cultural. I'm no anthropologist but it seems societies where boobs are bigger, like the UK, are more into them. Meanwhile Brazil, where boobs are small, is totally butt-oriented. I'd argue that in the last 30 years as the US has become less Northern European and more Latin/everywhere else, our obsession has switched from boobs to butts.
>>60055 Don't take my post too super seriously, I was just being funny to a degree. I like a more rounded look: Nice big ass, but also a nice belly with a bit of an apron. Not sure if culture plays into it. I'm white, the girl who awakened this in me is white, and until the immigration thing happened here, I could count on one hand the number of non-white people I saw before I turned 21.
>>59851 You gotta move out man. If you're non-white or one of the mentally strong whites, get some exercise get that blood moving, and make a long term plan to move out and live on your own. Whatever it takes. You gota be independent to pull in the hoes. If you're an average (weak) white, practice that Sieg Heil and enlist. It'll get you out of the house and around a bunch of guys who are either gay and don't care if you bang fatties, or are also into fatties themselves.
> low IQ retards You can just say Joel C., everyone that's ever watched fat fetish content on YT knows exactly who you're talking about
Mine is I hate tattoos, yet every decent looking fat chicks seems to have this second craving to tattoo themselves the fuck up and pierce everything - or worse, do that first then stretch them out with weight gain.
>>59851 My man, this kink isn't the thing making you miserable. What's making you miserable is that the life you created for yourself is fucking retarded as shit. You don't have any skills or interests or hobbies or sense of humor or survival instincts or curiosity or even a little spark in your eye or any reason at all a woman would want to spend a single moment with you. Fix yourself. Learn how to paint, play an instrument, skateboard, crossword puzzle, fucking anything man just god damn do something with your life besides goon out on bbwchan all day long crying about not having friends because you've got jack shit to offer anybody
>>60756 Adding to this, if you can't get a friend you aren't ready to get a girlfriend. If men don't even want to be with you why the fuck would a woman be interested? It's like trying to climb a mountain when you're too weak to even walk up a hill. Build yourself up. Go through the stages of sucking at something, being kinda okay at it and maybe eventually becoming good. Give yourself a reason to actually like yourself.
>>60771 This shit is the secret to life in general
>>60771 Nah man. Life’s too short for that kinda bullshit. I was in a similar place that you were. I got a tattoo, found a doc who’d prescribe me T no problem, grew my hair and beard out— legitimately everything changed. I’m literally banging different divorced women and single moms every week, compared to my 20s it’s a godsend. Seriously just find a tattoo parlor and get some impulse ink to knock a little attitude loose.
>>60771 I get the sentiment, but this isn't very true at all though. I've always struggled making guy friends, but never had any issue finding girls to date, or girls to be friends with. When guys I do make friends with ask what my secret is, and I ask to see their dating profile and see it's bare as fuck and I say you need to write more and show you're emotionally intelligent and then show them what my dating profile looks like that gets matches, they almost always just call me a faggot and to stop trolling them. Most dudes are just a lost cause. More pussy for me I guess...
>>60779 Life is too short to get good? Fag.
>>60785 You’re calling me gay for saying that doing a bunch of bitch shit like hobbies to achieve self actualization? Dude, gay as shit. Just get a decent job and don’t look like a loser. It’s that easy to be neck deep in pussy. No need for years of emotional labor and other female coded activities.
>>60793 I don't know man being able to nollie switch 180 off a 3 stair or being able to play the piano blindfolded is pretty kick ass. But if you want to live out life as a doe eyed cow playing live service games all day, go right ahead. Your inner world must be terribly boring to be trapped in all day.
>>60742 Hatred of tattoos seems like an incredibly popular opinion on bbwchan, enough to be called standard fare. I suppose one of my unpopular opinions is that 99.99% of tattoos on 99.99% of models range from aesthetically pleasing to easy to look over. Even most of the "worst" tattoos aren't so distracting and poorly made as to make a model look ugly alone. The only exception is Satanthiic's fucking toy story tattoo though. On someone who already looks like she's on enough drugs to make El Chapo overdose, the tattoo takes her from "hard to look at" to "hard to even think about".
>>60838 > Hatred of tattoos seems like an incredibly popular opinion on bbwchan, enough to be called standard fare. Autism central. I got a tattoo and I’ve been getting more alt fat butt than a gender inclusive toilet in Brooklyn.
>>60838 >>60842 there are some truly bad ones out there (ADELINE, woof) but yeah this site's attitude about tattoos is pathetically boomerish.
Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places but the all star world class pawgs/bbw pawgs from pre 2020 to even just a couple years ago aren’t great anymore. They fell off so hard and it does not seem like there is a great “class” to fill their places. The ones I’m talking about who fell off are Jexkaa, Autumn Nelson, Chelsea Higley, SouthernLindz, Mal Malloy, Olivia Jensen, Dani Pumpkinz, FullxMoon. Even the ssbbw game, again I might be looking in the wrong places but it looks like the best got their start around 10-20 years ago, fell off, and another “class” hasn’t really risen up to take their spots, from what I can tell. Bombshells are gone. Boberry and Plump Princess Courtney are middle aged and Courtney fell off. Sadie is approaching that age and her post BC content has been divisive at best. Mercedes models peaked like 10 years ago and that’s if you could even get lucky to see their content because apparently no one else wants to spend $40+ on their vids. Maybe we were spoiled having those women occupy the same space in 2010s, but where is the group that has that “it” factor for this decade?
>>60912 Kim K reversed her BBL and all the brain dead basic ass hot pear shaped fat bitches realized they wanted something else all of a sudden.
>>60929 I think you’re right. With all the names I mentioned for pawgs/bbw pawgs, it does seem like the huge fat asses are going out of style, and the smaller more “athletic” looking butts are making a comeback. Do you think it’s applicable for the ssbbw too? See with the pawgs/bbws, it’s more weight loss that contributed to them “falling off”, but with the ssbbws it’s more about age and other factors. The ssbbws have gained weight but their content has become worse, although it depends on the model. Or, in some cases, the content got better, but then the models go on long hiatuses and/or outright disappear
>>59180 I am not attracted to slim/athletic women at all but I love curvy and chubby women. Most women who stay active can get decently chubby without it affecting their quality of life at all. This is why I do not get the hate towards models like GGG who got very visibly fat, very horny from it but got her shit together and is fit and toned now. She’s too thin for my taste but I’m happy for her. Nadia is too thin for me now too. Reina still looks chubby and looks proper fat from the hips down but is active and fit, that’s my sweet spot, I hope she never loses weight again. It seems like the smart thing to not take years off your life being super obese if you’re lucky enough to get back in shape easily. I don’t get why it’s not more common for models who are into gaining weight to get as big as they can and then go back to a more manageable size. Seems better than what happened with Mochii where her health problems are keeping her from making content at all.
Bit o' humor on X https://x.com/Enezator/status/1893626861219168690
I genuinely think there is something wrong with us. It doesn't matter if it's the men or if it's the women who are into this and even some of the one's who aren't into it it's obvious there's something's not quite right. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of autism, even for the internet, that just congregates into liking fat chicks. And even amongst the women who are into it, I feel like there's generally more spergs than what's normal for the population complete with their particular autistic fixations. Then there are those who blow up to 500+ pounds despite not being into it and like yeah I doubt it's someone who really likes food and more likely someone who emotionally eats to feel better about themselves or have some other messed up relationship with food, we're not talking normal people here. This goes back to what was mentioned here. >>60912 Most women who are mentally normal leave the scene or aren't involved in it in the first place. They're there to get money that's it, once they lose enough weight they no longer have to deal with autistic fat fetishists. Ozempic is around so if they got the money they'll lose the weight. So now you have the women who are still around and aging while the rest have left.There's too much spergery now a days to deal with the scene so it will always drive people away unless they too also happen to have a screw loose as well. I'm not necessarily saying it's bad that we have a screw or two loose but it would explain how people keep get driven away because of the worst actors.
>>61016 >Then there are those who blow up to 500+ pounds despite not being into it and like yeah I doubt it's someone who really likes food and more likely someone who emotionally eats to feel better about themselves or have some other messed up relationship with food, we're not talking normal people here. You like them because their gluttony and coping mechanisms led them to being a pleasing size and proportion to you. I like them because their unhinged lack of self control, easy access to unhealthy food options, stressed conditions, and possibly neglectful upbringing that fostered terrible food habits that led them to those monstrous size and will only sink them further in this fat hole they've dug for themselves. We are not the same. But I will never claim to have the moral high ground. My God.
More unpopular for BBW-Chan specifically rather than the community at large, but it's very concerning to see the vitriol directed towards models who lose weight. I'm not talking someone who's 400lbs slimming down to the low 300s or even 200's, while they're well within their right to do that I also *get* that they've probably lost their appeal. But I was looking through the Fat miss T thread where someone who was over the 700's slimmed down to what, 677? Still absolutely fucking massive by any reasonable metric, and people are acting that this is a betrayal. I hate to remind you guys, but this fetish isn't healthy. Especially in the USSBBW territory. I'm not above finding it hot when the women are 600+ but Jesus Christ almighty, when they decide to lose the weight the response should be a bit more understanding. Especially when they've already released hundreds of photos and videos... many of which we've stolen lol. To general people, guys with fat fetishes are viewed as weird, controlling and manipulative. They place their sexual desires over the health of the women that they like. Shit like this makes me remember that isn't a totally unfounded view.
>>61032 >Still absolutely fucking massive by any reasonable metric, and people are acting that this is a betrayal. >the response should be a bit more understanding. Especially when they've already released hundreds of photos and videos... many of which we've stolen lol. This place being a community is such a mistake sometimes. The entitlement is off the goddamn charts for content we had no intention of buying, and afterwards we feel slighted when a model does anything other than gain weight for our enjoyment but not our money. You want her back up to 700lbs? Buy her dinner. Buy her content. Send her a gift card. But don't be surprised if she and others decide to lose weight when the money starts drying up, because when it's all over they only have what's left of their health with them. Same goes with any model - rarely any are looking just to cash in and drop the weight if they've been around for a while already. They know this is probably the easiest money they'll ever make being this huge, but if there's no money there's no incentive to stay that big. I know this goes counter to the board but it's in the right thread for it. Buy content and give back to the place and people who have filled out your library.
>>61037 > This place being a community is such a mistake sometimes. The entitlement is off the goddamn charts for content we had no intention of buying, and afterwards we feel slighted when a model does anything other than gain weight for our enjoyment but not our money. Flip side. This shit being a market is a mistake. How can a company like onlyfans and c4s not be facing lawsuits for enabling self destruction and literally self harm in the form of a slow motion snuff film that’s appreciated by mentally ill people who shouldn’t be leaning into this disease.
>>61040 Man, this shit being a market is only a brick in the wall of self-harm porn. I'm not justifying it and I'm not gunna self-flagellate over it. I will say it definitely has a broader dialogue to explore than other content we'd be perusing. For one, everyone needs to eat, but not everyone needs to eat 8K calories in one sitting. Meanwhile no one needs to cut and scar themselves. Both of these types of activities can be recorded, sold, and purchased for our enjoyment. Shit's fucked.
>>61042 It’s one thing to pay for your porn. It’s another thing to provide ministry enticement to mentally ill women willing to eat themselves into an early grave to afford rent.
>>61040 If C4S and Onlyfans started policing content they deemed harmful to women then only the most vanilla style porn would succeed, so they're incentivize to not moderate too much. Just go for the obvious rule breaking shit. They're probably more concerned with ensuring the girls on their website haven't been trafficked or pressured into performing. I think for a them to crack down on Fat Fetish content specifically they'd have to see a case of someone who undeniably died because of this fetish, as in with out a shadow of a doubt they would have lived if it were not for them creating content for this kink. There have been models who have passed early sure, but those are attributed to generic health issues that can affect someone of their size, not specifically because they choose to do ssbbw kink stuff. After all many fatter people who aren't trying to gain suffer from these, and others seem to lack these problems at all and can live (comparatively) normal lives... though if I had to guess these ones probably do put a bit of effort into looking their health to some extent. I don't like the generalised sentiment that the women who actively gain for this fetish are mentally ill, I have spoken to very down to earth and self-realised women who absolutely rock this kink and are 100% genuine about it. But you can tell when they're *just* into it for validation, the kink is a means to an end to feel wanted and I think people, both the gainers and admirers need to be more vigilant in noticing when that's the case. It's tricky, because on one hand you don't want to remove something that might be providing a self confidence boost to someone who may not have even felt wanted before... but at the same time it's not good for them long term, right? Probably a bit heavier than this thread is used to, but it has been something I've been mulling over. Just remember that the fetish doesn't end after you've cum, you can turn the video off but these girls can't turn being fat off.
>>61065 I agree, I know this isn’t every model but a lot of them choose to either gain weight or actively stay fat for this content being fully aware of the risks and trade off it involves both in sacrificing their health either for a short or long period of time, and the damage it probably does to a person’s resume over time and ability to find work and be treated with respect outside the fetish. Unpopular opinion but I understand why some models pull out when that trade off no longer is worth the sacrifice, I think we would do the same in that circumstance. Even if someone would be fat regardless of if they make content or not, it doesn’t seem worth the judgment and abuse they get from the rest of the world (just look at some SSBBW’s comment sections on instagram) and from their own “fans” too.
>>61065 > If C4S and Onlyfans started policing content they deemed harmful to women then only the most vanilla style porn would succeed What a slippery slope you made up to feel correct sir. > I don't like the generalised sentiment that the women who actively gain for this fetish are mentally ill, I have spoken to very down to earth and self-realised women who absolutely rock this kink and are 100% genuine about it. Wow you bought the fantasy they were selling you. Lucky we got you to do this research for us. > the kink is a means to an end to feel wanted and I think people, both the gainers and admirers need to be more vigilant in noticing when that's the case. Dude. We were all rooting for Adeline to eat herself to death.
>>61068 >Dude. We were all rooting for Adeline to eat herself to death. Fucking *thank you*. Everyone was rabid when she ate herself 100+ pounds fatter over the course of a year *while 600 fucking pounds*. These retards only come in here and moralfag when they want to sound smart or simp for models.
>>61107 I remember when BoBerry was with BigCuties and we were getting weigh-ins pretty regularly. It felt like NASA watching the moon landing when she hit 600lbs. Likewise, the Challenger explosion when she posted that update over Covid where it looked like she lost 80lbs. We fucking love it when someone is gaining weight. Moralfags can get fucked.
Similar things have probably been said in this thread but liking fat bitches is a fucking curse. I tried dating a fat chick and it sucked. She had bad hygiene despite appearing well put together, so I imagine that most fat girls have similar issues. It's also embarrassing being seen out in public with them, even by total strangers. Being a skinny or even normal built guy walking around with a land whale just makes you look like a perverted freak. And pursuing any long term relationship with them would be retarded, because you would eventually have to introduce her to everyone you know, and you would be dooming your bloodline to fail by spawning them from a fat lazy idiot who probably has other massive character flaws. I say "other" character flaws, because yes, being fat is a reflection of poor character. Despite what you may have deluded yourself into believing from the copious amounts of FA porn you watch, the average fat woman isn't fat because she gets turned on by it; she is fat because she has low impulse control, addictive tendencies, and an external locust of control. Even if she is a feeder and became fat on purpose, centering your life around a fetish is troon-tier degeneracy, and should be viewed with even more disgust than the fat person who became obese unintentionally. Being attracted to fat bitches is a curse. Luckily I'm also attracted to thin women, but if I could take a pill that would make me feel disgust towards fat women like a normal person, I would.
>>61134 On the contrary, anyone who can get to 500-600+ pounds and still have normal blood pressure and no diabetes... for any length of time... is a genetic anomaly with superior genes. Not everyone in their family is fat for the most part, they come from a line of long lived people most people just die long before they get to that point because they don't have the moxy
>>61134 seek help, you post like a misogynist serial killer
>>61140 What did he say that was untrue? Obese women tend to be fucked up. They’re dirty, smelly social outcasts. Usually suffering from some kinda of retardation like autism that makes them compulsively shove the least nutritious food down their throats. If it’s not some retarded form of autism it’s food addiction, depression and other things that speak towards a weak character and poor morals.
>>61146 ope, got another one
>>61134 Good, leave more fat chicks for us.
>>61140 no way im getting "yikes incel"d by porn addicted incels for posting an unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread HAHAHAHA >>61146 It's true and anyone who has actually been with one IRL can concur, yet the actual incels here will rage at us because they project their porn ideals onto the women they will never experience
>>60668 That weird fuck who is on every video talking about stomach growling ?
I need to air this out somewhere and it probably won't matter at all if you aren't an active discord user or trying to join any servers based on this on fetish, but there are too many men. Any server I go into based around this fetish unless it's a bigger one is full of men sending belly pics or trans women. Like holy fuck man, i get it. You should be able to post your tummy too. But where are the women?
>>61676 >where are the women? No offence but I feel like this question is a little bit naïve. Any online space devoted to a kink is always going to be a complete and utter sausage fest. The few (if any) women are almost entirely there only to sell content. This might be controversial but I think there just aren't that many women in the world into feederism vs the number of men who are into it. I think in most cases it is something that women either only do for money or only do to please their partner (or both). And even if a woman is genuinely into it, why would she show off in discord servers unless she has an exhibitionistic streak as well (assuming she's not just selling content)? Or, even if she's not showing off, why would she be looking for a bf on discord, when women very rarely need to resort to doing that (even if they're fat)?
>>61693 I just want to see girl tummy.
