Let me return to this topic on a new basis. Now here
you can see galleries of texts and images contributed by online team to the owner of the page. It is like a club with materials on bbws and ssbbws in history, old arts and folklore, and with modern illustrations depicting historical bbws and ssbbws.
I have studied this issue and can share my ideas, although it may be too long and boring.
(1) Males' attraction to women is based narurally on preferences tied to the differences between women and women's bodies from men and men's bodies. These differences are a complex of three components:
A) Having body parts that men do not have, or body shapes that are not expressed usually in men. That is, the female breasts, the womanhoodf, more roundness of the hips, greater roundness of the buttocks.
B) Greater gracefulness and gracility, higher pitched voices, less physical strength, less muscle girth, softer hair, less body hair. Everything that gives the impression of more tenderness, fragility and softness.
C) And, finally, a greater amount of normal fat layers necessary for healthy life, quite different ratio of fat-to-muscle in the medically normal body , and more roundness of the body, where men do not have it.
(2). At the same time, human sexuality is generally characterized by a desire to enhance, strengthen and extrapolate qualities which are naturally attractive
All three factors listed above can be synthesized in balance, and then the most preferred type is a Titian-Rubenesque woman, as has been the case for most of human history over the last three thousands years. By modern standards, this is bbw, but not on the verge of turning into sbbw.
However, if some components of this complex are strengthened more than other ones, then shift in any direction can be obtained. If we increase gracility and fragility and a smaller volume of muscles (factor B), we will get a thin and slim woman.
If, on the contrary, we increase the roundness and fat layers, that is, factor C, then we will get larger BBWs and SSBBWs. History shows that this tendency was naturally very widespread, and that it often begins to occupy a large or even dominant place in real preference spectrum and in culture, if living conditions allow it, or if this tendency is not suppressed artificially.
Evolutionary mechanisms determine that male sexual preferences vary widely. This is optimal for survival and procreation because the more diverse men's sexual preferences are, the more different men will have lust for different women, and the more women will be involved in reproduction. This is simply human nature, determined by evolution.
Therefore, in reality, naturally different men always show a wide range of sexual preferences from thin to ussbbw women, while an indefinite majority is naturally predisposed to prefer women with slight and average excess weight according to modern beliefs, but there are also admirers of thin women and admirers of very large women, and till we are on the ground of natural predispositions, there are even more of the latter than of the former ones.
(3) And then cultural factors come into play.
First of all, there is a great difference between repressive (restrictive) and hedonistic cultures. Hedonistic cultures, which are sympathetic and protective to human desire and lust, recognize the existence of different types of beauty preferences, and consider this fully normal. Of cource, one of this types may be considered the most popular, but this does not lead hedonistic cultures to stigmatize or condemn other preferences.
Very characteristic in this sense is the Arab story frim 1001 Nights about a man from Yemen and six beautiful girls, where these girls vary in stature from thin with sharp knees to a huge obese one who is not able to reach her own womanhood. All these six types of females are recognized in text as extraordinary beauties, although one of them, somewhere in the middle (by our standards, she is bbw with folds on her sides and belly and with broad hips and buttocks), is stated as relatively the most popular.
Nearly in the same way the Roman poet Martialus talks about three types of preferences - the preference of thin and the very thin girls, the preference of the largest girls up to the 1000 roman libra (730 lbs), and the preference of just curvy, full figured and fleshy women, which is his own preference. He calls those who share the second preference "pinguarii", which means fat lovers, while those who share the third preference are called "carnarii" which means meat or flesh lovers. From Pompeii paintings of women we well know what he meant, they are definitely bbws with broad and flabby hips and buttocks, but not of the heaviest bbw kind and not ssbbws. Martialus obviously favoritizes his own taste, but he well accepts and knows the fact, that other men have another tastes, and they are rather wide spread. Martialus jokes about these another tastes, but he doesn't condemn them and is not enraged by their existence.
Repressive cultures, on the contrary, definitely enforce standardization. When faced with a real spectrum of preferences, they choose one of them, legitimize this one as a canon, and beginn to condemn, suppress, discredit and discriminate everything else. The western culture of the 20th century is one of the repressive cultures in the entire sphere of sexual preferences, and both thus culture and its modern continuation are trying to impose standardization
(4) Further, some repressive cultures, in addition to standardization, also promote religions and ideologies hostile to sexualty, to the body and flesh, to the body pleasures and carnal desires. Such cultures naturally condemn fatness as a manifestation of pleasuring and spoiling one’s body, and, in addition, simply because there is more human flesh and it it exposed more in fat persons.
Our modern culture is the heir of one of such body-unfriendly cultures and very much of modern approaches are reproduced by inertia from the past, even regardless of the influence of religion itself.
(5). Further, the most important limiting or, conversely, encouraging factor is formed by living conditions and the neccessities dictated by them. The most common conceots of beauty never includes things that are fully unattainable in real life under the living conditions of a given society.
This means that if people are forced to live by constantly wandering and moving from place to place on foot, and to drag all their property with them on their hands and on their backs, then the type of very heavy women will not exist within their spectrum of widespread preferences, because such a woman cannot move with enough ease to walk around like that. It is only in narrow marges of the preferences spectrum where desire for very large women can survive in these circumstances. It will not be expressed in culture usually
This is exactly how it was in many regions of the primeval world, although not in all ones, and this is exactly how it was in the African ancestral areal of humanity.
Further, if all women are necessarily involved in long and laborious walking for the purpose of gathering, or in hard physical work to maintain the household, or simply in a constant high spending of calories, to maintain the household, then the type of very large obesity will also not be included into the inventory of wide-spread preferences, because such women simply will not exist in society, otherwise than a great exception.
(6) Thus, the factors that can suppress the desire for great obesity throughout human history are as follows:
- repressive standardization of preferences and of sexuality,
- the dominance of ideology, hostile to body, lust, and bodily pleasures and satisfactions,
- living conditions that require women to walk and move constantly and to expend large amounts of calories on activities necessary for survival.
If all three of these factors do not operate, then human nature immediately begins to work freely and generates, among other types of preferences, the preference for very large women. The latter preference may even become the most popular, since the fatness refers to comfortable and carefree living conditions, to the absence of the hardships of physical labor and efforts, and to the abundance of pleasures from food.
(7) As already mentioned, in the primeval homeland of mankind in Africa, the resources for hunting and gathering were such that people had to constantly move to acquire enough of them. In these conditions, the ideal of a curvaceous full bodied bbws, like the heavy modern South African girls participating in reed dances, dominated, but the preference for SSBBWs had no ground to develop most of the time.
But later, in the mammoth steppes and adjacent areas, a completely unique situation arose, which persisted intermittently for about 30,000 years, from 40,00 to 10,000 years ago. There was a huge amount of so-called megafauna, that is, huge animals available for hunting to people of that time, much more than the fauna in their ancestral home in Africa. The human population was small, probably there were no more than 50,000 people throughout France and Spain, and there were enough recources for hunting for everyone, there was no need for continuous movement from place to place. Women in this situation did not need to move much while gathering, because the main products if foid were huge amounts of fatty meat, which was obtained by male hunters. The same hunters on the way back were often engaged in gathering, which could also be entrusted to older children and younger teenagers, as well as to able-bodied old people.