Jesus, these replies are so pathetic. I mean, I know it's bbw-chan, but lol... get a grip.
Anyway, I'm also in the same position as OP, age-wise, background-wise(minus the dating experience, lol), and interest-wise. We are in a tough spot- I haven't even gotten to really trying yet, but all I ever hear is that less people are pursuing relationships, birth rates are plummeting, and then when you go to look for advice you get seething incels trauma-dumping for a reply...
I do think there are some ugly truths about women, who they pursue and their general mindset towards relationships that we both have to keep in mind, but it's definitely not over or anything. I think especially in this corner of the sexual world, they are gonna be just as nervous, scared, defensive, etc. as whoever pursuing them may be- whether it's due to their weight or whatever other reason among the infinite that are available.
Really I'm just talking out of my ass here as a near-wizard with almost zero experience, but I always felt like volunteering and generally getting out in your local area might be worth a shot. My armchair psychology degree has me guessing(projecting, maybe) that OP, like me, touches grass infrequently and has interests that keep him away from people, as well as some potential unconscious mechanisms steering him away from relationships and vulnerability. We'll have to step out of our safe zone, and we'll have to really want it. I can't read minds, but even a significant amount of effort on dating apps is zero-risk, so to speak- get out there, or if you're not willing to get out there yet, work on yourself.
You were asked here what your interests were- find a way to hammer that vague answer into a marketable, interesting set of characteristics. Be open and up-front about what you want sexually, and sell it as uniquity. Good luck!