When my wife and I met (on Tumblr of all places), she knew very early on that I liked fat chicks, so that hurdle was already cleared. We’ve been together 11 years now and, whiles she’s not into it, she knows what I like and she plays into it. She has no issues with me touching her fat, she sits in my lap, and she knows that she can get me to do almost anything if she asks me to grab her a snack while I’m up. Over time, she’s gone from 315-430, with some gains and loses. We have two kids (6 years apart), both of which she conceived at 400.
My point with all of this is that, you really need to find someone that accepts all of you and will at least play to your needs. Doesn’t mean she needs to be a feedee (mine’s not), but she needs to know that you need that outlet.