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Boberry: Project 2025 Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 13:19:14 Id:55be83 No. 58839
Last fred hit the bump limit, here's a new fred. Assuming it lasts until the new year, I hope you all have a special, loving Christmas with your family or other loved ones. Fill it with laughter, peace and precious memories. I hope that 2025 brings you bright new adventures, opportunities, and that each of you are able to stick firmly to your resolutions. Whatever you want to achieve, remember, it's NOT too late to start! Doesn't seem like there's any NEW content to share, but here's a much-requested reup of the measurements: https://mab.to/t/cGfX9QOsAuC/us2 [Expires in 3 days] So long!
>>58840 you dropped your crown king
>>58840 I already closed my browser after nutting but I felt like what the right thing to do was open it back up, get to this page and say THANK YOU KING
>>58839 This was surprisingly wholesome and wonderful. Not just the content but the words. Thank you my G
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Impossible not to see her ass, whatever gender you are
Do you guys think she has trouble with sex? Being that big
>>58844 The way those chicks are staring at her mount that bike haha. Meanwhile, she's like " She-hulk smash bike. She-hulk have fun and need to stuff belly now. " Her mobility is kinda scary.
>>58845 Considering she’s put men into the hospital with her ass I’d say yes
>>58845 I fucked a girl that was built similar but not as big, the only way I could penetrate her was bending her over from behind due to how big her thighs were. Yes unless BoBerry is insanely flexible it is probably difficult
>>58846 I don’t think there’s an ssbbw porn Star in terms of physical capability that is as impressive as Boberry. Plump Princess comes to mind but she’s taller yet 100+lbs lighter. >>58847 Proof?
>>58847 Where did you get this info?
>>58850 General bbwchan gossip with 0 evidence but purpetuated none the less.
>>140503 just couldn't keep that one to yourself, huh, you were itching to type that comment up
>>58845 There are many limited positions that there are not with skinny women, considering that most do not like the idea of ​​you being on the bottom. I forgot to mention that you have to be medium or large in size to be able to penetrate them. I only once had a huge woman and I asked her if she could sit on me, she agreed and her butt occupied from my head to my thighs, it made my neck, ribs and back crack, it was something a little pleasurable but it is something that I definitely wouldn't do it again...
Friends, I just dreamed that I was sucking Boberry's feet and she liked it so much that she started following me on Instagram and sending me from time to time to do it again. Do you think I'm going crazy?
>>58851 Less than zero evidence since Boberry denied it in one of her livestreams.
>>58854 Next time she writes you tell her she hasn't been uploading for 13 days straight, and hasn't uploaded anything non-PPV in 25 days. Ask her why anybody should subscribe to her site with an upload rating like this.
>>58856 I guess she got the message.
>>58857 Too bad her cameraman is an idiot.
>>58858 u mean her fiance??
>>58859 Idk but this one might have been her friend's who the mini belongs to...(?)
>>58860 doubt it its her men whos shooting all her content these days
TRUNK. mini cooper Width of tailgate - bottom = 892 mm
>>58857 Not so mini
Thats the width of the rear door on a mini and she wider than that!. one of her measurement videos she measures how wide she is and thats 40" or 102cm...
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This video is like 2 months old too!
>>58865 Her face looks so fat here!
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>>58866 Shes kinda "FAT" !!
Ngl those photos look kinda ass with her being fully clothed.
>>58839 >>58840 Fuck! I missed this thread. Could someone re-upload the videos for me, please? I'll re-upload them again for the next person if you do. <3
>>58869 Gotcha bro. Give it a second https://gofile.io/d/ykxaqT
The new Car Videos looking good
>>58863 It's what the car is called, also imagine Boberry driving a golf cart or a Smart ... I don't think these cars can manage her giant size, we had a clear example with the ATV. Which is why I think you don't understand something, these women needs to burn more calories than an avarage human being ... they need to eat 2 or 3 times than the avarage proportions, so this explain why she's soo big and wide. How many times we saw Boberry eating in front of the camera and how many times she just "shared with us" how often she eats during the day?! Consuming more than 4000 or 5000 calories per week isn't that easy for skinny and avarage people, she just LOVE eating more than you might think!
>>58867 She was hot because she had slim face for how fat she was. Now she’s just like the rest of em
>>58873 oh no, god forbid the insanely fat woman starts to look too insanely fat
>>58867 I see she had her double chin removal surgery reversed
>>58874 It was definitely part of the appeal. Not a slim face but definitely not a blobby one. It might be the outfit choice and the activity but she kinda looks like the big back aunt at a BBQ in this. You know the one.
>>58873 On the contrary, the fact that her weight has finally caught up with her face is extra hot, because it shows just how far she's come in her gains. Same situation going on with Dumplin.
>>58873 I honestly love the fact she has a double chin now, it makes her look way fatter.
>>58878 same bro i love it too i was tired of her looking 'skinny' fat
>>58865 >>58867 has this been shared yet?!
https://gofile.io/d/6elUNe New Video
>>58882 Damn, what turns me on seeing this woman sitting is priceless, those thighs are the best. Thank you king for the video 🤩
>>58882 Can you share the Mini Cooper video?
>>58882 Thanks
>>58882 That's it? Fucking boring. Move or something. People paying prmium $ for this?
>>58886 To be fair she did post the "trying to fit inside a mini" video a couple of days prior and that was one very hot video coming in at just under 9 minutes.
>>58882 >:( what the fuck was that she was sitting there doing nothing.
>>58887 Damn. That's the one we need then. >>58882 Thanks to anon here. It's not his fault this video isn't good.
>>58887 To me at least it’s these kind of vids she does really well. It’s like she answers the random thoughts “what would a 600+lb woman look like in a mini, or on an atv, at the gym etc…”. Sitting around doing nothing like her recent vid is pretty meh.
I am curious. Is she able to do a full squat? I mean because of the fat on her thighs you know...
>>58891 Regardless of whether or not she can do a full squat, I bet the power in those legs are insane.
>>58892 I remember that in a forum that I don't remember the name of now, in 2013 she already knew that her legs were stronger than the average man.
>>58893 That's underselling it. An average man won't have her kind of mobility if you made him 550lbs.
One of her thighs is 27 inches bigger than my torso, thinking about that blows my mind.
>>141290 it was never shared
Is she actually engaged? Sad times! Still thought there was hope for me. I dated her once when she was in the high 500’s
>>58897 And? How was that?
>>58897 is she engaged? not confirmed did you date her once when she was in 500s? not confirmed its crazy how we can just run off of lies like these
word from my source is that she emailed him and said she was engaged
>>58900 Totally trustworthy
Check out this page on instagram. It has the newest measurement video. @ssbbwfatrollss
>>58899 impossible, i was dating her in the 500s. because of me, she hit 600.
>>58849 Things like this are another reason she should do prn to cement her status at the top Are there any SSBBW that come close?
>>58897 >>58897 What was she like? What was the average weekly grocery bill?
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this is probably one of my favorite type of shots from her. this shit blows my fucking mind, just look at how massive that booty is (pic is from probably april of last year)
>>58906 that's why I was shocked when she did a video on the bed with Sadie and she was wider than her. You can see that she is not used to it
>>58907 Sadie wider boberry fatter and her butt ful of fat but sadie wide but Hollow
>>58908 is Impossible for her to be completly Hollow she would cave in
>>58908 Like the Keebler Tree?
>>58906 me looking down at my impossibly obese female sim in the sims 4
>>58906 There's a short video of her in a bar in Spain pointing at a mirror on the ceiling, and boy does her butt look huge.
>>58909 If you comper you will know....... I mean when you comper boberry wide and full of fat Sadie wider but her butt Arched. There are like howl ......just look from back
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aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC94VkkwWEs= Does anyone have set 122 of her bigcuties era where she gets massages by this girl?
>>58914 You really encoded a gofile link from something you found elsewhere on BBW chan. why?
>>58914 That is Nadia from Boberry’s BigCuties era. Please tell me you or someone has the rest of that video. Literally nothing is better than watching a skinny woman play with an obese woman’s fat like those YouTubers who play with slime. Slapping it, squeezing it, jiggling it, poking it… I will fight anyone who says otherwise. The only thing I can think of would be if Bobbery tried on mawashis and then sumo wrestled another SSBBW. Gofile link appreciated.
Here is a link to a YouTube video of them being silly and enjoying Boberry’s booty. The skinny girl riding her just makes her look even fatter and fucking love it! https://youtu.be/8MUnSUcBQgQ?feature=shared
>>58915 Links on this thread and say Bonnie's tend to be surveyed and struck down quickly otherwise
>>58917 Everyone should have known she could handle being as huge as she is now. She was able to add that 110-20 lb girl on her back and move around like it was nothing!
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Happy New Year to all! Fingers crossed for a 700lbs Boberry in 2025!
Welp. Mods should probably lock this thread before it turns into a shitshow. RIP Boberry
>>58921 RIP Boberry
>>58921 The f are you on about
Show some proofs before telling that people are dead
I’ve spent an hour - can’t find anything to validate these statements. If anyone has anything - please inform.
She ain't dead, dudes talking shit
The Saudi backers are keeping it silent.
>>58926 Big ole phat booty even in the early hours hungry for my black cock.
she is in best shape of her life she is faaar away from being dead!
>>58929 Boberry is one of the few big booty white women seemingly not interested in black guys however you wonder if she tried one first to determine her preference and who knows maybe she likes them off camera
Thank you for that valued input regarding her preference
Anyone can die any moment. People that big are even more prone to sudden death.
>>58930 >>58930 >Anyone can die any moment. People that big are even more prone to sudden death. >>58930
>>58921 >>58922 >>58933 Nigger retards would post this instead of posting her new vid.
>>58930 Spherical is a shape
>>58933 We lost Kasstheblast she was a legend unfortunately this is true.
>>58930 Being on this chan too much has warped your perception if it makes you say a woman north of 600lbs is in "the best shape of her life"
Dear God, I'm sorry I created this thread. Please forgive myself and all of these retarded gossiping gooners. We are weak, and I pray that you guide us towards strength. Please, also, if it's not too much to ask, permanently disable all internet access throughout the Indian subcontinent. Amen.
>>58938 But she really is tho last time when she was 614 lbs with bigcuties she said that she was barely standing to do a weigh in and now she is traveling walking everywhere so she really is in great shape!
>>58904 Strange thought process. Why not just go look at gay porn if you want to see penises?
>>58941 It makes me tender how he wants to hide his belly, anyway, thanks for the video
Here’s the vid of her sitting on a pool table and having billiard balls bounce off her butt https://youtu.be/xtbKenrF5-s?feature=shared
>>58914 Here you go. https://gofile.io/d/16ZaHp I'm looking for her BigCuties videos 70 and 108. If someone can share those, I would appreciate it.
This needs to go into discussion board. I will state some factual information that needs to be said here. No shade from me on Kass as she seemed like a real sweetheart. Unfortunely, Kass wasnt proportioned very well as most of her weight was in her midsection. When there's a lot of fat in the midsection like Kelly K had and Juicy Jacqueline, that's where they will likely have cardiovascular events. Women like Boberry, Sadie and Randalin are going to be just fine because their bottom heavy. Don't get me wrong, those asses are heavy, but the drag is not on the chest. Women like this still are going to have problems with their knees, but less likely to have severe cardiovascular issues. You all remember that depiction of the grandmother with a really big ass, large tits and a smaller waist? That image actually perpetuates women that shaped like pears live a long time. We all will have issues as we age regardless of body type!
Unless some personal/ family shit happened to Boberry it’s pretty unlike her to not post for the holidays, whether it just be wishing her members a happy holidays etc, guess we’ll find out soon
>>58947 If nothing else she usually posts a story showing off her wrapping of her presents.
This thread is a cess pool of pure stupidity and misinformation in every direction
last on go, even though it won't last long https://gofile.io/d/AgaILe
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>>58950 Thank you so much. You rock!
...to finally find a gem. Thank you.
>>58950 >https://gofile.io/d/AgaILe Most folks hitting 600 don't have dang near perfect posture like Boberry. It really makes her ass shelf even more pronounced like Pame_Pear.
not suggesting it but curious when people are gonna start DMing jactastic asking about Boberry
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Chill people let the girl celebrate holidays in Peace...damn she will post soon!
>>58956 This kek, retards here act so entitled as if this isn't just a side gig for her.
Can someone repost all the parts from her VIP side?
>>58955 What video is the still on the right from?
>>58959 It was on the VIP site one of her Mexico air bnb tour videos
>>58944 Why do YouTube links never work on bbw chan?
>>58946 Glad you also mentioned Sadie and Randalin with Boberry haha. Add Jenni Bombshell with them and they are the 4 horsewomen of ssbbw booty
>>58960 Thanks. If someone could upload that I'd appreciate it, don't think I've seen it.
>>142471 dont think it works like that, shes still 300+ lbs
>>58962 you're ignoring Hayley/Gingerbunny, Dumplin and SpanxBeluga, all of whom have incredible butts and thighs.
>>58962 To think that there are thousands of fat women out there of the same weight and build as you but who prefer to live in anonymity
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remember that there is no new content cause she went home alone without her fiance (camera man) they were supposed to go to a wedding in thailand on NYE but for her it was too much flying at her size
Its been 16 days without content. This shit is getting ridiculous.
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i agree that it’s ridiculous that she hasn’t uploaded in 16 days. i stopped my subscription until she uploads (the image is just to post some booty)
To think that she could be the SSBBW goat if only she were more active on her site or Instagram
>>58970 Who is the ssbbw goat then??
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>>58971 as now its Jackie but Mary is close she needs to gain more weight to get in that spot since she is super tall at 5.8ft
>>58972 >BoBerry doesn't post for 16 days >Instant has-been, doesn't care about her fans, will be forgotten to the annals of history >Jackie doesn't update her C4S in a month, posts to OnlyFans maybe once a month with no content >GOAT status Not even defending Mary here but fuck me if you're not WAY off
>>58973 bro we aint talking about who has the most up to date content but who is the Hugest and hottest super fat of all time and it is what it is Mary's bmi aint even at 100 yet she got more eating up to do to beat jackie who is almost at Marys weight with a 5.4ft frame and an angel face
Jackie ugly as fuck
>>58975 the goat weight as much as boberry and jj combine, its vanilla hippo
>>58975 Say that again!
>>58977 brotendo, she don't look like that anymore.
>>58978 I, sadly, have to agree. Her laziness has crossed over into basic self care and her face looks so busted now
>>58979 She is still very beautiful! One of the most beautiful in my opinión, she looks very a like to Lyndsey Lohan in the mids 2000s
>>58969 The Mini vid was a good one. She absolutely dwarfed that poor car!
>>58972 >>58974 Jenni Bombshell is the goat due to her age. Boberry is amazing too tho and probably the goat if you consider content in past couple years
>>58982 >Jenni Bombshell Ishygdtt
Y'all still think she celebrating the new year?
>>58972 Dumplin is becoming the favorite due to how much she ballooned up last year. Great content for the most part too.
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All the stuff that she posted recently was old if you look back on her website the last time she shot content was 2 months ago (measuring update and pictures)
>>58976 >>58977 If you show pictures of her to an AI, they won't say cute things ... even technology hates you
>>58985 Couldn't agree more. Dumplin needs waaaaay more credit. That sexy inflating "girl-next-door" vibe she has going on is...*chef's kisses* Plus, a very alluring voice imo.
>>58966>>58966 >To think that there are thousands of fat women out there of the same weight and build as you but who prefer to live in anonymity This thought has crossed my mind. The problem is that fat and hot are not the same. Boberry checks both of those boxes... you can see in viral videos of her on Instagram there's still plenty of normies commenting "Well at least she's pretty!" Hot/fat combo is quite rare, as far as the general population goes...
can anyone reposts some of those videos if her trying to climb too barrow set of stairs, showing her bedroom on a cruise and the one of that box shower pls?
>>58989 > normies commenting "Well at least she's pretty!" Is she really pretty tho? She’s got a great exapensive look, some as Chloe, but neither one is naturally pretty, their appeal is the submissive Sugarbaby energy of a obese woman dolled up in makeup and filters wearing hot girl clothes. Mary’s face is an Alabama 6 all day, cmv.
Curious that the mini vid has stayed up so long
>>58992 true, things are getting very very interesting...
>>58972 Disagree. GOATs of 2024 - imho - are Hayley/Gingerbunny; Spanxbeluga; and Dumplin (in that order). Prove me wrong.
>>58994 I think BoBerry deserves top 5 for sure. All that traveling and that massive gain should be part of that list.
>>58993 Hope she's alright. I'm starting to worry.
>>58996 I'm thinking she's been dumped
>>58996 Same here. Hopefully she gives a sign of life soon.
I want her last video with the car.
>>58998 If she doesn't show up with the tits out, I sincerely don't give a fuck. Stop SIMPing some e-whore who doesn't look at you like a human being, dude!
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Lets appreciate the fatness as we wait for new content!
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lets just hope shes been stuffing that pretty face silly and that she will comeback to us bigger in 2025!
>>58997 > I'm thinking she's been dumped By the Saudi investment group based out of London? Always tough to have a disruption in management.
>>59003 Her transatlantic cruise sent the risk department crazy, also caused a lot of tax issues that need to be ironed out
>>59004 It was that or risk a blood clot on a long flight, surely they'd understand. But on a more real note, I can't imagine if Breakup Mary would eat her feelings in such a way that's distinct from her normal diet. I guess odds are she wouldn't eat?
Last time when she was down she lost 100lbs ://
>>59005 In the case of a breakup I think she would get locked in, cut hard, train 7x a week, lose 550 lbs and become a IG fitness influencer posting fatphobic content to gain the support of the alt right movement, become friends with Elon Musk, and eventually become a part of RFK’s anti-obesity mob. I have used my schizo powers to psychoanalyze her and I have determined this to be the most likely course of action.
>>59007 Yeaaaa sure buddy, she will come back like a nuclear weapon ready to fuck you up! Which is why ALL OF YOU are thirsty, but luckily I found a solution for that looooong time ago.
>>59007 totally agree I expect the same
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20 days without even a selfie and a short msg is crazy ;//
>>59007 Ngl she's gonna look hot as hell with that loose skin.
>>58997 Dumping someone on new year is nasty business.
>>59006 That was due to her dad's death tho, dunno how much significance she puts this breakup at.
>>59012 I know 90% of yall are completely detached from reality, but I still want to point out that she's probably completely fucking insufferable and impossible to date. She seems like the kind of girl who's hotness goes directly to her head and she's a massive fucking bitch 24/7. I'm not a hater or bitter or jealous, I'm just pointing it out in case someone wants to listen lol.
>>59014 U might be right sir since Caitidee said that Mary in person is not as sweet as she is online
>>59015 coming from Caitidee that means nothing considering all the bridges she's burned
>>59015 Keep in mind Caitidee is a pariah in those circles. She's said that but how many connections has she lost over the years? We don't have many verifiable accounts of what Mary is like to a layman, only through those who have worked with her professionally. The only exception is from Roxie and that's where the rumors of her being a homewrecker came about. Her previous partners haven't come out with any tell-alls.
3 weeks no peep. Fearing the worst tbh.
>>58882 Can someone please reupload it. Thanks
>>58950 >https://gofile.io/d/AgaILe Thank you legend!
>>59014 I remember reading a while back that an ssbbw, Roxxie I think, stopped talking to Boberry because Boberry tried to sleep with Roxxie’s husband. Apparently Boberry desired men that were taken. It’s also interesting that Boberry and Sadie only collaborated once and that was after so long and now that was already like 2 years ago and no new collab since. Sadie is known to be one of the nicer ssbbw. This all makes me think yeah Bobbery isn’t a particularly nice person
>>59021 Yes, but Sadie only really collabs with Eve on a regular basis, for example she only did one set with Roxxie in spite claiming to be friends.
I hope a new post or some news comes soon, because this rumour mill will get ridiculous
surprised nobody has mentioned the possibility of her passing away
I really hope she didn’t break up with her man, he seemed to be loaded and is probably the reason she gained so much weight back. I hadn’t realized how expensive it must be to feed Boberry, let alone get her to gain weight at her massive size. She must eat a $100 lunch just to be hungry again for dinner and thats another $100 to satisfy her for a dinner meal. Do that 7 days a week that’s a serious budget to match a serious appetite. That’s not including money for snacks or breakfast, it’s truly amazing how much the girl can put away but it’s crazy expensive so I really hope she didn’t break up. I hope everything is ok with her and that something didn’t happen to anyone in her family either, which explains this absence. The last time she lost someone she lost weight but it was also during covid which was a scary time for fat people, maybe she is the type that will eat her feelings away but really hope that’s not the case. What bugs me about her is that she must be sitting on a ton of unreleased content, like that mini cooper video but she’s too lazy to post. Anywho wish her and her monstrous appetite all the best.
>>59024 I think this is what we all fear
>>59010 Wow, she looks good without makeup
143204 I would think they'd take down some of her sites or make an announcement if she was dead. Perhaps she's in the hospital, would explain the lack of posting.
>>59024 >>58921 >Welp. Mods should probably lock this thread before it turns into a shitshow. >RIP Boberry some people jumped to that conclusion immediately. i hope they're wrong
>>59027 She looks younger there. When is it from?
>>59024 Because SOMEONE would have said something by now. We had someone a week ago suggesting to ask one of her known friends on IG about her. Do you guys honestly think we would have heard NOTHING if she died? Get fucking real. She may have other models jealous and has a reputation about her, but she still has friends in the industry who would know something's up. The most likely option is she's taking a break. Whether it's because her "freelance work" has picked up lately, or she had a bad breakup, or there's been a health scare, or she's just lazy and doesn't want to do it... Calm the fuck down. She's not dead until someone reputable says she is.
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The comments under her most recent post (from 20 days ago...)
She might be dealing with them wildfires in California near her home
>>59033 Shes in northern california
>>59027 >without makeup still so funny when guys say this looking at a girl wearing a normal amount of makeup
>>59035 Fair, but still, she looks fine
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21 days... now its looking bad cause people are in the comments so she can see it. How hard can it be to Update her subs and tell that she is dealling with a loss or etc.
Maybe when she went back home and her man went to thailand for the wedding people started getting in his ear that he needs a fit chick since he is a traveller not a big girl who can not travel with him...so he left her, but if thats true he would be the dumbest man alive cause this women is truly a one of a kind gem
>>59037 Ngl this isn't looking good. Definitely last time she went mia she lost a lot of weight. Now we got fires in LA so she is likely stressed tf out.
>>59039 either way its over it been proven that when she is in deep stress she dont eat so even if she is good she will comeback skinnier than ever. I wish her well tho
The dark part about being in this industry is you gotta update your audience that you’re simply alive because being as big as Boberry… you could just pass away so much easier - which is something terrible to think about.
Can you people get a life? She clearly has one and doesn't need to constantly update her neurotic lonely fans at every waking minute.She owes you nothing. It's just after the holidays and most people are BUSY.
the morgue emailed my source and i can confirm she is not dead
>>59043 She was in best shape of her life wlaking miles by feet and stuff she cant be dead wtf
>>59042 I think the people who are paying for her site are owed something, if she doesn't say something soon she'll start losing members.
My guess is she's incapacitated in some way, most likely medical. If she was dead, her big cutie site would have been taken down and we'd see at least someone post it, like KasstheBlast. If she's truly gone, then 2024 will be remembered as a bad year to be a 600+ lb latina.
>>59046 Idk... Does Heather contact models to check if their still alive...? Wouldn't rather someone from BoBerry's side need to contact Bigcuties to let them know?
>>59045 Yup, just a quick post would stop all the speculation
This is not the first time and won't be the last time one of these models stops posting anything for a month. So many good Onlyfans SSBBW models suddenly stop posting for months and then pop back in like nothing happened. Hopefully this is just her being lazy and wanting time off.
>>59048 The fact ya'll are speculating simply because she hasn't posted in a little while is mad. You ought to touch grass for a little while. Some models just go off radar for a bit, or something happens in their life that may stop them from posting but also isn't public business. Does it suck to be a subscriber of hers at a time like that? Yeah, probably. Does she need to explain it? Nah, not really. Chill ya beans lads. She'll be back. She isn't dead just because she hasn't posted in a little while; any number of life circumstances could of happened - the sort that normal people have to deal with every day. At that point, it's completely reasonable to expect that modelling would be put on the back burner.
>>59050 Ah, the valiant white knight has returned to defend the fair maiden's honor...
>>59051 Standard neckbeard reaction to someone who isn't an incel
>>59050 Finally, someone with some brains.
It’s not that crazy to say these things when we pay 10 a month for nothing but a couple of selfies every month bruh
>>59050 >>59052 >>59053 I never understand the need to come to a sex worker's defense when they're fucking up at the one thing they're otherwise competent at. She chose to make her relationship with her "fans" transactional, and she's failing to live up to her end of the transaction. Assuming she didn't die from her health condition, an honest explanation of her absence is actually the bare minimum.
>>59055 shw look so fat here so sexy
>>59055 Finally, someone else here gets it! If she keeps doing the "same thing, diffrent location/diffrent angles" thing, then at some point it would be safe to say the main things behind her spot at the top is either being suprisingly mobile for 700+ pounds or just how long she's been in the game. It's reaching a point where I'm starting to ask myself "aside from funding, size difference, and location, what other things differentiate her content now from her content back when she was working for Big Cuties"? Someone mentioned on the previous Boberry thread AND Hayley's thread that Bo REALLY is going to need more content variety to be able to keep the crowd, so I'm suprised she hasn't offered any sex content yet considering she's MUCH more mobile than most women her size
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22 days... is it really that hard to post a short msg like "ill be back soon" ;((
>>59051 Not a white knight - in fact, i don't really care so much for BoBerry. She's heavy, but hasn't got blob proportions, so I usually just scroll past her thread, but occasionally get a chuckle out of the latest simp that is overthinking something or accusing her of something. Historically there is something about a boberry thread that seems to bring out the real oddballs in this already quite strange community, and it gives me a cheap laugh. >>59054 My bruddah. Vote with your feet. Stop paying women that do this. Subscribed to a model that doesn't post enough? Stop staying subbed. If everyone did that, the quality of content would improve. Wishful thinking perhaps.
>>59057 >Someone mentioned on the previous Boberry thread AND Hayley's thread that Bo REALLY is going to need more content variety to be able to keep the crowd She is a white woman with an enormous ass. Add to that the fact that she is quite conventionally pretty in the face, even if she doesn't post very much, so long as her site/OF is active, she will have money rolling in. Boberry has a pretty large following. Ever wonder why models like this don't seem to ever do the obvious thing and branch out? It's probably because they realize they don't need to. Kinda lame, but why would they push the boat out if the money is still coming in? The logical answer is quite often the correct answer.
Since this Boberry hiatus is going on, and this other person I’m about to mention was previously mentioned in this thread, imma just say it: you think this Boberry hiatus is tough? Try being a fan of Jenni Bombshell. She’s been gone for nearly 2.5 years now. I can only imagine how crazy it would drive Boberry fanboys if she was gone for even just over a month. I mean if you’re paying for her content then rightfully so, but otherwise lol. >>59059 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: fans need to back off and stop paying these women for shit to mid content. Simps are the reason these women’s content is mid. These dudes just pay for the same bs. They should take a stand and demand better. Pay more for better, sure, but don’t pay for the same lame stuff >>59060 If the simps stopped being simps maybe a change could occur
>>59061 >Try being a fan of Jenni Bombshell. She’s been gone for nearly 2.5 years now. She's R E T I R E D. You and everyone else clamoring for her need to get that through your thick skulls.
>>59058 >>22 days I think it's safe to assume there's basically a 100% chance she's dead now. There's really no other rational explanation. She's gone. It's over.
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>>59063 eheheheheh I love terminally online zillenials :) if somebody's not tiktoking them every 2 minutes, they are dead :D GUARANTEED :D
>>59062 Says who? She never said she retired, and whoever says she did is not an official source. Only Jenni or one of her people would be an official source. She was gone for 3 years before and came back. As for Boberry, she lives in Cali. Near LA? That could explain her recent hiatus
>>59054 Crazy idea.... hear me out: Don't pay for a continuing sub every month
>>59067 What you’re paying for her is back catalog. I’d bet it takes a lot more makeup preparation and GPU based post processing (smoothing algorithms for wrinkles, ass divots, cottage cheese) makes shooting new sets let’s ROI positive than when she could roll out of bed and shoot herself. Still got a great massive body that can be shoved into decent looking clothes but that’s all she’s really bringing to the table, a 3D model without textures applied.
>>59066 On other hand, why announce your retirement when you can string along your subscribers and get a few months more pay til they figure out the obvious? Decent thing would be to announce, but decency don't pay the bills.
>>59069 >get a few months more pay til they figure out the obvious? Not obvious to some, I guess.
>>59063 I think it's safe to assume you people are fucking mental cases. she's not dead, stop assuming she's dead. I swear to God you all need some serious help if death is you first and only though. "rational" my ass....
>>59071 I hope she is so all future threads can just stay in gen
Anyone have that folder with the really og content? Almost looked like photos her friends took not even sets
>>59072 Get help.
no thanks
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23 days... there got to be something wrong at this point if she aint responding to her members even with a comment like "still here"
>>59074 We hope you’re dead too
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>>59076 >We Ugh.
>>59074 >>59072 The mods are the schizo faggots, absolute state.
>>59078 So fucking true. Schizo gay ass cock sucking fags. I never got the cock sucking thread about getting the site funded, when the biggest cock sucker of them all Barclay won't put a couple of extra ads in the pages. Fucking fag
>>59078 I honestly. Don't care either way. This thread is always a shithole. Now it's in gen and it will stay here. No content and a bunch of retards arguing. Busty ema should fuck off too. Same idiots in there
I'm in favor of the change to /gen/ if AND ONLY IF the impending thread on /ssbbw/ is monitored for content by mods. Otherwise there was no goddamn point to this. /BBW/ mods put their foot down about begging, why can't /SSBBW/ mods?
>>59081 There won't be another one in ssbbw unless she actually comes back. And even then, it's not really worth it. This bullshit hits the bump limit instantly and thre is absolutely fuck all here. Report begging and i will clean it up. Can't be everywhere at once
>>59083 The fuck up, schizo mod fag
>>59086 Aww muffin. Eat a dick
>>59087 >"Can't be everywhere at once" >Shows up within 5 minutes of someone telling them off Pick a lane, either a BoBerry thread in particular can be policed for content or you & the other mods can't be arsed to care. And you know it's the BoBerry threads that have this issue in particular - Juicy Jackie can basically not update for half a year and no one bats an eye, but BoBerry is MIA for 3 weeks and the thread gets bumplocked out of people wondering if she's dead.
>>59088 Currently killing kilotroll shit, so actually watching
Don't really understand the problem here, if you don't like what's being talked about in the thread you could simply hide the thread, it's that's simple. Why go to all this fuss is beyond me.
Wow it really happened, this thread is in general. RIP
>>59090 It's a discussion thread so it doesn't belong on the ssbbw board. It's really that simple
>>59087>>59086 Nah, we'll leave that to you, mod fag.
>>59098 But you are so damn good at it
>>59100 Did her money managers pay you off or something? Really sus knowing her ties to London financial elite and supposed Saudi investors.
>>59101 I wish dude
>>59069 Because why do your fans like that? Plus you can capitalize on final sets. Would make people wanna get content more urgently. Ik what you say about decency but I thought she was different. I guess we’ll find out. Imagine if Boberry is gone for similar time and comes back after so long, looking very different and better
>>59110 If we don't hear from her by Valentine's Day, then I'm joining the chorus considering that's prime time to capitalize on dateless losers. Otherwise, everyone here is overreacting. A month hiatus is almost normal for models, even if unannounced. Nearly two with a major holiday to capitalize on is straight up concerning. But we're not there yet.
Doesn't she live in SoCal? She's probably had to book it because of the wildfires. Being off the grid for the holidays could just be a coincidence.
>>59101 Brother your brain is rotting. Be better
>>58921 What did that guy know?
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hol up i gotta get my meme in before this thread implodes (god forbid this ages like milk)
>>59113 From what I've heard she lives in the San Francisco area so no wildfires, however she could have friends or family that have been impacted by the wildfires and she's helping them by giving them a place to live till the crisis is over.
>>59175 My understanding is her bf helped a leverage buyout of her employers ad-tech company and she’s gone from secretary to chief off-shoring officer as the company leverages Indian firms. #WomenInSTEM
Congrats faggots - you autism'd so hard in this thread talking about her being absent that we got relegated to /gen/, which means we're part of Kisame's sandbox. Fuck all y'all.
>relegated to /gen/, which means we're part of Kisame's sandbox. Who actually cares? At least we're not loosing our minds over a thread on a chan site being moved to another category
She’s really gone bruh…
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This really aint looking good boys...
>>59396 Tbh I sometimes wondered about what she would do if she had a health scare and had to drop a substantial amount of weight. The conclusion I always came to is that she probably would go silent and stop posting without any last goodbye/explanation. Unlike sole other models who either would do a last goodbye or document their weight loss efforts while still selling content or ignoring the weight loss comments.
>>59410 Personally I think her health is fine, she may have just decided to retire quietly with no announcement. Pure speculation, but perhaps she wanted to see it through until the end of 2024…. Reason why I think that is her content started to tail off towards the second half of the year, there hasn’t been any ‘recent’ content in months and she never bothered to upload her last livestream. I hope I’m wrong as its pretty poor form for her subscribers , but if she has no intention of returning she’s probably thinking ‘what the hell’.
Well, she just posted, and it turns out she had a stalker. She's not dead lmao. It's been hilarious watching people here freak out after not hearing from her for just a couple weeks at first. Y'all need to chill.
>>59468 Need more details, are the pictures any good?
She's back. Apparently she ducked out for a bit due to an overzealous fan crossing the line and scaring her. Alright fellas, fess up, which one of you stalked Boberry?
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>>59474 she posted 45 pics and they look pretty good to me. She is wearing the same outfit from the boxing set she did on bigcuties last time when she was around 614
Thank God she's alive! Whoever that guy was, I hope he--- learned his lesson.
>>59468 tbf, nobody would have flipped out if RIP bro >>58921 hadn't set the mood.
>>59485 No, it's just that everyone here is incredibly schizo and people will just make up random ship to stir drama. I swear to god, Boberry threads seem to be the only threads that attract autists and schizos. With that said, I love how she looks in th enew set. She looks real pretty.
Okay, so it looks like no BoBerry thread will be allowed on /ssbbw/ even WITH content. WTF is going on here? Snagged this from the short-lived thread on the main board: https://gofile.io/d/p9WuVN Mods, if you're going to start patrolling /gen/ and deleting threads on /ssbbw/, can we please the rules updated? I wanna know what is and isn't allowed in Barclay's sandbox.
>>59501 Three posts of content in a bumplocked thread say it's a discussion thread. You retards will be fine here
>>59505 Yet, most of threads in ssbbw have hardly any content being posted in them whatsoever yet we don't see them moved to gen, like why does Jenni and Lexxxie Luxe have threads yet they haven't been making content for years?
>>59505 So, no clarification? Now everywhere is getting policed based on your whim? Dude I'm fine with the schizoposting being cleaned up. Everyone else is talking about models in their threads though. Why do you have such a chip in your shoulder about Mary?
>>59508 For some reason, these threads bring a special breed of retard. If we had a spaz board, I'd put it there.
>>59483 Last time she wore this outfit she started dropping weight fast. Is this another sign of things to come though? Hopefully not.
Why are we in gen?
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Hopefully she can squeeze into the legendary 700 club in 2025!
>>59661 Holy shit, what was that from?
reup of previous link https://we.tl/t-lWwb9pEaXb
>>59661 This is from the video she just posted. Assuming this isn't content she shot a month ago getting posted just now, i think rumors of weight loss are either wrong or exaggerated
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Time the pic was posted: at least 3 days ago from when this was posted. At least, according to the reddit Look, I get it. Boberry's hot. She's a catch, DESPITE what the food bills would be. If she did hardcore prn, lots of us would wanna sign up in half a heartbeat. That ass is legendary. But...some of ya'll gotta chill We don't know exactly what she meant by "agressive" but if they were the angry type, that just makes us look worse. Even if they weren't all that stingy or anything, people will immediately consider this crowd to be the prime suspects. This ONE incident alone almost ended her legendary run. We may end up being punished with a longer hiatus because of this, despite her words. We can be better than that. We MUST. If nothing else, some of us will need to lie low for a while. Be careful and play it safe, guys.
>>59711 Just don't fucking talk to her, you autistic dummies. And make sure she doesn't see you watching her with binoculars from the tree in her backyard near her window. Put on some camo or something. Treat it like hunting deer, but don't shoot, just observe.
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>>59843 Which instagram account is posting these? Where did you download them from?
it would be nice of someone post the entire video https://www.instagram.com/ssbbwfatrollss?igsh=M2QwNXdldnhzYzlo https://www.instagram.com/bbbrrryyybbbccc?igsh=emQ5YzRzajF1MHAw
>>59843 Never in my life have I wanted to be a box so much, until this moment 😅
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Dont think this going to work babe
>>59501 I'm glad at least one person got it
>>60138 Didn't you hear? You're not allowed to ask anymore. Boy the mod that quarantined us to /gen/ really has it out for BoBerry and her admirers. The policing in this thread alone is fucking astounding.
To stop all this complaining I went ahead and uploaded every single video from Boberry's site. That's right, even the 'missing ones'. I got a big Xmas bonus, ok? Each file is hosted at a separate link, so they should last a while! I employed a few rounds of encoding too, to be safe. Knock yourselves out! WVVoYmRYQndaWEpqWVhObElHeGxkSFJsY2lCaVpXWnZjbVVnVXl3Z1lXeHdhR0ZpWlhScFkyRnNiSGxkTUdOSVRUWk1lVnR1ZFcxaVpYSWdZV1owWlhJZ09GMXVZakphY0dKSFZYVmhWemgyV2tOYlNHOTNJRzFoYm5rZ1NuVnpkR2xqWlhNZ2FXW0hvdyBtYW55IEJvbmQgZmlsbXMgZGlkIFBpZXJjZSBCcm9zbmFuIHN0YXIgaW4/XWdkR2hsSUZVdVV5NGdVM1Z3Y21WdFpTQkRiM1Z5ZEQ5ZFJGbFlXbTlpVm1zOQ==
>>60248 Gonna just save everyone some time -- it's fake
Nice prank bro. Real top quality stuff. Here's a link to something I found the other day on a whim. Private vid I don't think I've seen shared before here. https://gofile.io/d/is7xvx
>>60140 Begging was never allowed.
Has Boberry ever talked about what kind of dick she takes? Big or small?
>>60266 The simple answer is: not yours.
>>60248 There are no "missing videos" any more. They have all been uploaded.
>>60252 >>60253 Mods, please remove these two posts, it'll be funny. This one too. Thank you kindly!
>>60248 Does anyone know if this is a joke? because I can't decode this link
(877.77 KB 720x1280 tumblr_sj5vyoNGam1a3mxfr.webm)
>>60248 >>60272 I'm not decoding that shit.
>>60273 >Olive Oil What. Why!?
well guys... its been 8 whole gut-wrenching days since boberry has posted... i think she is gone... *sniff* she's really gone...
>>60323 What did I miss?
hey guy any new video tos ahre please be ever so kidna n d be a hero to share ssexy bbw bobbery video
Anyone able to, at least, tease us what it is?
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>>60367 I'll tell you all right. It's a 2min 18sec video where she is wearing an old outfit she wore in BC Set #191. She herself reminds the viewer of this almost as if she wants to be compared to her former comparatively skinny self. Upon further inspection an avid fan of hers can come to find out that last time she wore said outfit she must have been around 580lbs which would make her current weight about 50lbs more. This increase in pure mass is shown by the changed fit of her magenta colored panties which now are totally unable to go last her lower belly but rather get swallowed by it, thus not covering her thighs. The camera person starts by filming her from above on the top flor while she stands on the main floor. She shakes her booty and then proceeds to show of her "depth" so we get to see her boobs and ass at the same time looking directly down at her. During all of this showing off of her fatter body stretching out her once fitting outfit she asks the viewer questions like "Do I look round, from that angle?". After showing off she starts taking the stairs to come up to the camera person. After only a couple of steps her massive swaying hips manage to hit a light switch on the wall of the stairway which in turn switches off the light. After switching the light back on she continues her voyage up the stairs while occasionally softly grunting showing her immense struggle. Halfway up the stairs she takes a quick second on the landing to catch her breath. 75% up the stairs she places her hands on the top floor which leaves us with a nice view of her face and her booty. What was once soft breathing now picks up in intensity becoming heavier with every step. She then moves her massive treetrunk like legs up one step before proceeding to stand back up and finish going up the stairs. All this is of course accompanied by the afore mentioned soft grunting and sound of physical exhaustion. Bursting with energy after completing the Olympian task of going up a fantastical number of a whole 13 steps she zooms right past the camera, almost as if she was trying to show off her peak physical fitness and high level of stamina. Her soft buttocks jiggling while her swaying hips ever so softly touch the, what I believe must be an old timey narrow, hallway which is just not built with a true athlete of her size in mind. After realizing however how much the camera person was struggling to keep up with her record breaking pace she, out of the pure kindness of her heart, decides to stop and turn around. While catching her breath one final time, after what must have been nothing short of speed climb up the mount Everest, she gently smiles at the camera. Her inviting nature is further shown by her soft hip swining back and forth which has a beckoning effect and gets paired with her final words of "What do you want to do today? Let's go!". The image then fades out to a black screen leaving the viewer with room for interpretation as to on what magical adventures he gets to be embark on while being accompanied by this true athletic goddess and powerhouse which is BoBerry. I hope you find this written recollection of her most recent video adequate. I will also provide you with the mentioned bc set #191 where she once wore the exact outfit. https://gofile.io/d/eV58aN
Thanks, it seems really hot , if anyone can share it would be appreciated
>>60368 ChatGPT learns about ssbbws
Caved and subscribed to her vip page… is there no way to view older content she posted??
>>60417 That can't be right. I'm sure most of it is behind paywalls but there's no way she doesn't have it all available.
>>60418 As someone who is currently subscribed to her pay site I can tell you that most everything she posts is included for free. But the few ones which aren't get pricey real quick, like the famous 100$ weigh in comp. But bc she's probably to lazy to film those ppv vids they are rare. >>60417 Normally you can just scroll down further and her older posts should load a couple at a time.
Reup on the mega?
Can someone reup the box crushing video?
>>60436 You had a good gay at faggle slag
Yesterday they made a thread on /SSBBW that lasts less than a day, what happened?
>>60460 Straight up, BoBerry threads aren't allowed on /ssbbw/ anymore. Honestly I don't know why we don't just put a sticky up at this point. People keep trying and coomerbrains don't know this board exists.
Is she still making content?
>>60574 Brexit firstly destabilizing her financially management followed by the plan to exterminate the Palestinians has her Saudi backers from funding further profit seeking content.
(161.27 KB 659x585 Bo.jpg)
quick peek at Bo from the balcony
>>59843 Could you reupload this video because it’s expired.
>>60651 Damn. The balding is setting in already. I think the ssbbw scene is over boys. Time to wrap it up.
>>60368 ChatGPT ah post
(1.61 MB 1646x1199 Screenshot 2025-02-15 233030.png)
>>60669 What are you on about...?! Looks great to my eyes ;)
Here's the box crushing; hoping a kind gentleman shares the most recent content. https://gofile.io/d/uwiZY1
>>60683 Works fine.
>>60684 executeSpecificCode setContentToMainContent getContent Load failed What is this?
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Can someone share if possible?😁
here you go there Is the pic set and a part of the video https://gofile.io/d/d2029f93-8155-4b1b-9bed-2d5b48b127a1
Sorry to annoying you, but doesn’t work😗.
Obligatory Boberry should wrestle in video comment. Come on. She likes to show how much of a big strong unit she is. I at least wanna see her squat and bench press, maybe RDL and treadmill too
>>60268 could you upload these then? 41 - $13 - More great shots from last night 30 - $64 - Boyfriend roleplay; eating marshmallows in bed 27 - $13 - Boobs, belly, and pigtails 17 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Bath 13 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me 12 - 2022-01-14 - $29 - Black lingerie in bed
>>60677 No offense to your contribution... but does anyone have the actual Box Crushing vid, not that shamefully terrible screen recording?
>>60706 This guy here has the nerve to just casually beg for $167 worth of content with the price tags still attached.
>>60719 they were uploaded to /gen last year but the people who downloaded it are too lazy to reup them
honestly i would be delighted it somebody just uploaded the new clip teased here! >>60651
>>60726 Well it's pretty crappy quality but I managed to find it myself! https://gofile.io/d/kjBmkc
>>60753 Fucking legend, thanks man. Where did you find it, if not her site?
>>60754 on a certain Instagram account that uploads these pretty reliably (albeit cropped and/or low-quality) - I won't share the username though, wouldn't want it reported.
If that's what I think, that account has existed for years.
...any content from Boberry is good. Thanks!
Bump The 3 people who use gen are really going to notice this
>>61053 Lower visibility was kind of the point, ironically enough
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Probably due to the poor video quality but...I can't tell if this is a glare or a look of desire I will say that the sounds she's making certainly help the mood, like she's trying not to moan a little I love it, honestly. Especially the initial upwards look before climbing the stairs. She knows we're watching. She knows we love to watch, and loves the fact that she's being watched. She loves the feeling of eyes on her as she struggles up the stairs, as she walks and teases. There can be a camera anywhere you turn your head and as soon as she knows it's there, she's ready to flaunt what she has, to shamelessly show her size. There's something about that that's just indescribably beautiful.
>>60753 Can someone reup this? As a bribe, here are a few of her more recent videos. https://gofile.io/d/U1xHSs
>>61080 They’re gone already. You wouldn’t mind reupload the videos again.
>>61080 Jesus christ not even 10 hours.
>>61080 plz upload on MAB
how beatiful She is https://mab.to/t/ijZHREw5P3C/eu1
She is so beautifull, anyone got any more?
Wish new members were allowed on thisvid.
>>61111 Quads save the day, this is much appreciated!
There's a car video on thisvid that hasn't been shared before, AFAIK. How to download? https://thisvid.com/videos/boberry-car/
You're a gentlemen and a scholar!
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(>>60687, >>60689, >>61100, >>61111) Wooow lot of italians down here, what a funny coincidence ... I wonder, how much it cost to spend a night with a BIG WOMAN like her!
>>61111 Can you re-up king?
here you go https://mab.to/t/zral19UgQu9/eu1
>>61266 Bump The 3 people who use gen are really going to notice this
