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Autism Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 02:05:11 Id:d93a14 No. 59400
Anyone here on the spectrum? I’m curious about overlap between autism and certain fetishes/porn addiction and I’m wondering if anyone could speak to that.
Anyone can get addicted to porn, but there is most likely no correlation depending on who you ask (some school of thought do not believe in diagnostics) source: psych student
genuinely ive met so many autistic men who are unemployed and cannot drive thru this fetish its insane there has to be a correlation they are also gay in some sort of way and into some furry vore shit
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I was diagnosed with Asperger's (as it was called at the time) about 20 years ago. I don't think there's any correlation between autism and porn addiction, but I absolutely do think there is a correlation between autism and bizarre fetishes. I don't have any actual data to back this up, it's just anecdotal. But I think autistic people (at least other autistic people I've met) are a lot more likely to be into fetishes which are odd, niche, and (most crucially IMO) impossible in real life. Furry, inflation, vore etc. I like having sex with fat women but at least that's something you can actually do in real life. I genuinely don't understand how these people jerk off to cartoons that present completely impossible scenarios. I think it might have some correlation with them being turbovirgins IRL. I can only enjoy erotic art (fat-related or otherwise) if it's at least somewhat realistic. >>59408 I'm unemployed and can't drive lol. This is kind of unrelated but I actually had an SSBBW coworker/friend who was into MLP as well, so there might be a correlation there as well lol
>>59404 Psych students are, ironically and counterintuitively, always the least self aware people. The only people less self aware than psych students are psych grads. It's like the more they study psychology, the less they understand themselves. There is a MASSIVE overlap between autism and fat fetishism. Source: I've been in this business for years, and have interacted with hundreds of people in it. Models of all ages and sizes, and countless consumers (99% of which are men, but also some women). So, so many of them are autistic.
>>59428 > There is a MASSIVE overlap between autism and fat fetishism. Source: I've been in this business for years, and have interacted with hundreds of people in it Def autism is related to obsessing over a fetish, spending tons of time/money on obsessing over any hobby is autism territory. Plenty of chads/brads have a fat fetish and feeder fetish and are normal socially successful people. None of them are online sperging out instead of fucking fat bitches irl. Normal people get in, goon out, move on with life, autistic people turn their favorite porn catigory into a hobby.
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5789215/ “Individuals with ASD seem to have more hypersexual and paraphilic fantasies and behaviors than general-population studies suggest.” Food for thought!
>>59448 No, that's a negative stereotype. Me being Kisame doesn't mean I am magically a porn star. Just like how my coworker showing dirty videos doesn't make him gigachad. People are unaware of social norms.
>>59422 Asperger´s here too.
>>59436 Uh no, just like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Chappelle Roan being autistic doesn't mean she'll turn into Madonna Kabbalah. Autistics like Bluey. Sorry Hollywood lied to you. People with disabilities like Helen Keller tend to be hardline communists, of arch conservatives like the deaf who frown upon technology.
>>59422 the correlation is that we are deprived and lonely and seek comfort in media we enjoyed as children and we need something to fill the void (eg food)
Bafflingly late diagnosed ASD Level 1. I'm a very sensory person, for better and (mostly) worse. The sensation of soft things is super soothing, so it's only natural I'd be into soft girls as well.
>>59422 It is anecdotal to me but autistic people overwhelmingly have fetishes that are unusual. Autistics also usually lack impulse control, which leads to porn addiction. I personally believe anyone can get addicted to porn, but autistics seem to be a victim of it more often. A statistic I really wanna see is the correlation between autism, fetishes and being transgender. From my own anecdotal experience, it's like a triangle where being 2 of the above guarantees you're likely the third as well
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>>59471 O-Dog from Menace 2 Society is autistic, but that doesn't magically make him sex god. Really people just want to relive the Sopranos forgetting it works for Tony, but doesn't work for them.
>>59400 Definitely undiagnosed. My awakening was when an article popped up about Tammy Jung. I just think I like the idea of messing about with someone bigger because there's quite literally more of the person to like and discover. I also don't mind a skinny women too. It's a balance I like anybody with a pretty face.
Every autist either looks like classic chris, skinny chris, or tranny chris, there is no variation between these three. Also fuck legos, wahammer 20k and transformers, that shit is faggotry.
>>59511 You sure you don’t have a bit of the tism yourself?
>>59513 I flat out don't think internet weirdos like Kisame17 just exist. People just want order
>>59511 Part of the problem is that artists don't want to be weird, which leads them to be dullards. Just look at Skyler Page, he became a bearded hermit and people whine he's unwell cause he didn't become blue haired troon like Dana Terrace.
>>59428 I am d283d0 (psych student) (and is my last post) >Psych students are, ironically and counterintuitively, always the least self aware people. The only people less self aware than psych students are psych grads. I would not say that they are always the least self aware (as a lot of people from other fields are as well), but a lot certainly are. And, it is actually really dangerous due to the damage that they can do to others by trying to use what they learn in their classes (as it takes quite a bit of time prior being "good enough"). In my country (non US and is a developed country, I am using tor to post), it at least takes a decade for a psych student to graduate and very little actually do. >It's like the more they study psychology, the less they understand themselves. If students are not well and have not worked on themselves (a lot, if not almost all) they will indeed worsen the more they learn. To the point of being almost completely lost when they are done sudying (lots give up). >There is a MASSIVE overlap between autism and fat fetishism. Source: I've been in this business for years, and have interacted with hundreds of people in it. Models of all ages and sizes, and countless consumers (99% of which are men, but also some women). So, so many of them are autistic It is ok that you use the autistic term but my post was just indicating that autism is not something that exists as a concept in other places of the world (due to different schools of thought and not relying upon the APA's DSM) (I am not doubting your experience at all). If curious about the link of autism (where it exists as a concept, so in America and Europe as well) and this fetish or other fetishes, you guys can lookup sexology studies on this subject. I had classes that talked about this subject, it is quite interesting to take a dive into it. Thank you all for sharing your experience
In Ireland psychology is generally considered to be a "mickey mouse degree" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey_Mouse_degrees IMO it seems to be something that young people study because they don't have any better ideas
Well has anyone here had experience of balancing autism and a relationship?
So while I'm pretty sure I don't have autism, there is definitely something "wrong" with me. I know that I was diagnosed with ADD in my early childhood, but beyond a failed attempt with some meds that supposedly gave me mood swings and made me cry an unusual amount, I really don't know anything about this diagnosis. This is probably the root cause of my horrible attention span and obsessive tendencies. This then shows in many things but most notably with deadlines on assignments for school/uni, where instead of preparing and getting work done a reasonable amount of time before the due date, I always tried to do everything at the last minute. So I would basically try to convince myself in the following way: "Oh, this stupid essay can't be that much work...I can probably get this done easily over 3 days.". Then when this time had come I would push it further, all the way up to the night before the due date/exam date and follow a similarly stupid logic of "The exam is tomorrow and it's already late. Since I can't learn the material now anyway, I probably should get some sleep.". This exact pattern is something I struggle with on a near day-to-day basis, with uni assignments or when I was writing my bachelor thesis. This constant procrastination also gives room for another problem of mine, which is my weird obsessive tendencies. This can be seen when it comes to hobbies. I can oftentimes spend weeks obsessing over a hobby/a fun-sounding activity, in the process reading up on tons of info online. Worst of all, I hardly get around to going out and putting any of this theoretical knowledge into practice. One case where this has actually worked out well for me is with my little art hobby which I decided to pick up after finishing school. But even then I did put a solid few months of on-and-off research into things like finding the best colored pencil brand so that I later could not blame my missing success on cheap materials. I am very glad that I made this "final push" into giving drawing/painting a try. With other ideas this thus far did not go quite as well. Part of this is that getting into art as a hobby is comperativley cheap unlike things like blacksmithing/kinfe making, electronics/diy projects, woodworking/wood carving, anything requiring purchasing a bunch of pricey tools. Also it's not super time intensive as I could just sit down at my desk with a piece of paper try it out gradually with very little time spent. So even knowing I might not get around to doing some of these ideas/hobbies irl, I still have amassed a considerable amount of knowledge up to the point where I could probably bore you to death talking about most of this stuff from a theoretical standpoint for a couple hours. I sometimes feel like it's most likely boredome which strikes me after an overly long time of researching a topic combined with a feeling of having "master a skill" whitout having done it irl once. I firmly believe this is also part of what drew me into feedism as a fetish and this whole weight gain stuff. When it comes to this stuff I can a) combine this love for plump women with other hobbies like drawing/painting and sculpting and b) obsess over things like lbs gained per month, calories consumed per day, bmi, health effects of severe obesity etc. This has resulted in several digital ilustrations of fat women and excel spreadsheets with calorie counts and calculated weight gain amounts. Contrary to what one might now assume I am not overly gifted when it comes to math, but rather find the number side of this fetish very satisfying. Same thing goes when it comes to keeping an organized room/workspace, which is something that I can't keep up with for the life of me. These things probably are an outside reflection of the mess and chaos I often times got going on my head. All of this seems kind of similar with certain parts of autism, but I would not go as far as to self diagnose with any form of autism. The attention deficit part though is somthing I would love to understand more in the near feature to maybe try and get a grip on things. Anyways....enough rambling. I'm geniuenly curious now: Can anyone relate to this? Am I a secretly autistic?
>>59540 Add overlaps with the tism, so you could be on the criteria but there's shared personality traits so there's a high probability.
>>59541 Could you clarify this? Thanks in advance!
>>59543 https://youtu.be/ttacXR3FRWw?si=-oJcKVu5eLLHfjfK Or the National Autistic society might have an article on it. It is a British organisation so might have to use a VPN
I have VERY mild aspergers.
>>59544 Thanks! Ah yeah also forgot to mention I'm socially awkward and shy when meeting new people. Often I construct irrational fear inducing scenarios in my head in which the worst possible thing follows after my attempt at a normal interaction with a human being. For example I'm shy when it comes to asking store employees for help finding an item I can't seem to find bc I fear they might publicly ridicule me or respond in an overly rude way. I obviously know that they are paid to be nice and asking nicely should be fine 99.99% of times and is in itself the most standard of interactions, but I still feel mentally blocked by these fears. When it then actually comes to talking I reportedly don't show any real awkward behavior and can act "normal". Still feel plenty awkward while doing it though. ADHD is also something I've heard a lot about, but the hyperactive part does in no way apply to me, so I'd rather stick with ADD. Another thing that might specifically apply is hyperfixation with my ADD.
>>59546 Yeah pretending to act "normal" usually is a sign that you're masking as you allude to not to be ridiculed. It's something to check out. The UK system is quite shit because there's like a 2 year wait to get diagnosed.
>>59548 Yeah, in a way I would go along with masking, but when talking to people I seem to warm up into the conversation and never feel the urge to not talk normally and i.e. blurt stuff out. Also never had real trouble picking up emotions or clues which might be a sign of autism. Maybe slight difficulty with expressing my own feelings or showing physical affection. Also not quite sure about my own feelings sometimes as it feels like a bunch of emotions sometimes. But maybe that's normal from time to time I guess.
>>59548 You need freedumb.
>>59533 Psych students are typically survivors of abuse or trauma, and are just trying to make sense of the unfairness they experienced. They could just accept reality, say "it's an unfair world and we're an imperfect species, so it makes sense that someone hurt me," and move on, but they don't want to move on. They want to wallow in self pity and confusion for their entire life, tell themselves they're helping people by becoming therapists, and get some social validation in the form of academic achievement and degrees along the way. Nothing undoes the past and removes trauma like a wall covered in nice shiny diplomas. They think they logically chose to pursue something of their own free will, but really they're just reacting to what happened to them in their childhood. If you push a ball down a hill, and then it rolls down the hill, that doesn't mean it CHOSE to roll down the hill. It's just reacting to the force that was acted on it. Psych students are like a ball rolling down a hill, with absolutely zero self awareness, all the while believing "I chose to roll down this hill." And then at the end they wonder why they got nowhere. But like I said, nothing fills the void more than a wall of diplomas.
>>59623 Psych students are typically gay and retarded.
>>59623 Psych students are typically pink haired abusers who think studying psych will give than an upper hand in gaslighting and mind games. Seen more than destroy a freind and turn him into an empty husk of who he was.
>>59622 I go out regularly so I don't know why I need freedom.
>>59511 Not me. One of my obsessions is working out, so I'm actually fit. I also got help to dress nice so I didn't walk around looking like Chris.
>>59428 I have a theory that artists and aspies trend towards fat fetishism for the main reason of control. You're human, so you want human contact, but you're autistic, so it's gotta be on your own terms. What better way to control that than with a woman so fat she can't move without assistance? You're a man, so you want to feel depended on, and what better way than with a woman who needs you to feed her 24 hours of the day? I bet there's a few autistics who feel that way without knowing. Add in the regular handups such as shit you see as a kid and I bet 80% of autistic fetishism can be viewed as some means of control desire.
>>60741 For me defo not control, and I've never been attracted to the idea of immobility. For me i see it as just as feminine as being skinny.
We are hanging on a chan website my man, talking about fatties.... 100% of us are on the spectrum lol. I will say though, that we can't rule out the possibility that normal people like fatties as much as autistic people do, but since they aren't' as unbound from social taboo as autistic people are, they aren't nearly as willing to be open about it and face the social consequences. Autistic people have been on the social fringe since they were born so they're kind of used to being laughed at for being different already. They're used to being seen as freaks so don't hide it as much, on average. Probably the same for autism and trans people tbh
>>60755 Speak for yourself. Autism likely is in less than 15% of feedists. I'm being liberal with that statistic.
>>60741 This could be part of it, but some of this may also relate to love languages. The way I give is Acts of Service, so taking care of a woman, cleaning for her, etc. plays into that. It's why I'm okay if she has mobility issues because that would play into my love language. I do think you are right though, some of it might be about some level of consensual control.
>>60749 >>60767 I definitely think my theory of control holds up but I'll admit it's a very broad definition of control. Control refers to dependency (including mobility issues) domination over something, as well as plain control over the factors of weight gain over time. Feed more, gain more, predictable outcome that engages the autistic because they like the time lapse aspect of weight gain (especially before after comparisons). It could also be the sensory aspect of autism where you happen to like the feel of soft skin. Or having compression or weight on you - most autistics do prefer some sort of weight in them like heavy blankets from what I've heard from them. And as always, the age old "fucked up thing from when I was a kid". No one in my family is fat, let alone obese (and weren't when I was a kid) so I assume my fetish came from Willy Wonka. I remember being excited to see the 2005 version because Violet was pretty (I was 8) and she swelled up super big. Amazingly I don't particularly like blueberry or blue skin.
Again it's all just shit posting theory, unless some gigachad writes his dissertation on it my opinion is basically worth less than a Robot001 commission
>>60755 This, congratulations to anyone reading, your diagnosis is now peer reviewed.
>>60864 OK, I do belive that sensory reasons is part of my attraction added with the fact I like thic thighs and that to = fat people. I just never thought of it as control.
>>60865 Kisame here, being fat is usually associated with lower class and uneducated in American society or a visual shorthand for Republican. The Sopranos started the trend of fat people as not comedy relief on television due to Tony being able to handle most things. It's just than Hollywood being fickle want dumb muscle fat guy. I guess you can put Dodoria but again.its easy to forget that Dodoria pretty much murdered everyone and needed Frieza to call him off.
