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Is China an untapped market for fat women? Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 05:00:44 Id:f9e1a7 No. 60679
The obesity rate in China is increasing and it's made me think that it might be an untapped market for dudes with fat fetishes. According to this study the overweight and obesity rate for women in China is 17.6% and 9.6% respectively (keep in mind the BMI rating for an overweight person in China is 24 and for obese is 28) and the rate of obesity for 18-29 year old women is 4.4%. Even though a 9.6% isn't that high compared to Western countries, it still means there are 66 million obese women in China due to population being 1.4 billion. So my thoughts are that the market is there for us to go and fuck/date/marry fat Chinese women. Even if you only intend on dating women in the 18-29, the obesity rate is still 4.4% which is still millions of obese women. To add on top of that, being a white Western male in China has it's benefits. Having spoken with Chinese people about it, you get treated better if you are white and in some cities it can be very rare for Chinese people to see a white person so that can be help in scoring fatties. And if you want you can go the route of being an architect. This could be a gold mine of fatties and especially for dudes like me with yellow fever. Asian fatties are the hottest types of fatties so this could be one of the best ways to score one. Are there any geomaxxers on this website that have experience getting fatties in China or other Asian countries and if so how did it go? Sources: Obesity study: https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.15238 China population by gender: https://www.statista.com/statistics/251129/population-in-china-by-gender/
>>60679 > Asian fatties are the hottest types of fatties so this could be one of the best ways to score one Netizen, rika_707 is probably the only attractive Chinese fat women and one of the very few attractive fat Asians, most overweight woman from that continent are not attractive at all, mainly because they are genetically predisposed towards visceral fat. If a certain NZ medfag is still floating around he'll provide the details, but basically nice soft fat like rika = SSR, old asian aunties with hard, packed fat = what you'll see on the streets. I think that the cultural point you make are relevant, and that there's a good chance that chubby asian girls aren't getting the love they deserve, but you need to put in the effort to go find them. White women (and black women who make an effort to make themselves look pretty - but that's another story) will always be the best looking fatties. XIAOHONGSHU
>>60681 rika is Japanese
>>60681 It's 100% my yellow fever speaking when I say they're the most attractive fatties and I still stand by it. And tbd I do like visceral fat, my ex was a fat Chinese and had I big gut kinda like mochiibabii after her 30 day stuffing challenge. It would probably take a bit of effort to track down the fatties but probably would be worth it. I'm curious how the architect method would go with Chinese women, I feel like it could either be way easier or way harder just not sure.
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>>60694 She's Chinese, it's easier to tell when you look at her old photos but her twitter and instagram account both being in CN are a dead giveaway.
China definitely isn’t the untapped market for hot fat girls. Like the other guy said most fat Asian women are 40 something, built like a fridge, and generally not that attractive. Speaking from experience a great place to meet fat Asian women is Canada! They’re not that common here outside of cities, but I’ll be damned if there aren’t some cute obese asian girlies here. Believe it or not they’re *not* a hot commodity when white guys that get plenty of attention from thin Asians, and Asian guys don’t fw fat chicks. Just expect them to be very self conscious & gloomy for being invisible in the dating scene. Chinese fatties are typically not the ones to go after either, the best looking fat Asians are either Koreans that fill out and get a nice hourglass figure or Filipinas that are either ugly as sin or donk ass bbw shortstacks. I’d advise you to come here for the Asian plumpers or just find a girl in your home cunt
>>60800 There are a lot of Filipinas in Ireland but I don't think I've ever seen one who was attractive; they literally all look like ProZD Now Chinese girls are different, I have seen some very pretty ones, but I don't think I've ever seen one who wasn't skinny
>>60809 A lot of Filipina’s look generally dysgenic or don’t put much effort into their appearance. Even the fat Filipina’s are rarely that attractive physically let alone tolerable personality wise. Chinese girls are super pretty too but there are typically caveats with dating them, and most of them don’t look that great fat either and get a coke bottle build. I kinda mentioned it before but Korean girls are usually the best Asian bbw’s, they come from an already somewhat westernized culture, are taller, have long legs, and broader hips, and have an eating out culture. If you were in your early 20s and met an already pretty chubby Korean girl in college you could easily make them fat as fuck over a few years. The problem is the food in Europe is healthier than our slop, so the unless you meet a complete food addict then the odds you’re gonna meet some 350lb Asian woman are slimmer than my odds.
>>60814 There are very few Koreans in Ireland. However I went to a Korean restaurant in Dublin once and the waitresses were all incredibly gorgeous. They were skinny but I still would've easily dated any of them based on looks. (By the way I am aware of the irony of saying that all the Filipina women in Ireland look like ProZD when he is Korean rather than Filipino) I don't think I've ever seen a fat Asian woman in Ireland. Certainly I've never seen one who was young or attractive. I was in the US last year and I stayed in Flushing in Queens in NYC, which is basically the "Chinatown" of Queens. I saw one very fat, very attractive young Chinese woman there. But even in the US 99% of them were skinny. I think no matter where you go, fat Asian women are gonna be a rarity. Whether that's in Europe, Canada, the US, or Asia itself.
>>60681 Who is Netizen?
Kisame here, I go to church near Flushing and say this is a myth. Chinese people hate China so much they rather give themselves American names. Despite the hype surrounding Nehza, Genshin Impact, China is so bad at espionage that they've been caught in Manhasset with all the spoiled rich kids off Northern and even Lower Manhattan with its own police force. Assuming you can get past the valley girl accent, the fat Chinese people are more likely to be NYU or Stonybrook types. China itself is in the brink of a democratic burst cause of high divorce rates and feminism. China's dominance stems mostly from getting poorfags to make works of art and into technology without the retardation of Mao and Confucian. It could be Presbyterianism rising in China, which is propelling it's place in the world, if only because that cult that does all the Shen Yun dances can only do so much to run tax evasion off investors to get people to give a shit about China. All those cheap Chinese Foods are slowly being replaced by North Koreans, Flips, and the Burmese. The few fat ones rather take Cinnabon and run that outside of the mall.
>>60825 Flushing isn't Chinatown. That's where all the whores from Jackson Heights, wealthy investors stay. The poorfags are either on Bowne, Holly, or far the fuck away from the 7
>>60679 I dunno, the electronics don't work in my area. I think Asia as this place for western fetish is old fashioned. I may not make it into the new Trump order
>>60827 You stupid? Netizen is used as a term to describe people online, similarly like you'd call someone a citizen in the real world a netizen is a citizen of the net (short for Internet).
>>60800 I do see fat Asian's in Melbourne, Australia where I'm from but just doesn't seem that common. And also the fat Asian's don't seem to be that interested in me (the skinny ones are tho), maybe I just gotta keep looking. As for ethnic preference I'd say you're right with Koreans being the hottest but basically every Filipino besides one I've met have been pretty ugly. Part of the reason I considered China to be a place to fuck fatties is cause it's cheap relative to other countries. Food, accommodation, transportation and beer are cheap from what I've read and flights can be as low as ~$500 AUD (~$320 in burger dollars) so if I wanted to geomax I could be a good option.
>>60843 > And also the fat Asian's don't seem to be that interested in me The Asian race is notoriously high IQ. Maybe they see something that the dumber and drunker white races miss?
>>60835 I've never heard the term before
>>60828 >China itself is in the brink of a democratic burst cause of high divorce rates and feminism. As much as I'd like this to be true, people have been saying this for literally the past 40 years, and the CCP is more authoritarian now than it's been at any point in my life, and I don't see that changing. It really feels like they're going to try to take over Taiwan in the next few years and we're not going to do anything to stop them.
>>60835 you stupid, bro? or just using a VPN? The west never uses that word. It's 100% a cultural export from texts translated from Mandarin.
>>60852 China will never invade Taiwan. The Taiwan strait is 180 km at the shortest distance and is a rough patch of sea. A naval invasion could easily fail by either them not getting there or being pushed back. Naval invasions are probably the hardest type of invasion to succeed at. Operation Overlord for example could have failed easily but Hitler was a retard and didn't deploy the Panzers that were under his direct control. Even if an invasion is successful and they mange to secure a beachhead, Taiwan has a population of 23.5 million people, most of whom have military training, and Taiwan is 36,197 km². Not to mention it is very mountainous and most of the population would be hostile to any occupation force, so it would be a repeat of Vietnam or Afghanistan and I think if someone dumbass in Australia realises this than the People's Liberation Army would as well. >But Chinese maps have Taiwan as apart of China so that obviously means they're going to invade Taiwan The US hasn't officially recognised Taiwan since Jimmy Carter was president nor should they and I'm guessing Chinese maps have had Taiwan as apart of the PROC since 1949. One of the main difference between the Chinese Government and the US Government is that the Chinese Government isn't controlled by the military industrial complex like the US Government. And because of that China isn't forced to invade third world countries like the US every couple of years so that the CEO of Lockheed Martin's bank account can have another digit on the end of it. Yes China does naval operations that can be seen as threatening but the US has dozens of military bases around Asia for the sole purpose of containing China which makes the US the aggressor in this situation. The worst strategic mistake that China made was having a GDP comparable to the US. This doesn't even touch on the economic side of things like the trade deals also meant to contain China and the disruption to microchip production if Taiwan got invaded. >inb4 >uyghurs >paid by the ccp >communist >and whatever media talking points you have been spoon-fed
China grows bigger and stronger.
>>60873 >>60893 Kisame here, communist China just like China as this ancient kingdom is just a myth made up by weebs. Really, Beijing is the state capital, Shanghai is like Manhattan, and Hong Kong is just and island. Conservatives are just weebs who want to fuck a Chinese woman and do business if they don't want to go to Thailand. Really Chinese people are more down to earth in contrast to Koreans being emo and Japanese people being backwater hicks.
