/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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ShamefulRadio thread Anonymous 12/21/2023 (Thu) 15:47:11 Id:e34ba7 No. 102579
Does anyone have more art from ShamefulRadio yet?
>>102579 What is better in life? A "one-handed" game if you know what I mean? A great game with a fun story and cute artstyle? A female artist doing this as her passion project?
>>106195 There was more Yume Nikki inflation by ShamefulRadio
>>107597 Post it.
>>109470 I don't have it
>>109514 I noticed your weigh in talk last night. She is a millionaire no thanks to me. Now fuck off 😃
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https://www.deviantart.com/shamefulradio/art/Spirit-of-Slow-720323577 link is dead, but it is shamefulradio's art style Spirit of speed (well now slow) from yoshi's island topsy turvy
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>>109470 If they won't post it, I will.
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>>102579 New art
Anyone know where or how to find the sound effects for Wicked Pump?
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Idk why people believe that Radio is an actual woman. I’ve been following their work for years, and they would draw comics of their male persona and actual self. It’s only recently they started larping as a woman.
>>120974 Female artists draw male personas. Male artists draw female personas.
>>120974 makes sense due to them being friends with skullgeist
>>119687 If anyone haves the sound effects for Wicked Pump basic execution, I would absolutely appreciate it
Naughty anons post new threads killing good threads.
>>103016 Source?
Radio made a new demo recently, anyone have footage?
>>129859 https://shamefulradio.itch.io/escapism-demo The inflation isn't really the focus in this one, but it's there
>>129868 Is there the inflation and popping sfx?
>>129868 This game is surprisingly slow. How do you get the resources to buy things? Im walking around with 600 bucks and nobody will accept them to buy with so I assume theres something else im supposed to use instead.
>>129909 Are you playing the shut-in? You can't buy things with her while overburdened or if what you want to buy will take you over burden I just find beating either boss impossible, anytime I get them low they just refill themselves with massive heals
>>130080 Always have guard up on shut in, and her damage is typically pretty bad (most things resist it I've noticed) If you're talking about the first two bosses (go drowned first), you can sell starting gear (knife+taser) to get $64. Buy large band-aids and maybe a bomb/gimmicky damage item from inflation lady. (Don't buy the inflation poppers, it makes the boss pretty much forever regening). For the battle itself: Guard,. panic, scream, rinse repeat. If you get low use your bandages. You can also keep the taser if you want to get a good amount of damage in (stuns). Also while I'm here, anyone else run into the weird red lady at the dead body? I haven't been able to recreate her appearance even after resetting.
Someone tell her to make a DD game.
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Just say it publicly.
>>134992 Was this about Escapism?
How many unfinished games do they have now?
>>134992 Dont really mind this one, since it wasnt nearly as good as Mischief or the previous games. Id rather Radio either go back to a previous game idea or a better new one
>>135025 >>135042 I think anon meant wicked pump
>>134992 Someone wrote gullible on the ceiling
So does anyone have any sprites from both Wicked Pump games?
>>135075 use Descryter tools OR ! if you too lazy. here take it link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-rrlkEcE7_17F-GyIFA6GLToVf3hojEl/view?usp=sharing
>>135076 What tool did you use for these? I'd like to decrypt the Escapism demo
>>134992 what's her report my post server's link?
>>103161 >https://nursestrange.itch.io/egoventure ass game escapism is way better
>>135221 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pispCrZYs-Ao_z621pvDNoYT8DMWd3B-/view?usp=sharing your welcome
>>136050 you da man
(603.19 KB 1599x1621 really nigga.jpg)
>>136050 i aint running that shit
>>136478 >Possible threat >Generic >moderate.ml.score Par for the course for crack tools. Run it on http://tria.ge first if you don't trust it.
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>>136478 sorry but its not, it sjust how the exe works why would i upload a virus...
They had a couple of drawings of somsnosa from hylics if anyone has them
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