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Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Games: Revengeance Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 21:10:32 Id:ef7dc6 No. 126256
Old thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/91014.html Based anon's game drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZQ8JdNuEiP-3oDPuDjqcUKG1iDDoVVc?usp=drive_link Latest BBO mod (as of prev thread): https://www.mediafire.com/file/b9e44iosgxtw8ko/BBO_modded_player%252Ballenemies.rar/file
i wonder if theres a way to add custom enemy models to left 4 pop but no one seems to have asked
Anyone's got theta VAM scene where you could fatten up a streamer?
so i thought i would try out the new update on BlueberryBushwhacking and i tried ripping the game to see if i could edit the game in godot to give myself a bunch of the elastic thing for fun but the program im using cant seem to get all the files from the game and i cant find how to open the debug mode sodoes anyone know how to open the debug mode or something or just get the game to work in godot? i was thinking on being able to change the model in the game too or atlest add a new one
>>126256 what's pic related?
Anyone know good fun inflation (and or wg) games that include popping in some way or form. It always seems to be a rarity, mostly being delegated to off hand mentions
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>>126287 I've seen this one named Wicked Pump basic execution, here's a link to it. Say does anyone know where I can find the inflation and popping sound effects, I really appreciate it. https://shamefulradio.itch.io/wpfirst
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Modded official games when?
>>126260 yea you can but i wouldn't even know where to start
>>126284 https://madlad224.itch.io/left-4-pop
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BhV352ukez1ptonFXrnjPdsBtM86Tj3f/view?usp=sharing From the old thread
Dev Build by BlobyGon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WKY_sRbQRXq08-4n4x-J4dGlsXb7vHKf
>>126417 I've made my screenshots of Dev Build.
And there's more.
>>126419 Blueberry alt.
>>126287 Gorge Valley's half-decent and you can pop the dryads, apparently the new build's a bit less tedious but it hasn't been uploaded to Kemono yet https://kemono.su/patreon/user/28962128/post/104500024
>>126256 cheers to the anon modding BBO the updates sprites are a welcomed change >>126290 not inflation unfortunately but BaronOBeefdip makes tons of fatty character mods for a bunch of games I personally love his RE4R Ashley mods, she's big enough that it's almost inflation https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/725 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/44096704
>>126256 Please save >>91014 if you can.
>>126490 Shut up redditor
>>126460 Is there actually inflation in this or is it just weight gain?
>>126527 Yeah there is water inflation for the dryads you can plant. You can even choose to overinflate them to bursting if you want.
>>126527 theres not much in the way of inflation, theres an optional intro cutscene (the gif the other anon posted) where the player character gets pretty big but she gets deflated shortly afterwards, and as he said you water the dryad plants by inflating them with a watering hose. however other than that theres nothing, its mostly wg/stuffing content with mild cow TF elements (tbh i find the former hot so i did enjoy the game). and honestly watering the dryads is pretty underwhelming because they just instantly inflate at a certain point (or burst if you keep watering them), theres not much substance. id keep an eye on the game though, looks promising.
The Google drive has no preview, could someone give me a quick rundown of what these games are like so I can know what I’m getting into before playing?
>>126550 >>121752 and >>125212 are my last comments about the contents of it for as long as they're up anyway. I'll work on fixing it, but for now I'll be away from my pc for the next month and a half so nothing will be added until then.
>>126550 Working off memory here, so I might be wrong, but: >Don't Pop Me Very old and rare game. Made by Andrew Dobson (as CattyN). Yes, THAT Dobson; when he quit the inflation community, he demanded everyone delete all his content and reposts and it really did feel like everyone did; the other games of his are just as rare, he made like 4. It's a game where you need to inflate a woman as close to her max size as possible without popping her, but the gimmick is that there's almost a full second of delay between when you pump and when she gets bigger. The bigger she is when the time runs out, the more points you get. >Wicked Dug NES romhack of Dig Dug, the sprites are now lewd. Can't remember if they're anthros, costumes, or just women. >Bakery Bloat-out Made by a legit no-joke actual pedo who defended herself when caught, I'm not kidding. You run around inflating women that are TOTALLY not kids (wink wink), pumping them up spherical until they pop and trying not to get hit yourself. You can inflate too. Very arcadey game. Look for the mod version, which tries to make the characters look older and helps fix+tweak a few things too. >Balloonday 2020 Kind of a troll game, but you hit the right buttons at the right time and it makes a 3D woman inflate, first her belly, then her body. Ends in a mild (but comical) jumpscare pop. The game gets way harder the bigger she is and the miss punishment gets way worse too. Cool game though. >Moshimo poaijfaposdijafojr collection You play as some woman with inflation powers, running around inflating other women. SUPER basic RPG Maker games, but they don't have combat. The first game is just a linear trip and you get an easter egg for inflating everyone, and the game's short. The second game is a real "game" with different locations to explore, puzzles to solve, things to learn, challenges to overcome. I couldn't finish the game, some parts were too hard and I got lazy. >The Storage Accident 3D "game" where you find a female co-worker blimped up to the size of a house... that's about it. I think you can make her a little bigger or something. It's basically just a tech demo, and the art style chosen is very, uh, ""realistic"" and not the fun sphere shape. Your miles may vary, but either way the whole thing can be finished in like a minute. >Squish Game A rare find, I think I was the first one to post it on BBWchan after finding a 20-year old repost of it in some old forum I found like ten years ago after people thought the game was straight-up extinct. It's an ANCIENT maze game made before most of this thread's anons were even born. Explore a maze and use tools to defeat characters running around. All the characters are OCs made by various people from that era, IIRC. Most of the tools are flattening-related, like a steam roller or a big hammer, but there's also an air pump to inflate them, plus a few other tools (a shrink ray, I think?). The art and gameplay has aged VERY poorly.
>>126564 Paraphrasing, and working off memory here, I forgot to save the chat logs I mention, too: >SquishySofty, dev of BBO >everyone keeps calling her out for making 99% of her characters in everything she makes look like straight-up kids who MIGHT have little mosquito bite boobs maybe, at best >she constantly asserts that they're just chibi and that they're all adults, even though they all have that actual-child look in their expressions and animations and appearance and mannerisms >eventually, someone clearly wanting to test if she's a pedo or not catfishes her on report my post, pretending to be a kid, the two chatting about porn and kids and cute stuff and art >instead of getting creeped out or backing off with the age reveal, SS is practically in love and rambles on about how sexually/romantically-attracted she is to actual kids, continuing the lewd convo and digging the hole deeper >obviously has a straight-up fetish for children >it's pretty clear that if given the opportunity and consent, she'd fuck an actual IRL child, no hesitation >catfisher admits they're an adult, starts calling SS a pedo and a weirdo and creep and such >SS panics, all like "YOU'VE BETRAYED ME", that kind of stuff, blaming the catfisher, saying she's been "tricked" and such, zero remorse for being a pedo, entirely just upset at being caught >catfisher posts the whole chat to Twitter >SS goes to her Twitter and starts crying about how someone "betrayed" her and how depressed she is that someone could do this to her >everyone's like "what is she talking about? What happened? Don't worry, I'm sure it's fine, you're okay!" and looks for whatever's the cause of this because SS wont say, she's too sad >chat logs hit the internet like a wildfire, everyone's obviously disgusted as hell and starts slamming SS, who's showing no remorse, no intention to change >SS goes down with the ship, depressed that someone had "betrayed" her like this and upset that nobody has her side >deletes her entire presence across the internet At least now there's the mod, I can't wait for it to get finished, there's still a good amount of sprites and art to be replaced.
>>126564 Blessed anon thank you for stepping up in my absence 🙏 But yeah that's pretty much everything in there for now. Rn it's mostly just old versions of BBO from v1.2 up through Dev 3 (the last 7 versions that were available) for no reason other than archival, since another anon has been modding the latest version. As an aside for Balloonday as well, it's the updated version with an auto-inflate added, just press "0" on your keyboard at any point and she'll swell up on her own until she explodes. And thank you for your service for being one of the anons that gave a link to squish game. I nabbed it from this board some odd years ago from another gaming thread we had before the last one, so if it was yours, you are also based. Unfortunately though, I work on a boat and I just embarked today so the archive itself likely wont receive an update or any new additions until I get home in mid November. I look foward to seeing progress with the BBO mods once I return.
>>126658 i wonder what happened to the anon that was modding BBO, i hope there doing well since last time i heard they were sick but ya i hope you have fun on your boat trip job (sorry bad joke) try not to "accidentally" get a hose shoved in yourself c:(sorry for another bad joke)
https://bladerune9.itch.io/the-gain-trials| This is still easily the best inflation game right now. They get huge and the progression is great.
>>126713 Best "game", no, it's awful and repetitive, every session repeats the same pattern, there's too much text, no alternate paths to take, no real player choices, and the whole thing is a grindy mess that takes forever even if you skip the text. The new alchemy thing is pretty dumb too. One thing I DO recommend people do is to download the game and then look through the files to go spy on all the content in the game, avoiding playing it entirely.
Kind of an odd way to boost the thread up a bit, but here's an Itch collection that includes a ton of games about women getting bigger: https://itch.io/c/1146337/idfk-inflation-deflation-food-kinks
>>126800 Good collection. Useful review notes from the guy who made it too.
>>126801 I'm working on updating the list right now with games I've played in the past and forgot about.
Alright, added like 30 more games and renamed the collection: https://itch.io/c/1146337/expansion-inflation-stuffing-vore-preg-games
>>126786 Fine, best game to jack off too.
https://mecha3d.itch.io/project-realism This game goes dark, fast. But you can easily skip story beats once you've gone through it once and can just watch the one best scene play out again. They say they are going to expand on the idea, but atm, there are only a couple of girls you can get modifications done on and one singular scene where you can do whatever you want to this girl, from giving her bigger tits and/or ass, to forcefeeding her, even to turning her into a blueberry.
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>>126550 >>126564 To expand on Moshimo Bōtaidattara: it's a VIPRPG Moshimo game. >What is VIPRPG? It's a sort of game jam that originated on 2ch's VIP board centered around RPGMaker 2000 and 2003. Most of the games created tend to be highly shitposty in nature (VIP being the designated shitposting board) and heavily reliant on in-jokes and the roster of stock characters that has been built up over the years. >What is a Moshimo game? Moshimo games are more or less the flagship product of VIPRPG. They began in 2005 with Moshimo Yuusha ga Saikyou Dattara. Translating to What If The Hero Was The Strongest, it's a parody of low-effort RPGMaker games. In it, Alex, 2000's default hero, is tasked with defeating the Demon King because he ate all the human king's potato chips. What follows is Alex going around and one-shotting everyone (all default RPGMaker characters, of course) who stands in his way until he achieves his objective. This basic idea proved to be a massive hit within the community, and it was soon followed by a bunch of imitators with similar premises (e.g. What If The Default Healer Character Was The Strongest) playing with the formula. The eventual result was the development of a loosely connected lore centered around not only the default RPG Maker assets, but also original characters that introduced over time. Moshimo Bōtaidattara (What If The Hero Could Inflate is the best approximate translation I can come up with) is, as you've probably guessed, an inflation (and navel, apparently) fetish Moshimo. The first game follows the original premise to a tee, while the second is more of a exploration collectathon where you travel to different locations and inflate the girls there. If I ever get around to retranslating the game I may include a commentary explaining some of the references, but for now there are a couple of fairly comprehensive wikis you can poke around in: https://w.atwiki.jp/vip_rpg/pages/134.html
>>126904 Based loreanon. I figured it had to be something set in an already existent world considering how referential to events and relationships outside the game itself is, but the info about 2ch’s vip board is new to me. Very cool stuff.
>>126592 They're now trying to crawl back in on Eka's Portal (a vore forum). Saw that their account has been active there recently.
>>127052 On Pixiv too
Good evening Anons. I have been blessed with temporary cell service to check the happenings of this thread while I'm out. >>127052 >>127054 Imagine how fucked you gotta be as an artist to be outed as a pedo and run out of everything. Can't come back under a different name because people know your art style and would call you out on sight. Keep using your old name and people will follow you and flag you wherever you go. There's no winning in that situation no matter what. Sometimes I wonder if they're chilling here as an anon, just watching and seething as the other anon slowly cracks apart their game. But personally I feel there's only so far we can push mods from a game by someone with that reputation. The idea is a damn good framework and arguably one of the best, if not the most polished, inflation games made so far and it'd be a shame to let something like that be forgotten, especially since the only source of it is the archive now. So in my boredom on my vessel I've decided that once I get back I'm going to start learning game dev. I have a few ideas for other games, but a more fleshed out version of BBO seems like the best place to start for now. There's fuckall to do on the boat when I'm not tying barges together so I'll be investing in a laptop and a hotspot for more reliable service and updates as I go for next trip. But for now TMobile aint shit out here on the river so I'll only be able to pop in periodically. Catch my fellow gaming anons in like a week, probably.
>>127182 i'll say learning how to make games is a good idea seeing as how theres been a massive drop in inflation games being made (ones that are even good i mean and not interactables) let alone even being finished but adding more to BBO would be a good idea since the anon that was modding it seems to have just disapeared i think and theres alot that could be added to the game
>>127216 I mean, as SS initially said about BBO, it’s basically an arena-ified and female focused pull on Tribal Hunter’s idea. That game gave us great mechanics and gameplay alongside fantastic sprite animation… but it was all male and furry. It also proved though that what you need to make a good inflation game is simply good sprite work and a reason for characters to get big and then get small to give you a reason to get big again.
>>127249 At it's core I suppose that's true to a point, but it's a lot deeper than that. A consistently appealing art style is important but the actual substance of the gameplay loop is the base of the pyramid. That's why we remember Tribal Hunter and not Rikki's Inflation Game, or a more mainstream comparison why we remember Banjo Kazooie, Croc, Mario (any of em), and Donkey Kong Country and not Bubsy or Bubsy 3d, at least not for the reasons they want to be remembered for. A handful of modded characters for RIG have much better sprite work than the base game but it's still a frustrating experience because jumps are inconsistent, controls aren't tight, and there's nothing to the game besides "go right, break inflation guns, and reach the next stage." Or alternatively just standing at the spawn and inflating yourself until you explode. Partly why BBO was a massive success (by gooner material standards) was because SS spent 3 years refining the movement and enemy behavior so it's a constant mix that keeps the experience dynamic. It's a level of depth we're not used to seeing for this material so it stands out. If you remove the inflation porn aspect of it, it's still an entirely functional game. It's hard to articulate the specifics of it but there's a reason we keep BBO, Wicked Pump, and Left 4 Pop at the top of discussions about inflation games and not 99% of the other click-to-pump/feed slop. Nothing about them is notable or memorable enough to stand out. We deserve better experiences than just a good artstyle to goon to. Obligatory relevant addition for the bump, you should check out Rodrigo de Cos Gawrysiak's stuff. Another game dev but styles all his games after Gameboy Color ones. Some are bangers, other not. Angry Susan in Tireland is primo ( https://youtu.be/gmRcSHddhOw?si=WZ346pe39s_GY8iV ) and he's got previews of a lot of his other stuff on his channel.
>>127382 AKA "Pballooned", yeah. Rodrigo's been a game dev for a long while now, he's mostly over on the Bodyinflation forums, but he posts his content on dA too. https://www.deviantart.com/pballooned/gallery/all
>>126464 >>126592 >>126681 >>127216 Sorry, i'm still here, just was hit with a one-two punch from real life. I have to get back to it, sooner or later,
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>>127182 Yeah, there is only so much that can be done for this game, sadly. We can try to expand upon it, but sadly, it's original dev reputation taints this game to hell and back. But that does not mean that we cannot use it to learn how to do our own games. That's why i'm modding it, to learn how it works and to try to make a game later on the road. I actually know how to code in Godot, just barely enough to understand almost everything that she did in this game, so it is a pretty good learning experience for me. But as i'm not that comfortable doing this, i rather stay as an anon. I hope that with a little bit of team effort, everyone that wants to learn how to code gets something nice from this experience. Also, i'm still doing the horny faces for the penalty states lol.
>>127483 >>127481 Glad to see you are still amongst the living and good work.
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>>127489 Thanks, man. I'm still dealing with the absolute pain that is edit every single face of viola for the penalty states, and her panties getting progessively soaked. It is mind numbing sometimes. Also, if someone here can do spritework, i feel like i made her boobs too stiff on almost all her animations. If it's not much of a hussle, can someone make her extra bouncy? or at least give me an exaple of how to do it?
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I think i'm going a leaning a little bit too much on the masochistic tendencies from viola when se has too much penalty. This is her hurt sprite on max penalty Opinions?
>>127570 I mean, only makes sense. Nothing in the game the enemies can throw at Viola is particularly harming if she can shrug it off for the most part, and in that state I figure it'd only stoke her enjoyment from being hit whilst pumped sensitive. I vote to keep it in with the max horny sprites, personally.
>>127483 >>127502 good stuff anon, digging the progress >it's original dev reputation taints this game to hell and back modding it and giving it our own flair takes the control out of her hands so I wouldn't dwell on it hell we could rename it if we really wanted to, give it a more inflation-related name (it always sounded like a weight gain game at first glance) >>127570 lol she's just like me frfr
>>127575 Realtalk, renaming BBO wouldn't really be that great of an idea unless the mod became a full overhaul. Right now, the main part of the mod is adding tits to the characters, but Viola is still Viola, and the characters are all oppai lolis instead of just totally-not-children-wink-wink. I think if the modder wanted to migrate into renaming the game and repurposing it, the first step after the boobs would be to probably recolor everyone's outfits, or change Viola's hair/ribbon to something that helps sell that she's not a kid. Then it might be worth renaming the enemy types and eventually the game. Ideally ALL the art would be entirely replaced with something done from scratch, just building off the game's engine, but that's unreasonable for a free project by one(?) anon.
>>127599 You are exactly on the point, i do not want to do something like that. I just want to make it enjoyable for everyone. Maybe making the characters look a little bit more adult, respecting the original style and vision more or less. Just want to make BBO but not loli
>>127602 Also i'm not against adding stuff to the game on a technical level or even enemies once i'm done with some sprites.
Now that the new Mario Party is about to be released, does anyone know if any of the mini games involve characters getting inflated and/or flattened?
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>>127605 Progress report on the mod, size 2 horny sprites finished, here they are. Once i finish all the sizes, i'll try to implement them on the game. Once that is finished, i'll try to make variations like the nip-slip viola and so on. But first i want to try to see if can implement the system with no bugs. If anyone wants to modify the sprites, feel free.
>>127680 Doing god's work. Based.
someone knows how to replace n64's models, or if its even possible? Cuz i been thinking on, what if we replace the bowser balloon on Mario Party 2?
>>127792 It can be done, but that is WAY above my skillset.
>>127792 Depends on the game. I know Mario 64 has a ton of documentation on how to do it, and it's apparently really easy, but I don't think too many 64 games get model swaps too often. There's people making custom maps on Mario Party though...?
>>127680 Very nice stuff all round, shaping up quite nicely. What are your plans for after you do the sprite edits for BBO? Anything you plan to change or implement as a mod or just going to see where the wind blows?
>>127852 At the moment, i only have a small goal in mind: Implement a system to swap sprites on the fly, in a way that Viola gets more flustered and horny the more penalty she has (How many times she has been grabbed) After that, i seriously do not know. I have some vague ideas, but i would like some feedback before doing anything else. My ideas include: Add a bit of screenshake and screenfreeze to make hits feel heavier. Visual effects on hit, like hitsparks and the like. I have other ideas like adding bosses and enemies, BUT i would like to do basic stuff, and i would love some feedback on some concepts.
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>>127854 Small update, i'm almost finished with the ingame sprites, still have not touched anything but characters, so no updated sprites on the tutorials or anything. Also i cannot change the hud pictures because i cannot actually draw, i can only barely do spritework. My goal is to have an acually working build by tomorrow, or even today. Just to test the mechanic added. Will upload a video if i finish it, and the build when i feel like the sprites are good to go. Also, how do you guys feel about turning the pantys/no panties option into a submenu for mods? Adding there various options, like this mechanic i'm working on. Could be nice as a collaborative effort, say for example someone liked the idea of the player character getting slowly turned into an inflatee like the mockup i did last thread (pic rel), they could ad it as a "corruption" option there, or change the sprites for only breast expansion or something, idk. I can make a tutorial for that.
>>127854 >>127876 Sounds good, I'm sure people will have a multitude of suggestions (myself included) for what potential features could be added in. Also I will say to be cautious burning yourself out, these sprite edits are great but it's totally understandable if you need time to break from fetish game dev. Also yeah, that's very good news- Don't worry about not being able to change the non-sprite artwork, I'm sure if it comes down to it they can either be removed or someone can be commissioned to rework those pieces. Good luck on the build crafting, I do think the more options the better so it's a thumbs up from me for the panties and corruption options.
>>127878 That is why i'm working so hilariously slow, i'm taking it super easy, it is just a side project for fun, nothing more.
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>>127882 Got it working, need to do some detail work on the sprites. I'll post how i did this later, and a playable build this week. I can even make some kind of makeshift tutorial if needed
>>128041 Excellent work, looks amazing. Looking forward to it.
Btw someone knows a game that countains buff woman being inflated? (Not muscle growth) Or strongfat inflation?
>>126282 Somone posted it in past here. Anyone has it?
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>>128049 What it is left to be done: Soaked panties on size 3 and 4 for higher penalty states. Minor fixes on some sprites. Temporally disable the Nopanties to avoid crashes. Let's get started on how i did this "mod" on global, i added the new spritesheets on preload like in pic 1. That makes the game load the assets. Then on character/alt/PlayerAS i created new animations, with the names shown here, for a reason that will explain later, imported the frames from the spritesheet with the grid button thingy. The sizes for that are 180x180. Next i added this code to the setsprite function. This is what changes the sprites to use from the animated sprites. By adding that, it makes that instead of the size alone, it ads characters to the result of what sprites to use. That's why i called it S1H1, S1H2 and so on. It first checks the size, and then with the new code, checks her penalty. Then i added a call to state_persists after every modification to viola's penalty, fixing the small oversight that i had before. Now viola always uses the sprites matching her penalty. And that's it. That is the magic behind the curtains. Now everyone knows how to do it and how to add mods. With a little bit of imagination, you can use the set_sprite function to add more visual mods. Next time, i will try to add more option to the menu, but i think it is a little bit more compex. Hope you guys find this usefull
>>126290 Only one I know of is that Doki Doki one it's not impossible you just have to draw sprites in PNG format and port it over
>>128041 doing god's work here
anyone got full version of this? https://orachi.itch.io/growth-gambit
https://pixeldrain.com/u/V7rGKWNd Put this on BBWalt, figured I'd put it here. Collection of weight gain / some inflation games.
>>128189 >https://pixeldrain.com/u/V7rGKWNd Thanks! Some of them are not in this thread so it is a pretty awsome contribution.
>>128192 Happy to help. If anyone has any others to share would be much appreciated. https://easyupload.io/k2qt81 Here is the full version of virtual gainer 2. One of the few games with hose belly inflation I've found. Credits to anon in BBWalt.
>>128356 Goodwork man!
>>128051 That's why I'm asking, but no luck so far.
>>128356 When I tried to download it, my anti-virus treats it like a virus. Is it safe?
this counts right? https://x.com/anonim61655593 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Eg71oBoZPvo9MaK025wYz3G3QCm79dR1/view
>>128369 That's weird, i just added like 6 lines of code to the original game so it should be safe. Unless i fucked up something in spectacular ways, it should be safe. Can someone run a scan of something? it is safe on my end.
>>128384 Fuck, my brain is barely working today. I scanned it before posting and my antivirus does not detect anything. I belive it is a false positive, but if it happens to more people, i can upload all the modded assets, and with that you can just mod the game yourself, but you'll need a way to exctract the project file from the original game and godot engine. Not hard to do, but tedious.
>>126417 This game is probably one of the best despite the novelty wearing off once youve seen each blob shape. I may just be salty over how my fps tanks once you get to blob phase.
Yeah, dunno what's going on lately, but quite a few random indie game downloads out there keep coming up with virus warnings when downloaded. No clue if there's some contagious virus going around attacking everyone on a whim, or if some AV database somewhere is having a seizure.
>>128403 I belive it is a AV database having a stroke, i uploaded the stock version of bbo to mediafile and also gives the same virus warning.
>>128407 maybe you should try using a different way to post it? something like MEGA or google drive?
>>128411 I've downloaded other files from Mediafire before and it never gave me any virus warning until recently today. But I did download the file on my phone and uploaded it to Gdrive and downloaded it from there with no virus warning. I've even scanned it, nothing came up.
>>128419 I've just extracted the file, and it was empty. I opened WinRAR for it and it says "The archive is in unknown format or damaged".
>>128430 >>128439 I am losing my fucking sanity here. I checked it with malwarebytes, clean. Then windows defender, nothing. i checked it with an online tool, also nothing. I upload it, and then download it again, works and it is clean. 2 fucking minutes later, it is flagged as a virus. I'm going insane. I'm going to dissable the links for now, will upload this again on a later date, once i figure this shit out, sorry for the inconveniences.
>>128094 I would like to make and edit sprites but I REALLY dont feel like breaking down each sprite sheet into aligned layers for editing. And then reformatting them after the fact. Give us the raw sprites, we can give them back for you to format them with your grid button thingy
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>>128486 I don't really follow you, i mean i used this ones, the base sprites as a guidge. Added a layer on top of them and started editing. As long as you do not move them around it should be pretty easy to do. If this is not what you want, please try to explain it to me with examples and i will try my best to give it to you, been scanning my computer for viruses for like 18 hours and my brain is completely fried right now. Btw, turns out that, after all, it was a false positive, some AV database is being an absolute bitch right now with godot-made stuff.
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>>128502 And those are my modded ones, if you want my crappy boobs edit for them. If you want something else, ask away, i'd love your ideas for mods.
>>128502 >I don't really follow you google onion skinning
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>>128506 Ok, got you. https://mega.nz/file/sqIizQxb#b_C_dZRbjZzXT6x6c41KRG5wwCyHTe0-UmH1HSSoZRI Here they are, those are all the sprites, moded and base, ready for onion skninning. There are a lot of empty images but that is because of how the game handles them. Also, a link for the last version of the mod, i can only hope that this time it actually works: https://mega.nz/file/YyIDFB6R#4zsUFcNrIhBEhS4N4YQuNoJNh9EzWXlqbeabvSaThFg
>>126282 >>128051 >>128368 I posted it in the last thread but here it is again anyway https://mega.nz/folder/P7ZiSQbI#QBwyR0ZxD106R2jCx7DZsw
I've seen a few people ask, so I'm updating Dandy's Chests kemono right now. Never done this before so it might not work
https://mega.nz/#!XsBznDLL!QVfKlUJlo1UE_7oSKdTv-gE3TV5YsIpHq0nVjLElHAY Old inflation game called air escape but is impossible to run on windows 11 due to how old it is
anyone have https://bubblegumdrgn.itch.io/kink-jinxed-halloween-3 ?
>>128801 The kemono patreon importer is broken atm so it wont work, if you want to just share the latest game download here however we'd really appreciate it.
latest gorge valley update: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0co29tf6i5p60sm/Gorge_Valley.zip/file
>>128810 I feel like playing that old game... but I still can't find a way to play it To do that I should download an old version of Windows, right? or how to do it?
>>128895 compatibility mode? A virtual machine?
>>126417 Does anyone please send the Google Drive: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dev-build-long-113178811?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share Because the Kemono update is broken.
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Someone have lilith's lair by burgerkurger??? Contains inflation
>>128930 It’s literally still being worked on and it’s come out by the end of 2024 https://burgerkurger.com/games
>>128962 It literally has a pre-release build already up on his patreon. So, presumably SOMEBODY has it, just nobody here.
>>128930 https://mab.to/t/GaTwfrLRYmH/us2 Here, I've been trying to crawl through the sprites but to no avail, I have no idea how to decrypt them. If someone has any experience please share.
>>128930 >>128973 >give it a try >first impression is that the game's kinda slow >play a little >it's one of those "play and hope you get the fetishes you like more than the ones you don't like" games >no indication of what you'll get >deleted Nah fam, nah. I'll just wait for someone to rip the game's files.
Anyone happen to have the full version of Blobygon's new Snackrooms V2 update?
>>128930 >>128995 When you start the game, the door on the left takes you to the weight gain route where you play the mini game where you stuff the character full of cake and milk to make her heavy enough to use an elevator platform. The door in the middle is the inflation route where you need to go up a chute, so you need to use magic to either make the character blow up like a balloon or you can make her grow into a giant if that's more your thing. The third door on the right is a trap that immediately squishes your character and leaves her flattened on the floor. Honestly I really enjoyed what I played with this game as the artwork and animations are pretty good.
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>>128723 That is the scene, but something's missing. Honestly, the only reason I wanted it it's because it came with a couple of morphs I really liked (UA Abdomen Width 1 and Rectus Abdominus), but this version is missing them. Do you know who was the original author of the package?
>>128973 I agree with the other anon that the artwork, animations, honestly, everything in the game was pretty fantastic. Although I do have two issues with the game. My main problem is that I think the game is better if you aren't into every single fetish route that the game has to offer. As it stands, all the routes use the same framework and they feel very samey when, like me, you're playing route 4 of 5 (which, I can admit, I understand why he did it this way but I still wish there was a little more for each route). I would also like to gripe that whether you win or skip the clown girl, nothing changes for the endings. Hopefully that second one is changed at least, and maybe some of the routes can be given some extra varience because otherwise this game is great!
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Hey everyone, anyone got this game called Annventure Captivation, seems like the author deleted the original itch page, there was a lot of inflation in it, remember playing it few years ago, been a rlly cool game
>>129103 Boop, here u go chief, forgot i had this on my computer until you brought it up https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B7eonXS8O4jTSceaMQGGeG1pvpyvHI6R?usp=drive_link
>>129124 Did you mean to give us a 'request access' page?
>>129138 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B7eonXS8O4jTSceaMQGGeG1pvpyvHI6R Completely forgot Drive does that, here's the updated link
>>129144 Im missing some file apparently, a "RGSS301.dll" that is supposed to be in my system folder? Maybe its because you sent the game files and not an install file but its not working for me.
>>128995 if you just use the "look" action, it literally tells you what the involved fetishes are on an interactable. you cannot blame the game because you are too lazy to read.
ye the same thing for me, Its missing that "RGSS301.dll" file
>>129155 nvm i got it, here's the link, just put these 2 folders in the game folder and it should work https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ABmvIGWxvvsZXUTTfMUULVQkcsLNa3u1?usp=drive_link
>>128930 Unironically one of the better inflation fetish games I’ve played. Actually completed, proper UI and design, more than 1 instance/animation of the fetish occurring, great artstyle and spritework, good animation, and a semi grounded “story” that allows me to indulge in the fetish without getting a wink and nudge from the characters about how horny the world they live in is. 9/10 I’m gonna replay for the stuff I’m not interested in just because it was that tight of an experience and I wanna see what else the dev did.
>>129164 Some of the BGM audio files are also missing. After you beat the first boss is says audio/BGM/karl jenking-out to lunch is missing
>>129173 It won't let me past the main menu for lack of basic sound files, each time I try subbing in a different with an edited filename it crashes for lack of another
>>129173 >>129220 OK I actually solved my missing basic audio files by just copying the sounds from Egoventure Expanded demo (hope that gets finished some day) into the Annventure folder since its clearly largely recycled. But yeah you can always cheat-fix a missing audio file by just copying another file in and renaming it
>>129164 Is this demo ends after bomb witch? I am asking ,because i have version of the game and wanna make sure is it different?
>>126256 what do we think of tribal hunter, boys?
I like the game somewhat but i feel like some mods could make it even better
>>129377 p good the inflation-only minigame lacks punch and pizazz, but the general game is satisfying and has enough elements of inflation that it doesn't come off strictly like a stuffer/weight gain game someone out there was making a mod to change munch into killsha, it's not done yet though https://x.com/yeahthose/status/1780320623551508634 https://gamebanana.com/wips/76615
>>129401 This game always frustrates me, as does a lot of really any naughty games out there where there's a mix of sexes in the game and no gender toggle, making it so it only appeals specifically to bisexuals and nobody else. Tribal Hunter just gets a free pass because it's not lewd enough to be actual porn and because it went viral among people not looking to fap. Swelladia (or whatever it's called) is doing the same thing, though in this case the game IS made to be fapped to, and that just makes me more baffled because again, you have no control over who is getting inflated. Maybe eventually they'll get around to adding a gender toggle and more variety, but last I checked you're still playing as a dude and you inflate all kinds of people. Not really thread-related, but the pinnacle of "force the player into things they might not like" is always gonna be Flora & Sauna, a really erotic game full of a gajillion fetishes (including cumflation). The game states a few times that you can just pick whatever scenes you like and avoid the ones you don't like, but there's a "story path" to unlock more content, and that linear path involves a lot of nasty fetishes and other gross stuff. Oof.
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likely a long shot since this probably isn't the right place, but does anyone have a ripped copy of ZXC'x latex dungeon or any of their other games?
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anyone have the paid version of this? (or access to reikdodium's patreon) https://reikodium.itch.io/balloon-girls
>>128973 Any chance for a reup?
I recently saw that there was some kind of inflation game on Roblox back in 2021. does anyone know if there's a way to play it still? It was called inflation ship.
>>129564 speaking as an ex admin, no. that shits long dead and will stay dead the games owner turned out to be a pedo
>>128531 I mean so was she if I remember correctly >>129567 Yet people still keep there gave up and running I believe she said the characters were in their 20s so as long as the content itself isn't cringe like that and is of age then honestly it's whatever if someone else wants to take on the game project and work on it themselves. Sonic exes creator was creepy supposedly and someone else who wasn't just took on the mantle instead. Creations don't have to die so long as the art in question isn't suspect and if there's something you don't know just remove and replace it. But just a opinion from a internet nobody I've never made a game so I can't tell you. I bet if someone else picked it up we could finish yandere simulator in like less than a year compared to it's Creator
>>129564 Feels like I'm taking crazy pills or something, I swear I replied to this. Maybe I said something a mod didn't like, IDK. If so, I wish I would've at least gotten an alert I can read that tells me why it would've been deleted. Could've just been a browser hiccup too, I guess, our internet's a bit on the weird side sometimes. Either way, uh, no. Inflation Ship is gone, as is most NSFW Roblox worlds and games, even the ones with secret tricks to unlock the lewd content. Your best bet is just to go on Youtube and look for Roblox inflation gameplay, most of it is still there. That said, I wanna say some WG-related games are still up since it can be handwaved as "haha funny" or it was legitimately made to be "haha funny" and not for the fetish. Not like we're missing anything anyway, 99% of Roblox is just "base character model, but with [thing] slapped onto it", and most inflation stuff is just slapping a sphere onto your character.
>>129572 It feels weird to mod the game, not gonna lie. As an aspiring game dev, it's a wealth of knowledge, regardless of the source. And it is a shame that a actual decent inflation fetish game has child-looking characters, that's why i started modding it. I want decent inflation games that can be enjoyed by everyone, and having that base, engine or however you want to call it, i decided that i'll do it myself. It does not feel great touching something a fucking pedo did, lets get that straigth. But fuck it, someone had to do it. I just hope i inspire other people to try modding or even game making. Just don't be a total creep like the original dev was, please.
Does anyone have the Tales of Bella Ventus curse of the sky fort VN ? https://red-deer-studios.itch.io/tales-of-bella-ventus-curse-of-the-skyfort
>>129252 not sure bout ur question cuz haven't finished it yet, but mind sharing ur version of the game too pls, might wanna compare them, and the one that i got is missing a lot of files and etc
>>129252 Yeah, that one does end after the bomb witch. A shame since it was pretty fun.
>>128973 reup pls?
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https://shamefulradio.itch.io/escapism-demo Escapism, a demo for yet another pixel-graphic RPG game from ShamefulRadio with some inf mechanics, sidescroller this time Actually came out two weeks ago but only today was it updated to remove a prominent game-killing bug I found it a bit tedious for what it is and got stone-walled by the bosses and their seemingly unlimited self-heals
>>129413 https://f95zone.to/threads/latex-dungeon-2018-12-18-zxc.1774/
>>126256 Ninomiya Sachiko from Love Letter
>>129757 Anyone know what the endpoint of the demo is? I’ve beaten both “bosses” of what I assume is the first area and while I can continue looping through it and characters talk about things that can happen further in the woods, there never seems to be a next stage. Also, is there actually any real inflation content in it? All I’ve found so far are the clown store’s “inflated” status effect items, but those don’t change your sprite on the overworld, and only show a tiny portion of the sprite in the character icon. They also seem to fade immediately after combat. Compared to a lot of shameful’s other stuff this seems far more in depth as a game, but far less focused on the fetish side of being a fetish game. It’s weird.
>>129611 https://mab.to/t/9ILYrYHIGVL/us2 Enjoy, also can we get the new update for Job Fair while we're at it?
>>129924 There is a path at the far right side of town blocked by a boulder, i don't know what is the exact trigger but here is what i did to gain access. Meet the bottom boss (forgot name) > feed moldy bread and gain access to town > go to town and talk to everyone(unsure i just did it) > defeat and recruit top boss (Drowned) > defeat the bottom boss. After this, some NPC will move the right side of town and one of them will break the boiulder allowing you access to the second area. There are 2 forms of inflation, Air and Fat Air is from the clown which you talked to (can be recruited later by defeating a balloon boss on the second area) and Fat is from the NPC at the right side of town. You can consume 1 level of Fat and it remains as you travel about. Do note that returning to camp resets all stats to normal including health. Being Fat increases your Atk and Def and this stat change is very helpful in the early game. You can still use items and do most functions under Fat in fact some characters become better in Fat state. Air is a worse to be in combat, you can't use items under Air and some characters just become worse in it. Both Air and Fat when consumed twice will reach the same stat of Overexpanded, if you do not have 50 SP for certain characters it will softlock your actions, so keep in mind before becoming Overexpanded in combat. They do have different sprites for Fat and Air. Most bosses can be inflated in battle by either Fat or Air and will tell you if they become immune to it. So far i mostly been using Air to inflate them because it is cheaper to buy but sadly becomes unbuyable once you recruit the clown (can be randomly obtained from item event). After the recent bugfix/patch, a 3rd area is unlocked To do this you need to defeat a boss in the second area that looks like the clown and get the post to enter their mansion. (P.S. bring with you 2 Large bandage after fighting the boss to recruit another character) From there deal enough damage to the gatekeeper to gain access to their mansion and somehow navigate to the cave on the right of their mansion (navigating is confusing) to go to the 3rd area. I do not know what happens after that.
>>129971 Thanks for the QRD. Glad to know there more content.
>>129757 >https://shamefulradio.itch.io/escapism-demo NGL the game's kinda ass. Loads of style though.
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Lilith's Lair has officially launched Not sure if the full version actually adds any content since the 0.9 though, I'm guessing no since the demo on Itch has the flat-trap door unchanged but clearly board offs content exclusive to the paid release Steam really reaching with that 'similar game'
>>129971 >>129924 Please elaborate on how you defeated the first boss. I just can't find a way even with the explode attack. The self-heals are too strong.
>>130082 You need to inflate her, inflating her reduces her max health to about 75 if i remember correctly. From there even if she heals it wouldn't take much to defeat her, Begger has it the easiest since begging allows her to buy anything you need and for some reason the NPC in which you sells stuff to accept alot of items from her like guns and bullet. Shut in is just hard mode atm, no easy source of money via beg and less variety of items to sell to for even less source of money.
>>130078 There are new scenes after the feeding minigames, a button to revisit key scenes and minigames after finishing an ending, and you can hold right-click on the mouse to fast-forward dialogue.
>>130106 Also, the feeding minigame was polished up with more emphasis when growing.
>>130078 >>130106 Are there any new scenes for the inflation route?
Does anyone have access to Bury She's Hucow Simulator Demo? There is a mega link to version 10 on kemono but it says it's no longer available. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2578979/post/113950142
Does anyone know if there are any inflation mods for BG3? I figured I'd ask since someone actually made a vore mod for the game...
anyone has the latest version of Skies Adventures? 0.13 is out according to Kemono
>>130078 anyone got this?
Ok, does anyone have the latest version of Qualtroverse's Blueberry Simulator thing?
>>126256 https://thisvid.com/videos/love-letter-inflation-burst/ Ninomiya Sachiko from Love Letter
>>130648 My brother in Christ, you linked to a private video.
>>130458 Its weird how it just never made it on kemono, i thought it was just never made.
I asked this same on WeightGaming, and now i ask in here, i been thinking, if we can't get inflation mods, what if we just tthem by ourselves? Cuz i mean, i knew and now i confirmed that Gmod has great potential for inflation mods...wich strangely from a few to zero have made...i think only a weird "bloat virus" and the paython pac3 model and nothing else, so i made up this Lua script for a weapon, just make up a folder inside of addons, make inside of it a folder called lua, another inside called weapons, and paste this. Its shitty, but is a prove that Gmod has a lot of potential. Its just a shitty gun that inflates the target until it explodes, nothing else. You can modify it as you want, and also if you liek you can post it here too :3
>>130400 Following on this does anyone have any tips for playing that damn thing? I have 0.12 and its so damn slow to play. Also there seem to be some things that require night time/late days but no explanation on how time works beyond ending the day.
>>130714 Tips? Just cheat. Fuck the grind. Go find a save editor or look up how to use Cheat Engine on RPG Maker games. Don't play the game legit. As for the time, it's super annoying, the dev skirts around the topic for some reason. The way time works is straight-up just [x] minutes of IRL time, but for some reason it's tied to framerate, so you have to go somewhere with the highest FPS or it could literally take an hour for the sun to set.
>>130733 there is a debug mode that you can turn on heres the copy paste. To enter Debug Mode: Go to your game directory and open "package.json"-File with a Text-Editor. Replace the line “"main": "index.html" with "main": "index.html?test". F9 will now open a new Window for viewing and changing various stats and variables (This works only with 0.11 or higher). Changing reward multiplier: Press F9 Go to “Variables” Find “v0021” and edit the value you like (Default: 100%) Changing GameSpeed: Go into Options/Playtest. Change Map-Update-Speed (Causes lower FPS, so be careful)
>>130733 >>130737 Absolutely beautiful, thanks anons.
>>130654 It's footage of a virtual novel.
>>130779 footage we can't watch
i wonder how that bbo mod is going
>>130682 apparently just the one version was posted publicly, all the wip stuff is exclusive to their report my post, which to my knowledge hasnt been posted on kemono
>>129543 Yo, paid for the game through Patreon. There’s no extra content, the demo is the same as the full version, I assume (hope) they plan on adding extra characters soon. Ps, get yourself an auto clicker, improves the “game” no end.
Any vr apks
Anyone have Skie’s Inflatable Adventures 0.13a?
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Bumping. Also I added a couple more games to my list: https://itch.io/c/1146337/expansion-inflation-stuffing-vore-preg-games Also, it's super annoying when devs update their Itch game by adding a whole new game page from scratch; a few devs do it and it's a real headache.
>>131327 Do you have a top 3 among your list?
Could someone please post the latest Blobygon Dev build https://www.patreon.com/c/user/posts?u=71693949
Dig Dug is the best and I'm surprised only a female groomer had the diligence to finish a game.
>>131405 Eh, nah, depends on what I'm in the mood for.
>>130928 For now, this is the last version i did https://mega.nz/file/YyIDFB6R#4zsUFcNrIhBEhS4N4YQuNoJNh9EzWXlqbeabvSaThFg As i posted here >>128531 I kind of shelved the mod for the moment, i'm working on other stuff at the moment, not related, but kinda busy irl, so yeah. To sumarize what i did in the mod, every character now has breasts, hyper has been de-childified, and viola gets noticeably hornier as penalty goes up (every time you escape, you get penalty), and temporally disabled the swf mode. So yeah, if someone wants to add to it, feel free. Maybe in the future i'll try to add more stuff, but as for now, i'm too busy to work on it.
Could someone share the newest Blobygon dev build called You’ve got male https://www.patreon.com/user?u=71693949
Expanding Circus Beta https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J9tprc_awkLjwpyDbJUD9r2gLaLhxY6n/view?usp=sharing
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>>131954 Yep it from them , just gonna drop it here in case anyone want to mod it
>>131936 How can we be sure that these are chibi adult women and not kids?
>>131973 Pretty prominent tits this time for one
>>131936 god this was the one game I was actually interested in from them, pre-pedo shit I fuck with clowngirls and I thought the gameplay idea was actually neat
>>131936 At least this one comes with big tits. Uh, 1-4 on the keyboard do stuff like inflate/deflate her, raise/lower the max size, and I think the Z key makes her transparent for when she's too big and you can't see. There's no win state to the game I think, and taking damage cuts your size in half, no matter how far along you are. >>131973 Giant-ass boobs help.
Maybe someone can edit it and give this one bigger tits or so you can use cheat engine to go past the size limit . I hear this game was gonna popping in it like there other game
>>132041 These were the controls I could figure out 1: inflate by 500 2: deflate by 500 3: increase max size by 500 4: decrease max size by 500 Z: make transparent T: zoom toggle R: reset position
>>132145 Even after translating, the link is not working
>>132145 Why bother posting that jank-ass link when the download's been up on Kemono for like, a month? Skie's [wordfiltered] server is on Kemono, even during the Kemono blackout, it's still been updating, the [wordfiltered] server importer never went down.
>>132145 Even after replacing the symbols it still sends you to a request access page. Here is the F95 page: https://f95zone.to/threads/skies-inflatable-adventures-v0-12d-skie-maree.213223/page-22
>>132233 Sorry, i don´t know it was blocked
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Ok, I'm sorry, but all this talk about Skie's Inflatable Adventure is just giving me memories of playing 0.12b, and I'm sorry, that game is such a slog. The main gameplay loop being carrying water/air from place to place could've been fine if it was anything more than just walking from point A to point B, and I say walking because FUCK, is this game slow. The fact that this game is mostly walking back and forth and it has a stamina meter that basically forces you to constantly walk slow as shit unless you wanna lose all the water/air sucks immensely. And it could've been forgiven, at the very least, if the actual inflation was hot, but its a small ass RPGMaker sprite, which look, I get limitations of the engine, but still, its not exactly much. The only good part is the sound effect you make when walking, which is kinda hot, but that doesn't save what is 80% of the time, a tedious, repetitive gameplay loop. Not to mention the progression in this game is just as tedious. Doing the deliveries of water/air/milk nets you currency, but its so little for all the time you take doing each delivery. And you need that currency to upgrade your capacity, which really only just lets you carry more water/air/milk and unlock some story progression. But AGAIN, with how slow you're practically forced to walk, it takes forever to get any upgrades. I legitimately could not envision someone taking the time out to do it normally, and not just use a save editor to max out your money, which is what I did. The only somewhat interesting part is the exploration, but thats just because you can see or do something that isn't just dicking around delivering shit, and even then that might fuck up, because I did the whole mansion quest with the ghost balloons, and it fucking glitched out at the end of it when I had to go back into the library with all the pages, not even letting me see the event CGs. The game just softlocks, which I understand its still in development, but goddamn dude. Which speaking of the CGs, they're legit the only good part of the game at this point, but you can just see them on the devs Kemono or their DA iirc, so there's really no point in playing the game, much less one that seems to have a vested interest in wasting your time. And the thing is, I do legit think the game could be good. If they REALLY want to keep the delivery gameplay loop, ok fine. All they need to do is remove the stamina meter and just let us run place to place, so that way it won't take so long. Maybe have more than one well/pump so we don't have to go all the way back to one just to re-fill. Make the amount of cash you gain higher so its not such a pain to upgrade your shit. It's a porn game, you don't have to pad it out like this. I would say to fix the glitches and softlocks, but thats just how it is being a solo-dev (I assume) and the game is clearly still in development, so I'm not gonna be super harsh there. My real issue is just the tedious gameplay loop man, its just not fun, which should kinda be a priority in a game. And for the erotic content, first off, good on you for having a gallery to view the CGs and erotic bits, its insane how many games DON'T do that, thats actually a plus. However, as for the whole overworld filling thing, I feel its a bit lackluster. I think if whatever you were filled with actually affected gameplay beyond just sound effects, that'd actually be neat, like maybe filling up with air makes you go faster because you're lighter and vice versa for the water/milk? Actual puzzles that take that into account and not just 'oh fill up with this and then go over here', like maybe you have to fill up with water to weigh down a platform or use air to float over a gap? I know those are kinda shallow examples but bro its something. Look, tl;dr, the game as is is insanely tedious and needs some tweaks to its main gameplay loop to be even close to a good game, much less a good porn game.
>>132246 >Literally the same broken link. Bro, you should probably click these things before you post them.
>>132312 >the game as is is insanely tedious and needs some tweaks to its main gameplay loop to be even close to a good game, much less a good porn game agreed. it has always been a problem when fetish artists jump into making a game but put zero design forethought into it. there's usually always some mix of the following problems: - not enough of the fetish present - the fetish isn't a positive gameplay mechanic - the core gameplay is too tedious - the core gameplay is too boring there's very few games out there that avoid all of those problems
>>132246 >>132322 Yeah, excuse me. I'm very stupid with the links, just use the last one that leads you to the f95 site
>>132338 The Official Bad Fetish Game List of No-No Tropes: 1. Dev's first game is their dream game, the one they've always wanted to make. 2. Hours between lewd scenes because the dev's head's up their ass and they think they're entitled to keeping us sitting in the dark with our doors locked all day for nothing. 2a. The game's slow because it's hard/grindy. 2b. The game's slow because the dev has their head up their ass and assumes people like / will like the plot 3. Dev primarily makes [fetish A], but the game has a lot of [fetish B] for no reason 3a. Bonus: [fetish B] is a niche fetish that is often a turnoff, especially if it's a turnoff for people with [fetish A]. 4. No gallery. 5. The game has a gallery, but only unlocks content if you see it. 5a. The game's easy, but doesn't unlock the bad end scenes if you win. 5b. The gallery only contains certain scenes, just the highest-quality scenes, missing animations, doesn't include in-engine scenes, etc. 6. Can't repeat scenes, everything's a one-off with not even a debug menu. 7. Dev's been making the game for a while and there's no debug skip to boost you to the latest chapter, so all the bug reporting is in the first 30 minutes of the game. 7a. No chapter skip at all, not even cheats. 8. Dev comm's art for the game early into development, only to have to keep commissioning art as the game progresses until eventually the artist is busy/gone/done and the dev has to commission an entire game's worth of art, breaking the bank 8a. Same thing but for voice actors. 9. Have to buy the game on one site, but GET the game on the dev's report my post, or all their updates are on the report my post. 9a. Bonus: the dev goes missing at some point, or quits, and the report my post link goes down with nobody to fix it. 10. Dev takes all criticism as a personal attack, no matter how objective and factual, and fights back, arguing all day with people. (Funny story, a Patreon dev I used to follow kept getting reports that the free copy of his game sucked and had no content. We kept telling him there's LITERALLY nothing to do, no joke. Dev kept fighting back with "well then, pay for it!" arguments until like a month later he realized the game's coding was wrong and the free version had basically everything locked.) 10a. Dev takes all criticism as a personal attack, but ignores it, no matter how valid. 11. Dev works on some new part of the game that nobody wants or cares about, and ignores anyone complaining, resulting in a whole lost year of dev time for nothing. 11a. Dev works on a spinoff game for a long time that nobody cares for. Ignores complaints.
>>132358 Let me give you some examples for that: 1. SWEET and Swelladia 2. Swelladia (again) 2a. A lot of the Japanese RPG games and the Gain Jam games 2b. Swellada yet again 3. A handful of the Milkis games 3a. A couple of other Milkis games 4.Swelladia (Yet again) alongside many others 5. Couple of games 5a. That mystical boardwalk game 5b. Five Nights with Fatties and its sequel 6. A lot of the games with AI (Although it is more of: If you want to see it, replay the whole game) 7. Roundbound and a few others (Swelladia included) 7a. Swelladia (Are you suprised yet?) also a few others 8. Project Gaia (and even then the dev has gone AWOL) 8a. I play without audio so honestly IDK 9. Haven't seen many of those games 9a. Project Gaia (Or whatever it is callend now, either way, go see point 8) 10. Swelladia once again 10a. Swelladia again, are you suprised at this point? 11. Basically any reikodium game 12. Bulkshot Roulette and Big Big Dungeon (And neither are complete)
>>132338 this is legit why I feel most of these games need to have one guy working on art and assets and someone with actual game dev knowledge working on the game. I legit think the only semi-consistent good fetish game devs, at least in this space, are furries. There are multiple games (Smasher and the Will o' the Thiccs, Spacethumper, Tribal Hunter, Atlyss, etc.) that are actually good combinations of game mechanics and fetish shit while also being entertaining to play, with the latter two even getting semi-mainstream attention. And honestly, I'd rather have a fun game with barely implemented fetish shit, than a boring game with a lot of fetish shit. Also, I'm legit curious, has no one told Skie or whoever the dev is any of this? Like, this game has been in development for years, there's no way nobody at all decided to tell them about how tedious the gameplay loop is, because you have to have played through that initial section multiple times to experience all the new shit and there's no way no-one cared. >>132358 >2a. The game's slow because it's hard/grindy. >4. No gallery. >5. The game has a gallery, but only unlocks content if you see it. >5a. The game's easy, but doesn't unlock the bad end scenes if you win. >5b. The gallery only contains certain scenes, just the highest-quality scenes, missing animations, doesn't include in-engine scenes, etc. >6. Can't repeat scenes, everything's a one-off with not even a debug menu. these are ESPECIALLY unforgivable imo, like if you do these, you should straight up just apologize and take your game down >>132365 damn is swelladia that bad? worst i've seen is it just looks kinda ass
>>132367 Yeah it really is that bad, it's already well behind schedule, tons of delays, a dev that goes AWOL regularily and has some insanely stupid ego that they have to flex when someone calls them out for not following through. There should have already been 2 update cycles according to the development plan for the game and neither have came out as well as radio silence for why nothing has came out. Someone called him out and they responded by ranted back about the person who called him out. Also had mods that are equally stoked for an ego as them. Also the game lacks a lot of depth for what is there, the combat is quite easy once you get the companion from the main storyline so you can basically speedrun it in a single afternoon.
>>131964 >>132031 >>132041 >>132156 I already decompiled it, it's quite interesting how it handles the player size, but there is literally nothing in this game. It is a proof of concept more than anything. No end goal, no hidden animations (i kinda was hoping for a bursting animation), nothing. So yeah, not worth modding in my humble opinion, unless you really want your OC or something on it.
>>131973 I mean chibi is a short body art style it's nothing like loli although even lolis definition is more vague that you think having nothing really to do with child but all about petite forms and a clothing aesthetic that has been way over exaggerated by Twitter tards or what now is known as you all would probably call it blueberryskybluef*gs as in the cigarettes! Or whatever you call the policing puritan elite of the world. Never mind that the same people that usually tote that stuff are the same people that usually smoke it! But again at least when it comes to body types of any nature you can't judge what makes a child off of size or shape alone. Again many try to but it's a fatal mistake! There's no such thing as size weight or height of consent it's just made of bull crap made by twits to slut shame smaller men or women with petite flat forms. Or otherwise just made the same people with small tits. I could rant about it all day but you can do your research yourself and come to my same same conclusion as there's no way to judge by those statures alone. Only and I mean ONLY way we can judge these standards is through physical age as in the number. And on that end I would say as long as each character's age is 18+ it should be fine? But again I understand we're not talking about a normal person or circumstances here and we're talking about a person who potentially is a predator who's literally into kids. So I don't know then honestly knowing what they thought about what they used as inspiration for the project? That's something that they would only know in their own head. So I guess view at your own discretion with your own fears and worries close at hand and judge how you feel? I will at least agree with anonymous and say at the very least this character has big boobs which tells me at least they're trying to make it 18+ and I don't think their intentions even if they do swing that fucked up way is to force people to bust it to cartoon cheese pizza? But again your guess is as good as mine. You could also probably mod character models if you want to or something like that if it makes you feel extra better? But there's no exact science. The only thing you could literally judge any character for is physical age. But I get it so weird scenario because again the person in question! But then again it's just subject to your own opinion like everything else is. My point still stands regarding that it doesn't matter your size or statute humans come in any kind of form imaginable! And calling a small dwarfen person a child for no reason to me is like calling a furry a animal abuser or animal fucker. You're taking one hell of a leap! Besides you do realize there is a term for beastiality fucks in said communities already and it's called zoophilia or zoophiles aka zoos zoos are into beastiality both fictional and real and furries aren't. Do your research and learn your definition on these things! You'll be surprised what some words mean for another the only two words or communities you should ever be afraid of are zoos and maps maps are edps on steroids that want edp behavior to be legalized. Yeah be wary of those two communities! Probably some of the evilest places on the internet. But my point made there's many definitions for many different things! And if you want to trust this person or not or edit their work or what not it's all subject to your own opinion and how you feel if you don't want to touch it at all nothing's forcing you nobody's got a gun to your head.
>>132411 least retarded lolifag
just noticed there's not a ton of talk about Aria's Dreamland Dissonance pretty cool tech demo for the breast expansion guys, also has blueberry and there's talk of more general inflation too (pic related) https://silverearsentertainment.itch.io/arias-dreamland-dissonance >>132367 yeah furries know their shit, if we got a non-furry version of Tribal Hunter with a female protagonist and a little more inflation as-a-mechanic thrown in it would be crowned king in an instant >>132435 I mean he's right, chibi is an art style, loli is a theme
>>132447 No idea how I haven't heard of this when demos been out for a year. Is it mostly breast expansion? If that's the catch I feel like you could still mod it to replace all the breast expansion with inflation. Seems it would be especially easy since inflation will be added already too based on the gif you posted, so you wouldn't even need to make any assets for it.
>>132450 It's mostly breast expansion, but there's a little bit of everything else. >>132447 I'mm'a be real, ADD isn't very good as a "game" and the lewd bits suffer because of it, at least from what I remember from the time I played about a month ago. >main source of BE is a spell mostly used for platforming upwards, but most levels are mostly horizontal, not vertical >the BE spell is barely even in the game, sharing the one spell slot with like 8 other spells, none of the others are lewd. Also the spell costs a stupid amount of MP for some reason >most spells are used to unlock secrets, but you never know in advance which ones you need, so you often have to redo a chapter 2-3 times to get everything, and there's so little max mana that there's a non-zero percent chance you'll run out from messing up and having to redo that entire chapter >dying means getting slapped into a zone missing all your stats and having your stuff reset, which could mean getting softlocked as your lv1 attacks aren't good enough for anything but the worst enemies, having to restart the whole chapter so you're not stuck taking a minute to kill each enemy >blueberry TF is only there as a silly gimmick for horizontal levels, and it's barely in the game at all Also: >get to the first "real" boss >game explained previously that bosses can be upgraded by using the BE spell on them to make them harder >fought her a few times normally but keep losing, mostly due to the clunky arena you fight her in >win >see a busty door after beating the boss >sigh and reload save with BE spell >her pattern is actually easier with her with giant tits >win first try >enter busty door >platforming puzzle >do it about halfway, only to realize the game is requiring me to have some ability I don't have yet >get nothing out of the alt path (IIRC) >feel like I wasted my time
>>132456 yeah a lot of that was my experience too, it felt too focused on being a game and not enough on the kink shit, not to mention it barely integrated it into the main gameplay loop. and yeah the berry tf was in maybe one level and it felt like never again.
>>132447 Yes a game doesn't get much talk if it drops a demo and then doesn't get touched for a year That can be pretty normal for these kinds of games. Personally I'm waiting/hoping to see Egoventure Expanded continued on.
>>132457 Even if it wasn't a kink game, it's not that good of a "game" either. Really the only enjoyable time playing it was that gargoyle boss, but the room's got all these obstacles that get in the way and bringing a bad choice of weapon to the fight gets you killed for reasons you can't predict. The game's got a lot of the same issues as Skie's inflation game or whatever it's called, where it doesn't really feel like the dev has spent much time "playing" the game and hasn't had enough personal experience with the game itself to stop and say "wait a second, this isn't fun" or "this isn't sexy enough". Skie's game is just 10x worse as "a game" because the game is a horrifying grind of grinding so you can grind more and grind new things that you can grind for. Grinding-grind grind. At least in the case of grinding in the Skie game, a good chunk of it has you inflated in some way, so you get the slightest pickle-tickling the whole time.
>>132556 >where it doesn't really feel like the dev has spent much time "playing" the game and hasn't had enough personal experience with the game itself to stop and say "wait a second, this isn't fun" or "this isn't sexy enough". I agree. I do think that the dev does need to take some time to actually play their game from the POV of someone not associated with development to see how the game feels like to play from a different perspective. But I also think that they need a group of play testers who arent patreon subs to play it and give criticism, because I think the reasons issues like this aren't being fixed, or even brought up afaik, is because most, if not all of the people who have access to these alpha versions are people who are paying for access and are afraid that if they comment any displeasure, they might get yelled at or something. I also think it's a mental thing too, where they dont want to believe the thing they paid for is bad, because other wise they have to admit on some level, they wasted their money, which would make them feel like a fool.
>>132461 >last update a year ago Sadly, it is looking over.
On the one hand, it's cool that we got an inflation-focused Jam that goes all-in on the inflation instead of hamfisting pregnancy and whatever else in there too. On the other hand, despite one of the bigger prize pools we've seen in a while, most of the entries are MSPaint tier for some reason, and half the games are broken, leaving like 3 games total that are actually worth playing at the time the Jam ended. https://itch.io/jam/team-quimbly/entries
>>132795 what games are worth playing?
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So apparently there's already weight gain mods for all the marvel characters. When are the inflation mods coming people? Get them out there while you still can! Multiple squirrel girl mods! Downright insane! So far Luna Doreen and mantis not sure of other girls like psylocke storm magik etc. I mean isn't magiks dark chiyde technically a goat furry so I'm sure a whole crowd is dying to fatten and blow her up!
Yeah definitely a furry or at least feral?
>>128973 Randomly came across this version of UTMT that works for this game https://github.com/UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool/suites/28521016166/artifacts/2016877078 You need a github account to download, have fun
>>132949 I love how they even fattened up Mantis' antennae. lol It's honestly kinda refreshing in this day and age of all these dudes on YouTube bitching about how there aren't enough stick-thin female characters, here we're getting mods that make 'em FATTER. Bring it on, I say. xD
>>130406 https://litter.catbox.moe/uqopcy.zip Boxed for 3 days, Go nuts. Also send Kurger some shekels if you can, I want that man making more like this.
>>133387 the link doesnt seem to work, could you post it on mab?
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DDLC: Of Berries and Love Made by SInflative aka SomeoneInflative. https://someoneinflative.itch.io/ddlc-of-berries-and-love I can't wait to see the next chapter.
>>132365 bro im still waiting for them to add the gallery to five nights with fatties 2 and its been like how long since it came out and they have yet to add it
>>133416 Link instadownloads for me.
I saw this recently, can anyone share it? if yes, then thank you, if not I understand https://red-deer-studios.itch.io/tales-of-bella-ventus-bushel
Get it while its hot boys! https://kbngames.itch.io/the-storage-accident/devlog/863349/the-storage-accident-v11
Pc dead ATM, got any screen grabs or a playthrough yet?
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>>133569 There's a lot less to the game than you think there is, it's just the one woman at three different sizes. Basically a walking sim. There's a couple things to look at if you walk around a bit, including a computer desk with some old art from a handful of full-body inflation artists that you can inspect, but really the whole game's like a minute long.
>>133577 (me) Forgot the walkthrough bit: >enter room and get shocked at finding a giant balloon woman >pull her down but fail because she floats back up >grab concrete bags to weigh the tank down >talk to her >do some basic jiggle animations plus more talking >yadda yadda >she wants to go bigger, but the tank has a safety thing to stop at a safe level >check page in hallway that says something about a "safety handle" >search the main room for the handle >inflate her a bit more >talk a bit >inflate her a LOT more >inflate her again, she pops
>>133553 why is the text taking an ungodly amount of time to load?
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>>132461 Speaking of which, does anybody know if it's actually possible to get this image to show up in-game? I did some experimenting and found no way to inflate Ranma first.
>>133594 How did you extract the image?
>>133593 Because the dev wanted it that slow for some reason. At least the guy took the criticism and made the TAB key skip even more of the dialogue than it used to.
>>133579 I mean you can actually fuck her in this version, that's at least something no? A lot of the dialogue options actually get you places so I'd say its definitely an upgrade
>>133577 For a dialogue heavy game it's a little boring that she says zero actual words. It'd be nice if you could take the hose out of her mouth (And plug it up her butt instead) and get some new lines from her.
>>133593 Does it even load? I swear most of it gets cut off and soft-locked
>>133579 >>search the main room for the handle I found the handle, but I cannot interact with it
>>133636 You have to progress the game the way the other person stated in the comment. You can't skip ahead from what I have experienced.
>>133469 Seconding
>>133641 That's the thing, I'm pretty sure I've followed every step.
>>133652 check the lockers, It's the last one to the right for the first row of lockers
>>133652 Make sure you've interacted with her backside every time something new happens. I forget which parts of the scene need interaction to make it progress, but progression is gated behind the first body interaction, the pleasing her pussy part and the fucking her part, as well as a couple dialogue options too.
>>133553 Is there any way to reduce to optimize this thing? I'm working with a potato atm.
>>133679 Erm, potato of a computer, that is.
>>133680 There are graphics settings you can mess with in the options settings to lower resolution, turn off vsync and the like. But even on a decent machine it does run a little haggard sometimes
not sure if this is the place for game idea discussion but could an inflation fighting game work? in my head it'd have to be 2d and each characters kit would revolve around their method of inflation with their ultimate move being a proper inflation. For example a blueberry character could set gum floor traps and be some sort of elastic fighter whilst a water inflation character could be a zoner where they spit water or something. IDK where I'm going with this I mainly just wanted to know if someone had made one before/would this(an inflation fighting game in general not my specific idea) potentially make for a good game?
Two new inflation games were released recently. One is Fat Fleet. More information can be found here: https://x.com/DoubleCapPro Mabo released a suika game demo with his (kindda mid) OCs. It's paywalled to his patreon, howere.
>>133786 Fat Fleet's been out for months, the new announcements are for the new content update. Also it's good to mention that Mabo and Maxdigital are working on it together and you can buy the Patreon sub for either of them to get access, though the full release will be free, IIRC. I don't care about suika games though, fuck 'em and their shit physics, don't care if the fruit are now inflated women or boobs or whatever, the only reason people make these things is to catch a ride on the bandwagon back when the first game went viral.
>>133771 There are fighting game engines out there that are super easy to mess around with. But i personally do not think that it is a solid enough concept to work with. You can make it that you get inflated as you lose health. As you get bigger, you get attacks with more area, making it also be a comeback mechanic.
>>133771 There is something similar that exists. There’s a fighting game called Crushing Force that was made by a prominent furry artist named Kazecat. It contains a large swath of different fetishes but there is some inflation related stuff in there. Montana has a move called Balloon where she inflates herself in order to dodge projectiles. Tom’s level 3 super has him expand until he kamikazes himself. He also has a command grab where he transfers all his weight into his opponent. I know there’s not suppose to be furry stuff on this board but I still feel like it’s worth mentioning
>>133905 >Montana has a move called Balloon where she inflates herself in order to dodge projectiles. Do you have any links? I tried searching this game but I couldn't find anything involving that.
>>133905 Toms exploding ability mimics perfect cells self destruct attack from dragon ball it's basically this https://youtu.be/JkBVCIXRds8
>>133947 https://youtu.be/jwyONAc9FjA?si=C848jCZs00zjl46y The move is showcased at 3:15 in the video. If you’re looking for anything involving this game, just search crushing force game or kazecat mugen on YouTube and you’ll find it. And if you want to see Tom’s weight passing move: there’s a video that shows how the move affects every character in the game https://youtu.be/Y3Q3fT2pmIk?si=gVY7csJ0N0OBWaQy https://youtu.be/zl_2zuSjctE?si=LLIQTrRVEMq3twgk
Hopefully someone has the Bella Ventus: Bushels game files https://red-deer-studios.itch.io/tales-of-bella-ventus-bushel
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Here's a nice set of morphs for VAM, so far no scenes that use it though https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/belly-inflation-morphs.49151/
Has there ever been a Minecraft inflation mod? Closest I could find was mod with inflating mobs.
>>134101 there have been a few people who have attempted to make one but it never gone anywhere and those people deleted everything after they gave up on trying but if someone ever did try and make a working one that isnt just weight gain i would love for it to look similar to that image you shared or what ever else titank made
>>134066 seconding, really enjoyed their previous Skyfort one so looking forward to this one if anyone's got it
>>134101 All attempts have been done on Weight Gaming, there's like three expansion mods, but only one focuses on inflation, and I'm pretty sure the inflation one doesn't get updated anymore. One of the two WG ones plans to have inflation at some point though, I think. The real problem is any mod that works to affect the PLAYER requires some shit like CPM or Figura or whatever, and not only do those need hand-crafted models made specifically for the given fetish you're trying to have happen with you, they can't be used on pirated copies of Minecraft (IIRC) and can't be used in offline mode, which blocks a lot of people from doing it. CPM and Figura both aren't super noob-friendly to set up either, and custom models need actual legit art skills to make match your skin or even look good at all, so it's all just a huge hassle, and contributes to why so few mods affect the player's appearance.
>>133786 I hate paywalls. https://www.mediafire.com/file/lqy71c5xzlsheey/A_Suki_Game_0.1.zip/file
>>134118 That makes sense, Minecraft has such a large modding community I figured it's been attempted at some point but ran into problems for whatever reasons. Hopefully someone can make it work some day.
>>134129 based sneedchad
>>134129 On the one hand, the game's gonna be free eventually, it's just paid while it's in development. On the other hand, fuck the Suika genre, it should've died when the bandwagon did. On the first hand again, I see there's a hold feature, which is nice.
>>134156 Yeah it’s honestly probably the final form of the games format just for the hold and charge functions allowing you to time a merge and bully the orbs around with physics. Not bad.
new blobygon build dropped that has proper blueberry inflation in it, pretty solid https://kemono.su/patreon/user/71693949/post/120000840
>>134291 Good stuff. I can imagine BlobyGon adding helium tank to make it inflate and float like a balloon for the next update of Dev Build.
>>126256 See >>102579 for the ShamefulRadio thread. >>126501 Saving threads is literally the opposite of what Reddit does.
>>134390 Bruh, this is literally for games in general, that's a thread specific for one artist, stfu and actually think for more than 3 seconds.
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>>132461 Semi-related and definitely a long shot but on the off chance that somebody can deliver... does anyone have the pre-patched versions of Annventure 1 and 2? For whatever reason Yoobi changed the inflation sprites and certain lines of dialogue to appear less fetishy (I guess?). Game Jolt doesn't archive old versions of games.
>>133577 really solid execution but god damn the girl is ugly I get that's kraban's style to go super realistic but jesus >>134129 I like the added mechanic to pump them up larger for added velocity but it's still suika game >>134390 >games general >says shamefulradio >more than one artist makes games shut up redditor
She exploded
Finished up the Escapism demo, but was hoping someone here might have the answers to a few things. At one point an NPC mentioned to run away if I heard the sounds of birds chirping or something, said something about a group that makes people round, but I never had anything like that happen the whole time I played. Is that some random event or something or is it just not in the game yet? Also is there an item to give the police officer that isn't breathing? Or anything for the dead woman at the bottom path of the first area?
>>134963 It's stuff that isn't actually in the game yet sadly.
>>126342 >https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BhV352ukez1ptonFXrnjPdsBtM86Tj3f/view?usp=sharing reup? google drive got nuked i think
>>134966 That's a shame. What about the lady that asks for money? I saw her at the start of the game after finishing one of the routes and didn't have any bucks on me, but then I've been struggling to run into her again now that I do. Does she do anyhing special?
does anyone know if the escapism demo has any inflations? i been playing it but im struggling with all the constant bear traps and fall damage but so far i havent gotten any inflation from losing
>>135181 Yes, there are items and abilities that balloon your characters and enemies, if I recall its all from things you activate, not inflicted by enemies
Does anyone have these two games? there was a link for the first one but it's long since expired. Tales of Bella Ventus: Curse of the Skyfort https://red-deer-studios.itch.io/tales-of-bella-ventus-curse-of-the-skyfort Tales of Bella Ventus: Bushel https://red-deer-studios.itch.io/tales-of-bella-ventus-bushel
hey btw someone knows if there's a mod that replaces Mr Fantastic with a genderbent or another female character? I mean due how his power works it would be an interesting mod
>>132461 It's probably never going to be updated seeing as the game was kinda made as a tribute, not sure why Shamefulradio aliased on the itch page though
>>133424 This one was a pretty solid VN. Full Voice Acting too. Anyone know any other blueberry inflation games worth checking out?
>>129103 here's a patch for future anons struggling to play the game, put the folders wherever the game.exe file is after downloading all the google drives from the other anon https://gofile.io/d/rlGySK this game is really good. its a damn shame it got cancelled, so im going to complete it, or at the very least fix up the demo. i dont know how long it will take, but i will do it. if anyone got any info regarding people who worked on it, especially who this Prismsphere guy is, i'd greatly appreciate it if you could share it. "... all it takes is the will of a single man."
(1.83 MB 1918x1079 suki.png)
after some hour of playing i've finally reached the final bubble don't know what would happen if you combine 2 sukis
>>135731 They're supposed to combine into a bigger Maya (the smallest one), though not sure if it's skill issue or an issue with game design but it's almost impossible to get 2 Sukis.
(4.50 KB 544x440 161065560458485125.png)
>>135524 I'm still getting this error when trying to launch
>>135224 Got you for the first one: https://gofile.io/d/hnX7g2 Sadly don't have the second one, sorry man.
Escapism is really good. Would like to see it finished and with more inflation when walking and other characters inflating/bigger bewbs
I heard Blobygon will add a rolling round body for Dev Build in WIP (Work in progress)
>>135981 thanks
>>136179 I say more tubes in more holes!
>>136179 I wish Puff-Knight made as much notable progress on the actual inflation side of his 3D game as Bloby did Being able to roll the chick around was pretty much all he had over it
>>135981 Maybe another mirror? 502 land on Gofile.
>>136179 It is out yet?
