/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Games: Revengeance Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 21:10:32 Id:ef7dc6 No. 126256
Old thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/91014.html Based anon's game drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZQ8JdNuEiP-3oDPuDjqcUKG1iDDoVVc?usp=drive_link Latest BBO mod (as of prev thread): https://www.mediafire.com/file/b9e44iosgxtw8ko/BBO_modded_player%252Ballenemies.rar/file
>>134966 That's a shame. What about the lady that asks for money? I saw her at the start of the game after finishing one of the routes and didn't have any bucks on me, but then I've been struggling to run into her again now that I do. Does she do anyhing special?
does anyone know if the escapism demo has any inflations? i been playing it but im struggling with all the constant bear traps and fall damage but so far i havent gotten any inflation from losing
>>135181 Yes, there are items and abilities that balloon your characters and enemies, if I recall its all from things you activate, not inflicted by enemies
hey btw someone knows if there's a mod that replaces Mr Fantastic with a genderbent or another female character? I mean due how his power works it would be an interesting mod
>>132461 It's probably never going to be updated seeing as the game was kinda made as a tribute, not sure why Shamefulradio aliased on the itch page though
>>133424 This one was a pretty solid VN. Full Voice Acting too. Anyone know any other blueberry inflation games worth checking out?
>>129103 here's a patch for future anons struggling to play the game, put the folders wherever the game.exe file is after downloading all the google drives from the other anon https://gofile.io/d/rlGySK this game is really good. its a damn shame it got cancelled, so im going to complete it, or at the very least fix up the demo. i dont know how long it will take, but i will do it. if anyone got any info regarding people who worked on it, especially who this Prismsphere guy is, i'd greatly appreciate it if you could share it. "... all it takes is the will of a single man."
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after some hour of playing i've finally reached the final bubble don't know what would happen if you combine 2 sukis
>>135731 They're supposed to combine into a bigger Maya (the smallest one), though not sure if it's skill issue or an issue with game design but it's almost impossible to get 2 Sukis.
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>>135524 I'm still getting this error when trying to launch
>>135224 Got you for the first one: https://gofile.io/d/hnX7g2 Sadly don't have the second one, sorry man.
Escapism is really good. Would like to see it finished and with more inflation when walking and other characters inflating/bigger bewbs
I heard Blobygon will add a rolling round body for Dev Build in WIP (Work in progress)
>>135981 thanks
>>136179 I say more tubes in more holes!
>>136179 I wish Puff-Knight made as much notable progress on the actual inflation side of his 3D game as Bloby did Being able to roll the chick around was pretty much all he had over it
>>135981 Maybe another mirror? 502 land on Gofile.
>>136179 It is out yet?
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>>136764 Came out today Includes a slider for the blob physics to go squishy or firm
>>137313 can you post the build?
>>137313 Does anyone update Blobygon's Kemono page, please?
>>137328 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/71693949/post/122864105 good update, they added the blueberry gum to every map as well
>>137437 also, i'm on steam deck desktop and when I use wine to run the game it works, but the text in all the menus is just missing? anyone know anything about that?
>>135910 just go get a RGSS301.dll from any RPG Maker VX Ace game in the System folder, OR if you have the software itself, the .dll is included within the program so copy that. if you have neither, google is your friend. then put the copy in the System folder and it should run.
>>137437 Yeah, this update looks amazing!
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>>137437 This is really good
>>135181 Played the game for a few hours, did not like it at all. It's like someone decided to make a kink game with no kink content while trying to replicate all of the most obnoxious parts of LISA: The Painful. Also it can't be played 1-handed, lol
>>137437 I can't wait Blobygon will add NPC Oompa Loompa in Candy Land for the next update.
Fuck Oompa Loompas man, and the whole factory setting. We should have left that shit behind years ago
>>137554 Blobygon's game is the best one out there, everything else is some crappy e novel or a bad low quality 3d game. Its too bad my computer is too shit to even run it above 10 fps, the roll mechanic wont work for me either cause of the fps.
>>137819 i was in the same boat, I got a steam deck and it was 100% worth it. Desktop mode is essentially a linux PC and you can get one for like $500. I have an issue w/ blobygon's game where the text doesn't appear in the menus, but that might be a user error. I def recommend the steam deck though
>>137845 forgot to add, basically all games run great unless they're extremely graphically intense, but I can't really name any fetish game that is
>>137437 you guys aren't lying this is great anyone know if air inflation is on the horizon for it as well? p sure blobygon is into it too
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>>137437 Uh, is this supposed to happen?
>>137863 Read the comments on Kemono. You need to have a higher framerate.
>>137865 >NJ Oh well.
>>137864 blobygon patreon specifically states that you need to have hardware equivilent to a successful twitch streamer to run his game. The whole thing runs on an unoptimized unreal physics engine and if youre fps is below 30 well good luck to you.
>>137845 how do you put non steam games on a steam deck. I never owned one but was thinking about buying the cheap one. does it have a web browser or something? how else would you get blobygon shit onto it?
>>137863 bruh is still running 13 fps will all the graphics turned on, I fucking wish.
>>137859 Oh god I fucking hope. Could be fun for some platforming shenanigans in some map like the Snackrooms does with weight. Imagine having to inflate yourself to get up to a ledge up above, only for it to be a trap that pops you, or inflates you more. I mean the tech is already there, just reuse the blueberry model without the blue and with less/negative weight. Smaller inflation sizes would have to be made though, since all the non-sphere expansion has that lumpy look for the fat.
>>137892 Eh, I'm still running a nearly decade-old Geforce 1070 and the game runs fine as anything for me
i dont know if i should be asking this in the begging thread or here but i found this creator who has a few games and i remember them posting there art on other platforms but it seems they have removed them https://shinobarho.itch.io/
Looks like she's floating away.
>>137987 Nude version
>>137893 desktop mode is basically a fully functioning linux PC, you can use the internet and web browsers and shit through that, super easy
>>126800 The best part of the collection is the dude roasting every game in the notes.
>>137987 How did you make them float..?
>>138390 It's simple. First you select the round (Rolling) then press spacebar to jump to bounce, and press P to pause and take a screenshot.
>>138444 I didnt know they could jump in this game, best I get is them turning into a puddle on the ground. The computer store scammed me into buy an integrated gfx laptop. Should be illegal considering I told them i wanted to play games on it.
