/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Head inflation S3000S 11/29/2022 (Tue) 21:31:38 Id:d33aaf No. 70081
Here only inflated heads are sought.
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>>125898 Are these AI? The letters are suspicious
(38.69 KB 663x180 IMG_1090.jpeg)
(141.37 KB 631x419 IMG_1089.jpeg)
>>125930 They are ai (look at the text on the images) >>125930
>>125936 Probably is but still interesting to see. Not necessarily mad at it it's not being done for profit just for fun. >>125898 Think you can input some android 18 and 17 head and belly expansion?
>>125936 That is fucking insane, some of the best AI I've ever seen if that's the case >>125898 *Please* drop prompts
>>125930 >>125936 >>125941 >>125973 They are AI. One of them is an example image from the Inflation XL lora on CivitAI: https://civitai.com/models/232970/inflationxl
>>125998 Is there one that can do humans as well?
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>>126021 That one can. Just need to specify human/not furry.
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It's pretty good sometimes Other times, it's not lmao
Does anyone has this pic in high quality?
>>126047 What prompts, or additional resources did you use to get these good quality images?
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Nothing really. Just that Lora and the Prefect Pony XL checkpoint. If you use Automatic1111, you can save any of these images and view the parameters under PNG info. And a lot of trial and error, like with any AI generation.
>>126890 Is the first one Reagan from inside job?
(119.82 KB 1024x1024 B5C65SYY1X0FJM449A41C4K870.jfif)
>>126890 def takes a while just for one decent image like this lmao
>>126894 No. Just a random AI-generated woman. >>126902 Yeah it's definitely tougher if you're using a character Lora too.
>94446 It's nice to see the commission I made get noticed
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>>94446 Oh hey I was the guy who commissioned that
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(1.06 MB 1978x2009 IMG_3966.jpeg)
>>92160 https://youtube.com/shorts/khbsjcwilQM?si=0eDKAzMMvN6wjBNlhttps://youtube.com/shorts/aWF0sP_UpdY?si=-0d60P9-oLHmSRZNhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/aWF0sP_UpdYhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/jtsEui4a9Zwhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZAD9MgLhwLwhttps://youtube.com/shorts/u15h4YrZT_o?si=yZVP52A7RqSQ4s1zhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/RwgpAVzNdTohttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/O-1pycIp_D0 Separate the links at the http
Hi there, so can you tell me who created any head inflation art please?
(2.80 MB 1920x1080 Biscuit_Ballyhoo_081.png)
(2.64 MB 1920x1080 Biscuit_Ballyhoo_082.png)
Can someone edit this screenshots? They're from a Spongebob episode called Biscuit Ballyhoo where Mr krabs used an air pump to inflate Squidward's eyes but can someone edit his head inflated?
>>131300 i will be blunt with you nobody will do that
(2.87 MB 4096x3072 30 sin título_20241207091453.png)
>>131300 Here, i Made it
>>131507 I truly despise this but you did an excellent job, please make something similar involving a cute girl, any will do.
>>131507 Hey! That's actually pretty good! 10/10
(8.68 MB 4096x3072 30 sin título2.png)
Here is a version, based on the female counterpart of squidward
>>131669 Isn't that Squilvia?
>>131830 Wow that's sad. We noticed.
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(176.28 KB 1870x1979 Gb_-49GXUAEdJoU.png)
The Squilvia edit might needs some more work...
(280.38 KB 2000x1250 Reze's inflated head.png)
>>133231 Artist?
>>133231 Who doesn't want to get popped by makima! Seriously need more art with her dom bursting people
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(176.95 KB 1162x1233 GeENeJpXcAAK10x.jpg)
(247.01 KB 2049x1980 GWT_W4mXkAEPHqU.jpg)
>>134047 Wasn't expecting 'Brave Series' fetish art. The artist for the second image is apparently 'Synful2024', but could you drop a link to their page?
>>70519 >>70933 It’s could be Rinne or Mao.
>>134148 In Manga.
Any Update?
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Van Helsing for the PS2 has a big head mode that yes affects female characters if anyone is interested
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