/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Head inflation S3000S 11/29/2022 (Tue) 21:31:38 Id:d33aaf No. 70081
Here only inflated heads are sought.
(416.51 KB 3027x4096 Fhv4uKyUcAA3JD3.jpg)
(2.14 MB 2500x2740 Monet-Reinflated1.jpg)
(117.01 KB 1280x1280 FbAJoOOVUAAbID2.jpg)
(733.89 KB 3237x4116 gravitinahead.png)
(600.46 KB 4096x2725 FRw2ubvXEAAHjkI.jpg)
(51.12 KB 947x928 Fg_Th6-XEAA_Ibw.jpg)
(538.30 KB 3634x4096 FWXiLhdX0AgasVr.jpg)
(92.01 KB 1389x1649 FU7jdIRWUAEu8WF.jpg)
(167.36 KB 1047x1800 Dvu5y0UUwAAbPUL.jpg)
(2.79 MB 2500x3200 KaiBalloonHead.jpg)
(109.68 KB 743x872 FZcyp07WAAA7Znn.png)
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(203.88 KB 1080x1652 D.Va head inflation.jpg)
(295.19 KB 1080x1920 D.Va head inflation2.jpg)
>>70134 Sauce on that last one?
(156.83 KB 524x775 bighead02.jpg)
>>70142 Can't say, every image search I know about returns nothing for it so you'll have to wait for someone who knows. Got to ask though, sauce on that DVa?
(442.58 KB 1638x2048 FYytO23WYAERbbZ.jpg)
(480.49 KB 3750x3750 FZaRGT6UIAEirt6.jpg)
(182.20 KB 2219x978 FY9Ro-xXgAA9gu2.png)
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(843.50 KB 1027x1350 SPOILER_unknown-1.png)
It ain't much, but here's what I got.
>>70375 God damn that's impressive. Looks super convincing. Now if only somebody could make something like this, but in the more round style, for us fans of that...
>>70375 Oh damn! Source?
>>70458 Here ya go https://www.deviantart.com/thiridian/art/Uber-Inflation-Test-892257847
Compiled all of these as soon as I saw a new thread showed up again Also for those who are familiar, I go by @GrandDilation on Twitter though I haven't been as active due to my busy IRL schedule
>>70511 king. you really should upload some of your older pics to that account whenever you have the time, it's fantastic stuff. looks like you have more sketches on the page in the third image, any chance you could share those too?
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(119.58 KB 479x441 Anya_head_inflation.jpg)
(695.05 KB 910x512 ezgif-3-7a2cc3a32b.gif)
(897.62 KB 1280x1820 jian_Head_Inflation_color.png)
The gif is from earlier in the thread, just a no pop edit.
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(517.95 KB 2229x2829 Ffy-hKbWAAAAtqy.jpeg)
(830.16 KB 3853x2829 Ffy-YaMXoAANIr1.jpeg)
(626.91 KB 1481x2216 FRJpCRnaAAANSTE.jpg)
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(712.93 KB 1705x2273 FVUp4D1agAA4aLa.jpg)
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>>70519 Sauce on the manga panel
(1.36 MB 3500x3500 1657846495.addde_gf_head.png)
(671.07 KB 480x480 Danny Nakamura head inflation.gif)
Here have a head inflation of the girl from callisto protocol enjoy!
>>70960 Nice! Pretty good start, especially with where you chose the center point. However, it has the very common problem of the bulge effect giving too much stretch in the center relative to the sides. Look at the eyes. As some advice, you might want to transform her whole head bigger while at the same time using less of a bulge effect so that it looks more natural.
>>70933 no idea
(156.19 KB 1554x1893 20221207_100006.jpg)
(41.17 KB 526x680 Fjbgq2PUYAMPfms.jpeg)
(432.20 KB 1867x1763 download.jpeg)
Do live action stuff count? I'd love more live action, like this, so either tik tok or youtube, movies, commercials, tv shows if you have any post here. If this is more for artwork or animated things let me know
^^^ wouldn't let me post video, so here is link: https://www.tiktok.com/@happykelli/video/7155623087168458030?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
>>71441 That was very well done
Does anyone know of any more videos or pictures like the callisto protcol one posted in here with the bulge effect?
also of any live action head inflation? love this thread and hope it gets constantly updated
So this thread is going by pretty slowly and I don't want it to disappear just yet, so I'mma post some of my Kisekae works. Beware, though, as I've mixed in some other things alongside the headflation stuff.
>>71523 >>71522 Spoilered because this is a mix of clown, rubber toy TF and headflation.
>>71524 >>71523 >>71522 And a commission I had a friend make, along with two edits, making it a sequence. one by her and one by me. Spoilered because, again, circus shit. That's all I got for now. I usually don't share these outside of report my post with a select few folks.
>>71525 Why the fuck did I type "outside of report my post with"??? I meant I don't share these outside of report my post usually. Anyway, here's another commission I edited.
>>70128 I wanna know the source for the gif here.
>>71740 S1E9 of the Looney Tunes Show.
(1.08 MB 576x1024 kelli2.mp4)
(2.06 MB 720x900 randomhead.mp4)
>>71458 I gotchu. There's a lot more out there than you'd expect https://web.archive.org/web/20220912014218im_/https://bbw-chan.nl/.media/d24d671e229e941362ef4bc2b746abcedea4998ada434a3511671b009e857cb2.gif
(233.70 KB 641x742 Fj9VfbCWIAIQElc.png)
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(105.93 KB 835x883 FkEuk6iVUAA8bnf.png)
(448.62 KB 2264x2976 FkC6zfrWYB4_mWc.jpg)
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(66.26 KB 1185x1241 FkIExmYXEAQRpVy.jpg)
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>>71851 Love their art.
Thank you! I don't do well with gore and sometimes when I've looked this up in the past there's been like horror movie/gore results so I;'ve been turned away. Let me know if you know of anymore, these were really good!
>>71834 forgot to tag who I was replying to. Original message: Thank you! I don't do well with gore and sometimes when I've looked this up in the past there's been like horror movie/gore results so I;'ve been turned away. Let me know if you know of anymore, these were really good!
>>71554 I need a link to your gallery and I need it now.
>>70142 Do you know the sauce of the D.va one?
>>72045 I'm afraid I can't help ya there. Commissioned someone to draw that character and I made an edit of it later on. And most of my Kisekae stuff I only shsre on [Popular gaming chat program]
>>72145 Well, you have good taste and I wouldn't mind communicating with you on [Popular gaming chat platform] sometime.
Kelli erdmann
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thought you people would like these uploaded by a fake nintendo facts twitter allegedly a power up that would let you hover and work as a turret of some sort
>>77067 This, but happening to any of the idol pairs.
>>77067 People still play video games fr? Are they retarded? Those games suck dick.
>>77181 Troll's stealth is nonexistent
Midwife births to hide actual ages/circumstances of birth. Of cour5e
It’s been a while since my last post on this thread I've got more stuff lined up for later
>>78380 >>78380 Super cuuute, love the way how you do head inflation!!
>>78381 Ayy thanks! Appreciate it!
>>78380 Looking great, though coming from you that's expected. By the way, who are the characters?
>>78563 (from left-to-right) Sedusa (Powerpuff Girls), Tesla Magnus (Mega Man Battle Network, forgot which one exactly), Claudia (The Dragon Prince, S4), Pauline & Rosalina (Super Mario franchise) At the moment I’m cycling through more characters I could draw
>>78579 >Tesla Magnus Absolutely genius
>>78579 do you take commissions or ideas?
>>78579 Kimiko Miyashiro the boys maybe?
>>78672 Ideas, yes. Commissions, not atm unfortunately
>>78697 how about some Splatoon ones? Pearl's head could be a bit bigger, or Marina.
>>78697 If you’re cool w/ drawing dudes, may I suggest any of the following characters: Callum from Dragon Prince Simon, Min-Gi and/or Ryan from Infinity Train Darius from Owl House Ron DeLite from Ace Attorney
>>78697 Ever thought of making a head inflation sequence?
>>78734 Oh yeah, several times. Though none of them ever panned like I hoped, it’s something I have considered before >>78728 I’m glad you mentioned Marina because she was actually a character I planned on drawing at some point >>78688 Consider her a future piece >>78730 These are all solid suggestions but I don’t really draw dudes for this type of stuff, sorry
>>78740 Marinas head bigger than Pearl's
>>78740 Aw, that’s a shame. Well, if for whatever reason you one day decide to give it a whirl, you know where to find the suggestions. :)
>>78772 >you know where to find the suggestions Math is a tricky thing, isn't it? Most anon are not evil, and yet nothing stops math from being utilized mostly for evil purposes. Most adults here will regret the evil they're doing by the time they reach old age. They will by then realize their mistake, but the damage will have already been done. You stink. Go to sleep stupid nutter.
>>78773 What?
>>78773 Wew, a bonafide schizo
(2.88 MB 1440x1080 head_inf_02.mp4)
>>78697 Ah darn, how'd I miss you coming back to the thread after so long? When I had asked you about commissions before, I was hoping you could do Brandy Harrington from the Disney cartoon. (Specifically because her ears look good when they puff up like Space Buns)
(67.15 KB 900x506 elizabeth-olsen-900x506.jpg)
(4.23 MB 960x720 Head Inflation 1.mp4)
I realize I might be asking for a lot here, but could anyone do a reface with this head inflation ad and do it with this image of Elizabeth Olsen, please?
>>80637 There should be a standardized method to doing this. It would be very beneficial to people who are into this sort of rare thing. That being said, do you have the other really famous head inflation commercial? That video's super high quality
>>80739 I assume it's this one https://mab.to/t/2abHvbhU0Y4/eu1 Had to put it in a link, couldn't upload it like the other one for some reason
>>80775 Oh, thanks but that one's already online. I asked because the one you sent was really high quality, not because I didn't know about it. Just so it's easier to get faces onto.
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(1.41 MB 640x480 95597174.mp4)
It's been a bit since I last posted stuff, but I've been busy IRL + experimenting with different rendering styles to make my work feel more lively and I am super proud of these recent pieces >>80389 Oh shoot, I never even considered Brandy though now I should! Haven't seen that show in decades
>>80814 If you drew men, I’d nominate Darius and Alador (Owl House), Simon (Infinity Train) and James (Pokémon) as my suggestions. ...however, since I know you don’t, my female suggestions are Grace (Infinity Train) Peridot, (Steven Universe), Odalia Blight (Owl House), Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time) and Jane Porter (Tarzan).
Has anyone tried AI generating head inflation? It seems far out and difficult, but maybe it could work.
>>81071 I’ve actually tried it out to help with having more references to work with, and I got mixed results. IDK if it has anything to do with how specific the prompts have to be, but it’s dicey
No like Lilith Plz do Eda
>>80814 these are great!
(183.77 KB 751x1063 balloon head asami.png)
(200.40 KB 890x1392 asami no float.png)
Some balloon heads I was commissioned I figured I'd share
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gdeF254tXz4 Head inflation from Owl House (and confirms that you can inflate w/ magic >:]
>>81611 These all turned out really good! I’m curious, how’s you go about making them?
>>82153 The second one is really good, what did you use to get it?
>>82211 I honestly forgot. It was the same as the first, though. I just described the situation as it was supposed to happen, a woman's head inflating, in many different ways. That was before I figured out you should separate things you want the image to have using a comma rather than restate yourself.
>>82340 These are really good! Did you change up the prompts at all? Also, how'd you get such high quality on them?
this is so fucking cringe
>>82442 What prompt?
>>82443 I agree. But even the autists get horny
>>82442 This is pretty good, more.
>>82443 >>82508 You know, there are a literal dozen other boards you can look into instead of wasting space on this one
>>82539 Stop posting this dogshit
>>82564 Don't listen to this faggot! More!
>>83352 I think there ai and pretty decent for head inflation if you ask me so I don't see a fucking problem?
Also can we get someone training some ai blimp inflation or something too I feel like so little inflation ai outside of boobs and blueberries exist
>>83846 God, this batch is my favorite so far. What prompt?
>>83846 A balloon stare down contest loser contains all the air the other holds a fight for survival as both balloon and women mind force air into each other who will win who will lose in this tug of war to not be popped by the other
(83.29 KB 791x1280 1575855085.gun-ho_daisy_fomph.png)
God damn, this thread has been taken over by AI shit
>>84330 No kidding. This AI crap needs to be banned.
>>84392 the funny thing is that it technically is but the retards on this board dont give a shit
>>84394 Happy now?
>>84394 >>84330 >>84392 Why are you so mad? I hate blueberry shit, but I don't ask for it to be removed! I fap to those AI images!!
>>84394 thos AI images were utter dogshit
(1.12 MB 1440x1080 Grandpappy_the_Pirate_111.png)
>>84534 Squid games
(357.31 KB 968x720 YYY_ConfidenceGame3.png)
>>84404 Blueberry "shit" as you put it, for the most part has actual effort put into the art, and its on its own easily avoidable topic. the AI stuff barely looked like head inflation and most like balloons with faces drawn on them, really shit.
Art from 0pik-0ort
>>84404 >I fap to those AI images!! beyond saving
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(297.99 KB 3000x4000 Voo Sudafed PE Balloon Head.png)
Image available here https://www.deviantart.com/hummersnacks/art/ASWYOC-Example-1-Voo-s-Balloon-Head-960739612
>>85229 dog shit
>>85230 Do you actually think that's remotely helpful >>85229 The image is cute, and the idea of replicating famous scenes with OCs is good, actually. You definitely need to learn to draw with more detail, though. This is an underappreciated concept, but idea doesn't carry a picture.
>>85252 Do you actually think that's worth being posted here to begin with? I don't like head inflation but it's obviously so bad I wonder if a toddler made this
>>85252 groomer detected
(2.68 MB 1280x720 Head Inflation.mp4)
Something I worked on a while back its just missing sound tho.
>>85432 Ooooh, do you happen to have any socials you share your work on? This is genuinely well-animated!
>>85432 What the above person said. This is very, very good, and the inflation itself is super convincing. The head could stand to be a little less wide at the end but otherwise it's just like you'd imagine it
>>85432 Wow nice inflation animation ^///^ <3
>>85432 Holy shit this is the best female head inflation there has been in a very long time. If you have more inflation videos like this or make more in the future please share them here or link an outlet where they can be found.
(1.84 MB 1920x1080 Kamala HI.mp4)
>>85432 Thank you guys!! I don't have any socials yet but I'll update you guys here with more work and anything else. Also here's one of the first vids I made.
>>85432 Do you can do other part of the body with inflation ?
>>85510 Not at the moment :/ .I’m still learning and I don’t plan to make anything else for now but if I do I’ll post it here.
>>85558 It's okay don't worry :)
(347.09 KB 751x1063 Harley balloon head.png)
(757.51 KB 751x1063 skybound Harley.png)
Balloon head Harley a old commission I finished gonna do a ivy at some point too
Hi again! Bumping the thread with a text post + a small update to let people know I've got some stuff in the works
>>87360 Looking forward to it!
>>87360 sweet
(761.86 KB 751x1063 ivy balloon head.png)
(322.47 KB 751x1063 ivy balloon head sticker.png)
>>86521 Ivy done
>>87622 This is as awesome as the other edits, but her hair not extending all the way around her head is bothering me
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>>89197 Artist Source?
>>89300 I assume for the Lois Lane pic: https://twitter.com/TheTDrawer/status/1669171084304990209
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>>87360 Long overdue but here’s a batch of stuff I made It was fun doing these to better refine my rendering and I’ll definitely look to experimenting more with this
>>89615 ooh very nice dude.
>>89615 Damn dude, you just keep getting better every time. It's unusual to see a kink artist improve so fast. Great stuff!
>>89615 Phenomenal work as always!.. where Brandy. ;-; (I kid, of course. Excellent stuff!)
>>89615 Fantastic!
>>84823 is there a story behind this?
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Hi guys I've been thinking about making a social media account for a while and finally got around to making one. Unfortunately I still haven't made any new head inflation content but if I do I'll be posting it here: https://www.deviantart.com/nagoryudx
>>93951 >>85432 Also I'm the guy that made this vid. My bad I forgot to reply to the post
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Here's a head inflation ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q18tPNp7y_w
>70775 Source?
>>70775 Source? Plus, sorry for repeat its my 1st time
Here is Leni loud with a huge head
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(260.48 KB 724x1024 bighead01sm.jpg)
>>98216 Source?
(1.86 MB 600x480 Head Inflation.webm)
Where is that from?
>>99795 High School! Kimengumi
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(146.35 KB 842x595 Date Night Ideas.jpg)
What's people's opinions on "getting inflated head" Pic related
>>101967 I like it.
>>101967 Hell fucking yes
>>101967 Yes please!
(129.84 KB 842x595 Date Night Ideas 2.jpg)
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I can't remember the anime but there's one where a girl head inflates then it pops
>>102119 This?
>>102120 Source?
>>102292 sadly i only got this from an older thread on the old bbwchan, dont know much about it. only that it was a girl and guy growing huge and exploding
>>102295 someone did upload the clip on old bbwchan
>>102119 >>102292 Source in the file name.
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(258.15 KB 1792x1933 GBNMXxWYAAvUti.jpg)
from the old thread
(483.97 KB 1280x1819 99.jpg)
>>102578 When I try to download the file the name is just a random bunch of numbers
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>>103448 After some reverse image searching, it’s from the third episode of Hell Girl: Fourth Twilight
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at 2:10 CW: Gory pop https://youtu.be/uCRXR_YcAgA?si=y45yDGuHXcYdknGT
>>107458 I’m not good with Gore so don’t wanna click on it, can you describe where it’s from or what’s going on it
>>107458 It's a scene from super jail nothing special. It's a dance, the girls get bitten by horny bugs and go wild for the men in snusnu rage (some even going as far as to rip off limbs and use them as sex toys. The scene in question is where one really cute girl (about to become not so cute inflation) chases after a particular guy, in a panic to save his life a idea clicks as he proceeds to grab one of the big balloons off the wall, untie it, force her to pucker up with it, and blowback the whole balloon into her head causing it to swell in a cartoonish yet grotesque way until it explodes. The final panel will be spoilered but warning as it contains gore. Overall fun concept and idea for head inflation or even full body inflation with a very sexy and cute prisoner girl. But tragically ruined by being too grotesque in nature (or at least for me) to be considered fappable. As is the nature sadly with most gore based inflations. Some can surprise you! Titty titty bang bang for example. But maybe this will inspire some more bustable fanart from the community! I hope....
>>108267 >>108271 Shame to because super jail has a lot of inflatable babes! My favorite having to be the female prison warden head inflation or screw that full blimp inflation would look fire on her!!!! Please someone draw her huge! She really is too cute and a brat. Kinda deserves a ballooning!
>>108272 Also fun fact whole thing is based off what if Willy Wonka but prison. Do what you will with that information!
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Head inflation made with AI is actually decently good now. These were made with Dall E 3. The best prompt I've found so far is "a woman whose huge head is inflating round like a balloon".
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hey all! it’s been a while here’s a bump for this thread to share some more work i’ve compiled though i have been having trouble when it comes to poses, i’m still proud of how these turned out
>>110711 very nice work!
>>110711 Please let us know if you ever take commissions I'm willing to pay good money for more head inflation from you 😭
Here are a bunch of AI head inflation images made over a long period of time. I can't archive it so if someone else could that would be great. https://img ur.com/a/7bjZJSt Remove the space. Sorry for the gallery post, but there are way too many to post here without flooding the thread.
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>>110711 Awesome to see you again! Still holding out hope that you'll get to draw Brandy at some point. Here's a comm of my own!
Although pretty gore heavy head inflation can be found in the new Megan video boa https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TKQY2ZlIEjY in which out of the three gamers she kills or kos the female one who previously is seen as a playful gum chewer bursting a bubble gum bubble gets taken out when Megan's snake wraps around her and squeezes her tightly causing her head to rapidly swell like a balloon cartoon sound effects and all before bursting in a mess. Ironically I was joking previously with a friend when first reaction to this that it would be funny if Megan used katanas infamous kiss of death on someone and they just blew up and exploded. I mean if you wanted a explosive kiss goodbye from any celebrity a sloppy wet one from Megan would probably be one hell of a way to go! But still I figured it was Worth mentioning even if it's a unappealing inflation. Although I'm sure you artists will be all over this doing crazy fan reditions most likely. But if so just remember that kiss of death idea would be funny as hell if put to paper.
The pop
>>114411 >>114411 She is almost worse than Lizzo, garbage
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Anyone hear of the horror game BIGHEAD by Puko on itch. You play as the wife of a married couple as a strange phenomenon causes his head to swell up eventually leading it to burst and a sentient brain of Devine energy confronts you you soon find out everyone in the cities heads are blowing up and popping one by one eventually you hear swelling noises as well as a pop as your head inflates and explodes too freeing you're brain to float with your husbands into the great beyond. Sadly the female inflation is off screen Image below of your character before first person view kicks in
Here have some live action Emily rudd Nami head inflation I got every flavor possible but sadly I don't have a air inflation as I lost the puffy head template without color. I could remake it but unless I'm commissioned it I probably won't as this was something goofy I did for fun in my free time
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Bubblegum tf is as close as I can give you all
>>117071 Bro, this is great. Way more impressive than just upscaling the head like most people do
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>>114411 >>114412 >They actually popped the girl instead of the dudes Alright, finally. It's usually the other way around.
>>114411 I couldn't care less about the nigger music, so I took the liberty to make a supercut version of the inflation sequence. WARNING: GORE
>>70129 The first and second images on this one, who's the artist? I love their stuff but can't remember their name
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So I found the head I'll post it and the morphs here fully finished the final image has popping The first one is just puffy cheeks no head inflation but it acts as a prequel
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>>118314 Came for the kink, stayed for the surprisingly well directed video
>>118314 There has got to be more vidoes like this. Short films, movie or tv show clips, etc. with low views or what not. I feel like there are so many videos with a head inflation gimmick out there but are under nothing related to the words head inflation so makes it hard to find which sucks. How did you know of or find this video? Was it random or?
>>70081 bump
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https://im gur.com/a/13C3pUO Remove the space. Dall E 3, which comes with Microsoft Edge, is great for making head inflation images with AI. It turns out that the feature that lets you save images you want deletes them after 90 days though, so I'm dumping a few that survived.
>>121678 who made this, reverse image search returns nothing
>>122473 https://x.com/chandelar_witch was the closest match i could find
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>>125898 Are these AI? The letters are suspicious
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>>125930 They are ai (look at the text on the images) >>125930
>>125936 Probably is but still interesting to see. Not necessarily mad at it it's not being done for profit just for fun. >>125898 Think you can input some android 18 and 17 head and belly expansion?
>>125936 That is fucking insane, some of the best AI I've ever seen if that's the case >>125898 *Please* drop prompts
>>125930 >>125936 >>125941 >>125973 They are AI. One of them is an example image from the Inflation XL lora on CivitAI: https://civitai.com/models/232970/inflationxl
>>125998 Is there one that can do humans as well?
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>>126021 That one can. Just need to specify human/not furry.
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It's pretty good sometimes Other times, it's not lmao
Does anyone has this pic in high quality?
>>126047 What prompts, or additional resources did you use to get these good quality images?
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Nothing really. Just that Lora and the Prefect Pony XL checkpoint. If you use Automatic1111, you can save any of these images and view the parameters under PNG info. And a lot of trial and error, like with any AI generation.
>>126890 Is the first one Reagan from inside job?
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>>126890 def takes a while just for one decent image like this lmao
>>126894 No. Just a random AI-generated woman. >>126902 Yeah it's definitely tougher if you're using a character Lora too.
>94446 It's nice to see the commission I made get noticed
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>>94446 Oh hey I was the guy who commissioned that
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>>92160 https://youtube.com/shorts/khbsjcwilQM?si=0eDKAzMMvN6wjBNlhttps://youtube.com/shorts/aWF0sP_UpdY?si=-0d60P9-oLHmSRZNhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/aWF0sP_UpdYhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/jtsEui4a9Zwhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZAD9MgLhwLwhttps://youtube.com/shorts/u15h4YrZT_o?si=yZVP52A7RqSQ4s1zhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/RwgpAVzNdTohttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/O-1pycIp_D0 Separate the links at the http
Hi there, so can you tell me who created any head inflation art please?
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Can someone edit this screenshots? They're from a Spongebob episode called Biscuit Ballyhoo where Mr krabs used an air pump to inflate Squidward's eyes but can someone edit his head inflated?
>>131300 i will be blunt with you nobody will do that
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>>131300 Here, i Made it
>>131507 I truly despise this but you did an excellent job, please make something similar involving a cute girl, any will do.
>>131507 Hey! That's actually pretty good! 10/10
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Here is a version, based on the female counterpart of squidward
>>131669 Isn't that Squilvia?
>>131830 Wow that's sad. We noticed.
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The Squilvia edit might needs some more work...
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>>133231 Artist?
>>133231 Who doesn't want to get popped by makima! Seriously need more art with her dom bursting people
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>>134047 Wasn't expecting 'Brave Series' fetish art. The artist for the second image is apparently 'Synful2024', but could you drop a link to their page?
>>70519 >>70933 It’s could be Rinne or Mao.
>>134148 In Manga.
Any Update?
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Van Helsing for the PS2 has a big head mode that yes affects female characters if anyone is interested
