/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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DeviantSeiga Thread Anonymous 02/21/2023 (Tue) 05:28:23 Id:0da461 No. 79735
Haven't seen a thread ever dedicated to this artist.
>>108722 Why the fuck do they keep leaving out the boy pictures
>>108940 They must hate boy kissers
>>108722 >missing both the Venti and the Bridget pieces though So just the ones that are difficult to find. I swear trying to get Seiga's stuff is the hardest out of all inflation artists; their Kemono hasn't been updated in over 2 years now, and I would honestly just bite the bullet and get their subscribestar for a month, except SUBSCRIBESTAR DOESN'T ACCEPT ANYTHING EXCEPT CREDIT CARDS BECAUSE FUCK YOU! It's all so tiresome.
(12.41 KB 225x225 download.jpg)
>>109093 Not to mention that Kemono's SubcribeStar API has been broke for some time now
Well I'm a boy kisser? Can someone provide me the boys?
>>110353 Do you suck grown man dick bitch? Come over trying see some ass with a tong or no panties on
The dropbox has been updated, now goes up to 2023. No 2024 pics yet though.
Wake me up when it's May getting filled all the way through with water, or getting inflated while in a bush hideout filled with thorns, or filled with air and left to float on the water roads, Dawn or Skyla getting inflated with enough helium to make them fly, or Hilda sticking a tire pump up her butt. Prefereably bellies first and then turning them into fully body balloons.
(1.93 MB 3222x2527 AstolfoBeachBalloon2.png)
That >>112773 last comment was posted by someone who is dumb and obviously doesn't know how any of this works, so here's this to clear out the childish air. Fun and annoying fact: this was in that poorly-archived folder >>108722 showed us and it's like the only solo pic of a male, so clearly aside from being too stupid to like femboys, the person making the folder was also too stupid to notice that they archived a picture of one. Also, if your sentiment is 'femboy bad' and you ask me to 'spoiler' it, fuck you. This is a 'Seiga' thread, not a 'Seiga - 100% Confirmed Vagina Only Speedrun' thread.
>>112783 Can you spoiler it next time though? Thanks.
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>>114546 Not fuckin' happening.
>>114546 dude...why ?
>>108315 Emily rudd looking fine fat as shit! >>112783 Also hell yeah keep that boy kisser shit coming I need to ultimate coom!
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anyone got this?
>>115112 Second
(4.82 MB 800x450 D-F.gif)
>>115156 Super fucking hyped for this. Seiga never dissapoints.
Does anybody have more of his stuff?
can someone pls post the one of sheikah link?
>>115561 nvm that was royaloppai
>>115405 There is, just none of the more recent male inflation ones or any of the sketches. It's a bit of a shame that Seiga's keyboard ran into issues because there's probably not going to be anything new for a while
(82.08 KB 828x497 IMG_1129.jpeg)
Could someone post the new update Backstage Blueberry update https://subscribestar.adult/seiga
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(4.44 MB 4000x2500 octo expansion 3.png)
Some lost Seiga splats.
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Does anybody have these two?
(1.14 MB 2285x2420 Juri inflation Solo.png)
(1.96 MB 2836x2484 Venti Round Fadedwind.png)
>>118138 Thanks my man
>>117548 Dude I gotta ask where did you find those missing art was there a link for this or anything
>>118307 I've been saving his art on and off since he first showed up on Inflate Chan
>>118711 Do you have anymore of his lost art
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>>118796 Not as much as I thought I had, but I'll still share what I've got from IC. I've got an incomplete sequence if someone has the other parts
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There's the last bit of the sequence I've got.
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(646.88 KB 1000x1530 youcannotredo.png)
(681.67 KB 1267x1092 vivi.png)
(3.60 MB 3717x2535 CANADADAY.png)
A few more.
>>119042 Is that fucking rukia from bleach?
>>119126 It's their goo character, Glu.
I just remembered: We have quickshot updates from him as well right?
(3.77 MB 4000x4000 1 Ramona Flowers.png)
(5.55 MB 5428x4837 2 Ramona Followup.png)
(3.78 MB 4500x4500 3 RamonaCustomEdit1.png)
(3.90 MB 4500x4500 4 RamonaCustomEdit2.png)
(4.19 MB 4000x4000 5 RamonaRescueEditPuffs.png)
(1.41 MB 2000x2000 Ramona Spherical 1.png)
Does anyone know if this is a cropped version or is this the full thing?
>>124065 Crop. Full version is on Seigas dropbox in old animations folder.
>>79735 I read he's working on a new animation. Any details?
>>134331 He's working on some kinda blueberry thing, and apparently something shorter too I think, but pickings are slim at the moment. Not even any updates on his Substar. Good things are worth waiting for tho.
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(21.14 KB 373x550 rukia.jpg)
You know one inflation I'm surprised I haven't seen from seiga is anything rukia wise? Shinigami fyi are cannotically hundreds of years old I believe rukia is somewhere around 300 but physical age is 19/20s we know this because renji her lover is 23 physically and said to be roughly the same age but he's also a few hundred years old. Basically majority of bleach ghosts are of age but also ancient and a anime god thing, it's weird and best not to think about it too much outside that. so it's not a age thing? So why haven't I seen a rukia commission hit there belt yet? When you honestly think about it rukia fits their bill of puffed tight cuties that would make some great taut spheres! I don't know just something about rukia in seigas style ponders my mind sometimes, I'm just surprised it's not a thing? Honestly bleach has a few honeys that would round out nicely in a sequence or two from them! Just food thoughts is all. Tldr I think seiga would make some cute bleach girl balloons rukia especially!
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