/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(4.59 MB 4200x4200 Saber Stuffing All.png)
(2.54 MB 1920x1844 Samus.png)
DeviantSeiga Thread Anonymous 02/21/2023 (Tue) 05:28:23 Id:0da461 No. 79735
Haven't seen a thread ever dedicated to this artist.
(4.17 MB 3319x2918 CharlesGlu1 (1).png)
(3.94 MB 3319x2918 CharlesGlu2 (1).png)
(1.97 MB 2500x2002 Zelda Inflation.png)
(6.40 MB 4760x3356 Darknesss.png)
(3.01 MB 3752x3000 Magilou.png)
(4.83 MB 4502x3600 MagilouFollowup.png)
(2.09 MB 4000x3715 elastigirl (1).png)
(2.78 MB 2284x2268 CATGIRL NIGHTMARE.png)
(561.31 KB 3000x3000 E1wexNnXoAcVE-W.jfif)
(1.41 MB 1859x2742 Misato Beer (1).png)
Anybody got the January and February pics? Really wanna see that Aerith one
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(62.62 KB 958x887 image.jpg)
(80.91 KB 990x820 image.jpg)
(2.25 MB 2643x2030 2B noFX.png)
(2.40 MB 2643x2030 2b nuke.png)
(2.42 MB 2298x2298 aerith.png)
(312.78 KB 1422x800 cover5.jpg)
>>80363 Here you go!
(269.09 KB 1999x1790 FoZYgHvaEAA6XFg.jpg)
(2.53 MB 3310x2200 a3gus0kA.png)
The fact that the catgirl not only gained weight from the experience but also gained a fetish is so fucking hot
Anyone got any of these??
>>80444 I wish more artists would show the character's life after being inflated/gaining
Someone update this dude's kemono
>>80454 Agreed. Here it is if anyone would be cool enough to do that https://kemono.party/subscribestar/user/seiga
>>80447 Bump And does anyone have this one specifically?
>>80462 Tictok cat goes fwomph
>>80460 >>80454 His kemono cannot be updated due to subscibestar page being broken for more than a year need proof sort by latest update and subcribestar
>>80506 That's a bummer
>>80506 So his specifically is broken or SubscribeStar as a whole doesn't work on Kemono Party? Oh shit as I was writing I checked what you meant. All of them stop updating in November of 2021. Spooky…
the way I see it, there are two options: 1. Complain to Kemono Party and have them fix SubscribeStar as a session key 2. Someone's gonna have to blow like 8 dollars and download all the images manually
>>80722 I could, but I don't want to make a subscribestar acc just for one artist, and also manually downloading how many images? How many posts have they uploaded since Nov 2021? DeviantSeiga's stuff is pretty tempting though lol. Is there a batch downloader/scraper for subsribestar once the paywall has been payed for? Icarus art is also on subscribe star, they're stuff is also pretty rad.
>>80726 Idk but Kemono has deffo gotta do something about SubscribeStar. they've been slacking on that for almost 2 years now.
>>80721 All of SS went broken in kemono
>>80736 Why tho? Did SubscribeStar change something?
Any splatoon images?
Who is even in charge of Kemono Party? Like, how would anybody go about accomplishing fixing something like that? Do we even know what the problem with SubscribeStar is?
>>80462 Bump
Seiga has updated their dropbox to include everything up to the end of 2022. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liv0oj201uxdc6d/AABkhyUPFG-UN_vt-N1Wwz5Fa?dl=0
It's interesting to see the catgirl get a name (and a punny one at that), but that just makes me wonder when we'll find out who the gray one is
>>81580 Welp never mind Just checked the DropBox. Her name is Honey, and the name of another character (whose face is unseen) is Blair.
(2.20 MB 3249x2613 Cat Girl Immobile.png)
I'm subscribed to them with the lowest amount. What you need?
>>81584 Blueberry Tifa?
(1.75 MB 2726x2246 Fifa Inset.png)
>>81584 Maybe all that end with popping or moment before pop.
(2.44 MB 3020x3668 Gogo1.png)
(1.14 MB 2426x1701 Gogo Notblue.png)
(934.71 KB 3123x1943 Honey Lemon.png)
(1.11 MB 2426x1701 Gogo Blue.png)
(1.09 MB 3123x1943 Honey Blue.png)
(278.65 KB 1200x1350 FqMfmSPWwAEJVJb.jpg)
>>81584 Do you have the last bottom two?
>>81685 One of the bottom two (I think the succubus one) had a sequel/prequel image too, able to send that also?
I would like to kindly request for the top right one
>>81680 I wish gogo had one to two more images to do it justice before the revenge picture
(1.43 MB 2572x1814 midnight.png)
(2.86 MB 2800x2800 Saber Water Trap.png)
(2.86 MB 2800x2800 Saber Water Trap 2.png)
(2.35 MB 2908x2322 rileystuffing text.png)
(1.52 MB 1924x2065 Riley WG 2.png)
>>81726 Do you by any chance also have the sequel to slime storage? I think its seiga's most recent one
>>81726 I know no ones said it yet for some fuckin reason but thank you for your service anon
(2.28 MB 2475x2536 Charles Goo Storage.png)
(2.46 MB 3192x2938 charles burst.png)
(2.09 MB 3192x2938 charles burst 2.png)
(1.37 MB 2254x2512 Charles Regeneration nOsTUFF.png)
Indeed, thank you for sharing anon!
If i wasnt messed up before I am now, this artists inflation and bondage combo is hitting buttons i didnt know i had.
(382.49 KB 853x883 ghujaShak415132.PNG)
anyone able to upload this one?
(1.56 MB 2513x2344 glu saber wg.png)
>>79735 Does he take requests or commissions?
>>81956 >Does he take requests Don't be a dumbass.
Anybody have the recent piece that was uploaded?
>>81966 It's an honest question.
(233.06 KB 1080x774 Screenshot_20230323-215206-692.png)
Does anybody have this?
(1.42 MB 2621x2424 Super Sonico blueberry.png)
Had trouble uploading this here for some reason. Too many connection timeouts.
(1.19 MB 2621x2424 Super Sonico inflation.png)
Had trouble uploading this here for some reason. Too many connection timeouts.
(228.79 KB 788x525 adfbhfajhf45123frth.PNG)
new image came out does anyone have it?
(2.57 MB 4882x1815 Fyre Balloon.png)
you know the people in here asking for seiga's shit are poor af. His subscribestar is literrally 1 dollar a month
>>82739 sucks. he should get a job
>>82744 Seiga? Or everyone who is begging here?
>>82739 >>82744 >>82798 Post privacy-proof payment and I'll take your requests and commission him.
>>82906 The fuck does that have to do with people not affording a subscription?
>>82906 He's operating a subscribestar account with animations and 2-3 art posts a month, what makes you think he has time for commissions?
(2.09 MB 2981x2000 Catgirl Superbig Nowindow.png)
>>80444 >>80449 >>83261 I love that their art is going more and more into expansion, and that the catgirl was traumatized from it and is now addicted to getting bigger.
(282.81 KB 780x595 seigabunny.PNG)
anybody have then newest piece and its alts?
(337.91 KB 2895x2596 FuJQhcvXwAAkMcd.jpg)
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(284.77 KB 797x626 dev1.PNG)
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(298.58 KB 773x586 dev3.PNG)
anybody have these?
Anyone knows who is he doing for the current animation? I only know it's a vtuber, but there's kinda a lot of them
>>85118 I believe it's either nyanners or pikame
(3.15 MB 2547x2271 tatsumaki.png)
(1.72 MB 2543x2100 FubukiBigger.png)
(1.13 MB 2400x2400 Apex Blueberry.png)
Does anyone have the preview clips for Backstage Blueberry?
>>84775 bumping request
(1.21 MB 2464x1842 Apex Twin Reference.png)
(372.66 KB 778x688 popmusic.PNG)
Anybody have the recent pieces made by deviantseiga?
(4.21 MB 2394x2180 Rlc3Rrawf.png)
(336.44 KB 806x744 melona.PNG)
Anybody have any of the recent pieces from the past few months?
>>85574 Hope this gets updated soon and posted here
>>85680 I can't be the only one who sees "Apex Twins" as "Aphex Twin" right?
(788.56 KB 2175x1820 BE Hoseflation 2.png)
(1.39 MB 2691x1608 BE Hoseflation.png)
(2.55 MB 3380x2405 melona.png)
(691.04 KB 2908x2322 FyKwP3gWcAAlCJ7.jpg)
anyone got the second part of this? their Kemono page hasnt been updated since 2021
>>87822 Right here >>81726
>>87354 Please give me the artist name?
>>87842 Look at the name of the thread you're in bud
>>85118 have they finished this one yet? can't find anything relevant on the subscribestar
(2.28 MB 2793x2071 Mirko Stuffing3.png)
(2.24 MB 3099x2388 purah2.png)
Anyone got Hex Boom? And Pop Music yet?
(2.18 MB 2547x2271 tatsumaki rounds out.png)
>>85791 Anyone?
(3.34 MB 2547x2271 tatsumaki rounds out 2.png)
(2.50 MB 2551x2423 DMG.png)
>>90179 oh no it's dobson
>>81966 how do you commission him then, genius?
Someone can update the kemono from deviantseiga, pls. https://kemono.party/subscribestar/user/seiga
>>80506 Are you kidding me right now?
>>90763 No Unfortunately not
(361.70 KB 779x796 riley.PNG)
anybody have the new riley piece?
(2.68 MB 3102x2414 PoppyHuge.png)
(1.44 MB 3534x2000 honeyfeeding.png)
>>90998 Please someone post this
Did anybody ever find out which vtuber they were putting in their next animation project? The curiosity's been killing me.
>>92888 it better be Nyanners because I know it would confuse the fuck out of her and piss almost everybody else off (fans and haters alike)
(1.79 MB 2847x2224 rileystuffing text.png)
(2.03 MB 2847x2224 rileystuffing text burst.png)
>>90998 I got you homie.
>>93472 >poop explosion
>>92888 My guess is Snuffy, what with her being into inflation and all. Or Gura for the whole waterhose bit.
>>93472 holy shit nice thanks!
(2.59 MB 3298x2788 Selvaria.png)
(2.18 MB 2757x2146 Selvaria Inflation.png)
(1.09 MB 2093x2300 Selvaria Huge.png)
(2.71 MB 3485x2816 Lois Lane 2.png)
>>93479 has she said she likes inflation? when?
>>93847 She did a Fetish tier list and Inflation was at the top
>>93479 I'm going to try and preserve my faith in humanity and assume it's like Saa or Squirrelgirldgt, if she even counts
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(336.35 KB 1200x2048 F3SZvWyagAEhiqT.jpg)
(453.20 KB 1468x2048 F3SZvtbbkAg-f_x.jpg)
>>93868 I'm not going to lie I would love to see Skyla in this situation. Maybe float up a little. And then pop.
>>93849 >Saa inflation animation Seiga isn't based enough for that Nobody in this world is
based snuffy
(202.21 KB 800x683 catra.PNG)
does anyone have both versions of this post?
Still looking forward to that project that he has announced.
Has Seiga ever updates his dropbox yet?
>>95908 dropbox was just updated today
(4.66 MB 3223x3243 Hex Haunter.png)
(1.85 MB 2812x2525 hex maniac 01.png)
(2.61 MB 2812x2525 hex maniac 02.png)
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(378.29 KB 2390x2375 IMG_4302.jpeg)
Is there a way to look up old bbw-chan threads? Like how 4ch has thread archivers, is there one for this site so I can look up old inflation threads?
(1.15 MB 4096x4096 FC5cAMkWYAYIab5.jpg)
(381.88 KB 2543x2100 F8vX0ZyWcAA4qNy.jpg)
(64.98 KB 907x865 F8IyEOtWcAABdAA.jpg)
does anyone have the full image of this?
(185.56 KB 745x338 media_F5ym_QXWUAAWkKc.png)
>>93536 Do you have the rest of the content?
>>98680 Anything at all?
I found this? Not sure if its new, but i hadnt seen it before
(1.88 MB 2500x2002 Zelda Inflation.png)
(1.90 MB 3010x2268 Zelda Filling Pt. 2.png)
the vtuber animation seems like it's gotten a big update
>>99670 what vtuber animation?
(2.80 MB 3129x2834 Bluzumaki.png)
>>96243 And I thought he would update it in a monthly basis
(3.45 MB 3487x2966 Big Poppy.png)
(1.34 MB 2100x2100 daisy blueberry inset.png)
(1.07 MB 4096x3929 FKkJLN1XMAMZ4O0.jpg)
Spoilered: astolfo inflation Does anyone know if seiga has made more of him other than these? Thanks
>>98680 That Lois Lane looks mighty interesting. Dors anyone have it?
>>93536 >>102796 Nevermind, i just found it
>>102714 Is there more of inflated astolfo?
>>96320 I love how horny hex maniac is
>>103867 It isn't finished yet. That's all that was released at the moment. It's almost done though.
>>103885 that doesn't seem to link to anything anon, maybe relink?
>>103895 Someone wanted the blueberry girls animation which was done yet. Guess they deleted their own post.
Question, is there a way to pay for his stuff using paypal? I messaged the deviant, but they never asnwered me, thanks in advance if anyone can give me an answer to it!
>>103946 Sub to them on sucscribestar, you can elect to pay thru paypal
How? It only gives me the option to use a card
>>103949 Subscribestar doesn't have a paypal option, iirc PayPal delisted them and patreon a few years back and when they relisted patreon they forgot about subscribestar.
Better question: How do you use Paypal or Subscribestar without giving out your real name?
Does anybody that managed to subscribe to Deviant Seiga’s Subscribestar account happen to have anything about the Blueberry Twin girls animation?
>>104930 Honestly I'm so close to unsubbing, hes been teasing it for like 4 months now, and now weekly art is stopping, means more comics (and hopefully animations)
>>104939 Impatient. Whats 4 months. I been waiting 5 years
>>104940 no you havent retard
>>104946 Bro start spending your wealth fuck her. We all know she not worth it. You good.
>>104947 autism
>>104952 I can communicate with your mom booty.
>>93869 Seconding.
New Pics have dropped
(654.04 KB 3678x2727 FMVWSR9WUAY_k3G.jpg)
>>102714 >>102798 Only this one, which is pretty tame and you probably knew about already. There's also a new one that's the part 2 of the beach one, but nobody's uploaded it here and for good reason. It's the last of the static pictures and every one after it isn't going to be on a schedule.
(1.93 MB 3005x2652 Marcille.png)
>>107857 Does anyone have it to post?
Would really like to see that new Astolfo pic
I found an archive of all Seiga's artwork, courtersy of the same person who keeps a full archive of imbapovi's works. Remember to decode it: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9CeUYwRkloSSN6a1FJelFlWXJPaDVyTDhVZU5NdlRnL2ZvbGRlci9OaXRVSFlRYQ== I should also mention it is missing both the Venti and the Bridget pieces though.
>>108722 Why the fuck do they keep leaving out the boy pictures
>>108940 They must hate boy kissers
>>108722 >missing both the Venti and the Bridget pieces though So just the ones that are difficult to find. I swear trying to get Seiga's stuff is the hardest out of all inflation artists; their Kemono hasn't been updated in over 2 years now, and I would honestly just bite the bullet and get their subscribestar for a month, except SUBSCRIBESTAR DOESN'T ACCEPT ANYTHING EXCEPT CREDIT CARDS BECAUSE FUCK YOU! It's all so tiresome.
(12.41 KB 225x225 download.jpg)
>>109093 Not to mention that Kemono's SubcribeStar API has been broke for some time now
Well I'm a boy kisser? Can someone provide me the boys?
>>110353 Do you suck grown man dick bitch? Come over trying see some ass with a tong or no panties on
The dropbox has been updated, now goes up to 2023. No 2024 pics yet though.
Wake me up when it's May getting filled all the way through with water, or getting inflated while in a bush hideout filled with thorns, or filled with air and left to float on the water roads, Dawn or Skyla getting inflated with enough helium to make them fly, or Hilda sticking a tire pump up her butt. Prefereably bellies first and then turning them into fully body balloons.
(1.93 MB 3222x2527 AstolfoBeachBalloon2.png)
That >>112773 last comment was posted by someone who is dumb and obviously doesn't know how any of this works, so here's this to clear out the childish air. Fun and annoying fact: this was in that poorly-archived folder >>108722 showed us and it's like the only solo pic of a male, so clearly aside from being too stupid to like femboys, the person making the folder was also too stupid to notice that they archived a picture of one. Also, if your sentiment is 'femboy bad' and you ask me to 'spoiler' it, fuck you. This is a 'Seiga' thread, not a 'Seiga - 100% Confirmed Vagina Only Speedrun' thread.
>>112783 Can you spoiler it next time though? Thanks.
(109.76 KB 843x474 WiseguyDetected.jpg)
>>114546 Not fuckin' happening.
>>114546 dude...why ?
>>108315 Emily rudd looking fine fat as shit! >>112783 Also hell yeah keep that boy kisser shit coming I need to ultimate coom!
(84.72 KB 736x674 s0DRpOFRXmk.jpg)
anyone got this?
>>115112 Second
(4.82 MB 800x450 D-F.gif)
>>115156 Super fucking hyped for this. Seiga never dissapoints.
Does anybody have more of his stuff?
can someone pls post the one of sheikah link?
>>115561 nvm that was royaloppai
>>115405 There is, just none of the more recent male inflation ones or any of the sketches. It's a bit of a shame that Seiga's keyboard ran into issues because there's probably not going to be anything new for a while
(82.08 KB 828x497 IMG_1129.jpeg)
Could someone post the new update Backstage Blueberry update https://subscribestar.adult/seiga
(1017.82 KB 3750x3061 3568754798.png)
(4.44 MB 4000x2500 octo expansion 3.png)
Some lost Seiga splats.
(233.19 KB 1080x1214 Screenshot_20240622-102627 (1).png)
(296.09 KB 1080x1243 Screenshot_20240622-102610 (1).png)
Does anybody have these two?
(1.14 MB 2285x2420 Juri inflation Solo.png)
(1.96 MB 2836x2484 Venti Round Fadedwind.png)
>>118138 Thanks my man
>>117548 Dude I gotta ask where did you find those missing art was there a link for this or anything
>>118307 I've been saving his art on and off since he first showed up on Inflate Chan
>>118711 Do you have anymore of his lost art
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(609.08 KB 711x1164 HSA HA SHSDHHFHG.png)
(151.48 KB 348x486 transparency.png)
>>118796 Not as much as I thought I had, but I'll still share what I've got from IC. I've got an incomplete sequence if someone has the other parts
(564.28 KB 1000x1000 I'marocketshiponmywaytomars.png)
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(705.19 KB 3500x1000 filesizelimitsyeeeeah.gif)
(197.77 KB 1056x689 inf3.png)
(207.21 KB 800x800 whatsinthebox.png)
(230.04 KB 800x800 SUDDENLY.png)
(241.22 KB 800x800 nosrswhatdo.png)
(283.78 KB 800x649 stabbystabby.png)
(231.72 KB 800x649 stageone.png)
(261.59 KB 800x649 electricdoesnotmeanrobotguys.png)
(238.24 KB 800x649 binkbonkSNARF.png)
(468.38 KB 800x649 am angrery.png)
(269.64 KB 800x649 tooslotho.png)
(256.46 KB 800x649 caseofthevapors.png)
(246.39 KB 800x649 hoovy.png)
(256.15 KB 800x649 transistor.png)
(354.93 KB 800x649 sealinthefreshness.png)
There's the last bit of the sequence I've got.
(440.47 KB 773x913 breakfastwithHAMMERresize.png)
(646.88 KB 1000x1530 youcannotredo.png)
(681.67 KB 1267x1092 vivi.png)
(3.60 MB 3717x2535 CANADADAY.png)
A few more.
>>119042 Is that fucking rukia from bleach?
>>119126 It's their goo character, Glu.
I just remembered: We have quickshot updates from him as well right?
(3.77 MB 4000x4000 1 Ramona Flowers.png)
(5.55 MB 5428x4837 2 Ramona Followup.png)
(3.78 MB 4500x4500 3 RamonaCustomEdit1.png)
(3.90 MB 4500x4500 4 RamonaCustomEdit2.png)
(4.19 MB 4000x4000 5 RamonaRescueEditPuffs.png)
(1.41 MB 2000x2000 Ramona Spherical 1.png)
Does anyone know if this is a cropped version or is this the full thing?
>>124065 Crop. Full version is on Seigas dropbox in old animations folder.
>>79735 I read he's working on a new animation. Any details?
>>134331 He's working on some kinda blueberry thing, and apparently something shorter too I think, but pickings are slim at the moment. Not even any updates on his Substar. Good things are worth waiting for tho.
(152.40 KB 2045x1753 Fn467brX0AU9zWa.jpg_large.jpg)
(21.14 KB 373x550 rukia.jpg)
You know one inflation I'm surprised I haven't seen from seiga is anything rukia wise? Shinigami fyi are cannotically hundreds of years old I believe rukia is somewhere around 300 but physical age is 19/20s we know this because renji her lover is 23 physically and said to be roughly the same age but he's also a few hundred years old. Basically majority of bleach ghosts are of age but also ancient and a anime god thing, it's weird and best not to think about it too much outside that. so it's not a age thing? So why haven't I seen a rukia commission hit there belt yet? When you honestly think about it rukia fits their bill of puffed tight cuties that would make some great taut spheres! I don't know just something about rukia in seigas style ponders my mind sometimes, I'm just surprised it's not a thing? Honestly bleach has a few honeys that would round out nicely in a sequence or two from them! Just food thoughts is all. Tldr I think seiga would make some cute bleach girl balloons rukia especially!
(478.71 KB 2421x2800 GQkNgk9XEAAOUtW.jpg)
